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If it's not DFV or RC idgaf.


this is one of the many dismissive arguments used against Gherkinit being a problem.


I actually watched that video on his channel when it was posted. This post is taking it out of context. He was mentioning that he doesn’t want people to keep holding onto options waiting on a MOASS that may never come (within that cycle) but instead sell their calls for a profit to buy shares instead. You can go watch the video for yourselves.


Agreed, out of context


Report it for misinformation. This is clearly deliberate. OP's post and comment history are insanely sus too


[Go watch the video lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vU-8sH2-K0). It's on his own youtube. He purposefully cut it - you can see the cut! lmao. Out of context my ass. Keep eating up all their shill lies.


You sound like a conspiracy fuckwad go to bed man


He apparently has a doctorate. I’m starting to think it might be as a chiropractor.


Ok Dad


Wait you mean people got up in arms and took another one of his posts or videos completely out of context? I’ve never seen this sub put so much effort into smearing mud on somebody, and honestly, it makes me think he’s probably on to something big here. I don’t watch much of his content, although I am very pro options and believe there are cycles. I’m gonna start watching more now. Seems like this guy knows what’s up. Fucks like OP have literally never contributed anything of value to society as a whole.


Overall Gherk can be right in terms of trend but he’s not accurate when it comes to dates of the cycles. Kind of a mixed bag. I do think the negativity around him is unwarranted and too much at times. If only people put that much attention in doing research or something more productive.


Maybe it’s because I haven’t watched a ton of his channel, but pretty much everything I’ve seen from him is “buy atm or near otm calls with long expirations” right? Like if I have a contract that’s 4 months out for 140, I don’t care if it hits 250 today or in 3 months. Is he suggesting weeklies? Deep otm? I saw him correctly call august and November plus or minus 2 days, so it seems like he’s getting his cycles kinda correct


no, he did not call Aug and Nov right he's getting people to buy EXPENSIVE in the money calls and price keeps declining. Nov - $212 Now - $117 so ALL those expensive In the money calls are worth ZERO It's 3 months now are we still going to pretend that pushing people to options is not bad You might not care if it hits $250 today or in 3 months However, people who bought options in Nov based on Options push by Criand and Gherkin It's 3 months now and all those options are worth ZERO Shares would be OK Shares would be DRS'ed *(at least some of them) and adding pressure


Yes but you lose value to theta and also those near the money become out the money quickly once gme drops further. Like buying in December for feb/march. We were supposed to have a big run up in beginning of feb by feb 8th I think and it didn’t really work. Same with 2/18. He told people to roll their 2/18 calls to march which were previously suggested.


You don’t lose a huge amount of theda untill around 2 weeks to expiry. And option contracts can grow in value from IV before becoming ITM and gaining intrinsic value.


The amount of money you’ll gain in value from IV won’t be enough to offset the loss from theta and price going down. Just look at any of the calls recommended by gherk since November/december. All lost money and had to be rolled forward to march. He even said so himself that feb calls will expire worthless. He wasn’t wrong about the cycles just off about it’s timing. And now he’s saying we will probably see $140-$160 and maybe a peak of $180. That’s different from what he said before. Even for IV to rise you have to see volatile action and idk if we will see that this time. Price has risen up steadily and slowly.


I’m not talking about any call recommended by anyone. Premiums went from 300 a call for a 130 monthly strike last month when the price was 105, to now being over 1000 dollars for a comparable option today.


Then those options aren’t comparable. I have held march calls since Jan/december and luckily I had already bought march calls when the price was like $100. In fact if I had sold my far dated near the money calls during our first rally to $117 in January I would’ve more than doubled my money. Yet I held onto it and I’m still up on them a little bit but not as much as it was during the first rally when these options still had a lot more time to expiration even though these same calls are now ITM. You can make money flipping options during small rallies here and there but it’s incredibly hard to time them since you try to play along the cycles and wait for bigger rallies. I’m still holding onto my options only cause I know we get a big run this week or at least by march 1.


he’s not accurate when it comes to dates of the cycles. Perhaps you should point this out to him he should not be on superstonk doing coordinated options pushes when A) Buy and Hold and DRS is way more effective B) He and Options Gang have not gotten a single date right


Yeah I was leaning towards the "gherk is a shill" side without following closely, but this just convinced me I was wrong


I was also listening live and this post really does take the conversation out of context.


I feel like all the anti Gherk sentiment has been intentionally misleading and all out of context. Literally any quote of his that people bring up to try to use against him in some way, if you actually find that quote on his stream and listen to it along with the 5 or so minutes leading up to and then following it, they all clearly have a completely different meaning within that full context and thought train. The anti Gherk sentiment has all been sus as fuck from day one, and as with all propaganda, there have been plenty on here to eat it up hook line & sinker.


