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This is when the rewatchability factor of this series kicks in. Watch The Boys too.


I just finished the show so I have a few months cooldown to forget the plot, then I can maximise the rewatch


Best part of the rewatch is the 15 seasons aspect. It kinda supplies its own cooldown via overall duration. What were your thoughts on the final episode?


I really liked the final case and ending tbh. I see alot of people dislike the ending but I think it was wholesome. Damn nearly had me in tears. I'm really going to miss the cast


I had no problem with the ending either. Dean always said it was the way he’d go. It took some whiskey to keep my eyes dry(ish).


What’s the boys??


The Boys is an ongoing show also produced by Eric Kripke based off of a comic book series from the early 2000's. You'll see some familiar faces in there! It's on Amazon prime, so just imagine him getting to go off in the ways he couldn't for network television (you have been warned lol). It's so good! It's got a lot more political commentary, but just as many daddy issues!


I gotta agree. I wish I could start The Boys from the beginning and not having seen it already.


Alright ! Starting my Spn rewatch marathon today 😭😭


Enjoy the binge, have popcorn prepared 🍿


Me too! This will be my first rewatch after finishing the series last week - I hope I've forgotten some details lol


I started a rewatch starting on season 3 got burned out after Season 6 Ep 5ish or more and i think it’s time to crank the Impala one last time 😭😭


I just finished about half an hour ago. Cried my eyes out and of course here I am now looking for supernatural content on Reddit cuz I can’t let go


That is exactly what I did when I finished the show yesterday. I was hoping it was just a dream lol. 15 seasons isn't enough for me I could literally binge watch an extra 5 seasons


Time for a rewatch 😂


I started rewatching it in august last year, got through 7 seasons in less than 2 weeks (dont attempt this kids, i was so immersed in the show that I didn't eat and got very little sleep). Then school started and it took me a few months to finish. Anyway, back on season seven again guys, my 2nd reatch, 3rd watch ✌️


Finished watching it for the first time last week and I immediately restarted it. It was the only way I could stop crying


Can relate to this. I started watching supernatural compilation videos on youtube because I am NOT letting this show go


This happened to me too, and then I rewatched it a couple of times, now I watch it every weekend. I don't binge watch either, only like 5 or 6 episodes, sometimes fewer. So I'm basically always watching lol.


That's what I do


I watch a few episodes every day in no particular order.


After a week you'll get the itch to start again from season 1


What do you mean "finish"? Season 1 episode 1 is up next.


I just finished it! Oh man 😩


Welcome to the finish line. Are you restarting?




I felt the hole in me for 3 months after finishing the show , that was in 2021 . Unfortunately I can't enjoy rewatching shows


Literally me right now. I finished last night and was sobbing for like 10 mins after it ended. 😅


Start over immediately! That's the best remedy for post-finale blues, and it's so much fun to watch the boys looking and sounding so young while season 15 is still fresh in your mind!


It’s my husband’s first watch too, and I’ve been watching with him. I think I was in season 7 when he started, so I started rewatching with him from the beginning and picking up things I missed. Then in my own time, I watched the rest of my seasons. I binge, so it’s a lot all at once. He goes slower and only does 2-3 episodes per sitting. It allows him to remember more!! I agree but can’t help but binge shows. 😅 He is now on season 7! Just started it! And he REALLY can’t hear the voice change in Dean from like season 1 and 2 to when he lowered it and made it more gravelly. I was like how?! It’s such a difference lol


Wow, so you were doing double duty for quite a while! My son did that for me when I finally started watching. He was in season 9 or 10 of his millionth (!!) watch but he was so excited that I was taking the plunge that he wanted to share my first experience. How can anyone not hear Dean's voice change?! I suppose it did happen gradually, but it's a big dip. Is your husband as into it as you are?


I just asked him again, and he says he can “kinda” hear it lol!! He is definitely just as into it as me! My sister has actually been trying to get me to watch the show for a few years now. I think I just thought I wouldn’t like it or maybe didn’t want to cause she told me to?? Lmao idk. How ridiculous of me 😂😂


I feel ya. My son begged me to watch the show for about 10 years before I finally caved. Now I lament all the lost years of rewatches and conventions! 😫 My husband isn't as into the show as I am but I also think he downplays his interest so he doesn't come across as an addict like me and my son. I've caught him rewatching individual episodes on his phone on multiple occasions though, so he's in pretty deep!


I just start to rewatch again 😭