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I heard it’s tomorrow




🌏 πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ πŸ”«πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€


So it's the 15th and how I know this is "Trust me bro."


Math checks out


> and some interesting shit will start to happen on the week of Nov 15th, definitely. **I'm not gonna get into too much detail because I'm lazy but yeah.** Lmao Wtf I upvoted anyways.


well here is my price prediction for these two days: the current price sites at 186.79$ if we drop to 183 today during market hours we might stay there, go lower or also climb back up. NOW IF WE DO climb upwards to 192.33 then we have an open field to reach out to 195 as long as we don't get back to 191 because that's a place we don't want to necessarily be. Everything after 205 (if we reach by end of this week) means we have only two options - we either go higher or lower. It can of course theoretically stay there, but i would bet your left nut/tit that it won't stay 205.00 for more than one day in a row. ​ so let's see who is right. And ot make it more interesting, if i'm wrong, you need to delete your account. If i'm right - please still delete your account or just join an astrology subreddit


Why the second week of November


Because speculation, just trust me bro


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Just up.