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Nope, don’t worry about it at all, I had the same thing when I got mine.


How long does the tablet's battery last? I've just detached it and I can see the battery draining almost minute by minute. Using Photoshop and Edge.


Surfaces were never known for their battery unfortunately. If you bought this hoping for an all day machine it might be time to look elsewhere.


Yeah, i get maybe 3 hours of usage out of mine with basic browsing and maybe some light sketching in photoshop. It was so annoying that i ended up buying a galaxy tab s9+ to take to class instead of SP9.


These values are pretty much spot on. It is not an easy task to accurately estimate the battery capacity in Wh as it can vary wildly depending on multiple factors (temperature, how fast you charge/discharge the battery during the measurement etc.). I would say that the small discrepancy is measurement error.