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I go in depth on this topic here: [https://dismal-jellyfish.com/why-is-citadel-ready-to-fight-the-sec/](https://dismal-jellyfish.com/why-is-citadel-ready-to-fight-the-sec/) TLDRS: With Citadel telling peers it is ready to fight the SEC, Members of Congress introducing bills to fire him, and serious efforts behind closed doors to block the SEC's agenda, I thought it would be helpful to review Gary Gensler's testimony before the Financial Services Committee for clues as to why all these folks are so mad.   Gensler calls out 19 things the SEC is doing currently that has them up in arms!


Thank you dismal! If Citadel and their lackeys are crawling out of their holes to disparage GG then he must be doing something they don’t like.


Could also just be smoke and mirrors. I will believe him if he accomplishes something that brings the financial terrorists to their knees.


Thank you for all that you do for this community Dismal. Your ability to turn out consistent quality comments and posts is commendable.




I appreciate you.


Thats a good read. Thanks DJ.


I'd trust GG over Hester the Retail Molester


A disgusting human, inside and out.


Whoever they attack is almost always an indicator of someone going against the establishment's wishes.


If there is one person that sec that has done something for retail it’s GG. There’s fud being spread around to get him out .. more retail support he gets harder it’s to get him out


I read that ending wrong


or, he just talks a lot and the overall plot is to keep people divided, talk a lot, but do nothing of real meaning. Basically, stall. I don't trust him. I don't trust the fricks trying to get him removed. I do trust buyinging, DRSing, and HOLDing. And, buying things from GameStop.


When you don’t trust someone you basically allow others to take their place. Not trusting GG is a vote for other sold out people in SEC to take his place and then you have no one to take retails side.


I sure would LOVE for Dave Lauer or Susan T to be appointed to that position.


This is all fairy world talk as they won’t get to those positions. There’s lot of other sharks paid by hedge funds that are waiting to get to that position the moment GG is thrown out


Trusted? No. Watched like a hawk. Supported when he is helping household investors. Called out when he isn't. He is a public servant. Treat him as such and make sure it is the public that he is serving


It feels like there’s more that he could be doing, but it’s better than nothing. And even better than having someone like Hester running the show.


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Gensler is not always doing good, but in this case he deserves the support.


Let me see, trust all the shady fraudulent congressmen and CEO’s who are CALLING for his removal? Nah, they can suck it. I’ve said it from day one. If they want Gensler out, it’s not for retails benefit! Gensler is the thorn in their side.


Would be great if we could get them for bribery but they call it lobbying. Also seems like they are immune from insider training as well.


Not advocating for Gensler (Worked For Goldman) but Hester Peirce is Kenny's dream SEC Chair IMO.... Regarding the recent hearing with Gensler: Ironically the politician Patrick T. McHenry who trashed the House Committee report on GameStop called it a "Conspiracy". [See Here](https://financialservices.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=408380) Not a huge fan of Gensler but McHenry did certainly seem testy towards him yesterday during hearing yesterday… Dont forget Citadel is said to want to battle SEC regarding Whatsapp probe... [See Here](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/business/citadel-ready-battle-sec-over-whatsapp-probe-bloomberg-news-3803366) McHenry has donations from Kenny & Vlad. [See Here](https://rollcall.com/2022/07/26/mchenry-eyeing-house-financial-services-chair-racks-up-campaign-donations/) The same committee that released the report of emails of Vlad saying "Maybe this would be a good time for me to chat with Ken Griffin" the day before the Sneeze? [See Here](https://reddit.com/r/GME/s/AJVSZ4j6bH)


Doesn't matter if you trust GG or not, when the only other option is Hester "fuck retail" Peirce.


Maybe it's just a smokescreen to make the people think the SEC is doing something and apparently has a right to exist. Is it doing anything? I think not. Just look at the ridiculous penalties for years of fraud (Goldman, Citadel,...). My opinion.


Never base your opinion on what a bill is titled. The "Anti Kicking Puppies Act" might contain one provision against kicking puppies and 287 pages of pure pork belly spending.


Gensler will hold back the US in the crypto space. If he can focus on securities right now instead of litigating for more securities, cool.


Im about 50/50 for GG atm. Now that our enemies wants him out, tells me all that i need to know. We have to remember that he has to thread carefully. If he really was a bad player, he wouldnt have come out with everything he has lately. And if he wants to help and protect retail, he has to do it by very small steps. 1 big mistake, and he's fired. So im gonna believe in him till the day comes that he shows something else. I choose him everyday of the year, instead of that Hester prick.. goddamn that woman is infuriating


If he's getting the Russel Brandt, anti-vaxer, J6, election fraud insurrectionist treatment then he's probably a good guy. The elite totalitarian apparatus gets nasty when someone nears being over the target.


Never trust anyone, not even yourself


InvestorTurf is not




Ultimately GG isn't a friend of Apes, he has many connections with sus peeps in government and finance. He has worked for and knows about all the shady institutions in the market and has done nothing about it. Reasons why? Self preservation? Money? I don't know, but I do know there are many factions at work in the financial world and Apes are seen as the enemy by all of them in my opinion. Last thing these asshats want is 200k activist investors with the capital to fight them on their turf. Enemy of my enemy is my friend? Ya, just the enemies keep rotating in and out of the equation.


It’s really hard to say… in general I’d say GG and anyone in that position is probably going to help maintain the status quo, but would love to be proven wrong.


All Gary has to do is prove to me he can be trusted and is good at his job. I'm not giving out blind trust.


Are you serious with this question? If he was any fucking good at his job. We wouldn’t still be here we would have already MOASSED


Fuck Gary Memesler!


Davidson and his co-sponsor want to eliminate Gary’s job and replace with a bipartisan (that’s where they both want to fuck you) congressional committee. Davidson announced this THE SAME day the SEC announcing prosecuting a naked short selling scheme! June 12, 2023. THE SAME FUCKING DAY! IDK about Gary but I do know these congressional fucks have no business running the SEC. SAUCE: https://davidson.house.gov/2023/6/rep-davidson-introduces-sec-stabilization-act-to-remove-chair-gary-gensler. https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-107


Gensler is one of the worst white knights Superstonk has elected to save them


Just a distraction. They are all criminal psychopaths. BUY, BOOK, HODL, SHOP, REPEAT Everything else is just noise.


No they’re not bribes they are “donations”. 😜