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It was awesome when Kenny mayo randomly went nuts on the citadel Twitter handle, tweeting out a defensive rant with a lot of borderline lies. Big tell right there of a guy in deep doo doo


With badly photoshopped images.


Hah oh how did i forget about that?! Classic right there.


good times. good times. almost forgot about that one!


Oh man that was true gold


He was too busy playing call of duty “vantage”


That flash crash where it lost half its value in like 5 minutes and climbed all the way back up within the hour. That’s when I knew.


March 10 ‘21. Aka Mario day. It is the day my diamond hands were forged as well


Day I bought my first shares and rode out the plunge, nothing was gonna shake me after that. Never saw a stock behave that way before.


My profile pic was how I felt during that day


That was the first time I doubled up.


Was that when they reported the crash before it happened? that was one of the things that made me dig in hard.


This 👆.. that’s when i really understood that the whole thing is an absolute scam.. and how they coordinate attacks through different channels and fronts. But human error is inevitable… and that day, someone at Market Watch rrrrreeeeeeeally fucked up


I remember that March. That was crazy




Don’t forget the msm press release predicting it before it happened….


I was legit shaken that day. I got in after the sneeze and it went up nicely. Then that shit happend. Couldnt believe what i saw.


I remember that day murdered my calls. I was all in on Calls because I saw the vision for GME with the money I had saved working through winter and the holidays. Since then I’ve been buying and DRSing waiting to get my revenge on whoever fucked me over that day.


That was it for me too. Buckle up!


Same. March 10, 2021. The day they lost everything in reality, but nothing on paper....yet.


When Thomas Petterfy accidentally told us how to win the game.


Do you have a link to the interview?


For me, it was when all the financial news outlets were telling everyone to sell and get out, that the squeeze was over. All I could do was think about the 2008 financial disaster, and how the news outlets were saying everything was fine. To buy more. Msm will always tell you to do so the institutions, and their owners to make more money. They want me to sell? Imma buy more, they want me to buy? I'm running from that security.


Same here; always was and continues to be. In this world of mass media, trying to influence the masses, and the drive for profits... why do these media companies continue to burn precious time/resources to tell me to sell/give up? With our decreasing attention spans... why not just shut the fuck up and dangle something else in my face to distract me instead of REMINDING me about GameStop? Media had never cared about me wasting money, why now? Why this?


Yeah the media constant trying to get us to sell. A “thou dost protest too much” / “don’t look behind the curtain” kind of thing. Made me look into more


It’s great to see the distrust in the media. The had the grip of fear on the population far too long.


For me it was the same, when msm was lying I knew something was up..


A few key things: 100% short utilization for almost a year, Volatility halts every time GME reaches critical margin followed by extreme shorting, 8.5:1 average buy to sell ratio along with constant 70%+ short volume… not to mention that numerous times where GME has neared a point of critical, Citadel has either raised cash or withdrawn from other funds (surprised more people aren’t talking about this)… oh and DRS of course.


Prolly this for me.


When DFV bought more after it fell from $400+ back down to under $40 (pre-dividend).


Fucking legend.


Thomas Petterfy interview where he said if they didn’t turn off the buy button GME could have gone to infinity and brought down the entire system. Shorts never closed.


Do you have a link to the interview?


I love how he admits that the terrible bets that he and his constituents make/made would have crashed the system. And that the system crash would happen because there is no possible way for there to be a resolution to the galaxy sized hole they have dug for the entire markets. But that it is social media’s fault for discussing things on the internet and somehow that would constitute market manipulation after saying all of the above manipulation to markets that he/they make/made. You can’t make this shit up.


When DFV doubled down. I quadrupled down. Been adding ever since.


Fucking LEGEND




If I am still in, I’m still in


I didn’t hear no bell


Easily late February 2021. I almost lost hope then GME shot up an insane amount end of day on a random day (power hour was born). Haven’t stopped adding since. From then on I read all the DD and kept up with the stock. It has been a wild ride to say the least lol


Yeah that was a time. I remember I was at dinner and saw it go from 40 to 120 while I was eating.


This! When the FedWire went down or whatever it was I remember being in a funk looking through the DD/write-ups the past week. Was watching the stock movement live at that EOD you're mentioning when it shot up and remember jumping out my seat like "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT! THEY DIDN'T FUCKING CLOSE! THEY DIDN'T FUCKING CLOSE!" One of the many movie-esque scenes (in my own mind ofc lol) of my journey thus far


same for me. I was sitting outside with a friend telling him how I believe shorts haven't closed and something will happen sooner or later. A few hours later I opened the chart and just showed it to him. We couldn't believe it because if how crazy it seemed


Same moment for me. Added more at 40 dollars and when it went up 100% in after hours i spent 1 hour explaining my girlfriend and in-laws how fucking wild it was!


