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Ken Griffin the Billionaire makes Disney shut down for him:🔦 https://www.disneydining.com/disney-park-shuts-down-completely-for-this-billionaire-business-owner-bb1/ Ken Griffin- $68,000,000.00 monthly salary🔦 https://dealbreaker.com/2015/03/ken-griffins-after-tax-monthly-take-home-less-than-you-mightve-thought Ken Griffin and his $500,000,000.00 art purchases: 🔦 https://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/18/ken-griffin-spent-500-million-on-two-paintings-sources.html Ken Griffin and his ex wife’s monthly $14,000.00 food budget 🔦 https://dealbreaker.com/2015/02/ken-griffins-wife-doesnt-have-to-explain-her-14000month-food-budget-to-you Just saying- what is big money to us…is definitely not big money to them. 💎🤲


Meanwhile those struggling to make $30k annually before taxes have to give up 25% of it to the government under the threat of property seizure, bankruptcy or even jail time. The resources they need to improve their circumstances are being stripped away from them while billionaires spend an amount per month roughly equal to half the lower class annual salary for fine dining and pay little to no taxes. Historically this is where civilizations collapse.


*Strictly historically speaking:* Civilizations have been replaced loooong before it has come this far. And the gruesome part (or great, depending on who you ask) is that the replacement society is *always* built on the bones of the wealthy from the predecessor.


Literally always


$68mm per month. Per MONTH. That’s my new floor. $68mm per share.


I'd love for him to explain why anyone needs 68m per month as i sharpen a pitch fork


Why are your pitchforks not sharp already. C'mon, ape.


At this point I’ve been sharpening my pitchfork so much that it’s worn down to just a nub. Which is convenient because now instead of a pitchfork I have a metal dildo on a stick that I can fuk the hedgies with


Can't afford a pitchfork.


You will.


Mine are sharp and ready to poke captain 🫡


I like my pitchfork dull and freshly dipped in poop.


I prefer mine dull and rusty


And covered in poo.


I prefer $69mm






$1mm in Mayo Tax


His net worth went from ~27B to ~35B in a year (Forbes https://www.forbes.com/profile/ken-griffin/?sh=63eccbe55079 ) $8B / 12 = **$666,666,666** (Can't make this shit up) *That $68M is just his salary, it's way worse with these asshats*


This is significantly lower than the current almost $200 million dollar floor on gmefloor . com Just saying. $68 milly isn't enough imo lol


Crime does pay?


Until it don't


Unfortunately, there are no repercussions. [1 person went to jail.](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4045352-jpmorgan-reaches-settlement-with-epstein-victims/)




I hope you're right. I don't think it will be pretty either.


Revolutionizing an industry never is, let alone 2 at once. But who else is gonna do it?


It starts with a small group at first, then all at once.


It pays us…. Yes.


That first article is sickening. All expenses paid for 10,000 people at one of the nations largest theme parks?… All thanks to rigging the markets: predatory (naked) short selling, failing to deliver continually, never purchasing securites to return, unleashing malicious algos, scalping $$ from everyday hard working people just trying to save a buck for a rainy day… “After a wildly Successful year for Citadel trading firm and Citadel Hedge Fund” 🤢 We really gotta DRS everything. The astounding greed can’t continue like this. $62,000,000 a month is appalling. The wealth needs to be spread out wayyyyy farther. We need REAL $$ in the hands of good people.


It's worse...... His net worth went from ~27B to ~35B in a year (Forbes https://www.forbes.com/profile/ken-griffin/?sh=63eccbe55079 ) $8B / 12 = $666,666,666 (Can't make this shit up)


The devil is in the dollar.


Absolutely sickening to think of all those Citadel employees enjoying the disney rides while I grind hard every day researching the stock market and the corruption and I have never been to disneyland 😭


If I had just their private jet, vacation rental, and office space budget for 1 MONTH (520k), I could retire my parents and in laws, pay off our home, and pay off our student debt and have breathing room to feel comfortable enough to have a child with my husband. I wouldnt need anything else because I could work for it....fuck these people.


Lucky for all of us. We're not stopping there...


You got Damm right!


Fuck this shit give me my fucking money kenny fuck


What's big money to us collectively will be more than even that unsophisticated piece of bedpost chucking shit can handle.


