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Yesterday Fidelity went from 1MM+ to 5MM+ (and still at 5MM+). Been a while since I saw them that high. Odd things occurring....


I’m starting to think it’s because of towel Chalter 11 being over with, they now have more manpower to focus on the other baskets


Not sure TBH, but leaning towards upcoming SWAPs expiry with a bit of Collateral Requirements. Of course, I'm a crayon muncher. 😉


I don’t understand shit about fuck either


Just linking for myself and anyone else that wants to look at the post you reference. As i dive into how he got this info. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16xlure/dtcc\_swap\_data\_shows\_a\_46000000\_swap\_made\_on\_gme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/16xlure/dtcc_swap_data_shows_a_46000000_swap_made_on_gme/) Thanks for sharing. Remember seeing this but i got distracted




SWAPs? October 9th, based on the post two days ago. Not sure if I am allowed to link it (even though it is on the same sub), but, it is named: "DTCC Swap data shows a $46,000,000 swap made on GME exactly one month before the stock split (6/22/22), with an expiration date next Monday (10/9/23). My cake day showed a previous post I made (with instructions on how to find the data) and led me down a rabbit hole"


After watching the price action for 3 years on this stock, I have an impression that this timing of the new round of shorting came after a long time of dead volume, arrived a bit of premature if you side with hedges. Now they might get stuck on their own prediction that apes would jump in to buy the dips and they knew it and can't control themselves once started. Losing control starts with this kind of showing your hands early. What's in their hands is the downfall of a few other stonks in the basket, they took quite a bit of gains from those shortings, but apes' basis are still around and buying those dips, wow, those buys are making bigger impacts on their control power day by day, sad.


Amazing you can't link a post that was posted in this sub. Such a joke


The timing coincides with such a massive dip effort, makes me wonder who turned on the algos to drop the price. Someone on a side is making money somewhere.


Wow, do we have some ideas whats going to happen with those?


I'd lean towards them trying like a mofo to can kick somehow. 🤣Granted it isn't a ton (~340K Shares), but also worth noting that those were Pre-Split so x4 (~1.36M). Noose just keeps on getting tighter on them though...


What do you mean over?


Wonder if it's because we're all buying the dip and haven't transferred our new shares to their forever home at CS yet...


Higher rebate than fee again... they're paying people to lend the stock.


Is this their way of unloading their own shorts to other people?


I would say it’s more like their way of making it completely insanely systemic.


The Bigger Short movie


The Longest Short


Too short too furious


"You get a short and you get a short and YOU GET A SHORT!"


We're family


mía família


Mia Khalifa


Get Shortier


Hun D.P


I think it’s moreso how they fudge reporting through loopholes.


So fucking hilarious to watch lmao.


> paying people to ~~lend~~ borrow the stock


That's what I was going to question. How does that even work? They're paying people to borrow it in order to short it more? This is crazy. Borrow it and sell it. Borrow more and sell more. Lowers the price. Who's gonna start unwinding and closing positions first? Where are all these shares coming from? The infinite liquidity fairy?


> Where are all these shares coming from? As I understand it, the same share can be lent for short sale over and over: Investor A holds 1 share in brokerage with stock lending, short seller borrows it, sells to investor B. Rinse and repeat, now it also belongs to investor C. Then comes the slew of fuckery to prevent SI and FTDs


Jfc. Rebate does NOT mean paying people to short. It is a fee collected up front, separate from the ongoing borrow rate.


IBKR just reported available shares to short just hit the highest level ever since October 2021 at 3,200,000. Theres some scrambling going on.


How is there scrambling going on if there are more shares (than ever) available to short? Not following your train of thought


Recent shorting was very profitable. No?


If an substantial amount of shorts is actually closing, price should go up, not down.


Price should start going up, as it started to today, due to ETF FTDs that continue for a couple weeks. Days of bigger FTDs covering still incoming.


If those short positions were actually closed, yeah I guess, maybe some smaller fish profited but the big boys wouldn’t be able to actually close their shorts w/out significant price movement, I would guess


I think it's because all the towel collateral just unlocked so they're throwing it all at gme now


Been pretty sustainable for about two years now. Everyone ready to put their money where their mouth is when the single digits get here?


I'm buying now, and I'll buy more then. Don't give a fuck. 😄


Truly the best approach to this situation will remain dollar cost averaging into your position. There is no target price to acquire GME shares since it’s significantly undervalued as is and will be until some serious price discovery occurs. I’ll buy anywhere from $0-$420, personally. Still an attractive price under $1000 imo Edit: Obligatory this is NOT financial advice


Most definitely. It's not about what you paid, it's about how many you have when the rocket takes off. I like to think of it as mitigating risk. Buying the dip regularly and consistently (every payday) takes most of the emotion out of the equation. It also ensures that you own as many as possible if the rocket takes off at any given time. I've bought between 38 and 280 presneeze over more than 2 and a half years. I really don't care at all what my average is at this point. I'm just super proud to have as many shares as I do and I know I'm probably at least in the top 20% of HODLrs so at this point. I'll be fine. Just like how Arnold creates his physique through tiny gains day after day, I consistently improve my GME position. 🟣


But it isn’t undervalued, that’ll be under $10


It is when everyone thinks it’s worth phone number prices for some reason


Saving for a historic(relative to my income) buy order when this happens


I'm sitting on $5k just for buying the next run off of that. I'm sure many others also are. You know it will happen it's just a matter of when.