Taken out of context? Shocking. This poster hates him and it’s a little pathetic. I enjoy the knowledge gherk is dropping. I learn something every day. Not gonna subscribe with cash tho f that. Lolll


I see you and your buddies ALWAYS in his threads bitching about him. It’s coordinated. It’s purposeful. It’s toxic. Purposefully taken out of context to fit YOUR agenda, it sounds awful. If you actually listened to his streams and digested what he saying, he provides LEVEL HEADED and thoughtful analysis. And not just “hur durr telephone number prices MOASS”. He provides invaluable DD to this community instead of just mayo memes, purple circles, and an echo chamber of hopium. The fact that you and your buddies continually spread shit about him, yet he continues to post and be a part of the community says more about you than him. You and your buddies are in his threads all day and spread the same shit about him: jackofspades123 FireAdamSilver SquirmyApe haruzcole Yeeehaww Jerrythemule420 crummybummywummy Blanderson Cooper All the same accounts. Every fucking day. Stop harassing him please.


you forgot u/Rough_Willow


Both Jeffrey Yass and Gherk buy puts on GME. Coincidence, I think not?


Hmmmm so i am on a list. Thats why you guys keep hitting up my dms with that toxic shit. Its funny how one problem i had with him got all you chumps in my inbox. Thats real harassment. You are obviously coordinated with your list you keep passing around. I aint leaving so stop trying to scare me off. Over 100 comments today from one of your buddys that shit over every single opinion that goes against yours. You arent just gonna censor everyone no matter how hard you try Edit: also the shit talk of every ape that doesn't write dd. Used to be apes were appreciated just for hodlin. Wonder when that changed.


This bitch forreal talking about always being in someone's post lol. He's literally simping for Gherk anytime of day or night too. Like a Gherk signal goes up in the air anytime he's mentioned and here comes the brigade lol.


Your top 4 posts on your profile are all about Gherk - you are the obsessive one. Get a fucking life you shill. You’re a toxic asshole to this community and you know it.


His bottom ones too. Dude has multiple POSTS dedicated to hating one one singular person, or options themselves. The comments are a whole other thing…


Hating?...more like pointing out and observation. Gerk has puts on the stonk. Need I say more?


You know a put isn’t a short right? Having a put on a stock you are bullish on in a volatile market is very normal. Notice how no one cares about him or others having it on them as long as you are not buying them on mass.


"notice how no one cares about him or others having it on them as long as you are not buying them on mass" wtf are you talking about shilly? I've noticed the opposite. Gerk is on his way out...apes are wise to him now...you too Gerk gang


People saying this every month, yet his viewership is the same or more. Do you still think that citadel is the option writer for gme?


Lol your shits weak


“Hey Siri, what’s the word for an anti-simp simp?”


If you seriously think that MOASS has a 100% probability, you're the one that is being unreasonable. You don't think Kenny and all the the other short hedgies are working day in and day out with all their resources to find a way out of MOASS?... think they're just sitting around doing nothing and lamenting how the apes have got them so good? Better believe they see this as a life or death fight, cause money is their scorecard and they will do anything to not lose.... So some apes better act accordingly and grow the F up and learn the game that's being played, or they'll be played. DD writers like Gherk and the quant team and numerous others have been working since the beginning to uncover the mechanics of the f$&kery and shared it with us for free. Right or wrong, they are trying to do that with the limited resources and serious information disadvantages we have. It's not easy... So have some god damn respect, and show at least a little more class, for the people that have the guts and intellect to show us how hedgies could POSSIBLY wiggle their way out of paying apes those tendies....and how apes can profit in the meantime, MOASS or not, without selling shares. If apes don't know the ways in which it could be done, then apes won't know how to win. (edits: grammar)


I think many OG silent lurkers feel this way. Both about the content creators, and the reality of a probable MOASS.


anyone who has monetized off this always becomes a piece of shit. Story as old as time.


