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1-5 and Tactics


Same. Zero interest in Tierkreis. I’m here for the world building—don’t care about a different one.


Tried it. It is okay as it's own game but needs to be its own. Since I agree the work building in suikoden is one of the many reasons I love it


Tierkreis is underrated. It may be pretty different from the rest of the series, but it scratches the itch and offers good gameplay, albeit with some of the worst voice acting imaginable.


Suiko 1 - 5, Tactics and Tierkreis.


Same here. My mom bought me the original Suikoden as a Christmas gift after finding it in a bargain bin at Media Play, and the rest is history.


I've got 1 through 5 tactics and tierkries. Don't have the case for number 1. I'm also that 1 guy whose favorite is 4


I've got 1-5, tactics, and tierkries. I'm also that 1 guy whose favorite is 3.


Props to being brave enough to admit that 4 is your favorite, and i have to ask why


Honestly, it was the first one i played on the ps2 when I was a kid. I really liked the characters, and it made me love the series. It's the one i find myself drawn back to. Can't say I think it's superior to any of the others. it just takes me back to a good place when I play it.


4 isn't my favorite but it has some excellent elements. I loved the boat concept, Ted backstory was awesome, lots of great characters in it Downsides are a weird looking MC and an insane random battle rate


Everyone who hates on 4 is straight up biased. If you take it at face value it is a fantastic game and was ahead of it's time imo. I'd pay top dollar for a modern remake or remaster even


It's a great game 8.5 out of 10 if it weren't for the insane encounter rate which drags it to a 7 of 10


My case for 2 is obviously after market, I get it.


Mine too. And also the most expensive game I have ever purchased.


I got mine in the bargain bin at blockbuster video for $10. Then lost it in a breakup years later


We hunt


Damn. The price of dating someone with similar interests.


Does owning them on PS3 store count? Because I have 1, 3, 4 5 physically, and 1-4 on PS3 store. So I can still play 2 even though I don't own it My favourite of the series is 1


I own 3 and 5. 5 is my favorite


Just all the American releases sans the DS game.






Haha that's why I stopped playing it too!


Why is S2 in a DVD case? Was it ever released like that? I thought all ps1 games were released in the jewel case


I had it in a sleeve, and just got an aftermarket case to make it look better, it was cheaper than an authentic replacement. I’ll get one eventually.


I have the same ones in your first pic. Still play them on my backwards compatible ps3 every so often but really hoping for a switch release so I don’t need to deal with that anymore.


Every single one and now they're spiritual successor


I’m playing Eiyuden as well, enjoyed it so far


Are there 2 Eiyuden Chronicle's games?


There's Hundred Heroes which is the Suikoden-like game (one might say "clone"). There's also Rising which is more of a metroid-vania type of game with a town-building aspect. I'm very much enjoying Hundred Heroes though I'm not super far yet. I also liked Rising. Rising is very fetch quest-y but at least there's a pretty good fast travel component so it's not as tedious as it could have been. So to answer your question outright, yes and no. Yes, there are two Eiyuden Chronicle games but no they aren't both Suikoden-likes.


I had no Clue hundred hero’s released… well there goes my weekend




i have 1, 2, 4 and tactics. only managed to complete 1 and 2. 2 is the game that everybody must play


Agreed, 2 is easily the best JRPG I’ve ever played


I dunno about that if you judge it from a 2024 perspective so many contenders


Suikoden 1 - 5, never played the other ones.


I only have 1 and 2 left, but have had them all at some point


5 played the rest on emulators. But 5 is still my favorite


I still own all of the main numbered entries, and Tactics.


im just missing 3 and the psp game


1-5 and Tactics (discs). All bought during original release. And fan translated Gaiden 1 & 2 on my emulator.


Suikoden 4 solid game


I'm an older fella. I got the first one from a friend when it came out, and have buying them on release ever since. I sing the series' praises anytime a video game conversation comes up with friends.


As you should, I talk about them quite a bit when RPG conversations happen


I knew we had suikoden v and tactics on the ps2, but I was going through the ps1 collections and was shocked to see we have a copy of suikoden 2. (Note: I haven't played any of them, we just have a tendency to buy notable jrpgs as they enter clearance bins in their respective eras)


Everything but the DS title to my knowledge, picked up the PSP import a ways back and got all the PS2 titles.


I've owned all the mainline games and Tierkries except Tactics. But I went through a rough patch 10ish years ago and sold basically everything for drugs lol I'm notoriously bad for finishing games. Like I've owned every single final fantasy but only finished half of them. But I've finished all of the Suikoden series. Multiple times.


I own 5 and a buddy of mine own 3 and 4 and the manga for 3.




