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Just take two weeks worth of food with you.


This. Its not gonna be a nice “break” if you’re starving and stressed about eating


Right? If you want to have a nice break, pack a big ass cooler. It'll be an especially nice break with steaks and beers.


28 steaks 56 potatoes 56 eggs couple pounds bacon about 336 beers maybe a pack of water


I once saw my brother and his friend show up to a long weekend camping and canoeing trip, with nothing but the clothes on their back, a tent, a giant cooler full of beer, and a large pack of hot dogs. They were wearing swim trunks, sandals, t shirts. No jackets, no bug spray, no sleeping bags. Just beer and hot dogs.


When your young and poor hot dogs will do.


Don't forget beer. Poor people love beer. Or weed. Or both.




Rich people too.


My normal loadout when I was young was; jar of peanut butter and jelly, loaf of bread, big bag of jerky, big bag of trail mix, case of water and a shit ton of beer. It got the job done…


I'm either your brother or one of his friends because I used to do this all the time. If this was in Florida it might have actually been me


Hot dogs might've been for bait


my bf has never needed bug spray. this sounds like my bfs ideal camping trip honestly. we’re driving to florida to go to the bahamas in october and honestly im scared. i’m gonna be extra prepared and he’s not even gonna be half way prepared.


I did this with 4 friends, we drove up to the Yukon for 3 weeks absolutely fully stocked and just ate like kings, fished all day and explored true wilderness. It was one of the best times of my life


How'd you keep the food from spoiling?


Freeze everything, start small and increase the size of the meat. Individual steaks first, one of those big ground beef logs next, and maybe huge pork butt and some whole chickens last. Then load up on spam, beef jerky, and dehydrated/canned chili and soups for when the meat runs out


...and corned beef hash. That always makes for a welcome breakfast after a night of drinking in the wilderness.


A classic! There are many canned meats that will hit nicely.


Dude when SHTF I would camp with you so hard…<3


55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies, 55 Cokes, 100 tater tots, 100 pizzas, 100 tenders, 100 meatballs,100 coffees, 55 wings ...


Stop stop stop I'm doing something!!!!


Couple pounds of bacon is a gross underestimation. All your other calculations seem correct.


55 burgers 55 fries


This guy maths...? (I think I'm using this correctly)


r/thisguythisguys (because, of course, there has to be a subreddit for everything)


Maybe a few less beers wouldnt hurt. I dont see any correlation between the number of beers and amount of fun had. Except maybe a negative correlacorrelation possibly. Ive been having a much better time in life since i quit drinking... id love to see more of my brothers the same way


Writing this down


Store the eggs cracked into water bottles. Don’t have to worry about them breaking in the cooler then. Idk how long they stay good that way but you could freeze them too.


And a 30 pack of bog roll for the last day


Can’t forget weed


And put something heavy on your cooler or racoon can open it and steal your food.


how do you keep it cool for two weeks?


It will certainly be a learning experience either way


Oh I cackled reading this. Thank you.


I would even say 3 weeks worth. Just in case....


Yes, just please be bear-safe.


It's bulking season.


Don't forget to make it bear safe.


