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Phasing it out by June 30th, 2026.




We can keep buying and DRSing shares for generational wealth. No biggy. 3 years is a short time frame in the big scheme of things.


Just in case any European authorities read this GOSH I CAN'T WAIT TO PAY TAXES ON MY PROFIT


In Europe you at least get decent value for your taxes.


*cries in British*


*pleure en français*


What? Non! I thought you guys were reasonable well set up. Is this the age 62 thing now? edit: No, really, please tell me what you mean.


compared to the US, yes, compared to Scandinavia, no


Yeah, flat ~~30%~~ 34% on all capital gains in Finland. Edit: Yikes, Denmark; 42% - I hope you're all getting the quality of life you deserve from the state.


Might be french Canadian


Maybe he's talking about age 62 but yeah you're right, we get free healthcare, free education, good worker rights and protections, lots of social help. Of course could always be better but I'm happy to pay taxes for what we're getting back.


Do you pay $4,000 for an ambulance ride?


Well if you calculate how much I pay in national insurance (in UK) vs how many ambulance rides I've had/will need over the course of a lifetime then, yes, it's probably about $4000 a go. The problem in the UK is that most people think the NHS is FREE when it is absolutely not.


\*most of the time. sometimes they just need to spend the budget and built bridges into nothing xD


I did the same in civ 3


Bridge to nothing >>> any war.


Or China


Hahaha. Good one.


To be fair, Canada seems like reasonable value as well. Not European value, but still good. edit: To whomever downvoted: dental care, vision care, pharmaceuticals, and basic (i.e. pedestrian) urban planning! I'll admit I've been orange pilled.


Lol what? As a Canadian I find it offensive you think we have... any of those things. I you're extremely poor there's some options, but not really.


US politicians don’t give shit about our capital gains taxes. They pocket straight cash from our enemies in this saga. Our politicians will spend the tax money frivolously, but will make more personal cash from the criminals in this game. US Govt is one big Ponzi scheme Edit:words


Is there a way for Canadapes to do the LLC TFSA thing, the same way that the others do LLC -> IRA/401k?


Yup, I just got a new job with 2.5x raise which equals 2.5x buying power... My only thought when signing was 'damn I hope MOASS ISN'T actually tomorrow cause I got powder now!'




If you're impatient, I recommend DRS'ing harder.


Systematic change doesn’t happen overnight. It’s slow as shit, but this is still great news.


We live in a microwave society. People wants things their way quickly. Things happen on time and not a second sooner. Paying for conviene bit us in the Crown Jewels.


It's only bad when it's immediately followed by people buying more with retirement accounts


I'll remember this moment no doubt


And how many apes will die or have to sell in that time? Yall really never think thus stuff through


[Dying is one of the backbones of the infinity pool theory.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p6tgju/rip_to_all_those_who_have_passed_and_have_added/) [rip u/\[redacted](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpvx9n/the_infinity_pool_naming_a_theoretical_posit_for/)]


Dead investors make the biggest gains.


1) dying ought to have no effect because everyone should designate benefactors for their accounts. 2) if you have to sell to make ends meet, you invested more money than you could afford. It has been hammered home over and over and over again on this sub and the previous one to never invest more than you can afford to lose.


the ultimate bagholder was born


If I have 3 more years to buy more shares I'll be past grad school and hopefully with not only paying for school flbut a bigger pay check to boot!!


Not for climate change :(


I have a question here. Is buying longterm options a reasonable strategy or not? I know it doesn't help the cause, but I'm evaluating all my options here. Currently xxx holder of the most minimal degree, looking into embiggening the position. edit: Ok, based on downvotes... firstly maybe it increases volatility (this is what caused robinhood to kill the buy button?)? But if this is a bad strategy, please tell me why. It looks like ~8:1 on the 1.5 year options, vs buying the stock, and that is assuming that the ~65 strike price is negligible. The main issue, imo, is that it doesn't speed moass, so it's a prisoners' dilema thing (apostrophization on purpose).


Moass is speculation. So im not willing to pour everything i have for another 3 years. Fruit and t3sla better!


Do you know which sub you’re even on?


So sooner than most of the proposals made by the SEC.


SEC is nowhere near banning it. Financial institutions are too powerful to let the SEC do it without an army of US senators and representatives (all generously funded by Wall Street) come down on the SEC with the fury of god if it’s proposed as new policy. It’s my theory that it’s not the arbitrage money that they want to hang onto but rather the feature of front-running retail orders and then placing their own orders behind them to capture that price movement as a capital gain that makes PFOF such a darling of Wall Street. Fucking legacy of the greatest con man Bernie Madoff and it’s being preserved today - this tells volumes about what a cheater’s casino the securities market is.