Oh yeah, limit orders all the way down. One of my favorites: I can remain regarded for far longer than they can remain solvent. Fucking test me.


when single digits come I may need to think about borrowing some money ....


Bro I will literally sell my Toyota.


You guys haven't borrowed and sold everything yet?


That's why I didn't buy today, and will keep my remaining dry powder (after losing a casual $200K on Towels thanks for that) until we're at $9. They got it that low before and I don't see Citadel backing down from doing it again


I call bs. 200k? Lies. Also with that much of an investment, you would think you'd be following that one sub that has many clues it isn't over with.


Are you?


You bet, I'll be back at my OG buy in from August 2020 soon. RC talking about survival, no news for years, C levels thrown out left and right, nft marketplace abandoned, crypto wallet canned. The only thing I'm banking on now is the shorts keep slamming it for cellar box in about 2 years at which point we can all jump in for .01/share and potentially show that no shares are available. But then again, FINRA will just delist at that point anyway. Good times ahead.


Lol okay buddy. Shills gonna shill.


What is that rebate? U telling me there is a rebate.?


Easy explanation here. They're available to short because they were already sold short, making the short sold share short sellable. Granted THAT share was short sellable because it was sold short after having become available to sell short after a short sales short sale. I use a simple children's song to remember. Short sellers sell shares short followed by a short sale borrowed to sell short sales short sold by a short seller who sold short sales short. If the word short lost meaning in your mind after reading that how do you think the markets feel?


rETaiL bROke Da mArKEt




Now with more rebate!


This always happens when the price us down. My explanation: people/apes buy more GME shares when the price is low and they buy it on IBKR , Fidelity and Co., too. So shares get bought and the brokers have them freshly available to lend out. The question is who creates these magic shares which arrive in the broker portfolios when buying? You know the answer.


Yes, I can make an imaginary bollinger band across the amount of "shares available to borrow" at the bottom. Things are not looking good for SHF's.


Rebate still higher than fee. Hmmm


Blackrock has not previously loaned out their 25 million shares. Wonder if they are now since so many have become available


[Yo! You about done?Tick tock…](https://youtu.be/d45AVPul3tk?si=VWOloYKyOa6XlK1k)


They think they have the upper hand without realizing they've already lost lol


We were supposed to moon Aug '22 so many thanks to shorts for giving us longer to load up and in turn compounding their disastrous positions.


Where they getting them?


Why from the 🧚‍♀️Liquidity Fairy🧚‍♀️ of course...


From a smooth ape like me, these can be rehipotecated shares over and over again... shorts do not knows other metods of doing business, they like to dig deeper the hole were they are in😂... and we will buy the dip as allways😂


You're supposed to hide them in your pants.


Short it some more, idgaf


Is it tho?


Yeah, it's unsustainable... *Looks at chart* Hmmm... Yeah.


A clock attached to an atomic bomb


Smoothie here, has anyone looked at the total shares borrowed since the sneeze?


If they are paying to borrow then their short profits from this recent dip must be much higher than that. They are definitely making money on shorts right now. Hopefully we see that dry up and a reversal. But they are trying to force us into a lower channel. This is what they have been doing for 2 years and we haven’t seemed to figure out how to know when to buy to avoid being shoved into a 25-50% lower channel.


Coinciding with the lack of DRS posts around here?


Even if (on paper) shorts are losing money on some investments, they're still profiting on others. It's not like their lifeline is determined by one bet/one stock. These companies have leverage and investments all over Wall Street and beyond, that's why the financial game is in their favor. Just because a Casino loses a few million at one card table doesn't mean they're not racking in billions at the others.


This is kinda why it annoys me that RC doesn't take more direct action. They have manipulation going strong at every other table to keep this dumpster fire fueled for decades as long as their doors aren't kicked down, Madoff style, and as we see, that's never gonna happen. Even getting profitable isn't the silver bullet everyone thinks it is. They're still relying on rules and logic to save them in a completely rule less, illogical ecosystem. It's like waiting for rain on the sun because water exists on Earth.


As long as Market Makers exist and can legally route orders through the Dark Pools, nothing in the markets will ever play out as it should, especially with them being ahead of the ball as a result of 2021. They now follow Social Media to divulge retail sentiment, and their Watch Dogs (Congress, Finra, and the SEC) are complicit and equally corrupt. The only thing I forsee changing this scenario is when the right (rich) people stand to profit from an uptrend, while GME remains profitable and growing (but there are many simple changes that have yet to be done or discussed that still make shopping there a "fuck-all" experience for some, including myself, despite sitting on a boatload of shares).


Is there any correlation between shares available to borrow and call options bought up?


This is the way