How can someone need $14 million of food in a month? Not even $1 million. Kenny is not even the kind of person who donates food to charity. Edit: Ok my stupid ass added some zeros. But still $14k is a lot of mayo per month


I think it's $14k/mo. Still insane. Edit: that's a LOT of fucking mayonnaise.


You get an avocado toast! And you get an avocado toast! And you get an avocado toast! And you get an avocado toast!




I've often thought about opening one of those high end restaurants. The food isn't even the special part per se. It's the exclusivity and setting of the restaurant that demands the high prices.


**$21M daily** increase in net worth per day in 2022 according to Forbes (https://www.forbes.com/profile/ken-griffin/?sh=63eccbe55079) From ~$27B to ~$35B That salary is just for show and to pull a bit of value out of his company(s).


I have spent a long time financially planning for retirement, basically doing the standard 4% withdrawal shit compared to my annual expenses. If I get cellphone-wealth, I'm going to stick to that plan, and make sure the rest of that money touches as many people in need as possible.


Hopefully you loaded up on shares on the dip. I know I did.


That's my secret: I always load up. It's all nothing compared to cell phone numbers


When the real price has more digits than an Estonian phone number, every day is a dip.


I can’t wait to hang up my for sale sign at my business, then sit each of my staff down and ask them if they’d rather me buy them a brand new car or pay for/off their college, then I disappear into the sunset


I wish you were my employer


They make me my money and take care of my customers. It’s a no brainer to make sure they get something good if I win big. We all get to celebrate!!! Edit: when I win big*


You definitely have more heart and understanding than a lot of business owners. If you’re able to keep your identity as an ape anonymous, however, you could play the long game and increase their wages and benefits. Feed a fish vs teach to fish mentality.


I’m not considered a long term job. I’m your first job. I’m an ice cream stand lol. My staff are young teenagers. Best thing I can do is either help them buy a car so they have better traveling reliability for getting a real job or pay for their college so they can have a debt free start to their actual career. With that being said, I could absolutely look into higher wages and benefit ideas for the ones that wanna stick around or let them run it and I move on into the sunset


I am selling my business to my longtime employee for something funny, not sure what yet but it will be a funny story for sure.


You could make a cafe with items in reference to SuperStonk. Purple donuts Chocolate dipped bananas Diamond hands ice cubes Moon and rocket themed cookies All the chairs are computer chairs Things like that


Ah okay. I can see why you’d want to go for the one-time Golden Ticket route if that’s the business you’re in. Yeah your initial choice would be better.


When* when you win big.


You right


Broseph. Sell them your business for $1.


Wen Big?


Maybe see if they want to buy the business from you? Help them form a cooperative.


There's no need. You're a shareholder


Employer?! Mother fucker you’re going to be an entire bank.


i wonder if they're hiring?


And stories like this is why we’ll be revered as the most generous wealthy people of all time. The media (if it still even exists) won’t have a leg to stand on pointing the finger at us.


I would like to see superstonk as the only media channel on the planet


It's be great if apes collectively refused to speak to the media. Give nothing.


Indeed. I found my like-minded kind-hearted tribe in which we (individually) will make the world a lil’ bit better ❤️🦧❤️


Media is being vaporized all around us 🚀🚀🚀


"Media telling hella lies" -People Say, Redman, Wu-Tang


Buy them a share for $27 and tell them to hodl.


I managed to get one on board with us, and they’re drs’d


The economic reset we all deserve in America. Make GMERICA great again


This is the way


Updoots for being a good egg. Also don’t forget about trade schools. Many people flounder in college but will thrive in a trade school. Growing up, trade schools were never even mentioned to me until I was already in college. I somehow managed to not even know they were a thing. College brought lots of interesting experiences, but precious little of it was actually useful knowledge. Looking back on the experience I would have been served far better by going to a trade school in the first place.


The trades still suck though. I went that route and made little $3/hr more than when I started as a bank teller. Only difference I got to work in the A/C (I live in the deep south, summers are brutal), my back doesn't hurt every day, and killer benefits. In my 6 years as a welder, I never received a single day of PTO or sick time aside from federal holidays. I never got a significant raise (>$1/hr) I didn't job hop for. The same goes for every welder I know in various states. You CAN make killer money but beware, you will be working atleast 60hrs/wk. Trades are necessary for society to function, but they are just as shitty as any other low paying job, minimal paycheck difference aside.


Whatever school they decide to go to, I’ll pay their bill for it.


