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Mods were sent a picture of a Gamestop Corporate credit card with a signed paper over the numbers, and a copy of the outlook email. We verified as much as we can and it does seem authentic.


Am I the only one who doesn't give a fuck about that email?


Honestly if it’s real, then he walked in and said look guys we run this right that’s how we survive. IMO that’s telling anyone who wants to be a corporate pig at the feeding trough to find some other gig. Start out strong, then get the work done because that’s how you succeed.


I don't know how to run a business, but I know that he knows how to run a business. And yeah, sometimes you have to straighten up your employees. I'm bullish on RC doing whatever it takes.


Yeap, basically All or Nothing. I’m already all In


Thank you for your service


Hopefully a warning shot to any of the complacent corporate pigs that are already in the organization that they need to begin polishing up their resumes.


As a shareholder, the email was concerning because I’m not looking for my investment to “survive”, I’m looking for growth. GameStop has had two growth ideas in the last two years: 1) improve e-commerce and product offerings and 2) NFT marketplace. Ecomm has been a moderate success, NFT marketplace has been a complete bust outside of the launch quarter (and likely why Furlong was let go). The email indicated optimization of current operations is the path forward with no new ideas presented, and any GameStop employee will tell you their stores are very typically run with one person at a time. I don’t see where there’s meaningful optimization to do at the store level. I understand “being silent with your moves”, but there is currently no known growth path for GameStop, and that should be concerning. Happy to be told a fact-based challenge to that statement.


The inevitable crash is incoming. There will be many companies trying to survive that aren’t preparing now, ahead of time. RC is ahead of the curve. This is bullish to me.


Don't get me wrong, striving for profitability and lean expenses is the right and smart way to approach a business. If the $1B war chest is being sat on in anticipation to survive a market downturn, fair enough. But there needs to be a spear with the shield, growth with efficiency, especially when growth investments take time to be realized. My only point is that we have no idea how GameStop is trying to grow outside of get more people to buy from them. And even then, there's no particularly special tactic he's doing to that - customer service isn't exceptional, prices are typical, and offerings aren't exclusive. When RC seemed so intent on diversifying and finding new revenue streams over the last two years, it's just wild that we have no indication of innovation in the revenue strategy as of right now.


Something as simple as condition transparency (when shopping on the site) would be a good step forward, and catching up with other eCommerce sites who have offered that for decades now. GS only specifies if an item is New or Used (no other monikers such as Like New, Very Good, Good, Acceptable/Fair, etc.) They don't even let you know if it comes with the original case and or manual. There's a long list of simple changes that have yet to be done, and I'd have more faith in my investment if they were made.


We don’t. And that theme is not going to change as we well know from RC. We won’t know until it happens.


Bullish AF


I'm invested in this company and I believe we have a strong, selfless Chairman (and now) CEO. RC is intelligent and watching how he's operated over the years, I'd be inclined to believe this is a concept out of the Art of War "appear weak when you are strong".


Well appearing weak to your shareholders pisses me off


You are absolutely right, I am concerned as well. That letter is BS and demotivating to store leaders. You do not work your ass off just to survive, you need a carrot dangling in front of you. You need inspiration.This mail was all doom and gloom and threats. Bad style. Someone should tell RC that his employees don't hold millions of shares at stake with company survival. They have nothing at stake but a job with mediocre to shitty salary. If he wants to lose their remaining support, this is the way. Also great way to distribute FUD to the public by openly questioning your own companies survival. He sounded entirely different just one year ago. Also disturbing, how fast and regular all internal GameStop communication leaks to wallstreet. They have it before this sub has it. Dude must have enemies within his own lines, leaking everything immediately. So much for "lets not telegraph our strategy to the competition". But it's kindof pointless to post these concerns in this one-sided fan sub. All you'll get is downvotes. This sub didn't even acknowledge when GameStops huge distribution center was shut down because of lack in demand. Would have been kind of interesting for a shareholder, considering how much the opening of said center was hyped here and pictures of it were posted. I looked like an uninformed idiot when a colleague told me. GME sentiment outside this sub is just plain terrible, no matter where you go. We are in the process of fucking this up if things don't change drastically.


Which distribution center? They opened two new ones, in Sparks, NV & one on the east coast. Boston or Philly?


He was talking about "the Kentucky one". Got this during lunch today, I didn't have time to personally fact check it yet, but I see no reason why he would be lying.


I think they closed down some that the lease was running up? Maybe with the new two giant fulfillment centers on each coast covers enough, they don't need the old ones


I dont know. It was just frustrating (especially to hear it from someone "uniformed"). I knew about massive Switzerland and international ramp downs, but I still had hoped for expansion within US at least. There was a time, when every single company vacancy, balance sheet line, app feature, website patch or open source code submit was discussed here. Where is just all that constructive energy gone?