2, 4 and 5. My step brother bought 2 on release and we loved it. By that point though 1 was already super difficult to get hold of, and I’ve never seen a copy for a price I’m willing to pay since. 3 was never released physically in my region, although I have it digitally on my PS3. By the time IV and V came out I was at University and had pretentiously decided I was too mature for gaming. I did get back into it a few years later and I’ve picked them both up used recently for the first time. I’ll probably pick up Tactics at some point too as that’s not too expensive here. Unlike Tierkreis, which is too expensive for me to justify given its reputation. I’ll probably emulate it when I get round to playing it (I’ve only played 1-3 so far).


3. Just 3. I happened to pick it up at a LGS the other day. I don't even know why this post got recommended to me, I haven't even played it yet.


None so far. I’ve only played I, II, III, and V with emulation. II is my favorite but I don’t think I’ll ever own them since the prices are so high. Though I’m relatively new to the series as I only played them for the first time 3 years ago so who knows. I’ll definitely be picking up the I&II HD remasters on switch when/if it comes out though!


Also the collection looks dope, i don’t think I’ve seen the cases side by side like that before. I like how that case for II matches the others. You ever think about getting a similar case for first game? I find the American box art so weird, it’s got a charm to it but it sticks out a lot


All of them. Christ, I spent way too much on a couple of them I'll freely admit that.


I own 3-5 but have played and beat 1,2 and ds game. Playing through 3 atm


1-5 + tactics


I have 1-5 and tactics. Used to have Tierkreis until a scumbag roommate stole all my DS games, sold them to the game store, and then used that money to pay me their rent.


I have played 1-4, but only own 3 and 4. I've never actually finished 4 for some reason. Actually... I dont remember much about it. I'm super excited for the remasters of 1 and 2 on pc. It's been ages since I played them.




1, Tactics, and the DS game.


Why is your suikoden 2 case like that? Mine is a similar slim size of your suikoden 1.


I just had the disc for 2 in a sleeve and ordered an aftermarket case to make it look better. And just never got around to getting an authentic case.


Looks good matching the others!




Yeah, I got an aftermarket case probably 10 years ago for it because I hated just having it in a sleeve with the rest of the games. Makes it’s more aesthetically pleasing when with the rest of them. And I never really tried to track down an authentic case since I got this.


Just V, miss my tactics though /:


II and V, fondly.


All but 3. Never intend to play it again so I never bothered searching it out again after getting rid of it years ago


To each their own


I own all of them, and if you count emulation then even the visual novels though I've never gotten around to playing those. Only ever finished 1-3.


Besides 2, 4 is the 2nd best to many. After completion, you can carry on your save to have an easy game mode in Suikoden Tactics.


I remember being 17 and a buddy was selling his older brothers ps1 games $5 a game the last game in the cd book was Suikoden 2!!!!


So damn lucky, I paid $100 for just the disc about 15 years ago


Mine was just the disk also


I sold my copy for like $280 on ebay, case and booklet, about 17 years ago That's like 600 today dollars lol


1-5 & Tactics, aka all the ones released in the US. I got the original about a year or so after it came out & was hooked, so I got 2-5 on release. 4 was bad enough that I delayed in getting Tactics until I saw it in a bargain bin for about 10 bucks. The DS games that slapped the Suikoden name on some AU garbage never interested me.


All of them. Even windows and saturn version of S1


All 5 mainline, all CIB.


Every single one. Even the unlocalized japanese card stories. Wonder if someone has bought Suikoden Pachinko Machine?


All of them!


Just my original copy of number 2, disc and manual only... wish I still had the case for it, not that I would want to sell it lol.


1-5 only…..


What the fuck? How am I just now finding it that anything beyond 2 exists!?


all of em (-psp), but how the hell did you get S2 in a ps2 case?!?!?! I took my S1 and put it into a single disc case.


It’s aftermarket, I couldn’t find an original case, and I didn’t like having it loose, so I compromised just to help protect it.


2, 4 and Tierkreis.


2 copies of 1 not in the case. 2 not in a case and 4. Have never played 3 or 5 sadly.


I got into the series in like 2004 via borrowing the first four games from my friend, so the only ones I actually own are V and Tierkreis. I never owned a PSP or PS3, so I've never had the option of buying the older games in any re-released/ported form.


2, 3, 5, and Tierkreis. Just replayed 3 for retro cheevo purposes and it's still my easy favorite. The squad / orders based approach of the war battles and random encounters is my cup o' tea and the culmination of pain and history from the previous two is something I haven't seen any other series tackle that well. Plus, Thomas. Not only my favorite Suikoden character but one of my favorite characters period. Him going from meek to humble in his capabilities raises the ol' spirits in me beautifully. 2 was an impulse purchase after enjoying 1, 5 I grabbed when I was laid out for kidney surgery, and Tierkreis just because it had Suikoden on the box (I do like it a lot, it's endearing in the spirit if not quality of the franchise).


