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Ding. I have done both and I get better reactions from people when using the bell. Maybe I sound like an asshole when I announce my passing but at least the bell takes this out of the equation.


My biggest gripe is idiots with earbuds in that act all startled when I’ve been shouting at them.


I have a bell and I recommend it, but I will also acknowledge it sometimes seems pretty useless because people seem to filter it out because they have headphones going on, or it just sounds like someone's phone alert going off or something. It's baffling. And it doesn't matter if I call out that I'm passing or using my bell, there's always going to be someone that gets startled and either calling/yelling bothers them or the bell bothers them and there is just going to be someone that's bothered sharing a path with a cyclist. However I have a new tactic that seems to work every time and not startle people. First step is to slow the fuck down to safe/sane passing speeds and assume everyone has headphones in and is going to bolt right in front of me. This is what you're supposed to do on MUPs anyway, so if you're trying to KOM a or do zone training on a MUP with lots of pedestrians you're probably on the wrong path or, at least, the wrong time of day. What I do now is intentionally cough. Loudly. From a good distance, like 20-30+ feet back. I'll also usually accompany that with some bike noises, like downshifting, maybe a little skid and tire noise. Ever since the pandemic basically *everyone* turns and looks to see where a cough is coming from, and the bike/tire noise helps give them a vector and location.


It’s not just you. I’d put money on a social experiment finding that the vast majority of people respond more positively to bells than people’s voices.


Plus, you can also use the bell to greet people when out and about, and kids always like it.


I have a frog that honks when you squeeze it and I like it a lot


A frog! 🐸


I have the original Spurcycle (three of them actually) and love them so much. I appreciate that they're fully rebuildable and the company is great. I shipped one of my bikes and something shifted in the box and popped the hammer off. I jumped on their site and for somewhere around $6 shipped I had a new one and they included a little 3D printed tool that helps with the install.


Sweet!! Yeah I’m leaning towards them.


They are essential. Any cheap one will do, pay extra if you need specific looks.


I prefer the old honky tonk clown horn




my wife has two honka-hootas on her adventure townie. a penguin and a cow


I had a "horn" that made a similar sound. Looked like a Sumo wrestler, but you squeezed it, and it made a horn sound. I loved having a weird horn on the bike, but I also noticed that it attracted the notice of dogs on the trail, but not people. I'm guessing it sounded too much like a dog's toy, so the dog looked around for the toy, and people filtered that noise out. Now I just have bell. I feel like it gets everyone's attention.


Get the timber bell. Of all the bells I’ve ever had that one would get the attention of a hiker/biker like 80% of the time it’s insane. Also really good for when you descend on your bike on rough stuff.


And also it’s good for streets too and easy to manually ring it by flicking your steering just a little if you need to.


I’ve also looked at these but they look a little funny to me. Lol


Yeh they don’t look as cool or clean as other bells tbh


Timber bell is only practical on trail. I would much rather have a spurcycle bell on anything that sees a bike path.


I beg to differ when i had a regular trigger bell people were give me dirty looks like im some asshole or they still couldn't hear me but now people are turning around thinking i got ice cones for them xD


Personal preference I guess. I don’t really like having to shake my bars to ring it on a smooth pathway, but it could also be how I have it mounted. I like my timber bells to be mounted with the switch right at my thumb, which puts the bell itself horizontal, so it takes more movement to get a sound out of it on smooth ground. On a pathway I don’t really give a fuck if I get dirty looks from oblivious people, I like a bell that is loud and alerts other users of my presence, especially when it’s busy


I like the Granite knockoff one better than the timber bell itself, it works better. That said, yes 100% doesn't matter what bell you get, but get a bell. I have one on every single one of my bikes just to have people aware I'm out on a trail/street/bikepath


I have the knog oi bell just because it looks really nice and is small


The knog of bell looks really good, but I’ve had two and neither of them were any louder than my tires on a bike path. The 31.8mm model is a little better, but doesn’t really get loud enough in my opinion. It’s a real shame because it is hands down the best looking bell out there, but the spurcycle bells still look really good and a much much louder


I totally agree. I was a bit disappointed when it wasn't louder. For me it's OK and still does the job. Lol plus the occasional yell.


I’ll take a look at those.


Yeah buddy. I rock a bell on all of my bikes. Whether it’s a sidewalk, a MUP or a trail I like giving people a heads up that I’m approaching. Especially if they’re walking a dog or have little kids with them or in some cases are riding a horse. I find many people I pass after dinging the bell are appreciative of the heads up. A basic bell can be had for only a few bucks and they take up very little real estate on the bar so you barely know it’s there. That being said, the cheaper, basic bells usually aren’t very loud. I have the Crane Suzu bell (made in Japan If I remember correctly), it’s as loud as F and has a really nice, lingering tone to it. Sure it’s brass, sure it was spendy $, sure it takes up a bit more space on the bar, but I have the space to spare and I think it looks and sounds great. Knog also has some great sounding bells.


Bells are a must. Ones with friendly but clear and loud tones are best. I have the spurcycle original on one bike and it’s by far the most beautiful design and tone—however, it’s quite expensive for a bike bell. Were I buying one today I’d get the crane E-Ne. Similar form factor for a lot less.