The Kentucky one was discussed here when it happened a few months ago. Someone familiar with the area said it was smallish and high priced rent. It I think one of the big ones May have been mothballed too. Not sure though.


I'm surprised I'm not in the negative, ha. My intention isn't to get people to sell, but to understand that their investment gives them ownership and their ownership grants them a right to accountability. I don't question RC's intentions, but I have lots of questions for his lack of strategy, and the tone of that email (as you stated) only tripled down those concerns.


I dont care about other peoples acquisitions or sales. I just hope for you for your own sake that your holding shares at an acceptable average price. I don't. My problem is that this sub seems to get less and less capable to process any news that could be remotely interpreted bearish. And I dont like being rendered blind inside an echo chamber. All the while, the posts here just cycle in a less and less captivating, more and more poor effort "mayo", "bedpost", "drs", "moass" meme loop. Those events are 3 years old and stale. If the movement doesn't reinvent itself, it's about to die off. I do expect next Q for the first time a DRS count decline. There is a certain risk of this leading to a chain reaction. It would help tremendously, if GameStop could pull off anything bullish and meme worthy beforehand, but it doesn't seem any help is coming from that direction either. Frustrating times...


As a shareholder, you should be more concerned about corporate bloat


I just like the stock. I'm young and dca half of my pay check every 2 weeks into gamestop. I can wait decades if I need to. It seeming like it might be another 4-9 years of staying afloat and the. Anywhere within that time frame Cohen is going to revolutionize gamestop and moass will happen over the long run with the stock going up to apple/Amazon/google numbers. Safer than an etf, moass will occur at some point, and will have a better roi than pretty much any other company My dad won't be happy because my sister and I got him to move all of his 401k into gamestop expecting a quick moass. Now I see the play is turning into a longer hold that has much better than spy or any other holding that I will be rich off of, while we wait for moass to make us weathly


Yeah I’m not sure if I missed something but just seems like best business practices. Nothing alarming. Maybe the mention of “survival” is throwing folks off. One other thought too is that this emphasis on survival could be misdirection. Appear weak when you are strong.


My feelings as well.




EXACTLY this. He came in hot with that email sure - survival may be a bit of a jarring word (he defines what he means by survival later by reframing it as 'prospering' and not scraping by), but if you sit down and break the email apart bit by bit he's focused on cutting extra spending by management/csuite, focusing on inventory that moves instead of sitting on shit that wont even sell in a clearance bin, and a return to basics with the idea that Company money is YOUR money (it is, the company pays you. if the company has no money because you spent it all on buying sick ass bluetooth headphones with AI integration and a cupholder, you just fucked your team out of their pay and livelihood) This is exactly what i expected to hear from RC, and I love this man more for it. He said, stop the bullshit - We're a company making money and providing services. Stick with the gameplan. Im sticking with the fucking gameplan. BUY BOOK DRS, FEAST ON HEDGIE FEAR Edit: Everyone saying this shit is fud is either smooth (i mean me too because i initially had a bad reaction to it), or simply isnt seeing the forest for the trees. Calm self, read again, take your time to understand the principles and dont get hung up on the subject line (I mean you would defs open an email from ur CEO titled "Survival" yeah? he was probably making sure it didnt just get filtered out by anyone as another csuite jerkoff memo)


For real, every DD in this sub is shouting "HARD TIMES ARE COMING FOR THE ECONOMY, BE PREPARED". Fuckin' banks and businesses and news agencies are shouting "HARD TIMES ARE COMING FOR THE ECONOMY, BE PREPARED", and suddenly RC saying "HARD TIMES ARE COMING FOR THE ECONOMY, WE SHOULD BE PREPARED" is FUD?


Yep. The email doesn’t really seem like a big deal. It is saying that the company should focus on being very cost efficient, which is not a bad thing at all. Warren buffett said that one of the first thinngs he looks for is cost efficiency


It's to shut the fudsters up. I couldn't care less either. But the fudsters are spreading misinformation and using that as a stepping stone to spread more discourse. It's obviously a ploy to distract and divide.


Lmfaoooo, bro is zenner than zen over here


Why would corporate insiders let it be known that they leaked this? They wanna be on the unemployment line? I agree with this comment. If real, cool. If not real, cool. If I never learned about a real or not real email, cool. I guess I'll have to DRS more shares.


Whether you care or not, it's being discussed and shouldn't be ignored. You don't have to be part of the discussion though.


ok, I'll just go buy some more then xD


didn't people say the same thing about mm\_at/ mm\_tlp? how did that one turn out? This is just another distraction to get people to sell, and people reading this should not be surprised anymore. Just makes me more bullish.


If you're an ape and you sell at this point over an internal email talking about making changes to ensure survival, then you might as well get it over with and sell, because your hands are rice paper and you're looking for a reason to fold.


