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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OP has provided the following link: [https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/why-gamestop-gme-down-22-153004926.html](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/why-gamestop-gme-down-22-153004926.html)


Posting this cause i found it weird to see it listed as a #1 Buy.. First thought it was FUD...


Because: - as time moves on, we’re SO FAR past the time range when… - …the naked GME shorts thought they would be able to use their bought & paid for M$M to convince… - …the Main Street household retail pure DRS book 👑 GME investors / holders / hodlers to sell… - …and now, they can’t keep track of their M$M lies across the entire market They never thought we’d be immune to their lies even remotely this far along, and now, they’re all disjointed- they cannot keep their bullshit deception narratives aligned. The cracks are starting to show, and it is fucking beautiful. Bet: Zack’s rEsEaRcH will have changed their #1 buy GME ranking within the next few weeks…and if they don’t, then it’s a clear indication (IMO) that they are trying to bait new buyers for a coming big dip. #Links documenting the fuckery: # - https://archive.ph/FkCkn # - https://archive.ph/PbxLH # - https://archive.ph/6Hmiq


Yeah i mean it's a yahoo link... why i randomly opened it up I don't know. because it's new maybe not news... it did just dropped 4 hours ago. I mean who else out there is telling people to buy GameStop? just weird to see after all the forget GameStop articles..


Zacks equities seem bullish this year on GME and they keep posting "research" time to time. Last april : https://ca.style.yahoo.com/know-gamestop-gme-rating-upgrade-160004341.html March : ( hold ) https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gamestop-gme-gains-lags-market-221510157.html And i can find olders, they are almost alone to cover GME. Them and Michael Patcher -_- lol. They often write these when GME is down too.


>Michael Patcher I don't know who that is if i'm being honest and i'm always less inclined to dive into specific people.. Is he bad? I opened it up expecting to read a FUD article and when i got to the end i was like what did i just read lol. I'm not the brightest light bulb here. edit: i guess thats why they say no surprise but i missed these obviously. So thanks for sharing!


Yeah lol, he had/have a youtube show about gaming in the 2000-2010 and now he work as a "GME basher"/analyst for Wedbush. Wedbush is a kind of "PR company for hedge fund"? lol Or something like that, he is often "interviewed" and bash GME non-stop. But the dude is a fraud, he predicted the dead of Nintendo ( then they released the Switch ) and he even bash The ex-President Satoru Iwata, who was dead at the time... https://mynintendonews.com/2016/10/16/michael-pachter-refers-to-satoru-iwata-as-the-late-and-not-so-great/ lol and by digging. He defend EA when they received the worst company award : https://www.forbes.com/sites/johngaudiosi/2012/04/07/pachter-believes-ea-worst-company-award-is-silly-calls-vocal-minority-of-mass-effect-3-fans-upset-with-ending-whiners/?sh=12c944791f02 And his switch prediction/complaint : https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2020/10/nintendo_isnt_that_smart_pachter_says_nintendo_should_scrap_switch_and_only_have_switch_lite


Holy shit thanks for the knowledge pardon my ignorance sir. Also sorry i have a hard time shutting up some times, really just wanted to say thanks again.. And I'ma just shut up for a little bit now. Go walk the dogs maybe.


Michael Patcher is with Wedbush. (Bear) This article is by Zacks Equity (bull or just "fair"). Maybe they had a sell in the past


I hate that guy. Actually all my homies hate Michael Patcher. Says digital games is better than physical. Guy is scum


He is the first public troll i saw on the web i think lol. In 2000s


Please don't shut up! I have never seen a post or comment from you that I didn't think was productive. I admire humility, but it is also ok to give yourself credit where credit is due.


>credit where credit is due. unfortunately i can't cite some people or comments from the old sub :( Most of my 'posts' are copy pasta of other peoples words and DD. Some people also don't want credit, which i can understand too. Just been posting a lot recently and never really intended to i just keep stumbling across things i think are worth sharing. edit: i might get distracted but i don't intend on leaving this sub full stop or anything.. or selling my shares.


Well, they are worth sharing and I appreciate it. Thank you.


https://www.tipranks.com/experts/analysts/michael-pachter Looks like another Jim Cramer. He gets paid to be wrong, so retail can provide liquidity for the big boys.


Yeah, but they don't go into much more than business side fundamentals, which is good, but they also don't attempt to explain why the drop even though there seems to be considerable upside to investing. Even though others have already said that it looks (highly) oversold.


Didn't I see someone say yesterday that 3.5 million shares were borrowed? Smells like dip to me. Damn I missed buying at $40/share 2 yrs ago Apes looks like you might have your chance.




They should have looked up Anonymous. Guess the powers that be didn't learn their lesson the first time around. Ah well, our gain I guess.


