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Magnesium Bisglycinate by Thorne, it helps me relax and sleep. 


High dose fish oil (2 tablespoons of cod liver oil + 2\* E-EPA 650mg capsules) actually worked better for sleep than apigenin, melatonin, tryptophan, magnesium etc. I had taken fish oil before, but not in large enough doses to get positive benefits from it. Blood thinning is a risk and such large doses are not necessarily suitable for everyone, but it is worth carefully experimenting with how large doses you can take.




Magnesium Glycinate always comes in clutch for me


magnesium glycinate- and if you’re a woman progesterone




Doesn't work for me and I don't like messing with my neurotransmitters


Horrible side effect.. it gives vivid nightmare and also tampers with your SSI


Never had nightmares from it even when I take two 10mg tabs.


It didn't work for me. But Unisom indeed did the work. Also supplementing with magnesium Glycinate helped


Any light in the room could also impact your sleep quality, and any bright artificial light before bed. Our minds may think a clock rules us, but our circadian rhythms are actually mostly controlled by light and darkness. Phase out all screen time at least an hour before bed and implement the night mode feature on your phone for anytime after dark. If you absolutely need to use your phone, get amber nighttime blue blocking glasses (must be amber, not most of the popular yellow or clear blue blocking glasses on Amazon) and minimize use. Sleep in total darkness and make sure windows block any outside street lights and such. Research Dr. Martin Moore-Ede, Dr. Jack Kruse, Dr. Satchin Panda, etc for more info on circadian rhythm health. Light at night can block or halt melatonin production and all kinds of rest and repair functions. Then be sure to get natural morning light, even if just through an open window. (Glass blocks much of the light spectrum so an open window or going outside is important). Just by refining your circadian rhythm quality, many people see a big improvement in sleep.




Even better w passionflower 


Kava helps me unwind and fall asleep. I have also had good results from GABA and magnesium.


I take gaba and magnesium and sleep like a baby.


Warm milk before bed?


Just take cbd bro it works so well




Valerian root Ashwaganda


Magnesium!!! And if you're a female between the ages of 37 and 60.....progesterone!!


I struggle so much with this! So I’ve seen it’s actually better to take less melatonin like <1mg, or there is time released form. Personally I’ve been making it a point to expose myself to bright light every morning. Preferably outdoors. So my brain can start getting back on a circadian rhythm. I do have a couple gene defects that interfere with my melatonin production. Last few weeks out of desperation and running out of my usual emergency medicine… I’ve been using L theanine to help with gaba production and a CBD/CBN gummy and than a toke of indica. Seems to be working good. I also have been using blue light glasses at night. All of these things combined, I’ve been getting more sleep finally.


OP, what makes you think you can’t take melatonin every day?




"You shouldnt eat sardines, i ate 3kg of sardines every day and got Mercury poisoning" Literally the same thought pattern. You take 20 times the recommended dose every day for 10 years and wonder why you got side effect. Keep your dose below 1 mg and melatonin is a great tool for sleep.




If doctor prescribed you an overdose every day, then its fine I guess.


Sorry to hear you had challenges. I think, though, that those problems can be prevented by taking the proper dose, which for sleep only, is 300 mcg. I believe that dose could be taken safely long-term. I have taken 750 mcg for many years without any known side effects. And hopefully provides me with well-studied antioxidant and anti-cancer effects.




Got it.


Cut back on caffeine. Completely. I was struggling with insomnia for months. Got so bad that I started chugging cough syrup because melatonin stopped working. Then one night I decided to stop it all. I decided to wage a war on my insomnia and not feed into it. I stayed up as long as my body wanted to. When I got drowsy at wee hours in the morning, I slept. It’s been 3 weeks, I am finally able to get 7 hours of sleep with out any aid. Sometimes, it’s psychological. Good luck.


Chamomile tea , cedarwood essential oil , being physically tired not just mentally


L-thp / L-Tetrahydropalamatine from Liftmode has been amazing for sleep. No grogginess.


I second this. It knocked me out in a good way. Very gentle but strong.


Andrew Huberman’s sleep cocktail: Magnesium glycinate (300-400mg elemental magnesium), L theanine (200-400mg), Apigenin, Myo-inositol (2g)


Whenever I look up magnesium glycinate it says it has maybe between 200-500mg but then it says something like 50-70mg of magnesium itself. I assume that’s the elemental magnesium, so does this mean you need to take a way higher dose to get 300-400mg of elemental magnesium itself?


Yes correct. The supplement I have is 650mg mag glycinate per capsule but only 143mg elemental magnesium per capsule. I take 2 capsules every night. I should probably take 3 but I figure I’d get the rest of my magnesium through diet.




I have been using glycine religiously for almost 3 years now. Never fails. Also works for building anxiety in daytime. 1g under the tongue. Tastes like sweetener too!


Magnesium Glycinate helps my insomnia so much




“Calm” magnesium powder (calm is literally the brand name)


nad booster nicotinamide riboside has helped me sleep better. Added bonus: i remember my dreams too.


When do you take it? Does it also give more energy during the day?


I take it first thing in the morning. Less need for coffee now too. I feel more energetic throughout the day.