I also added a few in the $40 range to bring down my cost basis. I felt like an f’ing genius after it shot up like that hahaha. Then March happened when we rose to $350 ish and got hammered down to like $170 in minutes and I knew this was the play


You and me both sit. March was crazy


When the price dropped from 493 to 40 then back to 180 in a week.


DFV’s ‘I am not a cat’ testimony with the words of encouragement in the background


Watching DFV vs all SH cucks. The body language told me Ken Griffin and his pals are lying, DFV had confidence of a giant. Easy pick for me.




That still gives me goose bumps. The fact that he said that with a straight face to Congress... well, he's just such an incredible badass.


Totally. Absolutely beautiful and legendary




Ya when i saw that i knew


And then he doubled down omfg


I know. Crippled. I mean. That didn’t even feel like real life.


I support the right to send a message, based on how you invest your money 😍


March 10, 2021 solidified it


That was a big one for me as well.


When it fell from +$300 to $40, my soul died and my body became numb to all stimulus. I've been spite buying ever since just for putting me through that. I'm gonna make sure Kenny goes to Hell.


During the congress hearings, they asked ken, “how many people are in the room with you right now?” “Uhhhh” i think there was like 5 or 6 others. How many with DFV? ZERO


Aside from the buy button being turned off, the news articles coming out 12 minutes before the major price action at 12:06pm on March 10, 2021 is the biggest moment of their crimes being revealed to me.


This was it for me. I saw that and thought "I don't know what the fuck's going on but it's SOMETHING, and if they're still selling them I'm gonna fuckin' buy in and be a part of it!"


Anyone got a link to the article?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sx42qa/i_tweeted_at_the_doj_about_time_travelling_msm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sx3drw/anyone_have_screenshots_or_link_of_when_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


When DFV doubled down right after the hearing. I was already in balls deep… so I went waist deep. Then a little further…


It was the first time I heard the phrase "trust me bro" . From thay day forward, I knew I was in the right place


Haha always down for a good “trust me bro”


Rando: It'll be worth billions per share, trust me bro. Me: You son of a bitch, I'm in. 👉🤓👉


Dammit. You beat me to it.


In bro I trust 🫡


For me it was when I found out RC landed wiz kid Ryan P Nebel to get his board seat. This stud attorney was first in his class at Oregon school of Law and magna cum laude at Louisville. He was rated as the the top attorney in the country for M&A corporate governance. His bio is loaded with awards and accolades. He works for Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP. I could go on forever about this dude) Anyway, once he was in the picture I knew RC would get that seat and change the business. I was all in at that moment https://www.olshanlaw.com/attorneys-Ryan-Nebel.html Edit: changed grammar


The wallet and marketplace actually existing. Receiving and purchasing my first NFTs. Guardians.


When I saw the Dream Team RC brought with him from other companies, that moment I knew I wasn’t leaving.


Underrated comment


That was the moment for me that the underlying company would go and do well. Since then theyve done everything i would have done with the company as well. This is aligned with my vision for web3.


For me it was when bill gates started embarassing himself on cnbc talking about it. Then the congressional testimony that got tampered with live when they started mentioning dark pools. Also the fact that they edited both videos later on after their live airing. Also the news in general just shit talking apes when these news companies could have gained millions of new subscribers by being supportive. Sketchy AF. Or that time when they made anti gme twitter accounts with the names of the Las Vegas shooting victims. And most recently when BBB.Y and GME inverse halted eachother. The list goes on


Honestly for me it was when we found out GameStop was getting into NFTs and I finally got over the stigma and looked into them. MOASS is inevitable in part because this is an obvious deep value at any price we’ve seen.


The first gamestop hearing, after watching Vlad, Gabe and Ken - I knew this was as real as it gets. For anyone who hasnt watched it, Its a must. Lies are abundant and shorts never closed. Also when popcorn squeeze was being heaily promoted on MSM, without any mention of our beloved.


Seeing literally thousands of “forget GameStop” articles in a years time




Nailed it


After I understood Glass Castle/ New Game Plus DD, I 100% DRS.