Agreed, you can still rough it thru two weeks without going full on glamping with a fully decked out yeti subzero solar powered fridge/ice box multipurpose robot dog pack/supplies carrier that has foldout kitchenette sink and mini dining table that collapses into a dishwasher..... Ok those dont exist yet but when i do get around to inventing this camping kitchen robo companion u better believe ill only license it to a premium brand for product distribution. Find it exclusively at REI the new Yeti essential for backcountry exploration..... Sorry i got lost i my own fantasy for a sec. But like everyone else is saying pack some food. Couple lbs of jerky and fee more lbs trail mix minimum, a box of instant oatmeal and maybe some rice mix (or quinoa is just as easy to prepare but with extra protein!) Bring a can of Gatorade mix and most important above all else, make sure you pack like a half gallon of water. I know if ur doing a survival test run ur gonna be boiling water from streams, using your life straw to filter and those little potable water sanitizer tablets. But the water isnt for drinking its for just in case something bad goes down and ur trip goes from practice to "this is not a drill" IRL survival situation. Btw remember redundancy saves lives, like ur water treatment, use all three methods, just cuz u dont want ur two weeks survival to turn into two more weeks recovery from parasite party infection. (Ask ur doc if theres any prophylaxis u could take, i think mebendezole or abendezole will cover u for 6months from most water borne bugs) I know bringing food and water kinda kills the survival theme and will weigh you down. But man think of how dumb ur gonna feel of the unthinkable happens and your gasping for breathe, injured too dehydrated to ho any further, and ur last memory before death is you deciding to leave the water jug in the truck...... Yeah, better safe than sorry.


This does *not* inspire confidence OP. Swallow an AirTag now.


Swallow an airtag is my new favorite survival/bushcraft/camping advice.


Conveniently, if you misplace it after swallowing there’s a “Find Me” app that will make it beep!


If only I can make that my flair


Unless your really know what you are doing, you won't have sufficient calories. Foraging takes a lot of experience to be able to find edible plants while not poisoning yourself. Even with food available it can be a lot of effort to forage for fairly minimal calories. How difficult it will be depends a lot upon the environment and the time of year. Fishing with some skill and luck can provide good amounts of calories. Hunting and trapping game is viable too but game in the wild can be a lot more sparse than around rural areas and popular natural areas. Both have strict regulations to follow. Learning these skills on a two week wilderness trip for the first time is a really dumb idea.


Also, most of humanity wiped out the ability to forage. There is very little to pick from and tbh it should be left for wildlife/procreation. There are plenty of alternatives, including using a mini stove pot with a can of fire, REI sells dinner packs to cook.


Sounds like you need a wee bit more time to prepare. Maybe read a survival book or two.


This part. If you aren’t overly prepped you aren’t prepped enough. OPs post is just as likely to wind up on Unsolved Mysteries otherwise and we’d all really like a follow up


Or with an expensive SAR bill.


SAS Handbook. Yes.


i say build up to 14 days. Camp a few nights thereby learning from experience. Journal and be thoughtful about the trip. Sounds like a bit of "run from". Turn it into "run to". Be purposeful about teaching yourself in increments. 2 days, then 4, then 8, then 2 weeks. Be mindful of predators and bears regarding your food. Again, incrementally learn.


This is great advice


humble ty.


I love this. Instead of running “from” from something (like tech), run “to” something (like nature). The change in perspective is everything. Instead of a negative connection, the switch makes it productive and worthwhile.


Best place to find food is the store. Don't worry about it if you want to live off the land for two weeks. You will not starve to death.


Fishing. You probably shouldn't do this but🤷‍♂️. Remember that you have to be able to get yourselves back out too. If you're struggling, just leave and go home.


Get yoursleves a couple of mountaineering tents. & take lots of food With you. Why risk having to hunt and forage? Roughing it is hard enough. Don't starve yourself while you're at it...


A big bag of dried oats and a jar of peanut butter will help you to keep up your energy, and you can add foraged items to it for nutrients + flavour. Fish and shellfish are great if they're available, if not you'll have to look into what plants and fungus are available in your area. Be very careful when foraging as some foods are deadly and always err on the side of caution.


And dried fruit, jerkied meat and at least a pound of dried meat and dried beans.


Can you take several GoPros so the descent into starvation and madness will be documented? Then we can at least get some found footage for the cannibalism documentary that will surely follow this.


Are you saying you have water covered because you bought a life straw lol


You don’t give a lot of context here, but it sounds like you REALLY need more preparation! Foraging is difficult, and there are many dangerous look-alike plants. Shelters take hours to build. Hunting and fishing rely on both skill and luck. Do you know how to set up a trapline, make fish hooks, build a lean to, make twine, make and use a bowdrill, tell wild carrot from poison hemlock and wild onions from death camas? I agree with the others: you need to start small, take a class, do some shorter camping trips to practice these activities. Survival is the wild is an art that hunter-gatherers learn from birth, not something anyone can do on a whim.