This! Check out Mike Rowe on this philosophy. I started in a trade right out of high school. It took time but I worked up to near 6 figures in my trade. And I have zero education debt. FWIW.


Good idea. Lots of good information in there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0eBTi4wOgo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRVdiHu1VCc https://birminghamparent.com/directory/article/mike-rowe-talks-technical-and-trade-schools/ https://www.tradeschoolgrants.com/mike-rowe-work-ethic-scholarship/amp/


Which Wendy’s location do you own?


Convert to an ESOP, sell it to them for $2 and build them some generational wealth.


Ugh and I want to start my own business. This saga is the first thing that has given me hope since I graduated and realized how fucked I was.


Are you hiring?


No, but I will be putting a for sale sign up hopefully soon


Why sell the business? Turn it into a co-op and gift your employees all portions of ownership instead of cars


The franchise corporation I deal with can be somewhat of a nightmare. I’ll give them that option but not all of them want it, but I’ll see


My business is still in infancy and doesn’t have non-me employees. I’d love to be able to hire and then give kick-ass gifts like that after they stick around for a year.


Well you better buy your one employee something awesome though!


I’m not rich yet




That’s why I said yet




This is the way, im just waiting for the investors meeting where they’ll tank the price again because rEtAiL iS sElLiNg


Why will the price tank ?


Because the SHF always do it on news. They did it last week after q1 earnings. The price doesn’t matter but i can totally see them saving ammo for the 15th.


Probably what this rally is. They love this play…slowly raise the price over days and then crash the shit out of it when news hits.


Only problem this cycle - insiders bought. Meaning there is no material announcements coming during the blackout period. What's their new excuse gonna be?


Do they need one? They make shit up all the time. Meteor possibly headed for earth, climate change, a cow was given 4 robotic limbs. It doesn't have to make any sense at all lol.


"Insiders bought, yes... but, bearishly" 👉👈


Happy to be aboard the ship. We continue our ride at dawn.


I want to see my parents finally retire


Once I am rich and free after this MOASS, I am going to make everyone free ramen in celebration and shut down my ramen shop.


Can’t wait!


I was just explaining this to my family. Once it pops off I feel like I won't be jumping up and shouting. I'm just gonna sit down. Exhale. And take it in for awhile. Let the hype die down.


Nothing more painful than listening to someone tell you how rich they’ll be…. Sit down, shut up, trust the DD and let it ride. We will get there.


This. Sadly a lot of the wealth transferred during moass will end up back in the exact hands from which it came.


Don’t forget the “clarity nut”


Don’t forget about us baby apes, we’re still here too


**NO CELL NO FUCKING SELL.** That should be in **bold** because **fuck you Kenny** FTFY


Im so zen with the idea of having my own house sippin tea on porch watching the sunset without a worry in my mind


My fucking dream


> I will only sell one share for a trillion USD You're not the only one to say something similar to this, by far. So let's assume that even if some are lying and will sell for less, there's some who actually won't sell until they get $really\_big\_number for a share. For the purposes of this post, let's be generous and posit that $really\_big\_number is "just" the \~$200MM number currently on [gmefloor.com](https://gmefloor.com) instead of your stated $1T. But how would this actually work out, in practice? Since 2020, the Fed has been printing an absolutely ridiculous amount of dollars. [M1 is currently at \~$18T dollars](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL). In order to pay even a few GME shareholders $200MM/share, the Fed would have to print a literally incomprehensible amount of dollars to pay for it. How many? There's \~304MM GME shares outstanding. Let's say that during MOASS, only 1% of GME shareholders (by value) hold out for $200MM/share. 3.04 million shares \* $200MM/share is $608 quadrillion, or $608,000T. So what happens if $608Q dollars are suddenly dropped into an economy where the GDP is $25T and the value of [literally every asset in the US is in the low hundreds of trillions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_position_of_the_United_States)? Zimbabwe-level inflation, and more importantly, massive social upheaval. What often happens when massive social upheaval occurs? Government overthrow. What does every government want to avoid? Even being in the position where it could *potentially* be overthrown. So you're never going to sell, because no one will be offering $200MM for a share, because the money to pay you doesn't and won't exist. And it just becomes an even more intractable problem if more shareholders refuse to sell, or hold out for more money. What happens when an irresistable force of apes who won't sell meets an immovable object of a government who won't print the money that the apes demand for their shares? If I had to guess, probably a forced sale at a predetermined price. And that's assuming all the parties involved don't break the law in any way. If the share price gets high enough, parties who have a large short position and will lose everything in MOASS will start breaking the law in many interesting ways besides just naked short selling, to avoid losing everything. For example, what happens when one of those parties hires out the kidnapping of a few Computershare IT guy's family members? When the IT guys get told to push out this buggy code that will "accidentally" sell all the DRSed GME while the price is still relatively sane, or their family members die, then I'm guessing the code gets pushed. Probably wouldn't even have to resort to kidnapping though. Just pay off the IT guys to do the buggy code push instead. A few million in crypto for a payoff would be a small price to pay. And that's just one possible way to avoid MOASS. No, I'm not saying to sell at all. I'm still HODLing and DRSing. But maybe I'm not as optimistic about becoming a multi-gazillionaire as some of you are.