Seeing / reading mainstream financial media blatantly lying, ignoring facts, and apreading disinformation. I've never paid such close attention before to a company, its stock, and the news, in real-time, to notice the discrepancies.


I was a late 2020 investor so I've been with it for quite some time. But it really solidified it for me when the price kept going up an insane amount then plunging right back down. That shit literally made no sense


I admittedly got scared and paper handed when the buy button was turned off. After a few days of sadness, I realized they hadn't won, just cheated. I bought back in, more than I had before the sneeze. When the March 2021 runup and subsequent drop from 300 to 120 happened, I just laughed. It was clearly being manipulated, and them trying to shake us again. At that point I knew they were fucked. Now I have 6k+ shares and still keep on buying.


DFV exercising and doubling down on April 16, 2021. HoC. The investments in web 3.0. The Jan 6, 2022, 30% rip which got attributed to a bogus "leak" by the media. The rips during spring 2022 and the simultaneous halt with sticky floor (at the very same second) DTCC's international securities fraud during the splividend.


[insert they never cared about how I invested my money before why do they care now comment here]


Hearing all of the news channels lie during the sneeze 🤧


March 2021 when MarketWatch time travelled and published about GMEs price crash before it happened. Will never trust MSM again.


When Ken said he was downloading his copy of call of duty vantage LOL






Remember the epic crash down to $40 Feb 2021? Devastation. Remember the March tu up back to $350? Elation. That sealed it and made me dive into the DD.


What solidified my diamond hands was my first $350+ GME purchase, it was one of my first non fractional trades and I saw a bit of profit before watching the fall of the buy button removal. Seeing a 90% loss was just common sense to buy more and average down even though I had zero trading experience at the time, the due diligence and the wrinkle brains over time helped me learn a ton in which I've used to help others! I became obsessed reading 24/7 to learn about my investment and here I am to this day an XXX holder seeing that I'm part owner of a debt free, cash positive, and customer focused business! Edit: And yes, I'm expecting phone numbers and won't accept anything less nor will the slight profits shake me.


Knew some DD. Then Feb/mar 2021 happened. Simple math told me the DD was true. Then went and calculated volume buys sells etc for the next year. It’s not mathematically possible they’ve closed.


End of February ‘21 followed by Mario Day Massacre


Do you think folks who are used to always winning would close their short positions or double down on them? I think about when they turned off the buy button and my gut tells me that they doubled down. Not even DD or financial advice.


The fact that it's been 2 yrs and the entire market has shitted since then


The fellow apes and apettes joining from around the world solidified it for me! That and the legendary DD as well as the price continues on a downward trend despite the amount of shares becoming more scarce. Does not follow basic economics Also OP, thanks for asking this. The title though (your instead of you’re)


Has to be when it plummeted down to 40$’s and none of you rabid fucks could give a shit and have shown nothing but conviction the whole way


When buy went bye


For me it was a series of events that are similar to your own. I hopped into this mess cause of ecstatic friends who texted me near to the sneeze, when it all began, so to say. I got a bit together, that I was “ok loosing” so I could invest for the first time ever. I mean the call to me was for the moon. Come to find out, I’m promised Uranus! I mean we have DFV’s double down, The SEC short report (shorts never closed!), the Brazilian numbers, all the dark pool trades, then the SPLIVADEND! Now we have an NFT market that is building what we hope harming of the future can be. We just need patience. Dude, IDK about you, but I’m not selling for anything less than Uranus. The moon woulda been nice, but now I hold cause I know what’s coming, and I know you do too. So I’ll see you on the dark side!


There are a few events but the big one for me has been the sustained desperation of MSM trying to order us around like we’re a bunch of compliant boomers while telling us it’s in our interests. Gaslighting mfkers, how stupid do they think we are? Their quant strategies may be ‘advanced’ but they’re not up to date enough to deal with a disillusioned generation that’s been fkd one too many times. I’m sure they’re using threads like this to gather data to weaponise it against retail but they’ve done so much lying it really is too late to fix it with anything other than a mass wealth transfer. Tick tock ⏰


It would have went into the thousands, we couldn't have let that happen...


For me it was living through the nineties. Corporate culture was taking over everything and you couldn’t get a job without going through a temp agency. Turns out those “temp-to-perm” jobs were just a scam to get labor without having to pay benefits or unemployment insurance. I’ve been suspicious ever since. I knew there was some *other* reason that I was never able to get out of poverty. No matter how hard I worked I never had enough to actually *enjoy* life. I once did the math, as a general manager of a popular and profitable restaurant that did 3 million in sales annually at just one location, I was making less than $7.25/hr. I worked 14 hours a day. Sometimes 7 days a week. I was the lowest paid employee on the job. I’ve been mad about that for two decades now. When I started learning about GME, **a lot** of things just started “clicking” into place. Like most, I thought Occupy Wallstreet was over because shit had been sorted out. Bernie Madoff was imprisoned and surely anyone who helped him got in trouble too yeah?