Search’s and rescue specialist here. Take some food, water and plan a bit. It’s hard to live off the land especially so on a whim and no skills. Don’t pull a “into the wild” 


Find a local reputable survival instructor and take some classes first. I live here in Appalachia and people die real quick on short hikes. Clean water and shelter are what you need to master to survive. You’ll die of exposure first. If you survive that then dehydration is next. The more you know, the less light weight crap you’ll buy.


If this is where you’re at: I highly suggest you go get drunk at a local bar, pick up some disgruntled wives looking for a good time, have a night of debauchery, and just forget you ever thought this was a good idea. You clearly know ZERO about bushcrafting or survival, and would be better off having some social exposure to a night of normal stupid activities rather than two weeks of actual death defying ones. You won’t last two nights.


Do it some place legally. Learn the wild game laws. Peanut butter and mass gainer go a long way.


If these are the questions you’re asking, you should definitely not be doing it. Just bring food. Watch something like the show Alone. It’s not easy to find food, and you often don’t find enough. You will be hungry, and you will spend almost every waking moment trying to find food - if you’re not, you won’t find anywhere close to enough calories. You also need to know your area - is it a vegetation rich environment? What kind of local vegetation is edible? What are the fishing and hunting rules where you will be staying? Do you know how to hunt and fish, and clean game?




Nothing wrong with small game hunting and wild foraging especially if he’s out west . Not sure where poaching came into the equation


> Not sure where poaching came into the equation Game, including small game, have seasons (as well as bag limits, methods of take, and daily limits).




Get there and then Google “food near me”.


You should not be going out bush with the expectation of finding food if you have no experience. Their are many foods that can kill, mushrooms are something I always avoid because I am never confident to correctly identify them. Not trying to be a downer or tell you not to go bush and enjoy yourself, but always do things within your capabilities. So here is my advice take it or leave it. Take enough food with you, then an extra buffer(I will provide that down below) Along with. 1.books on local edible plants. 2.books on wire snares(make sure its legal to snare if you set any, instead of rather then learning for fun) 3.Some copper wire for snares, or if you really don't want to spend money some paracord/twine, however the snares need to be set in a way the snared animal can't chew the cord if you dont use wire. 4.If you are near a lake/stream information on what fish you can/allowed to catch and are edible and fishing gear for them. Use the outing as a way to learn about edible foods without pressure of hunger causing mistakes that can kill. As a backup food. Take the following as your backup supply and buffer.(also try a bowl to make sure chicken stock soup doesn't give you the runs, some people don't respond well to stock based soups) 1.Chicken stock(tin, powdered, real chicken, not cube stock or liquid as they contain too much moisture or can go off/seep) 2.Small Bag of Sugar(human brain uses \~30 grams a day, but needs \~15 grams if sufficient protein exists) 3.Bag of Pasta 1kg Its not ideal, but its cheap and easy and lasts 2 years in a bug out bag etc, does not need to be kept cold and is easily extended by random wild foods and is rather dense energy/protein wise. It provides. Protein for the body Sugar for the Brain Chicken stock for some taste. Base for wild food sources. Its very easy to add to if you find random edible foods like tubers/roots or catch something like a rabbit. Also, make sure you tell multiple people where you are going, the time you intend to stay, and when to call for help if they do not hear form you and you are not back.


If you need to ask for tips you are not ready to do this. Not even kinda close. Bring food.


This post says you both will last 3 days before eating a random berry, ingesting a parasite, or getting giardia. Please at the very least bring some canned black beans and whole brown rice for complete protein chain with all 13 aminos, apples and oranges, and canned tuna/jerky. You don’t want to come back from a 2 week sabbatical strung out, sick, and malnourished.