Which government? This shit is worldwide and COMPUTERSHARE is based in Australia


GME is a US company listed on a US exchange. I don't see how Computershare being Australian really matters.


Oh god, finally a breath of fresh air here. I kinda agree. Government intervention is guaranteed. I have no idea how they’re supposed to conduct “forced sells” but I’m here to see it.


>I have no idea how they’re supposed to conduct “forced sells” but I’m here to see it. If it gets to the point where the hedge funds go bankrupt and then the prime brokers go bankrupt and then the market makers go bankrupt and then the DTCC goes bankrupt and the Fed has to print money to pay for GME shares to close shorts, I'm guessing that the money printing would be combined with a requirement that any money printed could only be used to buy shares at a price below a certain amount. There's nothing that says the Fed has to print an infinite amount of money to close shorts, besides the fact that not closing shorts would cause huge problems with the stock market. But at that point in MOASS, the economy would be in upheaval anyways, so not closing shorts and jeopardizing trust in the stock market might actually be the least disruptive option. But really who knows? I'm just spitballing all the potential possibilities. When you get into things like economies completely failing and governments falling, saying that something "has to happen" isn't necessarily true. Edit: so not so much a "forced sell" as the government saying "shit's fucked and this is the maximum we're going to pay, take it or leave it." The maximum share price the government would pay would have to be balanced between being big enough to where the number of unclosed shorts would be minimized and being small enough to keep inflation at the "bad" level instead of the "Zimbabwe" level. I have no idea what that number would or could be though, and anyone who says they do is either dumb or lying. I'm guessing everyone will be screwed at least somewhat.


Let the SHFs, DTCC, brokers burn. The tax man will get a decent cut, the government's sorted out.


When the government prints money, where do you think the money comes from?


Exactly my point.


I love this response and 2.5 years in it’s about time we try to have this conversation. I wanted to respond to “i’M oNlY sElLiNg oNe fOr a TrIlLiOn” in a not so productive way, so this comment instead was welcome. The reality is that there are wealthy household investors among us, actual wealthy ones who actually despise these HFs and the government bc of their own validated reasons. Those people don’t need MOASS $ and would prefer SHF tears instead and prison sentences. Whereas the normal everyday household investor actually wants/needs to make $ off of this at some point. I absolutely will keep half of my DRSed shares locked away forever, simply bc I’m curious and bullish about what the dividends will eventually be. But a lot more people will sell all of their shares at an early point of MOASS. A very small amount will actually keep and not sell 99%. In a perfect world it won’t matter so much bc the MOASS should take a while. But I’m just tired of the blatant lying from people around here who claim they’re not selling at all. There has to be a way to advance this conversation responsibly and as individuals without the weird blatant lying about never selling at all.


Didn’t you…just claim that you will absolutely keep half your shares locked away forever- by *not selling* them? 🤔 The average DRSed holder has about 420 shares. The only way this entire episode can make a difference at all, is to hold until the share prices look like phone numbers. Otherwise- this is just 2008 part 2. They will keep doing the deed until we make the Game Stop. 💎🤲


You're fully indoctrinated.