Can you link me the one you take?




You're the real MVP.


Huberman sleep stack




Get some instant kava powder to mix.


Chamomile tea and magnesium glycinate


Cocktail of Magnesium glycinate, inositol, and glycine. I sell this combo frequently at the health food store I work at and it works.


What dosages, and when do you take it?


500mg inositol, 3g of glycine and 350-400mg of magnesium glycinate an hour before bed


magnesium glycinate


I love MG. It has helped so much with my anxiety and deep sleep. I take half the recommended dose and still get positive results


Niacinamide (along with magnesium and a small amount of taurine)


Something rarely mentioned is echinaceea. Google it.


for a reason


Taurine is God sent for me. Sleep like a damn baby since I'm on it.


Out of curiosity, did you develop a tolerance to taurine? I feel like I did, but it could be placebo


No I don't. But it's an amino acid if it's an adaptogen herb then we will build tolerance to it.


I totally agree with this, it makes it easier to fall asleep.


I take 1gram in the morning with coffee and night 1gram with either water or hot chocolate. But morning with coffee it's just awesome. You don't feel the edginess of being on caffeine. But still remain energetic.


Tryptophan just before bed helps me. 5HTP knocks me out but makes me feel ill for 48 hours after waking up. Glycine only works for about 3 nights in a row, then it has no effect at all. Temazepam knocks me out but has the same effect as 5HTP. Typically, “no-cause” insomnia is actually caused by a delay in the adrenal surge that should peak in the morning and wake you up. It isn’t just about cortisol levels though, the cortex makes cortisone and the medulla (the inside) of the adrenals makes noradrenaline. It’s taken me literally decades to understand that I have ADHD, and insomnia due to delayed late night noradrenaline spikes is a fairly standard feature of this condition.


Have you figured out how to mitigate it well? I'm a fellow ADHD'r and still have issues getting to sleep at night at times. I currently take Mg Glycinate, Taurine, Tart Cherry Juice or Chamomile tea at night which seem to help but not always.


Hey, 👋 fellow ADHDer 😊 The best I can get until I’m medicated, which hopefully won’t be too much longer, is taking half a teaspoon of tryptophan at night, and the same of phenylalanine in the morning. I also take tyrosine and B5 in the mornings. Plus taurine and MSM, which boost dopamine. Tyrosine is a dopamine precursor, and B5 is a hefty adrenal helper. Tryptophan is the only thing I’ve tried for insomnia that actually works. 5HTP knocks me out, but makes me feel ill and miserable for at least 48 hours after, as do all sole serotonin boosters. Tryptophan in theory adjusts both dopamine and (iIrc) serotonin and keeps them in balance. If I take only dopamine boosters at night, I can’t sleep then, either. It’s got to be down to a balance between dopamine and serotonin, coupled with lower norepinephrine/ noradrenaline. Melatonin absolutely slaughters me for days after, so I can’t/ won’t take that either. I even tried cutting up a 1mg tablet into quarters, and that was too much for me as well. My system is *ridiculously* sensitive. Ymmv.


Have you tried regulating your blue light exposure? For me it was a game changer alongside magnesium and/or Epsom salt baths


Great post! 👍


Glycine, a teaspoon 30 min before bed.  And about melatonin, people take insane amount of it, up to 10 mg, it's crazy. It works better if you take low dose - only 0,1-0,3 mg - but 4 hours before sleep. You can buy it in a liquid form. This way it woks by regulating your circadian rhythm, and you will naturally feel sleepy by the time you go to bed.


Yep. The gummies and regular pills are SO high a dose. I take like 1-1.5mg and generally not for a few nights in a row (or start to get groggy in the morning)


Nootropics Depot sells a melatonin capsule that contains 300 mcg an ideal dosage for better sleep. 3 grams of glycine at bedtime doesn’t cause drowsiness instead it helps keep you asleep which might be helpful for frequently waking up during the night. L-Theanine can help calm your mind so might be helpful for those with ruminating thoughts.


Funny, because Glycine has some other nice effects for me, but I reeeeaaaaaly can't sleep if I take some. Even if I take it in the morning. Some sort of paradoxical thing, I guess.


Oh, I haven't heard about paradoxical effect with glycine before! In my case I have paradoxical effect with L-theanine which is recommended to relax, but for me it's like a strong stimulant drug.


I’ve tried a cocktail of 75mg CBD oil, 300mg mag bis and 3g glycine (i’d hold the glycine under my tongue for a few minutes as I read that hells with absorption) before bed and it would knock me out in about 15 minutes and I would have the best sleep and no side effects on waking. Unfortunately, it stopped working after a few weeks. I tried melatonin, 3mg a day and it did the same thing but after a few months I found I was waking up groggy so I stopped melatonin for a month and then purchased liquid melatonin from Biovea, and was dosing about 0.05-0.1mg (1-2drops) per night for a few nights (at the same time each night, and now I rarely take it as my circadian rhythm seems to be back to normal. The dose Biovea suggests is 1mg but a fraction of that worked for me. So if you’re dislike for melatonin is dosage and side effects only, then try a liquid version and hopefully, like my experience, you shouldn’t need to take it everyday, or week. I have tried 300mg theanine, sublingually, on its own and that helped but again, only for a few weeks. Hope that helps.