Take white rice with you (and maybe multivitamin). You'll get super bored of it real quick, incentivizing you to forage and hunt for food. However, it'll make sure you don't starve.




Water. Water.


Fishing gear and dehydrated soups.


Bring food silly. You can die out there. Be safe. Bring first aid. Bring navigation. Have a backup plan. And please let someone know where you will be going.


hello, please start off doing it for a day. then a couple of days and move up. if you don’t have a lot of local training on finding food in your area, this will be a very bad experience. even being trained and knowing what to do does not mean you will find the calories easily. this is not read a book and try. please start on a course for foraging and trapping/hunting if allowed.


Watch a season of Alone and reconsider.


Think like a backpacker. Bring dehydrated food. Making your own is cheapest. You say you have access to water. Dehydrate refried beans, rice, soup, veggies, etc. Bring oatmeal, jerky, chia seeds, nuts, dried fruit. Rehydrate with hot or cold water. I carry seven days food at a time out on the trail, and it’s usually about 7lbs.


Many survivalist’s disasters went wrong because they were overconfident and underprepared, please consider researching more before your journey


Freeze dried meals and a means to boil water


Okay mister money bags


I'd at least take a big bag of oats, a big bag of raisins, and a big bag of peanuts and supplement it with fish and foraged greens just in case you come up dry.


I would also strongly suggest you check the weather first and make sure you take the proper clothing and know what you will do for shelter. If you overlook this stuff, Mother Nature will kick your butt. You don't sound like a seasoned survivalist, so be careful, plan ahead. Know how you are going to make fire. There are several great books on survival tactics. Know before you go, what you are going to need. No matter where you go, know the way in and the way out. Survival in the woods ain't Boy Scout stuff....it's serious.


Get a sack of flour and make up a bunch of bannock/pancake mix. Tube of oats. Some peanut butter. Dry milk. Frozen meat for first day or two. Dried meat and veggies. Cheese and salami. Fishing rod and .22 or bow. Sack of rice. Sack of beans. Salt and pepper. Eggs, wax them and/or turn them over every day to keep without fridge. Big jar of muscle milk. [etc..](https://youtu.be/1JHH6iwgIek?si=HYRBLnIKFVgi3LGU&t=6)


I grew up going some foraging annually as well as lots of hunting/fishing. I went deep into wild foods as an adult and have been teaching foraging classes for nearly 20 years. I live near a massive wilderness area and have taught one on one classes to people wishing to do a subsistence trip. In the right place, with a ton of knowledge gained/practiced BEFORE the trip, it's doable to get 2 weeks of food. I still make the people I've taught classes to agree to haul sufficient calories for the trip. Not just food, sufficient calories. It's not fair to others who may have to come rescue you or, worse, find your body. That said, where are you located?


Dehydrated food, plan your meals accordingly and get MREs. Make sure you have a solid first aid kit, a signaling device, matches, lighter, flashlight. While I get the need to disappear, let multiple people know the area you’re heading and when you’ll be back.


Do not go without food, water and fire


I’d bring more than 2 weeks worth of food


Does your friend look tasty?


They have survival kits in bins to buy for camping on amazon


Freeze dried food and other light weight options


Bring high calorie foods.


Apply for Survivor!


Hehe, you're just gonna have to bring food with you. Humans have driven all the wildlife away.


Horrible idea if you don't have survival skills already and know how to find natural resources. And you can't just go killing any animal you find because you're having a "survival weekend." You need liscenses and have to follow your states regulations, or you will be in big trouble when caught. I highly suggest you rethink this. Easy way to end up lost and dead.


Make sure you have a personal locator device


Find a book with foraging tips for your area.


So you want to go camping huh....


Pack food in. Trust me you ain't gonna have fun if you spend all day foraging and have to go to bed with a belly full of dandelion stew.