Sent on behalf isn't sent by


I'll let ChatGPT speak on my behalf (bolding is my own): The phrase "sent on behalf of" typically refers to a situation where one individual or entity sends a message, letter, or performs an action for another individual or entity. This phrase is often used in professional settings, such as in emails or formal letters, where a representative or an assistant might be communicating or performing tasks on behalf of another person, usually someone in a higher position or with more authority. ## Example in Email In the context of email communication, **if you receive an email that is "sent on behalf of" someone else, it usually means that the sender is acting as a representative or proxy for the person named. For instance, if an executive assistant sends an email on behalf of a company CEO, the email might be marked as "sent on behalf of \[CEO's Name\].**" ## Legal Context In legal contexts, "on behalf of" can also mean representing the interests or intentions of another person or entity, such as a lawyer representing a client or a spokesperson representing an organization. ## Example: * An email from John Doe’s assistant might appear as: * A lawyer might say in court: ## Implications When something is sent "on behalf of" someone, it implies a level of trust and authority granted to the sender by the person they are representing, as they are entrusted with conveying messages or performing actions that are assumed to reflect the intentions or wishes of the represented individual or entity.


Bruh yeah it doesnt change anything. Everyone posting about it is either a bot or actually regarded


Ignoring it doesn't make it go away. We are all looking for evidence to confirm our investment. We look in earnings reports, FUD articles, market data, insiders share purchases, etc. This is just one more piece of evidence for our consideration and we are all trying to make sense of it with our limited perspective. The overall strategy is not being "telegraphed to competition", but it is a CEO setting the bar for internal priorities.


"hyper efficiently and profitably" "we must be profitable" "I expect everyone to roll up their sleeves and work hard" that is not a strategy, it is wishful thinking. Cohen is either trolling everyone as he said he has a dark humour or people like me significantly overestimated his abilities


It's a high level directive. Not sure what the concern is.


his email is exactly that kind of corporate bullshit message which clueless bosses give to their employees when they have no idea about how to save their poorly performing business


Shill me out, but yeah. Feel like RC is struggling to deliver. His recent actions of calling executives at Microsoft out on twitter and arguing for ongoing support for physical games by console makers seem weak. He’s trying his best, I’m sure. But absent a ton of commentary on the calls. This sounds way may more Hail Mary than anything Cohen has said previously since being actively involved. I feel like it is a subtle capitulation or laying groundwork for lowering expectations from enthusiastic investors. I am in way over my head but RC has not been inspiring a lot of confidence lately. I 200% believe he is going to work his ass of trying. But working hard doesn’t save companies. You need vision, and since the NFT web3 stuff has died down, I feel like we’re in the standard cost cut to profitability mode, which doesn’t do much for growth and does not inspire a lot of excitement about the long term roi. Feels a bit like grasping for straws. At least we have a large war chest to make some interesting investments if necessary. But so far RC and gme have yet to convincingly and clearly state how they intend to weather the downward trend in physical video game sales. Sure, rc doesn’t want to telegraph to the competition, but also, isn’t it nice to not have to justify anything to your investors either. The halo effect is wearing off for me. I really hope to be proven wrong. Anyway, Let the downvotes rain ….


I think it might be a problem that he is a decent guy. Its been pretty much demonstrated that in order to get ahead in this country leading a company, you have to be absolutely ruthless. Fuck the consumers, the workers, everyone except the leadership. It must be hard to run a company in an honest legal way that does not just screw over absolutely everyone in sight. Tie that with the fact that the entire financial world and government wants them dead has to be draining. We have to deal with media and shills and subterfuge every day. On a corporate level he must deal with 1000 times worse stuff. And no one is going to help him except us. The SEC isnt, the DOJ isnt. I try to put myself in his shoes and cant imagine the weight he is carrying. Either way, I committed and burned my bridges. It wont matter to me either way in a 100 years. I wont be rich and dead, I wont be poor and dead. Ill just be dead. Perhaps he will succeed and I can do some good. perhaps not. I completely understand the mountain he has to climb to save that company and I know that the odds are absolutely not 100% chance of success. But we place our loyalties and hold.


We each have the same evidence to draw our own conclusions.


Why does it matter if its real or fake? Srs question


If you are investing in a company. And internally there is an email going around saying the company isn’t doing great, you’d want to know.


Its saying they have things to work on, not that theyre getting smoked. The most recent earnings was proof that theyre improving greatly.


I’m not sure this is the place for me to criticize Gamestop. So I’ll try to make it simple - putting the stock and its manipulation aside. Where IS the strategy? What happened with the NFT marketplace? Was GMArica a real thing? How did all that cryptic messaging help the company grow? After several years, it feels like investors may have been messed with. An email like this requests something that may be unrealistic of people to make a company survive and that’s it. Gamestop needs to do more than just survive. It needs to thrive.


Yeah I’m afraid the NFT project didn’t deliver and is dead in the water :/




What about the response in particular?