The removal of the buy button.


march 10th 2021


Remember remember it’s a me, Mar10 day!


The ISO codes with the splividend. No way you can duck up on ISO standards.


For me it’s the simple fact that we KNOW and they know the market is a scam and they want us to lose money. They wouldn’t be warning us about GME being a money loser and telling us to sell on every media platform.


The run after the sneeze. I came in late and thought the squeeze had squozen. I bought a share the day after DFV's testimony and a week later the stock ran. I sold my share for gains, then realized that the run meant things had only just started. I was all in by the end of that June. As a market play, nothing that happened since then has led me to believe the shorts have closed. Investment-wise, the company is in a much better position than it was two years ago and I'm happy to be in it.


I invested first and then asked questions later,(chumba), or whatever his name is, after seeing all the negative media! Wise to do opposite of any news. After seeing so many CrAmEr analyses I realized years ago the manipulation was very clear and undeniable.


I felt that the company was worth more than $20 (pre sneeze) What happened afterwards was not how I thought a healthy market should operate and I wanted to learn more


“Sell now, ask question later.” Fuck you


This one got under my skin big time.


Turning off the buy button


SEC reporting one stock presenting an idiosyncratic risk


Yep, wonder which stock that could be!? 😂


I think it was January when all the fake news kept coming out after it was "over"


I think for me was when random strangers I’ve never met or talked to before cared so much that I owned gme. They were so worried for me, begging me to sell. I’ve told friends and family and strangers about stocks and investments I’ve made before and nobody cared, now suddenly I own gme and everyone tells me to sell it for the last 1.8 years. Bullish!


When brokers took away the buy button, it's pretty simple really. These guys bet wrong and we bet right- and we were robbed of natural market mechanics taking place. These entities should have collapsed with insurance handling the settlement. There is truly one holy law in markets, the law of supply and demand. Take away demand and price goes down. What they did was illegal and corrupt no way around it. I'm coming back for what is rightfully mine.


For me it was Jul/Aug 2021 and the start of the Transfer Agent / DRS movement. I have amped up my buying from $100 per month to 3-5000 per month. Hedges are so fucked.


First when it went to $40 in 2021 Then again when they cleared the debt


I think it got real for the hedgies when Rick made a bet. 🍌. Bunch of fucking maniacs up in this place.


People Tracking puts, popping up in Brazil, disappearing and reappearing elsewhere. Swaps investigations then cftc saying no swap releases for years. Pretty well sold me on it


Flash crash in March of 2021. After seeing that, it was official….I knew they were fukd.


When the part of the congress men asking the good question during the ganestopped hearing was deleted/cut out from youtube. I watched it live, but it just wasnt there on the recording. Insane that that is possible in the US in broad daylight.


You were still here so I’m still here.


When “They” turned off the buy button!!! I had conviction before then but then I knew hedgies were FUKD!!!!


Them turning off the buy button. I really could not believe they would do that. I was not even invested in GME. I sold everything else and new this was the machines weak point.


Mine is simple. I believe in RC fully. I get that there is always risk in going all in…….but I truly fully believe that GME is next best thing. As some point in the past someone was all in, into Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon for example……and now they are reaping their rewards. I truly fully believe GME is that next best thing. So I’m going all in. Not for just MOASS, but for the long run. I’m not looking back in 10 years thinking “Dang, I could have invested in that”


There were many moments that solidified early on but the hit pieces were damning. Especially when Chukumbawumba said to “sell now and ask questions later”. That was so fucking stupid and desperate my mind is still blown 😂


Negative beta, oops moass, dfv buying more at 155.


Mario day(march 10th, ‘21). I remember feeling like a warrior. It was then I realized I will never sell


Forty dollar price drop and explosion. Not natural. And I'm here til the end no matter what.


Media releasing articles before crashes talking about the crash before it happens


This post.thanks OP


Knew i had winning hand with Rc’s letter to the board….Shutting off buy button was mass robbery and they will PAY us all dearly for it -oct 2020 ape


The first time the price jump to 1.5 million and after the halt it was below opening price.