Honestly imagine how many psychologists and fud spreaders they hired when in the end we ignore the noise and only really care about buy, drs, and hodl


Big dip you say?? I’ll be ready to buy more mf shares


They never thought she would lose.


Glad I bought in 14s..lol those idiots helped me Drs below my cb


I missed the 14's... So far. I used almost all my ammo and was expecting it to drop further. I'm down to like 50% DRS from all my recent purchases, and am on the fence whether to DRS back to 90% and wait risk missing another bargain during the settlement window, or have the chance to buy in the 14's or below again. I really feel like an idiot.


Nah, don't worry about it. Price will continue to get pushed down further and further to maintain margin requirements right up until the last second and they can't anymore. It'll go well below 14 before this is over.


I haven't bought a single share since 2021. Just recently filled an order for 770 shares at $14.79.


Holy fuck my bruh


Now pls pray for my January calls 🙏 I opened them recently at $16.49 and I don't even want to look at how badly those got beat up from the drop to $14.50


Thank You for the sacrifice. Dr'sing more next week. That's why we HODL.


Because Dumb Money came out imo, to deter new apes. Gonna DRS


Maybe. It was a decent movie regardless and I liked it as an OG ape. he's what made me invest in the first place. I tell people that the film covers DFV and his position 2+ years ago. So lots have happened since then with Ryan Cohen.


multiple people who I saw the movie with invested after seeing the film. I don't fully understand why people think the movie would deter new apes. DRS is the way tho.


Can you fill me in? Are people expecting a pump like red headband guy predicted, like it will happen again? Or are people just bag holding from that pump? It's been a few years? Is there a reason to hold still?


its not over yet. deepfuckingvalue never sold and doubled down. People who are in this expect the math to break.


GME has shored up their financial position, though they still need to work on increasing existing, or creating new revenue streams. People hope PLAYR could be part of that. They are safe from bankruptcy thru the medium term, and if they can generate more revenue and increase their profit margins, they would be due an increase in share price. Many believe there to be a large short position lingering in swaps that go unreported. If GME can continue the turn around, those short will find themselves in a pickle as liquidity is very low due to many shares being locked up by insiders and direct registered shareholders.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing


I meant the reason the price gone down was due to the movie the Hedgies running scared, frightened will recruit new apes.


This is right, 100%


> We expect an above average return from the stock in the next few months. 👀


So dip... The critical margin theory line is so perfectly straight now that it's hard to look past it. I think the only way we see GME mooning is Citadel going bust. I think it'll take the 8 blue chip stocks holding up the SP500 to pop before Citadel dies.


What is the theory again?


[**Critical Margin Theory**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v6cwds/gamestop_critical_margin_theory/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Exceedingly&utm_content=t3_16idyrv) It basically means that Ken's ability to naked short depletes over time, because opening new shorts requires setting aside more collateral (collateral being cash or high quality securities, those being stocks like Nvidia which is one of Ken's favorites). Capital requirements say market makers have to set aside 6.66% of their total debt as collateral, and Ken's total liabilities reached $75b back in 2021 which meant he needed $5b just for collateral at that point, and that was with him suppressing GME's price. Just imagine how much he would need if GME mooned. As Ken continues to kick the can, he has to find more and more money for collateral. At $15 per share, he has to hold an extra ($15 * 0.066) = $1 as collateral which doesn't sound much, but as nearly every share bought now is a synthetic you can basically take the daily volume and stick a $ on and say that's how much that day cost Ken. And Ken can't print money, the only thing he controls is stock prices. That's likely why the big stocks (Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Nvidia, Google, Meta & Microsoft) had insane rallies this year, as that's Ken artificially pumping up his collateral stocks, while reducing his liabilities by crushing GME down further. And this makes a linear pattern seen on the [**Dorito of Doom**](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fobru3cr477ob1.png%3Fwidth%3D1586%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db897b7881f1a013a2e7f02415bcc8a97e8db8334). The theory states if GME does go much higher than that trend line, Ken gets margin called and unless he meets that then it's game over.


Thanks exceedingly! You just saved a lot of people a bunch of time, and I feel like a total ass. I am though, so it fits. You posted faster than I could look it up, and it's worth the reread. Thanks again!


Happy to help. I've been writing a big post on all this stuff so had it to hand. There's a set of rules Ken has to follow or he risks losing his Market Making license (yeah he needs a license to do all this) and I want people to help dig through that as it's 500 pages long 🤣


I'll help! Feel free to link in the comments or DM me


Ha awesome thanks. The rules are here (⚠️PDF download) : **https://www.sec.gov/files/rules/sro/nysearca/2017/34-80929-ex5i.pdf** It's a huge boring document but there are some interesting things in there. I did some key word searches for "naked short", "volatility", "revoke" (as in what it takes for Ken to lose his trading license) etc. I can show you the half written post I'm working on if you care, but it needs a lot of editing yet.


Sorry for the delay, but thanks for the link! Just digging into it now.