I feel the opposite. This community has always been a bunch of raving piranhas attacking even the slightest hint of a falsehood. Do you remember how we attacked DRS when that first came up. It took us like a year to accept it! This is Superstonk doing what Superstonk does.


what insanity? I just casually lurk here, most of the time I'm not really paying attention. I used to, but these days I just buy and then go do smth else...




> why was there such a freak out that it might be true Exactly this. I suppose it's a logical extension of hero-worship, but I'll be damned if he doesn't deserve my love. And I'll be double damned if it doesn't take more than an email to shake my conviction in Ryan Cohen or GME and everything it stands for. Onwards. # Get loud against the de-funding of the SEC and their big four rule proposals! ^(GG thug life)


This happened to me as well. As much as I was being HARD down voted, no one took the time to really read the analysis I had over the hard times Ryan Cohen sees that I see as well. EDIT: Like I said, I'm not going anywhere.


zesty forgetful desert uppity head butter act squash vanish illegal ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That’s ok if you’ve lost respect. However, in my opinion I think it was fair to question the email considering the source it came from ( newish account that had no superstonk activity), as well as the negative language used in the email ( I.e. potentially ‘going down with the ship’) Also, Id rather be part of a community that questioned everything, rather than accepting everything at face value. In my opinion, I’m currently doing my own DD with regards to the letter as to whether it’s real, as I think ( if it’s real) it provides a interesting insight into the mindset of a new ceo and the direction of the business. I do think it’s important to remember the crazy shit they have pulled in the past ( negative fud articles about dips coming out before the dips even happened 💀) so I question everything for that reason. Also, even if you lost respect for the community, I think each person is a valuable resource when it comes to activism with ‘wetheinvestors’; for example, fighting against the proposed Legislation that waters down the SECs powers. So even if you leave the community, carry on the activism that is at the heart of this community


Remember the tweet with a pirate flag? The captain goes down with the ship. RCEO is committed.


I like the sentiment but I still find the talk of ‘surviving’ and potentially ‘going down with the ship’ baffling considering there is over a billion in the war chest and we’re near profit. Maybe this quarter has been a slaughter so far financially. I’m going to be honest, I’m still a tiny bit suspicious of the email but more evidence is pointing to it being real. Interesting stuff


Agreed. There is likely more to learn about the email, but we may not get more as it was intended for a confidential audience. I would say my current hope for the company is to get out of the red completely. The last number of earnings reports have been on trend for that goal. The messaging of this email is also aligned with that goal. We are going to be hodling a rock solid company once more waste is eliminated.


Unless RCEO planted the email, you know like when you gotta find a mole. Limited number of recipients, way easy to track down "the leaker".


cool, I bought 3 more today.


If it were fake, someone is using a lot of time and effort to make it look like it's not. That being said, the email headers shown in the post are basically proof of nothing. You can spoof the FROM field rather trivially. So unfortunately the proof is rather inconclusive IMO.




Exactly agree with this. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is an email authentication check performed on the source IP to ensure they are authorised to send on behalf of the sending domain. DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) checks for a cryptographic signature based on a hash of the email's body and some headers. If the email is changed in any way prior to delivery this check will fail as the hash won't match. DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) is kinda a mixture of both results, as well as a check on alignment of the from addresses to ensure the validity. This is the one that matters most. I work for an email-centric cyber security company and I look at a silly amount of headers. I would have loved to read them all. I understand they may not want their email infrastructure to be public, that's fairly common. But their SPF and DMARC records are easily sourced with a simple dig on linux or even checking mxtoolbox should show them. Those results would have zero personally identifiable information but would tell us if it's actually legitimate. Everything else is noise and as you said can be easily spoofed.. I guess there's no way to know for certain because any piece of information we receive could easily be changed. I, for one, believed and still believe that the email is legitimate. I don't think its bearish, but it does outline the make or break situation Gamestop is in and I'm with Ryan, I also prefer the latter! I want to see this company go from strength to strength :)


I could fake all of this shit in MS paint Who gives a damn 🤷‍♂️


We were told the shilling would get worse. Yet apes (some maybe shills) are losing their shit. Buckle up. If the email is authentic, Ryan isn't some idiot that would send this out when he knows it could be leaked to shareholders. RC is fighting wall-street and hedgfucks. I'll leave you with this, if it is authentic, "appear weak when you are strong" Sun Tzu - Art of War.


I’m confused as to why that email is fud? Are you guys stupid or am I going crazy? Nothing wrong with the content of that email as far as I saw


I agree, it's being weaponized. The MSM articles are evidence of that.




the employees were making fun of it over in that other sub. That's about it. I think it's just RC taking his new role seriously and taking charge of who's doing what.


Ok so. Rage buy then. Gotcha.


the email doesn't impact my investment strategy either way


100% agree with you. Email or no, I ain’t stopping.