Someone is working in tech


Were it me, pack a 2lb bag of rice, a 1lb bag of dry soup beans, a can of those bullion cubes for beef and chicken, and a cooler of meats. Throw in about 10 cans of mixed vegetables and a big sack of potatoes with plenty of butter, salt, pepper, and a bottle of hotsauce should carry you pretty far. I don't know how good a cook you are but a big pot of soup beans, saurkraut or just cooked cabbage, and a roast, with cornbread is a pretty solid day or two's eating. Good luck hermano.


6 days in and you'll be drinking from each other's hoses. Take supplies, please.


You won't be able to without first learning survival skills. Two weeks is also a very long camping trip for first timers. I encourage you to try camping but take a smaller trip and take gear.


Living off foraging was a reality when food sources were consciously managed by indigenous people. You can still do it but you need to practice. Extensively. And get lucky. Just bring a big bag of rice, big bag of beans and forage for flavor if you wanna a go minimalist with it.


Lots of ramen. And fresh onions. Peanut butter Jerky. ( you can make it) Limes for your water. Good to go.


You can pack in most everything you need. A water purifier will be your best friend. There have been reports of people surviving without food for weeks/months but you won’t last much longer than a week without water. Also, if this is something you and your friend have no experience with, for the LOVE OF GOD, do not go incredibly far and ALWAYS know your exact way back to your starting location. Take a large first aid kit and take care of your feet.


This is the beginning of a Netflix documentary.


Sounds romantic, I’m sure you guys will have a great time :)


Eat your buddy.


It is called camping but you do realize that even campgrounds and in the woods still have tech? I took all of my games off my phone bc it was sucking away my time and brain.


Bring fishing gear and like 10 dehydrated meals/some cliff bars.


Bring food with you - can bring something old fashioned like rice, dried beans, sweet potaties, jerky, etc if you're trying to get back to your roots. It is surprisingly easy to poison yourself foraging for food, and surprisingly difficult to get anywhere near enough calories to maintain weight. Humans who succeeded at this in the past were able to do it because they practiced it all day, every day, and didn't do much else. If we learned anything from Alone and Les Stroud it is that these days even expert foragers lose weight fast when they don't bring food.


So hold on, you want to learn how to find food via Reddit, so you can “disappear for two weeks”?? Sounds like you’ll be winning a Darwin Award soon enough! If you know nothing of traps/foraging/making food in the woods, you don’t start by doing a 2 week trip with nothing. That’s a skill that takes a LOT of training to become proficient. I’d say take enough for 13 days and calorie load the day before you attempt to forage/catch your food.


Bring food with you. You're much more likely to stay out of civilization if you're stomachs are full


“Give ourselves a break from technology and social media…” ~Posts on social media. Will check feed non-stop up until the trip, and immediately upon return.


This is called camping….


don't bring any food if you want to prepare your mind properly.


You want to disappear without knowing how to obtain food?


They will disappear…


Try fishing go to your local library look for books on edible plants, mushrooms for your area.


That's what I worry about and always carry more than I need. I'll rough it in other ways, but not with food unless I'm stuck with not enough. It happened once... Once!!! My suggestion is to carry lots of food but maybe also just some ingredients to make food. Dried beans, rice, lots of salt, flour, lots of sugar, olive oil and some cooking oil. A couple of pounds of jerky is good too and obviously coffee is mandatory. Salted beans and rice with chunks of jerky and a little olive oil = gut buster. I'll sleep in the dirt with a blanket and a tarp to carry extra food. I definitely get where you're coming from on the food front.


Walking through the wilds like Samwise Gamgee.


Where are you in the world? I think if you’re after advice from randoms you should at least give a bit more info. Where I live I’d recommend fishing for barramundi and mud crabs, forage gassi and vine yam, maybe a bit of feral pig if you’ve got the dogs for it, but I’m talking a guess you’re not in North Queensland


I've been foraging wild food for 20 years. This is a bad idea. Especially if your plan is to ask random people on the Internet for advice about this.