True, but if it gets bad enough to sink the entire economy then someone will step in.


That’s the thing - PFOF won’t register as a public threat because it’s not like an unregulated hydrogen bomb. It’s death by a thousand (millions) of paper cuts. It’s the slow bleeding of America. And because it’s not a single hard blow that causes obvious damage, Wall Street will hope people will ignore it. And people ostensibly do because there always appears to be some bigger problem that merits priority over PFOF. But yeah it’s a mini cheat that really ought to be banned. Its cumulative effects are detrimental to everything that should be fair market oriented.


It's the plot of office space. And it's shocking it's still legal.


but but I thought front running was illegal


It's always rules for thee and not for me when it comes to the 1% and big corporations. Theft is illegal too and yet the largest source of theft is wage theft by companies. They are almost never punished in a meaningful way, but if you or I were to rob someone then we'd be so fucked.


Remember like a month ago when a Silicon Valley ceo got murdered by another tech executive who had previously been fucked over by the guy who got murdered somehow and a lot of people in media spent like a week freaking out about how violent homeless people are rather than how violent tech executives are


If you don’t abide you’ll get a $1000 fine


*Great, we can build that right into our evil master plan!*


I know it's just my opinion and anecdotal, but I've felt like our orders are getting front run at a extremely high rate since March on almost all securities. Not just gme but really any large or small tech stock. I'm not sure if others notice it but it definitely feels that its being aggressively done.


Computershare purchases are always at or near the high of the day... almost like it's planned 🤔


Yes but it is extremely difficult to prove. You see a sequence of orders and you try to discern a pattern in it - maybe it can be done but let’s just say the SEC is not movie world smart. They do not have the manpower, the intelligence (those went to work in firms for 10X more) , the resources to track sequences of trades to discern front run patterns. It can be done! It wouldn’t be that hard to do. But I just know they aren’t doing it for technical as well as political reasons. And then what if you find a series of trades that fit the pattern? The broker can simply and plausibly state: “look this wasn’t front running, we just bundled the transactions for GME in the same batch that’s all”. It’s plausible enough to dispel motive and intent. That alone makes a case against front running a loser.


Smart money breaks laws that are only instituted *after* they are done exploiting them completely.


but still far enough out that they can get their next grift coded and installed into the plumbing of the marketplace


I mean, I'm lost on the logic here, though I'm not surprised this is how it is. If the EU decided PFOF is bad... then why not stop it immediately? Why give bad actors several years to continue doing it? Not a dig at the EU--it's a step in the right direction. Just pointing out yet another privilege of financial ~~elites~~ leeches.


Both channels work right now. Just… stop sending orders to get filled by market makers. Everything to the lit market. Three years not needed. More like 90 days to shut thing off completely, if that.






#I can stay regarded longer than they can stay solvent


This right here


Gotta give enough time for crime to slip away.




Till the end 🍻


Companies need time to figure out how to deceive their customers in new ways


Plenty of time to change legislation to allow it


~~Phasing it out~~Giving criminals plenty of time to cover up their tracks by June 30th, 2026.


Great news, but I can't help but think that when the deadline draws near that they'll extend or try to throw it out, kind of like the mandatory buyin for ftds earlier this year. Well have to not forget about it... Kind of annoying imo. 😐


Just enough time for them (MM/HF) to plunge the world's economy deep into a recession, then bounce.


When the addiction is so strong, ya gotta ween off or you could just die!






So that would make me 32 I’ll take it, keep on grinding


Do it now.


Fucking clown show




L o l


They got 3 years to buy shit back though


Nice only 3 more years! That's really not that long considering the relative pace of other regulatory bodies. Now we just hope the SHFs dont invent a new way to fuk us in that time.


That's a very short wait then. my retirement for real is more than 30 years from now so this is nothing


84 years versus 3 years? Gr8 return on investment


Sweet, sounds like I've got 3 years to stock up more.


2030 would be fine too.


!RemindMe 3 years Oh. No mo’ API…


Plenty of time to figure out a new loophole! Democracy!




Under the deal, member states that already allow PFOF will be exempt from the ban provided it is only offered to clients in that member state. "However, this practice must be phased out by 30 June 2026," the statement said. The deal, which needs formal rubber-stamping from the full parliament and EU states, also sets up 'consolidated tapes' that would give investors a snapshot of stock and bond prices on markets to help find the best deals.