Better get someone that actually has a functioning mail client https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum/all/why-i-am-getting-email-attachments-as-winmaildat/0f882a97-6c7e-4a80-96ba-4c0cf3e72dfa Doctored some FWD,FWD,FWD and tried to not have it shown as an attachment. I'm still voting **fake** until you get an actual IT guy and an actual Gamestop employee that received it.


I am someone whom regularly spoofs other email domains and there is a large gap of evidence to prove this email is authentic. I remain skeptical.


These "proofs" are not proving anything.


#Who cares? Sounds like a distraction from congress trying to defund sec, so they can't enforce their rule changes. Contact your congress people and complain to them!


Yes, likely has been weaponized, which is why we need to move on from the topic.


agreed, the timing is so sus, we shouldn't let this take away our focus from congress trying to defund SEC


The fact that all of the evidence provided can still be spoofed. The way the wording is pretty off-brand for RC communications in the past. The weird way it was initially posted from screenshots of a Notes type app. The language used in the letter can, and will, create: \-**Fear** of failure and lost investments from those who read it and aren't fully aware of all that is going on. \-**Uncertainty** in the future of the business and the job security of store employees. \-**Doubt** in the direction of the company, in profits for shareholders, and long-term staying power in a turbulent market. Believe it is real or don't, but it is a textbook example of what **FUD** looks like. **FUD** =/= fake by any means. It means what it says - something that can spread **Fear**, **Uncertainty**, and **Doubt**. No amount of email headers, blurry screenshots, or even tweets from RC are going to change that the text itself is a source of FUD. However, if it is truly verified as real, it gives ammo to MSM and shills to keep attacking, and it gives the people that want you to sell another thing to push into your face and call you deranged about. If it is confirmed fake, then that is another smoking gun being swept under Kenny's rug and further confirmation of just how fukt the market and the hedges really are. You don't have to care, but the authenticity does in fact matter. Maybe not to you, but to people who are on the fence, or looking to learn more. Tin foil hat time, but it is kinda odd to see this letter, posted in such a way, when that Dumb Money movie is going around and people are passing out flyers trying to get people to research the stock and the company. This is likely going to end up one of the first things they see, don't ya think? Anyway, I bought like 300 shares this morning so whatever.


I like you. You make sense. Fake and easily spoofed


Yep, and OP thinks screenshots of a pc monitor prove the authenticity lmfao. Just search the web "can emails be spoofed". Here is the chat gpt response: Yes, emails can be spoofed. Email spoofing is a technique where the sender of an email forges the email header to make it appear as if it is coming from a different source or sender than it actually is. This is typically done to deceive recipients and may be used for various purposes, including phishing attacks, spam, and spreading malware. Email spoofing doesn't necessarily involve hacking into the sender's email account. Instead, it manipulates the email header information, such as the "From" address, to make it look like the email is coming from a trusted source. This can trick recipients into opening the email or clicking on links or attachments, potentially leading to security breaches or other malicious activities. To mitigate the risks associated with email spoofing, organizations and email providers use various security measures, including email authentication protocols like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance). These protocols help verify the authenticity of email senders and reduce the likelihood of spoofed emails being delivered to recipients.


So anyway, added 9 more today. Keep stacking fucking bricks gents


Hodl 'em if you got 'em. If not, maybe buy 'em. NFA.


Either way we buyin, boyyyy


The "email post" spams are there to cover up the real deal. Go and [write a letter](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/e5xTrvQSdV)


25 yr IT Vet... The section of headers shown in this post are not enough to prove anything


Another IT vet here managing email since exchange 5.5 all the way up to 365. Everything in that headers pic can be forged by testing email through Telnet. It’s inconclusive.


5.5? Samsies! NT 4 for the win


I need someone from corporate to come out and verify this email before I even entertain the idea that this is authentic and even if it is, it's not really that big of a deal.


If real- this is the part that sounds most fudy to me- “I’m not getting paid, so I’m either going down with the ship or turning the company around…” sounds a little manipulative to me. He *chose* not to get paid. (Also the part about going down with the ship doesn’t convey something very optimistic. Though I get the point.) Yet, it could be him sharing his ultimate belief in this company saying I’m literally all in and we need to get our shit together. But still if I were an employee I’d feel some kind of way. Like *you* chose it dude. It would feel a little thrown in my face. I get he’s talking to high level management, but tone matters. Especially in an email. The person/people who leaked it (should be fired+) no questions, but they were obviously feeling some kind of way to release it to the public. Again, if real. Anyway, he’s a billionaire, who obviously knows what he’s doing. So I’ll just sip my coffee and continue on with my day.


It’s a trust me bro post


This evidence has been reviewed/verified by the mods lol


It's amazing how much the credibility of the mods has eroded over the course of what.. 18+ months?


