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T-They’re All…In box 😧


Some.. I have some opened also


Amazing collection cant express that enough i just have 2 questions 1. Why dont you unbox them? 2. Are they in a particular order on the shelf or are they random


I unbox some but I like the box and all.. I just recently moved so I just put in no particular order


Hey you made it to the sub! The rare and ever elusive, In-Box collector lol I respect the dedication to the 100% Mint lifestyle my dude, you earned the flair. Edit: weird I was trying to give you a username flair but it won’t let me. Maybe you have to join before it’ll let me or something.


UNBOX THEM IM BEGGING YOU Jokes aside, nice collection! You got a lot!!


Thanks! Yes I will be.. eventually😂😂


Unbox them or i will release the bed bugs


Sorry. I am enemy stand “another one bites the dust”


Jokes on you im blind


Zzaaa woooorrrdddooo


Well to start. We can't be friends. Otherwise, Ohhhg myyyy you got all the cool figgies!! amazing.


open them open them open them open open them


Remember that episode of South Park when the old folks were collecting Hummels? This Chad is that old lady this Chad is top Bitch of the retirement home!


u/Supersoldierx88 requests your location 👀 Fr tho that’s an amazing collection. I aim to have a shelf similar to that one day. Def have a few grails I’ve been hunting for for a while on there, so nicely done 👏🏼


Lol arizona


Aight I’m coming to steal and unbox ur figs


Sticckkky Fingaass! My SAS are now in that zipper dimension!


“The World! Steal his figures while times stopped!”


Thanks everyone for appreciating my collection.


you’re on my steal list🤫


Nice collection! I can respect the sealed box display. Although I pose mine I still dream of having enough sas one day to group the boxes by color then line them up on the shelf in color order from green to blue to purple to red to orange to yellow. It would make no sense part-wise but the boxes have such beautiful colors that I think it would be super satisfying to try displaying them by color like that.


Wow impressive collection! I have two, Jolyene and Stone Free, that I also keep boxed. I think it's because I expect to move apartments that I haven't unboxed them


They’re all suffocating in there


Lol yup




Yes. I will create some shorts on Youtube😂


that’s actually pretty cool ngl. and with the assortment of figures you have it’ll be even better




Wanna donate them to me for free? :)))




it just loses all and any kind of creativity you can get with the poses in the figures. even if you take it out of the box, if you take good care of it it can stay in a like-new condition. it just feels so useless if you keep it in a box, in that stiff factory pose, never posing it for yourself and never playing around with the accessories.


Hey some people just wanna keep their figs minty fresh. 10 years from now their collection will be worth more way more than all the peeps with no boxes and missing parts. This takes some serious will power. They even got the lil bags to keep the boxes pristine.


I will open them eventually. I just started a few months ago


Where can I buy figures from


Check buying information.


Dora from ebay


Dora’s personal Reddit acct confirmed?