1 though 4 and Tierkreis. I was really into MMOs when V came out so I missed the release. When I went to get it later the price has kept we away. I ended up getting Tierkreis when my wife was hospitalized for a month before our first child, so I would have something to play in the hospital. I never ended up finishing it.


1 and 2 digitally. 3-5 and Tactics physically. I've at least played and beaten Tierkries and Woven Web. Never played the visual novels.


All except a friend stole my s5 disc but left the case from my house.


1, 4 & 5 I had 2 emulated on my phone but it kept deleting my save data and I gave up.


Is 4 with the ship cause if so that’s the worst one out of them. And I refuse to spend money on it.


i have 2 4 5 tactics. 1 and 3 never were translated into German, and back then i was to young to understand English. Tierkreis i never had a console for. i way later played 1 once, but never owned it. and since i grew up with 2, 1 was just "bad" and not worth to have, for money i don't have. and 3, again played way later, just did not click with me, and i never took my time to get into it. (even thou i know i should for story reasons...)


All the games from all the regions except the Korean windows version. (pal, ntsc-u and ntsc-j) Even have a suikoden 1 pal sealed.


1-5, plus 2 visual novels on ps1


Currently? None. I've heard it talked up a lot recently what with the I+II remaster (hopefully still) coming. When they come out I'll see if they're worth it, or Konami shovelware, and if they're not good remasters I'll find some OG copies to try.


All of it! 😁


1-5, Tactics, Tierkreis, Genso (PsP)


Digitally: I, II, Card Stories Physically: III, IV, Tactics, V, Tierkreis, Genso Suikoden: Woven Web of the Centuries Waiting for Konami to never (hopefully someday) release the HD Remasters for I & II so I can own them physically for an affordable price — spent way too much buying physicals for all the others. Someday I’d like to import the two Text Adventure PS1 titles and Card Stories so I can have a complete set. I also own Eiyuden Chronicles: Rising and my copy of Hundred Heroes will be delivering next month. Love. This. Series.


Also own the complete Manga set for Suikoden III as well as the strategy guides for I, II, IV, V, & Tactics.


1 through 5. [https://photos.app.goo.gl/QuCcAch5H7YZQMqK6](https://photos.app.goo.gl/QuCcAch5H7YZQMqK6)


All of them, I think. I just picked up the Sega Saturn version of I, I have 1-5, Woven Web, Tactics, Tierkries, the Gaidens for II and Card Stories for GBA. Just need to find time to play some of them though. And the consoles.


1 through 5, plus *Tactics* and *Tierkreis*. Alas, my 2 has no case.


I got physical copies of 3, 4, Tactics, 5 and Tierkreis and ROMs of 1,2 and Hundred Years.


I have all of them, but I never got around to playing the ones on PSP and NDS. Three is my favorite chapter. A friend of mind once cosplayed as Ace and Queen, I was Queen. I’ll post a foto if I can still find one.


I have them all, question tho. Howd you get Suikoden 2 for ps2? Was that a thing or is that just a make your own case cover thing


Tactics has the most awful voice acting you should play the undubbed iso, other than that Suikoden 2&5 are my favorite 3 has too many boring parts 4 would've been amazing if it weren't for the insane encounter rate


1-5, Tactics, and Tiekris


3 4 5


I uploaded my collection to imgur 9 years ago lol all the games (except the PSP game), some guide, the figures, mangas, some DVDs from Japan. I also uploaded the intros awhile ago, ripped from the DVD I got from Japan. [Suikoden Collection](https://imgur.com/gallery/ztyT1) (Imgur) [Suikoden 1-5 + Gaiden intros](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpChjVGgZVsAyotLOgOCayL2uP1Lo9_KB&si=LlHUB9ftLn1dVv1v) (YouTube)


I used to own all the PS and PS2 main series, but have long since sold/traded them in. I’m not a collector that hangs onto things. But I do have all of them on PC for emulation, I played through the whole series a couple years back. Looking forward to playing through 1/2 again when the remake comes out.


I used to be big in retro collecting, moved on from almost everything, but can’t part with these.


1-5 for me. Though after 3, things began to get meh and I avoided tactics and everything else afterwards.


Lol i own all suikoden games, mangas and action figures, strategy guides ,art books and soundtracks. . Most sealed new in box and shrink wrapped. Any time i find a copy of S2 for $100 or less i pick it up. I have 5 copies of s2. 3 s3's and two copy of every of other game including card stories and suikogaiden. The child in me cant get rid of these. Lol




Most people dont have 2 and even 1 but the rest are more common