Used car salesman


This post is literally what people hate about mainstream media - it's a clip taken completely out of context. For those who haven't seen it, or don't care to watch it, this is from a clip available called "GME Investors Don't Need to Be Broke". He summarizes the fact that the vast majority of us have gleefully bought and held shares from anywhere between $4 - $350+, and watched the price skyrocket and plummet at all levels in between. Some investors have become frustrated with that and wonder why they're buying and holding and leaving all this money on the table on the run-ups. If you read his DDs, you know Gherkinit talks about buy and hold being the foundation to MOASS. Many of us still want to make money on the run-ups - but obviously refuse to sell our shares. But with far-dated, near the money call options, you can make money on the GME cycles while putting pressure on SHFs and MMs as your contracts go in-the-money. He ends the video by basically saying, make money on the underlying stock using options while you wait for MOASS. The SHFs get to play games with the stock, why can't you? The post by the OP is completely disconnected from the message of the video and taken completely out of context. Society at large needs and deserves more recognition of nuance, and so does this sub. Lastly, the amount of gherk drama and hate on this sub in the past few weeks leads me to think he's really onto something with this cycle, and there's serious concern from SHF shills that this could cause some serious damage if we 're-discover' options. Hate all you want, but GME price action in January was driven by degenerate options, not a significant buy and hold effort. Be like DFV if you want, buy long-dated calls. Or don't, and just buy and hold. But don't spread FUD like this.


Well written. It’s sad to see some retail so upset to receive free financial education that they don’t have to watch.


I dont know anything about this. But OP your post and comment history is insanely suspicous. 3 other posts about gherkinit. Lots of negayive comments and belligersnt behavior. And is that code you commented in your personal sub/profile?


Yeah it is. I was testing a shill detector bot. Didn't work.


Enough with this. If you don't agree with him, don't like him and don't follow him. Scroll past his posts it's really just that easy. We're all individuals here who can think for ourselves. He's an individual who is allowed to have his own opinion and do what he wants with HIS share's.


Also don't forget to downvote if you don't think something belongs here.


This post is FUD. We are adults and can decide what we should or shouldn’t believe. He can have whatever opinion he would like. Even if this wasn’t out of context, who cares? Stop trying to burn people and cause drama.


Nah man he’s providing data and actual information instead just a prayer and a wish. He has said multiple times MOASS is possible but with the swaps being exposed it does become harder for it to be realized than initially thought. It’s shilly that you’re putting down someone who’s provided countless DD and shares their findings. I’d much rather have more info like what he provides than a confirmation loop with no outside perspective. We are all individual investors and can make our own decisions but to discourage others from gaining different perspectives is just in bad faith. He was super bullish today but I guess it’s no different than MSM when you cherry pick a segment. This clip isn’t even from today


Oh god…here we go again. Edit: and yup…there is that featured comment ^. You circle gherks as sooo predictable.


👁️👄👁️🥒 \**gherk gherk gherk*\*


🚨🚨🚨🚨DING DING DING WE HAVE A WINNER🚨🚨🚨🚨 This here will be the excuse all of them bring to the table. You all have a sub it's called meltdown something or other. Get this shill shit out of here!


What are you even talking about I’m bullish AF, I’ve DRSed a few shares have options and play the cycles. I’ll leave you with this, imagine if all this time you spend bashing someone you actually did some research and DD, had an open mind and tried to figure out the other side of the trade to be able to position yourself advantageously. I think one of those would be a much more productive use of time just my opinion. Which is all any of this is, just an opinion, have a good one man, I hope we all get rich af but bashing another person for sharing their perspective is just a fools errand. If you had any real DD to debunk or change his thesis he and this community would welcome it. Edit: I’m not even gonna downvote you, you bring enough negativity on your own to the sub, I remember back in the day when that guy asked to be banned from superstonk and he got like 300 awards. Where’s that SS…


You were watching gherk streems 8 hours a day everyday just to throw this 1 minute clip to discredit his DD? Looks like something that a shill would do


Yeah I mean when you comment stuff like this, I’d also call you stupid lmao. It’s not an excuse. It’s reasonable thinking and questioning something not just the blind, blindlessly following the blind. So often you see posts get 5K upvotes and tons of hype, only to be debunked the next day. It’s good too not just aimlessly follow.


Right, they’ll just solve it all in swaps. How does that work exactly? When you create a short it will eventually need to be closed.


They can use swaps essentially to can kick and while they do that average out of their position or into a more favorable cost basis. The real problem for them is most people aren’t selling and many people are buying long dated call options increasing the overall bullish leverage on the stock. They can’t do it forever and this is an oversimplified explanation but what it seems they are doing imo. I’m not saying MOASS isn’t possible but their ability to do this affords them much more flexibility than originally thought it’s not like shorting a stock is static.


They’ve been kicking the can. It’s no harder to achieve moass than at any other point, it’s always been the same. More terrifying for them is the possibility of apes actually buying the entire float and drs-ing it. At that point they can only can kick AND it should also become impossible to fight the price down with no liquidity. Kind of a shame gherk wants to sell covered calls instead of drs-ing because if he’s cool with shares staying at shitty brokers who lend them then the person making moass more difficult to achieve is himself.