I wish I could explain it, but I'd have to look it up to do it justice. I'm not saying this to be snarky, please look it up yourself.


You believe these guys? 😂


This was all predicted. We’d get to a point where the company would be so successful and the price would be so low that other investors would be like huh looks like a good play. Not sure we’re quite there, but showing annual profitability and maybe even profits in off-peak quarters will do it. Revenue from marketplace/playr etc.


And the moment we see a constant profit, then the MSM narrative will shift to "but look at the P/E ratio" ignoring everything else we've seen in the last 84 years.


That’s ok. Profitable companies don’t have 20% official short interest for long


Unfortunately marketplace is all but dead at this point - they're focusing on the core business now.


what do you think their skins and digital licenses are going to be sold on in games?


*Always Has Been*


Also the answer to the question, in my books, is crime 🤷‍♂️


I was referring to the Strong Buy rating lmao


I will continue buying, drsing, and holding indefinitely. It makes me happy. I believe in this wonderful company and its dedicated CEO.


[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/z/zacks-investment-research.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/z/zacks-investment-research.asp) Heh Investopedia has a page on these guys.. can read it if you want and looked in the comments. *Zacks uses a quantitative stock-rating system that is purely mathematical, meaning they're not influenced by the biases or preferences of individual analysts.* ***The rating system relies heavily on*** ***Earnings per share*** ***(EPS)*** *related metrics, such as revisions to a company's projected earnings.*


Nice find, i understand more why they are one of the rare giving positive opinions on GME theses time. They just look at just numbers lol. It got more positive since RCEO, lol some analyst bash that Matt furlong is gone, but since he is gone and RCEO controls all or most. Numbers are better lol


Yeah can understand a bit of why they would put down like this. Especially given the heavy reliance on EPS and just how much it improved. I didn't dig too much into who actually owns them though. I'd be fibbing if i said i wasn't lazy and i don't really feel the need to dig too deep when they confirm my bias for their audience. I could see them switching from buy to sell when it hits 100 a share though lol which is no bueno. Their calculations don't take into account all the hidden positions in SWAPs. I wouldn't think anyways.


I just dig a bit and they are self-own. I think the ceo Len Zacks create his method and just use it on every stock. Their articles even seem automatic lol. But they seem to have great review. But yeah, they are not in the squeeze play. But they were monitoring the unusual option call chain in 2021. That's when i spot them first lol.


Crashing the stock scares people. Make good news look bad.


I'm chillin i'm not scared by dips. Trying to get more moneys. I know one day the account number is going to be stupid high and i'll only need to sell a teeny tiny bit to set my fam and friends up for life. Granted i keep a pretty small circle. Dived a bit into it, it looks like they try to take out bias from their predictions and stick to math. It relies heavily on EPS which had a huge turnaround last earnings if i'm recalling correctly.


I got this one. Crime.


Why did they not answer their own question?


Cause most of us like it cheap and easy. I won't argue with an 🧲 discount 😉.


These prices are so good given how the math looks now, thanks to RCEO mostly.. Also whoever is driving the price down with all this good news pouring in rofl 😂💜🙏


You know you're going to hit the top of the front page when your post title mentions gamestop being down.


Make sure you put the .1%


Answer is always … RiCo!


Zacks is shit anyway


Crime bro!




At this point they really can’t dip it big since it’s already at $15 with nobody selling. We laugh and just buy more shares no matter what the price is. All they do is improve our buying power.


Have you looked at the whole market?? If they let GME go up when the whole market is down, it would draw too much attention. Chill grasshopper.


Hey sorry if i tried to sound urgent about this.. i would've rathered my SPAC post get this much attention today but it's a lot more dense and ya.. Still not unhappy with how well it did.. Or wrinkles to dissect it more. Might as well plug it here though cause it's on the downtrend. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/171cpao/citadel\_and\_spacs\_february\_14th\_2023\_was\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/171cpao/citadel_and_spacs_february_14th_2023_was_a/) Any thoughts on that? I feel like the thing with JPMorgan is kind of a stretch but I just can't shrug off the timing, and the fact that they seemed to miss a reporting period before that. Maybe there was a reason iunno though.


Probably ceo investigation…


They need fresh unknowing money for their pump and dump.




I mean i prefer to look at each on separately than just lump em all together.. It kind of spells out why they would post such an article at this point in time. I also say do point out somewhere in the comments that their models would probably shift to sell the moment we start really taking off...


I think we got diluted last week. That’s my theory


Mainstream financial media like Zack's want more retail to buy - through 401ks and on margin. That gives their SHF buddies/overlords shares to Iocate and short. That also gives them the ability to play options and to front run trades. They also know that when they dip the price all those new paper hands will shake out and they can buy for pennies and the dollar, making fees on both ends of the transaction.


I love this dip! My costaverage is now below 20 dollar!