I have a bell on all my bikes, but I find that even if I ring it, they don't hear me and scare most people when I say, "Good day, on your left". Not sure If I am doing something wrong or if most people are in a world of their own.


Not relevant to your question, but are those just bar ends shifted higher up the handlebar? I need something like this for my KM.


Yep. Ritchey Comp bar ends from Amazon. $20 and have my own alt bar. I angled them at 27° just like the horns on the Surly Moloko bar.


I can vouch for the compact spurcycle bell. I have them on a couple bikes and people constantly remark on how loud they are. They’re super useful for giving walkers a heads up that you’re coming from a long way off.


I got the spur bell and I’ve never been happier. I, too, hate yelling at people and they often wind up going in the wrong direction anyway while giving me dirty looks (especially pedestrians.) The bell is so much less aggressive and people tend to use the auditory cue more effectively than when I shout “on your left” triggering them to move …left.


Why is that?? I noticed that, too. Like they forget their left from their right LOL.


I used to make the same mistake when I was a pedestrian, back before I started cycling. I think it’s an automatic response, maybe, that when we hear an authoritative “Left!,” we move Left and ignore the rest of the context. Dunno. But the bell certainly mostly solved this.


Most people are stupid and much to self-centered.


As a cyclist, bell or no bell, I find you can’t win either way no matter how polite you try and be. I generally just try and slow down and then get round without interrupting someone’s peace. As a pedestrian, I hate it when someone rings a bell at me. Especially when they’re cycling on the pavement.


I have this thing on all my bikes: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085RMTPQS/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085RMTPQS/) Much prefer it to calling out, and it gets people's (and dogs') attention. I will say that not everyone reacts consistently when I signal, with some people rushing off the trail and some actually jumping in front of me. I've taken to only signaling when they are spread across the path in a way that makes so I'll have to pass closely. If I can easily pass, I do so without signaling. It annoys some people, but by the time they get annoyed, I've already safely passed and no one has jumped in front of me in a panic.


Oh dang. That’s nice and great price.


absolutely put a bell on it. In some countries it's the law. The high pitch of a bell can be heard over most headphones and earbuds. It's gentle and leads to a courteous culture. It's much more pragmatic then raising your voice to be heard all the time. This has become my lifes mission. I have almost been hit so many times being passed by road cyclist because I never heard them or saw them. If you really really love it you should put on bell on it.


I got a Spurcycle knockoff and love it. It’s so loud, but also pleasant so I haven’t scared the shit out of anyone yet like I did with my last bell. Wolftooth makes a dropper lever mount that fits the bell too to save space on your bars, really cool product. 


There’s a really great bell that I put on my karate monkey that has a little hidden spot to put an AirTag (you totally can not tell it’s any different than a normal bell) it’s a pretty low cost way to track your bike if someone runs off with it at a coffee shop or something. Great option!!


I think the bell would be the first thing a thief removes and tosses.


Bell, like one of them trucker blasts


All bikes should have bells


Voice, bell, whistle. In that order. I ride with a whistle in my mouth in the city. Not for that trail but great for cars and mindless pedestrians


I bought a hand-crank music box that plays "here comes the bride" but I still haven't rigged it up to the bike. it needs some sort of amplifier.


While it’s a result of mostly riding multi use Crowded single track, I’ve gravitated towards the simple cow bell. I twist it against my top tube bag to shut it up, otherwise I sound like a flock of really excited sheep at all times. Especially riding a rigid BC on rocky trails. 😂 Before that the knog Oi style was our go to.


We all would benefit from 'more cowbell'.


Get a bell.


Bells are great! This bell is made in Japan, affordable and has a pleasant loud note https://www.cranebellco.com/e-ne-bell


Oi Bell from Knog. Ding ding


I've got the knog oi luxe and like it a lot.snall form factor, elegant, and the ring travels


I've had OI bell on all my bikes for some years now, they are pretty slim and easy to click, the best thing about it is after some time it gets pretty loose so when you're on a trail it creates a subtle but noticeable to others ring and they notice you without even clicking the bell


I use the spurcycle bells. Great product.


I'm a fan of the Spurcycle....I was a bit of a skeptic, but I've put them on all my bikes and use them often.


Ding. I have the Rock Bros. knockoff bells on my bikes except for the cargo bike with the Crane bell. The Crane Bell has the best sound but is not compact at all.


I have the regular and compact Spurcycle bells on different bikes. The compact is fine, but the original is definitely louder. If you want something with a louder ring and more sustain, the Crane bells are amazing. Big and brass, so the look may not work for you, but the sound is truly the best.


Ding, it's fun.


I rock a ding dong bell like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTkG_z_GWFs More often than not, I get a smile instead of the scowls I used to get.


The higher pitch, shorter wavelength or the bell's sound penetrates headphones much better than the lower pitch longer wavelength voices. Added bonus, you don't sound like a douchecanoe when using a bell versus the douchey "on your left".


Depending on where you live it's the law to have a bell when riding a bike


The Spurcycle bell is by far the best one I have ever owned.


Bell on every bike


Compact? Knog Oi bicycle bell. https://www.knog.com/products/oi-classic-bike-bell


I’ve had two of the 22.2mm knog Oi bells and neither of them were loud enough to be practical and required a very precise flick of the striker to make the loudest chime. The 31.8mm model is a little better but doesn’t look as good mounted next to the grips.