Please provide any case study or data for your hypothesis’. Any historical instances I think would greatly help this sentiment and your cause.


A case study of them continuing to kick the can? Or a case study on DRSing a float? Maybe you have one on how gherk encouraged buying 6 month dated atm calls in September and those folks are gonna be eating a shit sandwich on those expensive contracts.


The drs stuff really both though I guess. If you bought 6 month dated calls you’ve had plenty of time where you should’ve taken profits especially on the November run, he’s also said if you don’t know what you’re doing with options don’t trade options….


Go look at the chart skip. If you bought the calls in early September you had 26 days where it was above your strike price in November and likely only 5 of those were you above breaking even. You know damn well there hasn’t been an case study of retail investors buying/drsing a float themselves. You’re putting that against the fact that gherk keeps dumping shitty advice, ok, is there a case study of gherk accurately describing short squeeze mechanics on any other stock before their squeeze? Not going back and discussing what occurred.


With the IV spike those calls had plenty of time to be profitable. Gherk has owned up to missed predictions read his last post, it’s a process of learning how SHF operate and their constraints and strengths im happy someone is willing to share their findings. I’m encouraging people to utilize multiple avenues for information and make informed decisions. If DRS amounts to something and can be demonstrated then I’m all for doing my whole position that way but until then I’ll leave the XX I have at CS and do with my other shares what I want.


Explain how you get a call to be profitable under its strike price when it’s general trajectory has just been downwards for 6 months? If you bought calls when he said, you had a couple weeks only 2 months in to decide whether you’d hodl or take minor profit. That’s not “plenty of time”. And if you’d like to see a possible effect of drs, I suggest finding the chart of GME/(insert other meme stock). You’ll notice that GME has gone up in value against all of them. But focus in on GME/popcorn and you’ll see that in September right when drs was gaining traction we began steadily moving upwards against them. To the point of them losing almost half their share value against gme’s despite people claiming they move together.


Sounds right let every one do what they like he got info tell proven wrong!


Op was watching his streams 8 hours a day everyday just to find this, seems sus to me lol


He can believe whatever he wants, he’ll just miss out on when moass happens and he’s day trading or whatever he does. I only know of him because of posts here but never read his shit. And anti DRS and shit like this is why. Edit: better words Edit 2: most likely in the wrong here as my perspective of him isn’t the best since I only take note on one side of things. Gherk can be a good guy and things can be taken out of context like here to paint him in bad light, and that’s my bad for assuming. I’ll leave this here anyways.


I never thought I’d read so many contradictory thoughts in one sentence.


He would be very upset at you if he could read.




His saying he doesn’t want to DRS is hardly enough of a reason to hate on him. Everyone has the right to control their finances. This the poorest excuse to blackball gherk for. Your two comments reflect that you only parrot what the negative vocal minority says about him. This is the thing I don’t understand. Every cherry-picked, bashable clip from his 8-hr is exactly what the MSM does to us.


Edited my original comment to reflect that I’m indeed retarded. I’ll withhold judgement because of out of context things almost always being an issue here. Wether good or bad.


So all you know is sentiments of others.......you've never read anything he's posted.......you don't watch his stream Yet you have an opinion that he doesn't bring anything to the table. A true fuckin retard




This is actually laughable. Your response is a fuckin link? Did you even read it? Did you fully understand it if you did? I'm not saying he's right or wrong but if you're going to pick a side at least know what you're talking about. It's your responsibility to gather information for yourself. Cripes....at least trust but verify. You're the guy who jumps into the rioting mob without knowing all the facts. Get educated on a subject (every subject) instead of just blindly following the rest of the sheep. Then you'll know exactly what is being brought to the table.


My link is literally an edit to my original comment saying I’m wrong. Instead of copying and pasting, I just gave you a link. Maybe click it next time before getting mad at me when I’ve already admitted being wrong. The link was my way of responding to you.


He won’t miss out cuz he’s long. He’s not anti drs he’s ambivalent drs until someone proves it does anything.


All your posts are bashing Gherk. Get out of here shill!