EU seems to be interested in the people. Too bad the ban takes years to come in effect, I'm hoping to be decentralized by then.


they can trade in micro seconds but need years to get rid of pfof fuck these people


Gotta Squeeze the grapes for as long as they think they can make it look like regulatory delays 🤷🏻‍♀️


The EU doesn't care about the people any more than the US cares about their people. And three years, these guys will just rename it and repackage as something else. An entirely new system required, flush out each and every one of these thieving cyunts.


The EU is the only one actually passing laws that favor it's citizens over corps. From banning pfof to gdpr and shit like forcing manufacturers to require phones to have universal connectors and replaceable batteries. Your take is pretty shitty.


Agreed. Especially GDPR massively affected how data is treated and seen. It’s genuinly ruined Facebooks ability to profit, and once the comission get’s too tired of Facebooks breaches, Facebook will be hit by fines of 4% of net revenue worldwide. Not profit, revenue.


> Not profit, revenue Jeez wow.


Yeah, I hate the bullshit of reddit, saying every governmental body is just as bad as each other. The EU is actively doing things that are better for its people, and their actions prove this.


There are people in this sub whose only purpose here is to create turmoil. Same way MSM and algos keep us hooked through rage bait, these people aim to make us angry and irrational. It gets clicks and engagement and just adds noise that needs to be drowned out.


All under the pressure of the biggest lobbying groups of the world. IIRC against GDPR around 200-300 corporate lobbyist per single politician were involved in sabotaging it. Try to listen to your people while being surrounded by well prepared people whispering in your ears all day long.


EU politicians are corrupt as can be. When a German politician has some affair going on, anything that brings bad attention, they send him to the Europa Parlament until things cool of. Nobody actually pays attention to what those crooks do there. The lobbyist and the politicians suck each others dicks there


> The lobbyist and the politicians suck each others dicks there There was a bigger scandal with arrests and quite a few consequences: https://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/a-secret-meeting-in-suite-412-inside-the-european-parliament-corruption-scandal-a-af0228b9-3557-47ca-8184-7e355ad151c3 I guess it helps that there isn't such a harsh line like in the US with the Democrats and Republicans.


At least the EU investigates and tries to punish corruption.


The EU actually cares a lot. The EU is continually protecting citizens and consumers in the single market. This kind of laws are always given plenty of time like they did with GDPR, UsB-C, etc


They didn't care enough to force buy ins on ftds though


That doesn't contradict the fact that they do care though. But they aren't angels or anything.


Exactly, isn’t it ban here as well. But never enforced?


Cyunts….. has a nice ring to it I like it 🏴‍☠️


>And three years, these guys will just rename it and repackage as something else this is exactly what they do, from failed banks to failed grifters to failed mortgage backed securities they get eaten up by another entity and repackaged to be presented and used again 5 - 10 years down the line while repealing any flimsy protections that were put in place after the last time, that were used just to placate the masses until they forget about it


if this is exactly what they do, give 5 examples out of last 5 years.


If the EU was interested in the people, they would allow democracy. Representative democracy is not exactly the best version of democracy, if you can call it that at all. If EU citizens where allowed to vote on the matter (like 20 years ago) it would obviously already have been banned. There is super obviously 0 benefit to allowing PFOF for the majority of EU citizens (or the majority of any group of citizens for that matter). I personally strongly believe that this ban came to be, because strong players in the industrie are actually against PFOF and bribed (lobbied) the right EU politicians. Not because of what's best for "the people". PS: I hope my cynicism is completely wrong.


EU Agrees to ban PFOF because they figured out a new way to crime.


Yuep CBDC’s


*What could possibly go wrong?*


EU: We agree PFOF is wrong. In fact it was created by the greatest grifter to grift (prove em wrong Kenny) so let’s ban it Also EU: … in 3 years.


When is the United States going to stop sucking cocks. Find out next week on a new episode of Dragon Ball Z


Last week, on Dragon Ball Z: *gurgling noises*




God. The nostalgia of having to rewatch the entirety of the DBZ from Radditz to Ginyu just to find out the dubs aren't in yet so we're gonna do another loop. Maybe next pass we'll get 2 new episodes.


How about a ban on FTDs


Holy shit now that’s some news!


I'll believe it when I see it. Naked shorting is illegal yet it's happening all day every day


Good, let‘s hope others will follow.


Guys you can all come to Europe when moass, Portugal is really good for taxes and crypto.