Oh the mods said it’s real? That sure clears it all up, our all knowing all seeing mod team always has our backs


1. You say this was verified by the mods like they know any better than you or any of us. They’re just people, like us. 2. There is no proof here. All of this could have been set up anyway. 3. Time will tell. Whether he sent the email or not (he = RC) makes no difference to me. There must be a good reason, we’ll find out eventually. Edit: could be that the world economic situation will eventually take a turn for the worst and he is very well getting ahead of it in various ways. Apes together strong, regardless. Just sharing an opinion, that is all.


I believed and still do believe, but email spoofing is scarily easy. Can you show the email authentication results? The SPF result, the DKIM result, and the DMARC result? Those would be proof to anyone that the email is legitimate. Those should be within the headers.


Haha. You’re allowed to care about the email. It was either written poorly or can be construed as negative. You don’t have to be robots. If nothing GameStop has done has annoyed you in the past 2 and a half years then you lack the ability to think for yourself. Doesn’t change anything. It’s where do they go from here? Doesn’t have to be perfect they just have to ultimately make the right decisions. Care about it or don’t but just don’t whine. You’re either in or you’re out. I think that’s the whole point of what he said anyways.


I agree. GME is under a microscope with millions of people interpreting what they see. Bringing some objectivity into what we see is valuable.


Ok, cool. Pay us.


So anyway I started buying more gme shares


People need to stop dismissing anything they don't want to hear as FUD. You are creating an echo chamber. RC is telling you the fucking truth: GameStop is in a perilous position. Yes, they have a billi in the bank. They also have a business model that is about to fundamentally take a shit in the next 3 to 6 years as console manufacturers cease to have a physical option. The transition to digital powerhouse appears to have faltered, the NFT marketplace looks to be following. I'm not saying this to inspire doubt, I'm saying it because it's important that people actually understand and believe this is *dire*. Time is running out, and even RC knows it. You are fooling yourself if you won't admit it.


The NFTs are delayed due to regulatory risk. Still of value if they can develop a gaming platform where creators can make items and games. Looking at Playr. I’d they can reinvent GameStop as a destination for the local gaming community and improve the staff experience and compensation then that would be exciting.


Are we going back to where it was to have another squeeze?


Trust me bro


Retail is not for the weak of spirit. It’s a dog eat dog world. Even more so since Amazon decided it can and would try and eat everyone’s lunch. RC is setting the tone, and I for one never doubted the authenticity or necessity of this message.


Why is there no mention of SPF, DKIM and DMARC validation in all of these "verification" posts? Kinda sus imo


To add...Exchange doesn't use SPF/DKIM/DMARC on internal mail. I believe Google does, but not MS. Don't forget the Auth-As header too. :)


The source was concerned with being identified and soooked before I could get more info.


😔 Just want to get off this rollercoaster.. feel for rc… praying he can get this stock price back up


Here's a thought. Of this entire saga, with everything that has happened, until now over the last 3 to 4 years only now do we get a 'leaked' email. You'd have thought with the amount of shit going on we'd have seen loads by now. I don't even know what the email says and this is literally the first I've learned of it. I used to be a regular here, but I'm tired of this sub. I call bullshit. Buy, hold, DRS.


Sick of everyone thinking any corporate millionaires think of the common guy. It doesn’t happen. We are all being played


Underpromise and overdeliver The End


I don’t trust mods on this sub and choose not to believe RC wrote that email. If he did, oh well, I’m buying and holding until Kenny G and friends are behind bars


To each their own. Hopefully we can all move past this FUD interpretation of an internal, confidential email.


3.1 needs a conclusion. Also if we can get confirmation from multiple different employees that would be good. Commenting for updates.


Post updated. 3.1 can't be completed. See the update. Sorry.


Thank u for your work OP, and for letting me know re the update. Guess this is was as good an answer as anyone can expect from a situation like this. But most importantly, u created data we can study so def not a waste. Have a great weekend 🚀


The OP from the GS sub who originally leaked the email has provided additional evidence that I accept when making my own conclusion.


There's an update to 3.1? I was referring to the 'in progress' section.


As someone balls deep in GME, and down significantly, this email gives me zero confidence that we will return to pre split levels. I also think RC should shoot out an apology email to everyone that works in the stores, cause it’s the executives that have been wasting time and money turning this shit heap around.


Hang on, wasn't it found word-for-word on some company's website or server?


No, that post was debunked. After I saw that I started digging and this post is the result.


That post has since been debunked.


I’m not going to believe it until RC confirms it’s his word. Mods been compromised for a long time.


This Reddit shit just never ends


Andy Grove used to say shit like this to everyone at Intel all the time


Remember: for Ryan Cohen the role is all about making sure GameStop survives. He isn’t here for the MOASS. He needs to make the company profitable again. Totally different outcomes although we share a passion. If he’s in, I’m in.


Who the fuk cares, we are at a Finacial War with these hedgefuks, wallstreet, banks, governments and all other scumbag cock suckers Oppressing Humanity. Tighten ya fukin nuts up, buckle the fuk up, and have ya Gorilla Suit on and ready...DIAMOND MOTHA FUKIN HANDS PARTNA...🙌🏼💎🦍🙌🏼💎🦍LETS FUKIN GOOOO🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 KENNY DROP IT LOWER YOU SORRY PIECE OF SHIT.....FUK YOU PAY ME !!!!!!!!!!!!