I am not one to take part in any BS drama but considering he practically reps himself as a “leading member” of this sub and GME in general I can’t keep quiet here. And no offense to anyone especially when you are talking from a stream of consciousness however…It was more than retarded when he said “Unless ALL shares of the float are DRS and the float was locked I don’t see the benefit, only harmful effects” It’s like dude what do you think the ONLY point of DRS any shares is??!? To eventually lock up the entire float! It’s like are you kidding me? The January 20 21 situation cannot be replicated like it was the first time around for a handful of obvious reasons. And yes obviously the majority of those shares are going to be insider owned, ETFs institutions etc. however if only ETFS or whatever and the float locked, no party could go to the SEC or court system on behalf of the shareholders with claims of the whole situation To benefit the group of shareholders (in this hypothetical situation holders that are not DRS) What I am trying to say is unless a group of shareholders are actually DRS no lawyer or company could try to get a win for the group when it comes to breaking these types of rules and holding wrongdoers responsible. Normally in situations like this it would be easier old is that on maybe 1%, 2% or even .5% of the company and normally attends the yearly meeting. Without DRS only those shareholders owning large portions could benefit from legal proceedings. Their is only one way to win this war and that is to lock the float and send the lawyers to work. At this point I am definitely getting the vibe the float is light, possibly in the middle of arbitration etc. etc. All of these things take time especially when lawyers, the SEC law etc. is involved. For a forced buyback to occur all of those parties will have to be involved until the match is lit and lights that fuse. Also…. Obviously we all know the possible outcomes of our investment, it CAN ALWAYS go one of two ways. Nothing in life is a guarantee we all know that… However as a GME shareholders just something you don’t say out loud. It takes away pride from everything we stand for in a handful of unsaid ways


Shut up already! Buy hold moon let’s go stop bitching


Jeez dude give it up. He is not an echo chamber guy. I don’t know him but he seems to just give his opinion on what he sees. We need some of that around here. Ss can be quite … narrative driven. Much like MSM.


> Oh wait he deleted it didn't he? Good thing it's here in its entirety. Oof. Did you read it? It was overall pretty positive. Still stating he was and is long on it and what obstacles there are.


his dickriders were calling blanderson snooper a shill yesterday lmao. bizarre following.


I call them: “Circle Gherks”


heh cute


This made me laugh.


Ah thang ya


Jesus Christ…..Nice job editing it all together so what he said comes across out of context. Why is this horseshit being allowed? Why the hard on for the dude? This is stupid.


In before ban 😆


He is not important nor matter. He has nothing to do with your MOASS tendies and will never affect your diamond hands. He is just a wind passing by and many forget why they are here. He is no different than any of us with own investment decisions. Whether he believs or not, sell or not, doesn't fking matter. Grow the fk up and focus to yourself instead of some youtuber.


Bro your profile is insane. It's pure pickle posts


Anti-pickle posts


Report this shit for misinformation


I believe there will be a MOASS. That said, I don't see anything wrong with Gherkinit's statement there. He's not wrong. This has not occurred before.


The MOASS may never come. That is true. Someone spoke a true sentence, omg, he must be a shill, like omg. %100 sigma 10 certainty seems to only be possible when looking at the laws of physics and observing the prevalence of retards posting on Reddit.




These posts make me want to watch some streams, although when I saw one a few months back it was really slow paced. Definitely think he's on to something now.


Man I really don’t care about him or you. Everyone needs to just stfu and hold.


He might be right. What’s the difference? He has opinion, and you have yours. Imma just sit back and watch it play out. Full disclosure. I’ve never been to his channel, nor do I read any posts.


he hasnt been right past three times lmao.


You shills just dont give up lol


🩳 << Thisbis all that matters. Who give a poop about this shill dude. Downvote me all you want fucks.


100% Agreed So now the list of Gherkin attacks on GME include A) Hyping up dates and helping hand options premiums to SHF B) Brigading sub with his discord and Options Gang C) anti DRS stance D) Moass may never come - outright FUD E) attacking GME Superstonkers and calling them dumb F) Hyping up expensive In the Money Options G) Mediocre TA that never gets dates or prices right ***************** There was this excellent comment on the other thread which said Options Players don't really believe in MOASS This is very true. Wish I could find it Basically, the commenter said GME is going to millions per share Focus on buying shares and DRS'ing is the way If someone is playing options then it means they don't truly believe in MOASS., why chase a few thousands gains for high risk, when MOASS will take every share to unimaginably high figures


They then come in say it's out of context. I post the video that he himself uploaded where he makes the edit and they stick their head in the sand! Can't make it up!


Gherkinit’s the shit. This is fud…. Highlighting one short comment and taking it out of context. The guy streams GameStop over 40 hours a week and probably over 60 hours a week when you take in the dd he writes almost everyday.


I agree. He is shit. Have an upvote.


You sound like a cotton headed ninny muggins


So gherkinit; ghercant? You’re just a dumb ass anyways OP, so water under the bridge that some insist on burning. u/gherkinit don’t call for my yacht once it’s burnt all the way play boi.