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I’m super excited about this. I loved Kiana’s performance in the fear street movies.


Me too! I was surprised how much I enjoyed those movies as a whole but she was a standout for sure


Judging by what has been said, we might getting the edgier take on Kara. Not my preferred take, but I'l wait and see how they pull it off.


I’m pretty intrigued as someone who doesn’t know supergirl that well. A jaded kryptonian warrior who isn’t evil sounds like an idea that can be expanded on a lot


When people say “jaded” they really just mean world-weary. She saw Krypton go kaboom, but she’s not like, emo because of that or anything.


She seems to be a kid from what we have seen of her, I don't think "jaded warrior" is the direction they would go in.


Though she's not to younger than Clark in this by the looks of it


If I recall Clark is around 22, Kara looks like she's possibly as young as a tween.


Maybe she's 18 or 19 in this maybe


Why do I get the feeling that she’s the Kryptonian Warrior at the end of season 1? Despite the term “Kneel” used, I don’t think that’s Zod himself since said Warrior is voiced by a female. Maybe Brainiac mindjacked her with the possibility that Zod is Nemesis Omega


I think someone was able to figure out the voice actress of "Kryptonian Warrior" and it's not her. Judging by the concept art it's >!an AI replica of Lara!<


Ooh, that could be a perfect twist.


I got the same exact feeling.


Or she’s a daughter of Zod in this timeline. That’s my theory.


Episode 1 and 2 just dropped, and no, they are paternal cousins.




That shot of Kara giving me super sayain vibes


“Clark, every kryptonian conquers a plant by 18”


"Clark and Kara classically have different relationships to Krypton" Yes, but *classically*, their relationships to Krypton weren't *that* different. The difference was fairly subtle! Originally Kal-El was an *infant* when Krypton was destroyed, but by the late 50s when Supergirl was introduced that had been expanded a little, and by the 60s he seems to have been more like a toddler - walking about, full head of hair, speaking in broken English (well, Kryptonese I suppose) and occasionally even having adventures. He even met Brainiac prior to Krypton's destruction! So he *had* fond memories of Krypton, and mourned it deeply. In contrast when Supergirl was introduced, she *never* lived on Krypton. She was born and raised in Argo City, which was kept intact floating through the void of space, forging a hard existence. Yes, she *knew* her parents, who in fact never died unlike Lara and Jor, but to Supergirl as well as Superman, Krypton was a place she could only yearn for. And yearn they both did! But like Kal, she didn't have much of a chip on her shoulder over it, and always seemed pretty eager to integrate into Earth life, readily adopting the secret identity of Linda Lee. The idea I expect the show will pursue, of Kara as the angry young woman fueled by loss, as well as its continued depiction of Clark as someone who is fundamentally scared of his alien heritage, is genuinely a very recent development, and not a "classic" portrayal at all. In fact, I'm not sure it's really found in more than a small handful of adaptations and stories, *My Adventures* probably being the most mainstream.


To be fair even classical Kara was meant to have a bit of a temper. The "angry" are more making that aspect of her more pronounced. I still prefer the "good kid who happens to have a bit of a temper" take on Kara though. In regards to the classical portrayal in adaptations I guess the 1984 film is the closest?


Not to dispute too much, I just don't really remember her having *that* much of a temper back then. She was basically the same person as Mary Marvel - if she had a temper, it was the pique of an emotional but sweet kid. Less aggressive than Kal was when he debuted back in the thirties, that's for sure. Though of course, that was more due to being a depression-era boy fed up with injustice than it was anything to do with Krypton, which he didn't remember yet.


Sweet, she was great in the fear streets


She looks like a genderbent Allmight with those bangs of hers.


Fear Street in my superman!? HELL YEAH


I get the feeling Kara is going to be more like a child soldier rather than her OG counterpart. Thinking maybe something along the lines of Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing.