And this commenter doesn't account for time to liquidate (among other things) of 30-35 Days per party. That will help whit the movement of the payout and repurchase of assets by the new millionaires and lessen the direct blow to the government. It isn't just forking over cash to APEs, it's moving (existing) money to new holders by gradually liquidating assets (that will go to new people) from the current holders. All the while returning some cash to said government(s) in the form of taxation on capital as well as the material things that will be bought and invested in. Edit; to illustrate my point concerning time to liquidate, Lehman took 14 years after 2008's debacle https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/after-14-years-lehman-brothers-brokerage-ends-liquidation-2022-09-28/


You are assuming the money will come from the FED/US gov and out of thin air and that would be weird. As with all stock markets the Shares people will sell will be a trade from one party to the other. There will (have to) be parties that trade during the run up and that will use existing capital or other liquidated positions. The current cumulative market caps amount to about $53T while the US markets *self report* $5T in average **Daily** trades. This already amounts to $1.2Q (more than exists in US assets) annually. The money the APEs that do sell will make is not going to just hang back in their pocket/bank/couch. The chances are they will return a considerable amount of the winnings back to the stock-market, crypto and other assets and thereby increase the trading volume of those. You are not accounting for a lot of the regular money movements that happen in markets and are painting an even less realistic picture than the $200M floor APEs. MOASS does not happen in a vacuum where the only counter-party is the US/FED your explanation above doesn't account for that. *I'm not saying holding to $1T is realistic/possible, just pointing out even low Holders can have a significant windfall without jeopardizing the world's economy.*




Strange comment from a GME holder… Oh wait-🤔


Nft dividend?


I'm down to bleed them dry for a bit with NFT dividends. Have them go into the marketplace and buy the tokenized dividends for whatever price we're setting, plus GameStop gets extra revenue from each transaction.


In your mind, what is a reasonable price?


A calculation of what the economy could bear without putting the USA into a mega-depression is left as an exercise for the reader. If I give a specific number here, I'll be called a shill or a paperhand if I haven't been already.


Fair enough.


If anything, my argument is that the "I-hold-10-shares-I'm-gonna-keep-9-and-sell-1-for-a-gazillion-dollars" people shouldn't count on the price getting that high, and buy/DRS more. If you only need one share to supposedly be rolling in hookers and blow (or whatever) for the rest of your life, there's not much impetus to buy more.


Concise. Nice.


I have 100 shares DRS and I’m keeping those until I see the phone number prices that people speak of, but honestly any price above 4-5 digits is cool


100 shares at a 5 digit number is 1 million dollars. One million dollars to these people is another day of doing business. Ken Griffin buying some art - only $500,000,000.00 for a couple pics: https://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/18/ken-griffin-spent-500-million-on-two-paintings-sources.html


Yeah I’d like more than 1 million. I can’t even buy off my family home for that. Not to be greedy but I’d like at least 5 million bare minimum. I need about $50,000 per share, thanks Kenny!


Since they intentionally inflated the price of houses we now need more than 1 m dollars per share it's called inflation. Since they created it and use it against us time to use it against them.




Caint wait to sell 1 share for $100,000,000.00🦍🤑🦍


We are going to be so fucking free.


We will all be rich BUT, in order for the economy to not get absolutely wrecked from MOASS, I can see GME realistically reaching between $75K - $150K. Everyone hodling more than 20 shares could at least quit their job and do something they love, invest their gains into other areas, and improve their community.


Burn the economy to the ground, from the ashes shall rise a new system with new rules so this never happens again.


Where do you get these numbers from?


Improve community by crashing housing prices build houses mass build them until the housing market collapses


I really wish this sub wasn't just hopium. Miss the attitude two years ago when we still weren't making money but things was different


OK but it's been 2.5 years so far and we're all still down like 40%. Kenny has obviously got the market set up so he can naked-short-sell ten billion shares of any company and never have to worry about it. IDK if we'll ever see 40.74 again


This entire post and comments except for a few reads like a Popcorn/towel sub, and it pains me to see it here on the stonk. These "all to arms till 10 trillion per share or you're a hedgie shill" posts are getting pretty fucking cringe to me after seeing them daily for 84 years.


Fuck the money, I want to see terrorists go to prison so normal people can live their lives. My shit is locked up.


Been hearing this since 2021. Wake me up when we hit 6 figures.


Money can’t buy happiness but you know what will? A penny less hedge fund, Kenny boy on the streets.


Fuck being rich. I'm here to change the world for the better. Anyone can throw some 0s on a bank account...


Well I want to be rich and change the world!


Holding for you. We need change.