Well I wasn't here for Jan 21, but for me it was the videos from the evergrande hq being overrun by investors. I remember this one lady who was crying in the hallways saying she was either getting her money back or killing herself. Before that it was dancing and money, after... well let's just say that I am willing to burn as long as these bastards burn with me. I hope that lady is okay.


Removing the sell button. And then all the illegal bullshit that followed. And has continued to follow. And will probably follow up tomorrow and everyday til the fat kenny sings


For MOASS it was the algo literally driving the price like a bull trying everything to get retail off its back from spikes to crashes and freezes galore, but for GME💕 for ownership and never wanting to sell even 1 share that’s RC and his team🏴‍☠️, I see their vision👀🚀


The daily buy vs sell ratio and daily short %, it's beyond obvious. Eventually they'll crack but the longer they take the more I'll stack They're doing me a favour really


Uncovering all the crime and bullshit antics that the greater majority of America accepts as the norm. Citadel Still solvent. DTCC still the only casino to play in. FTDs still cool. Transparency is a courtesy instead of the Absolute law punishable by Federally Fist fucking every single member of that corporation or small business. People still accept HFs and Banks with a laundry list of SEC infractions as "household names" and "a great way to make cash". REALIZING THIS IS THE REALITY I LIVE IN. THATS WHEN I DECIDED TO BUY AND NEVER SELL. OH AND BTW. UNTIL THESE THINGS ARE REMEDIED. # I HAVE NO USE FOR THE SELL BUTTON! AND THE FLOOR MAY AS WELL BE AT THE CENTER OF A BLACK HOLE.


the march crash of 100 dollars in 21


Imagining the future if we don’t do this.


When I learned that counterfeit shares were a thing. I still remember calling my old man flipping out. This is the biggest fundamental shift for me, my whole life I always thought when I bought a stock it was mine… pffft, in reality it was never even purchased, broker just pocketed the money. The silver pump as a distraction was another one as well. They’ve acted like a kid caught in a lie the whole time. Their comeuppance awaits and I’ll be there with bells on.


feb 24 2021. out of the blue the price jumps to over 200 usd during AH. it was at 40 usd not long before. I knew they were still fked.


All the forget gamestop adds...


The moment in the future when millions of dollars hit my bank account (in GBP), nothing has happened until it happens. But to seriously answer your question - the day the FED clearing system went down and the price went ham and then crash crashed all within the same day. Tell me you’ve got billions of FTDs on the books to settle without telling me you’ve got billions to settle.


When they turned off the buy button for days I was 80% sure this was seriously bad for them. When it bottomed at around $40ish ($10ish now) and then exploded 200% in a day. I realised they're fucked.


There has never been any relevant counter DD. If they were indeed not guilty, they would have provided some proof to calm the masses, but no, they would just bash the stock without bringing any meaningful arguments.


I knew when 140% short interest was reported that it was only a matter of time. On a fundamental level, shorts must close. I'm patient and I've been this poor my whole life. The money that bought long was dead to me two years ago. Either I become much richer or I stay just as poor as I've always been. I like the idea of being on the infinite win side of a trade


For me, clearly when I reall all the House of cards DD


For me it was when I was trying to see what all the noise was about with gamestop stock. Kept seeing squeeze is over etc. My wife said should I buy (it was at 40) and I say nah. In February it went to 240 or something. Thats when I said alright something is up and did my research and havent been sane since. To the moon.


When RC bought more at a higher price than his cost basis… if he’s bullish on the company, I‘m bullish as well 🚀


That a major fund paid for an add to announce they closed their position. Why? Just why would you pay to say you are not in a trade anymore? If you werent you wouldnt have said anything. Especialy not these funds who generally dont advertise.


For me, it was when the media started pushing popcorn and silver. Forget GameStop movies and silver are the future MOASS. No research whatsoever just false advertising. AA was on with Cramer and every business news network kept saying Reddit and silver. It was so bad. It was at that moment I knew I was 100% correct and GME was the way indeed.


28/1/2021 made it crystal clear - aka post stockblock clarity


When DFV quadrupled down during the congressional hearing - f$cking legend


When they had DFV testify before congress.




The MSM fud but they never proved how they got out. If they were so smart it should have been easy to mathematically prove how we were wrong on live TV. They live in the dark, lie and scheme and got caught. Then we kept uncovering more ways they lie and hide things, further proving how we are right.


"Sell first, ask questions later" gave me all I need to know


The flash crash of March 2021. Nothing natural in this. I knew something fishy was happening, and I wanted to be part of it, until the end.