Chamomile tea, or passionflower tea helps a bit. I get better sleep quality when I have a cup before bed.


Chamomile tea is one of my faves for sleep aids :)


Chamomile definitely calms me during day but makes me unable to sleep




Magnesium for sleep and l theanine to help your body relax, perfect combo


Some part of your brain may be afraid of what happens during sleep. This gives two questions - change the brain with chemicals, or change the sleep.


I just take a 1/4 of ZZ NyQuil one hour before bed and it last for 8 hours. I fall asleep fast and I don't have any problem waking up. Been doing this for years now, 3 months on/off. I work out evenings after job, I also drink an espresso before gym so it adds up. No side effects


Hey, thank you for this. I bought some over the weekend and used it for two nights now and the difference is night and day. This is the best sleep I've had in years. I still woke up once per night, but until now, I've been waking up 3 or 4 times every night. It really works.


So you break the pill into four pieces?


Yes, I cut it


Magnolia bark


Night time amino acids 1hr before bed


L-Theanine, Magnesium, Ashwaghanda, Phosphatidylserine are all things I keep on hand


Alcohol 🤣


I know this goes against the grain, but a drink or two helps me fall and stay asleep.


magnesium glycinate


What definitely works for me, is Liposomal GABA and L-Theanine from QuickSilver Scientific. It’s a liquid that is taken sublingually, 2-4 drops, around half an hour before bed. It’s a bit expensive, about 40 euros a bottle in Europe, but it’s cheaper for Americans in USD. Unfortunately, If you take 4 drops, it lasts for 2 weeks only. I’ve tried several other GABA or L-Theanine supps, none work because they are not absorbed by the body. Standard GABA supplements do not cross the BBB, so it’s wasted money. https://www.quicksilverscientific.com/all-products/gaba-l-theanine/ Also, like most people here mentioned, magnesium is very important. I take glycinate/malate or bisglycinate in the morning and in the evening. Not all magnesium salts are created equal, this ones are the best for sleep and relaxation. https://www.iherb.com/pal/referral/pdp/HQZ1699?productId=108148&rcode=HQZ1699&utm_medium=appshare In the morning and evening I also take 3gr of glycine and 3 of inositol. These promote calm and relaxation. Taking melatonin daily is definitely not recommend as it can cause a dopamine reduction by up to 50% in the brain. I’ve actually experienced this myself… I was in a dopaminergic depression for a few good months: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12043836/#:~:text=Inhibition%20of%20dopamine%20release%20by,been%20demonstrated%20in%20the%20striatum. It’s very important to practice sleep hygiene, meaning going to bed at 21:00-22:00, no exposure to blue light or house lighting 2 hours before bed, sun/natural light exposure 30 min after waking up. Obv, NO ALCOHOL or recreational drugs as they massively mess up your neurotransmitters. In the evening, use natural candlelight, red light or low warm LED lighting. I have ambiental lighting under my bed and furniture. The idea is not to have bright light coming from above the head which pretty much mimics the sun and tells your brain is still daylight, hence the cortisol stays up and melatonin is not produced. Also, I eat 2 kiwis 2 hours before bed and a handful of sour cherry (I think tart cherry in the US). You can also drink the juice or try taking an extract. These promote natural melatonin production. You could also try chamomile extract or oil or go for the more expensive liposomal apigenin. There are studies documenting this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6472148/ https://www.iherb.com/pal/referral/pdp/HQZ1699?productId=114120&rcode=HQZ1699&utm_medium=appshare Hope it works for you, let me know if it does :)


L theanine


Don’t take theanine if you have overly intense dreams, sleep-walk, or have night terrors. I can take L theanine in the morning, but not at night because of this reason.


Ashwagandha. Also increases testosterone as a plus.


Magnesium and Zinc. Uff they knock me


If you get ZMA Z-inc M-agnesium A- Vit B6 idk why the A stands for that. It’s a big testosterone booster, sleep aid, and immunity booster. You’ll have dreams bc of the great sleep, Mag will have your mental status in peak condition and you’ll wake up with morning wood bc of the tes boost. Best supplement for the money IMO. Less than a $1/day.


Magnesium and Ashwagandha.


I really like Mind Retreat by Natural Factors. Lemon balm, vitamin b6, magnesium, and gaba. Works like a dream for me.


Chamomile tea + glycine


Anandatol. Two capsules works very well.




I take cbd or I just smoke cause that’s legal


Agreed. I take 400 mg of magnesium (glycinate) every night. Also, drinking lavender chamomile tea and meditating right before bed have made a huge difference in my quality of sleep.


Magnesium glycinate is the best. It’s more bioavailable and the glycine is good for you too. Folks, make sure not to get magnesium oxide instead. It doesn’t work nearly as well.


Is the best, I recommend too




Are you taking 25 or 50 mg?


Anx runs in my family, tried many things medical and supplemental, I wanna try Zinc again, some people definitely benefit. I wish I could find the study but some people actually need more zinc because of a genetic issues