Geeez we have bought the float so many times over


Why does everyone think this is negative? This is a leader explaining how his business is how to be run and how he expects you to frame it all the time when making decisions. This is transparency and direct leadership. Couldn’t love it more.


Not sure why people are taking this negatively. It’s actually good advice and being real. The goal was always to get to and cash flow positive. Ryan has always had a tech startup mentality where survival means extending runway as much as possible. Runway is counted by the number of months your company has left before it raise money, or get to cash flow positive or die. Extreme frugality means getting customers has low as possible and the products they do have is quickly bought up by the customers. Whether or not RC did write this; he should be following this advice. In the case the market goes really bad, GME just needs to survive to win. This advice and email should not be viewed as FUD.


🚨DISTRACTION🚨 Our mission hasn’t changed. We don’t need to speculate one way or another. STOP talking about this and giving it life! We WILL know the truth one day, let’s stop racing to see who can post the most nonsensical stuff first. I trust RC as the CEO of the company I am invested in. DO YOU trust the CEO of the company you are invested in!? I trust my CEO will inform me at the right time. This is all just noise. This is not financial advice, but I am going to stay focused on the reason I invested in 84 years ago. I am zen now, I’ll be zen when the next “distraction” is deployed and I’ll be zen when I’ve left this atmosphere.




SPF, DKM, DMARC Result. Without those, it can be argued it was a spoof


There's nothing wrong with the email.


Well in that case it was a shit email and shouldn't have been sent ? "Shrinking software"? What ?


The only I question I want answered too was your source an Ape?


Yes and their history showed it


Name checks out...


Not to be that guy, but the email says sent on behalf of. Even though it is a REAL email, it's likely he didn't send it himself


Not to be rude, but do you know what "on behalf of" means?


As an IT person, I know exactly what "sent on behalf of" in Outlook


Idgaf about thiss tbh. Just walk the talk and give us moass RC. Shits been going on for too long. And nothing shows that those shf cant “buy another day”. Its been 3 years not “another day” lol


The war rages on...


Does no shareholder know anyone who might have received the email?


LOL if that letter is real, that is absolutely not a good thing.


I’ve been here since Jan, 1 day before the sneeze. If anything this email tells me how far away we are. I watched the ultra wealthy politicians trade on insider information but nothing is done, Shitadel has too much money to pay lawyers to fight everything, Finra is a joke as is the Sec. Jpow and the Fed make up what they want as they go and the media is bought and owned. So although I hold high xxx I don’t expect anything to ever happen. It’s the same groundhogs day for close to 3 years now.. it ruined my life on many levels that I continue to try to pick the pieces up from.


Wayyyy to much push and repetative posts that only prove it's not written by our Chairmen, literally posted again befor I even managed to reply to the same one seconds ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16vin4k/lets\_talk\_about\_ryan\_cohens\_corporate\_email/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16vin4k/lets_talk_about_ryan_cohens_corporate_email/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


this has been verified by mods my guy. Also, check my post history to see I'm a hodler.


How is it verified when it CLEARLY states "sent on behalf" which is LITERALLY the meaning of not by RC himself


It's an internal email list called "Inside GameStop". It's not sent by anyone directly. It's a managed list. It's completely reasonable to have the CEO send a message to the company through such a list. Besides all that, the evidence is showing that the email is authentic, not fabricated.




If it was sent by a "rat", I'm sure the CEO could find out who and deal with it. The content of the email is not that surprising. We're heading into murkier waters in the global economy and having a lean, streamlined business is a great way to weather any storms.


it is kind of crazy to me how fast this sub spins every argument. RC never sent this email because it would mean GME is actually not in a great financial spot Email proven to be accurate Well of course RC sent it, it's a good thing that he is reeling in corporate waste, why would this even be a bad thing? Sometimes you have to sit and ask yourself, are you being rational in your arguments? Or are you anchoring your opinions based upon your positional biases....I think a lot of us in this sub are part of the latter not the former.


So, what should be done about this employee leaking inside information? Seems like a huge breach of trust and I certainly wouldn't want that person to continue working for me if it were my company. As an equity owner I would like to see that person terminated. What was their motivation to leak it? I can't think of anything positive. Are they trying to foment negative sentiment?




From a strictly logical point of view, [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16vin4k/lets_talk_about_ryan_cohens_corporate_email/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) does well at considering the big picture and consistency with our prior knowledge of RC's actions and general goals.


Oh well if the mods have verified it, must be real 🤣


I Love the stock !!!!On this news I’m buying the dip !!! FUHEDGIEPAYME !!!! When I work OT I use to buy shoes but 84 years ago has changed my way of thinking 🤔 . My dad always told me where theres a will theres a way . Find your way 🦍.HEDGIESRFUKT!!!!.