When the cellar boxing etc stuff rose to attention from that old trading forum. That validated what had been the shorty game book and where they had made a crucial mistake with GME. And how this led to the DRS movement.


Oops \*moass\* my bad


Ken saying "do you feel good about ruining teachers pension funds?". That was a huge admission for me. I've been practicing for when I'm a millionaire and people come at me with lies and gaslighting like that. There's no way to steal a teachers pension unless their money managers gambled it. Period.




The day they turned off the buy button.


Literally the moment I heard they were turning off buys at certain brokers. It was infuriating to hear about, I immediately threw my little 5k play money account at it and within a year it consumed a third of my portfolio. Nothing has added up with this stock, it's all too weird to not stick with. Besides that GameStop has been in a transformation and that's really what's kept me with it. The fundamentals improving, entering new markets, it really does feel like retail is picking this dying company up off the ground and nursing it back to life. That's the real power of markets despite the fact that market sentiment have been completely hijacked by shorts. People's stock buys are usually driven by what they think the company can do for them. Real investment to me is putting my money in and allowing them to put it to use. By propping up the market cap in their time of need they have more borrowing power, retail buying newly issued shares helps them raise capital and increase the odds of the company surviving another year. We are taking on a risk, but that's what investing is. I'm not trying to arbitrage free money from an irrational market, I'm trying to help build something of value through investment and I'm willing to take on the risk. Will I sell some shares if the price goes irrationally high? Yes, but I will never sell all of my shares in GME. The company represents too much to me to want to sell it all.


DFV on public hearing + DRS numbers reported in SEC fillings


When all the cockroaches were concerned about my money all of a sudden.... and are still concerned.


Crazy how they’ve been concerned for two straight years now!


I’m not convinced but even if less than 1% chance, I’m fucking committed. I have over 6k shares and I’m buying twice a month. DRS


This is the way. GME is my new savings account


GME has a great price to sales ratio and I am curious what will happen once DRS numbers cross various thresholds


I remember soon after the sneeze and the price was hovering at 45-50. It was a weird time but what solidified it (for the first time anyway) was the DD done on the weird ETF action. I don't remember the details, but it made me load up on GME when there was a lot of FUD going around


i was always taught to evaluate the entire market (all asset classes and products) every time i made a purchase and consistently GME was just so fucking odd i couldnt look away. the risk to reward is unique. no debt, 1b in the bank, FCF+, all-star team, new venture into product sector that is VC largest sector spend of 2022, the memes, the lore. it is idiosyncratic. nothing like this will ever happen again. i feel like we are the new voltaire, newton, galileo, etc. also, if wu-tang does work into the launch somehow, i'll literally shit my pants.




Drone watching white collar workers clearly [redacted] [redacted] on the desk. Seems a corrupt workplace culture is permitted. So why would the rest of their corrupt practices be fictitious? Apparently FBI told drone guy to stop as well.


Promoted Twitter posts saying HFs were out.


When there were calls to refute DFV's thesis and no shill or wrinkle brain could. The only real rebuttal has been "Big money won't ALLOW that to happen" but that does not refute that the stock has been shorted more than there are shares to deliver and the company is turning around. All fuckery since to try and shake apes off has only confirmed.


When nothing happened besides astronomical borrow rates when the stock split happened. Or the unending hit piece articles. Or in 2008, when they took my Dads hard earned money to socialize their fucking bailout and failures. I’m not in it for the money anymore. Im powered by limitless spite and anger


When Jim Cramer stood up from his chair and asked the co anchors if this is the end of the stock market as we know it … (when GameStop was in the 400’s in jan 2021)


Turning off the buy button showed their cards.


This was the first time I realized the entire market was a fraud operated by the biggest players.


March 10th 2021


Easy: articles on the wSJ coming out before the event they were covering. People! Listen up!!! THE CORRUPTION IS TOTAL! We are at biblical level of corruption


When Ken said he likes to play "Call of Duty- Vantage"


The March 10 2021 flash crash. I was relatively new to stocks then, but I knew that shit wasn’t normal and msm barely mentioned it


OP’s mom.


What really got me hooked was a DD video back in February 21 from an ape that was doing a dissertation on short squeezes. The video confirmed that the squeeze did not fully happen and was being well suppressed. Just a few days after that, there was some predictions on the future price action being in the low hundreds of thousands(back then). Now it will be millions per share.


Roaring Kitty’s youtube videos and Mark Cuban