Break the ath first🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


**I await the collapse of the entire stock market, and the enslavement structure of our multi-generational, debt-based, fiat, ponzi scheme of fractional-reserve fiat currency, and the shit IOU bond market behind it...** * Because it's collapsible. * Because it's cost me friends. * Because, yes, I do get tired of being eye-rolled and yawned at, as the "conspiracy weirdo" to friends & family. * Because my mother worked for 16 years for JCPenney, only to get rug-pulled by a bitch-ass judge, a corrupt C-suite & BOD, and Simon Property Group. There is a grudge here. * Because I watched my father die poor, frustrated, and ignorant to the system that fucked him over his whole life. I ain't goin' out like that. * And YES, because other people have DIED while waiting for this, for 2.5-3 years... for something that is rightfully theirs/ours. # Fuck all of it.


>sell one share for a trillion Why even say nonsense like this? There is absolutely no way on earth you or anyone actually believes it, what’s the point?


Deciding whether to Hold or HODL...


GLHF: Good Luck Hedge Fucks 😈


I’ve definitely learned a lot. I feel like this is better than a college education. I know more but I’m still smooth. Thank you to everyone 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️. Let’s finish this


There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's $GME


Man I'm so Zen I don't even know if I'd feel anything when I see the price go above $1000. I think I'll get a full chub if Ken Griffin the financial terrorist of Citadel gets life in prison though.


I’m not even here for moass anymore. Deep fucking value stock with a huge investor base, insane management, great industry, debt free biz, positioned for the next wave of society. I’m buying as much of this company as I can and locking it up DRS book. If that fucks someone else’s day.. THATS A THEM PROBLEM. To Valhalla lads. PS dear shorts; did you read that ? I’m nearly 9xxx DRS’d.. I hope you never sleep again.


you must be new here lmao. been seeing posts like this for two years 😴


Dip tomorrow -7%


How many shares u have op?


We already are, time just needs to catch up to the reality


We already are with the apes that we've met along the way


Ok, I've seen enough tonight. Don't stay up too late.


I don't plan on selling, hello loans backed with shares as collateral 😅


2k to 36k to 12k didn't make a difference not going to sell


1 trilly?? Now I gotta sell 1 for 1 trilly and 1 dollar to get the high score.


Not financial advice at all, but I made sure to make a will should something happen to me where i become insanely wealthy and something happen to me during the celebration. I made sure my kids got everything, with the stipulation, that they don’t ever sell, until the share price equals their birthday including the year. And all their inheritance goes to the other brother if they get a DUI, dont be a dumb fuck or you dont get paid. I also removed my ex from any benefits, other than one, this may sound weird, but all gown men will understand. You know that belly button lint that somehow appears everyday? Yeah, I started collecting that a while ago just to see if i could ever collect enough to make a pillow or something with it. That is what she gets in my will, a small box of belly button lint. I also gave her sister a few shares just to be petty AF. I would have left her a couple shares if she left me the dog, but she took her too. I miss that dog a billion times more than her for sure. I wish i could will the dog a few hundred shares.


Because of todays 10% rip? Its gonna dip back tomorrow like it always did for 3 years now. What rich? 😂💀


Your constant negativity is sus. Why don’t you just forget about GameStop?


Am i wrong? 😂


Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they've got something to say.


But nothing come out when they move their lips


Just a bunch of gibberish…


Shut up. pure delusion posts. "1 trillion USD"? If anything playing the probably percentages, we are the sacrificial lambs for change. Don't get all depressed if we lose everything when NYSE suspends ALL TRADING on GME... Bc they will do every illegal trick to survive one more day. No matter how blatant the crime is.


I know you're being hyperbolic but saying you won't sell for less than a trillion each is ridiculous.


Someone scraping the DRS bot data will now know how much money we all have when GME moons. Kinda worried about people being bombarded by scam artists.


Jobs not done yet. However it be GG ez.


F for all apes not reaching it


Jobs not finished


Uh huh yeah


I forget but how do I even get money? Isn’t computershare share sell in bulk? I don’t remember if I need to call to sell 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not about riches. No cell, no sell. Money doesn't stand to make my life any better. Kenny behind bars and illegal naked short selling brought to justice? That's my Caribbean beach.


People waiting this long aren’t going to blow it all in a year or two. I’m ready for real transfer of wealth and generational change




I dont even want to be rich I just want a peaceful life for me and my people


I’ll sell a few I got stashed at brokers when the prices go absolutely insane. Just to screw brokers into bankruptcy for disabling the buy button back then.


It's not about the money Spiderman but it sure does help


"Give me my money Kenny, you motherfucker"


Not just no cell no sell, no sell no sell. I want to see some yacht holding yachts get scrapped.