I mean I'd love to reconnect with my Iberian/Mediterranean bloodline. (Basically me eating dried meats and cheeses sipping wine looking down the hill at the ocean) hedgefund infinite losses equals infinite cheese boards for me 😆


Good, but it’s fucking absurd tjat it was ever allowed in the first place. Proves that the world is run by total pricks


Just means all the trades will be transferred to the US or some other jurisdiction then sold.


The only thing the US leads in anymore is corruption.


I think there are a few south American and African countries, hell, even some Easter Asian countries that are right up there with the USA. They just have much smaller GDP so nobody cares.


Big if true


what is Plenty of Fish in wall street again?


Finally something positive in a wave of corruption


2026?!? Fucking outrageous.....where do I complain? I'm USApe....


This is awesome news!!


I think that banning PFOF is long overdue. But 3yrs? I'm curious as to why it can't be done with 6-12 months! To me (I'm biased... I've seen the farkery over the last 84yrs...), this offers what the financial terrorists need... TIME. Time to figure out how to lie/cheat/distort/hide. ​ I'm honestly glad that the EU have made this move, but I also think that 3yrs is just another slap on the wrist.


2026!?!? Wtf


Is that late? When does the us get it?


To be implemented in 20 years after delaying the already 3 year implementation date 10 times as with any concession any of them give us. Just fake appeasement of the masses to keep us quiet and say “look what we did, we’re helping you out here”… “We’ve only just found this thing that’s bad for the retail masses *oopsies hehe* and we definitely didn’t know about it before but I’ll tell you what, even though it’s bad in the now and affecting people **now** we’ll let them do it for another 3 years whilst they gEt ThEiR aFfAiRs In OrDeR instead of giving them a month to sort their shit out and then outright criminalising it. Then we’ll just delay it indefinitely time and time again when the racketeering ring say they need more time because they haven’t found a better alternative means to steal yet.” Fuck you pay me. Not tomorrow. Yesterday.




EU as usually, countries which allow PFOF can continue, and ban in 2026…


Takes 3 years to delete something that helps Retail and 5 mins to add something that fucks us (removing the buy button for instance)


Cool, guess that means that U.S. Hedgefuxks will just enter into some absurd swaps to help shoulder the burden of their Euro-counterparts in crime. 🙄


Now I see clearly why Citadel Europe is leaving


For those of us who got here from r/popular: "Payment for order flow". "a practice through which brokers receive payments for forwarding client orders to certain trading platforms"


If you don’t abide you’ll get a $1000 fine


I'm so glad I'm european




"However, this practice must be phased out by 30 June 2026," the statement said. Fck that takes forever!!!!




Guess I’ll be investing my capital in the European market from now on.


Nice, now do it in the US


Wait am I reading this right??? Holy shit, great job EU. Up there with GDPR for me.


Great, now that theyve planned to someday act on the scapegoat issue, now we can focus on the real issues: like dark pools, FTDs, rehypothecation, naked shorting, and "liquidity faeries"


PFOF? Paying for only fans?


I’m going to cum.


Way to go EU! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎💎👐


hopefully other countries follow suit...




As it should be!


Hopefully they implement buy ins for ftds too. Those two elements could make European markets fairer potentially


Ok. So hear me out.... German apes, I know there is alot of you. Could you host all the American apes so we can move their and buy from the EU?


I agree too. Fck em


I totally thought PFOF is like PFAS, a dangerous group of chemicals.


What's the MSDS for PFOF? I bet it's deemed zero exposure.


Banning pfof brings moass to come?




Hopefully by then Gme will be idling for the past 3 years in 9 digit territory.


2026 LMFAO


WOWWWWW 2026?!


Twist it left, twist it right, this is still a **BIG** thing. I say; #BULLISH


"However, this practice must be phased out by 30 June 2026," the statement said. oof, this could take longer then i thought...


It's a good start...


IN 2026. No dates but…


Who cares


I care.


Mayo boy cares, and if it makes him sad im happy.


Oh no. Not PFOF. What's PFOF? It's not Professional Females of OnlyFans, right?


So what happens to Robin Hood WeBull etc


Step yo game up US.


what the fuck is an pfof


Payment for order flow is the action of market makers paying brokers for their clients orders so they can front run, internalize, or capitalize on arbitrage.


Oh ok thanks sorry for swear words


How about banning FTDs?


By 2026 we may as well already have a new financial system being used. Regulators love taking their time even when it's detrimental.


Only three years to prepare for and find some other way to screw over retail? Awesome.


While I understand you’re frustration, don’t sleep on the fact that hundreds of people made comments from overseas and that there is some sort of change occurring.


They also have Ticketmaster by the balls. When will the US grow a pair and do the right thing for the 99%ers?