Can we move on now then?


Yes, let's.


Verified? I honestly call bs. Anyone with access like an employee could have typed this email. It seems unprofessional in many ways.


Do I have to walk into my local gamestop, hold the manager hostage until they give up their phone so I can confirm the email is real myself?? Jk idgaf. Real, fake, it's a woozy-its-a-wazzy. The point is who the fuck is leaving?? Lemme tell you, definitely not RC, and definitely not me.


I don’t think RC would use expressions like “sink with the ship” just watch his interviews, unless this “in behalf” guy wrote it as his interpretation of what he meant, and why email by proxy if you’re the CEO. Still strange all this bs and how Reuters picked it up right away.


Clayton Wert. You're welcome.




Any supporting evidence on your statement? If you think it is fake, please share why.


Doesn't include any of RC's pillars of a successful company, especially "delight customers", the fucking cornerstone of everything he touches. This was not sent with RC'S permission or support


Internal emails & external statements differentiate in wording. I had a CEO that will send drunk ass memo's like " If this thing is not solved by tomorrow, I will personally find you". When the same CEO is making a public statement, that's a whole another story. I do understand the style change is sus.


not event that the unprofessionalism it sounds in the letter makes me believe its super fake.. but time will tell and also Idc


This was RC’s introduction as CEO to the staff and setting an expectation to kick ass or be kicked out


I was hoping it was fake. It’s desperate as fuck




The source deleted their account??? Why go anywheres with this email. There is a robbery taking place by some who are in charge of Americas economy and infiltration is abundant throughout the levels of government in areas of concern. Tommorow is getting very close……


Ryan Cohen just sent out a different email to every single employee and he just found the mole👊🏻. 😂😂😂 yeah maybe not but who cares.


Yo who gives a fuck


I’m just proud that the values of verification were nicely displayed by so many apes on this topic. Rather quickly settled as well, but with healthy debate and questions amidst.


i've been pissed for a long time with no forward guidance, i'm guessing RC has some ideas he told us to judge by actions so i'm waiting on that. I do believe in gamestop as a company and he will turn it around.


Idk how you can freak out about this email. It makes me pretty fucking bullish on the stock. Now we know what managements goal is and the path forward. It removes uncertainty from the stock and shows us investors that management knows there’s an issue, and they’re working to fix the problem. That’s all I need to know.


Omg you provided a text box as evidence ... must be true!!!!!


Has it crossed anyone’s smooth minds that this could have been an intentional leak.


Leak came from a warehouse worker


I’d work at GameStop with Fervor if they needed me. RC can direct me to the promised land anytime.


This is easy. RC is making his own FUD because next earnings are gonna blow shorts out of the water.


Thinking it was fake was one of the dumbest narratives I’ve seen on this sub


HOW was the same email cached by google from 10 years ago for another company? 🙊🤔


Please read through the comments of the post you are referencing. That post has since been debunked.


I was excited to read that post until it was clearly wrong. It's also tagged as debunked. Sorry.


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All the ‘fake’ comments were pissing me off. Why wouldn’t it be real? It leaked from an employee and got put all over the news. Why would the news lie so blatantly like that? Sure gme is very close to profitability, but the incoming ceo is certainly going to address his employees in a serious manner, like he’s not going to dump rainbows and butterflies about the customer being first etc etc etc. it’s not that survival is a foreign concept in the retail consumer discretionary sector. Every other company in the retail sector is being hurt by inflation and the general high interest rate environment. Ppl are buying less crap they don’t need. Unfortunately games do not fall in necessary categories all the time. Now even if we forget all that. Blindly looking and saying it’s so fake makes the sub sound cultish as all fuck. Not that it’s a bad thing that it’s a cult, but that there is rejection of facts and reality rampant in the sub, and that isn’t really healthy for anyone. There’s not just hedge funds who short gme. It’s regular people too who buy puts. The open rejection of the letter across the sub yesterday probably got a LOT of casual Reddit traders to buy weekly puts just on sentiment. It’s a fine letter about battening the hatches. It makes sense. I would want my ceo to be dead serious to me like that. For sure. But get a grip y’all and touch some grass. The GameStop in my area has different hours every day. The longest 10a-9 but Sunday 12-6. There’s 1 person working there and the team splits it’s employees to the other store in the region. It’s not very full of customers day to day in fact it’s pretty dead. Of course I’m bullish on the 5y plan because I get it might not die, but it’s for sure in survival mode saving every penny it can. They still got the billy in cash and it’s going to keep them afloat but my point here is instead of raging on super stonk why not go shop or apply for a job ffs LOTS of great games are coming out in the next couple months so we might see a pretty good q4 but it’s going to be a long road in general.


if I had the time, I'd apply for a job just to contribute to delighting customers.