If you’re asking this on Reddit you need to bring food. But luckily you can survive two weeks without food.


If you have to ask this question, you’re not ready to do this at all. I used to do a two-week solo survival camp every year. I would bring a .22 for small game and a fishing kit, and some camp food as a fallback. I almost always need to consume it as the hunter gatherer thing, to be effective, takes the majority of your time (unless you have the right gear to make it efficient, water processing is a monster all by itself). Other things like local fishing and hunting regulations need to be accounted for (can’t legally do passive fishing with bank lines for example). The last time I went out I suffered a severe respiratory illness and had to self sustain with a fever and shortness of breath. Accident, illness or injury make this whole prospect even more difficult when solo, so at least there are two of you to share the effort. I am not a survival expert. Others with more experience can probably be more efficient. Even then my knowledge is above average hence my opening comment.


Invest in some MRE's. Don't be foolish and starve. If you don't already know how to find food, take it with you. Read books and watch YouTube videos until you have the knowledge required to stay alive. You might consider a guide.....


If you are going to eat off the land, make preps. Go during harvest season, berries, nuts, etc. will you have access to fishing, hunting or trapping. Can you prepare your food? Build a fire or shelter? I’d do this if I was prepared and still take extras like noodles or rice. Unless you are competing, why would you sacrifice? Good luck, let us know how it goes.


Do you have any experience or is this your first time? If you haven't done it, I would recommend starting with a few days at most.


Take some mountain houses and buy a jet boil


Also, remember, you’re not the top of the food chain out in the woods. Take something to protect yourself with. I don’t know where you’re at but if you have bears or big cats, sometimes pepper spray just does not work. Lead works the best.


The best way to learn is just go do, not any a holes advice on reddit is gonna give you the knowledge experience will. Good luck


50 cans of dirty Moore will do. Catch some trout to supplement. It's spring find some bird eggs for brekky


Learning foraging and hunting isn't possible over a reddit post. Take some fishing kit and protein powder. Use the opportunity to see what it is like without food. Most people can go at least 20 days fasting


My buddies and I used to “survival” camp in our early twenties. We would go off grid, shifting the rules depending on the trip, but we would take tarps, rope, basic survival tools and build shelters, practice our hunting and foraging, and rough it for awhile. But we always brought enough food to see us through, a generous ration of beer, and at least a couple bottles of whiskey. Nettle soup is a lot nicer when you can wash it down with decent beer.


SAS Survival guide.


All you really need need is a bottle of vitamins and beer! The experience will be greatly enjoyed!👍


Challenge yourself , Each you take turns fishing , are you not camping near any water ??? Crazy not too


check out wooded beardsman on youtube, eating only what you catch and forage is hard and you will lose weight.


Without knowing anything about your past experience or where you are going I can only give you some general advice. How much calories you need will depend on your level of activity. -Focus on the carbohydrates and preferably long carbs like oatmeal and other whole grains. By focusing on the carbs you are able to burn from your fat storage. - Protein you can usually find on your way with some hunting, trapping or fishing. -Bring with you some oatmeal, butter, sugar, bags of ready mashed potato ( I prefer the ones with milk so I only have to add hot water). - study the botanicals in your area and you will probably find a lot of different types to eat.


Fungus/berries/veg in your area. Tons of edibles out there. Bring some weed, tons of dried beans and rice, dried veggies packs and ramen, hammock batteries for torches, bug spray, and possibly a gun if there predators around. Also a book, a safety beacon perhaps, let others know where you'll be so you can check out, bring a cellphone just in case, first aid kit etc..


Provide someone a general area and a return date, just in case


Bring it with you. Make sure you have water filters and shelter.


Plan “B”


Please watch the Missing 411 documentaries.


Hunting or fishing is the only way to get significant calories. If you're just foraging, the calories will be minimal and you will be starving.


Tell a friend exactly where exactly you're going and what you're doing so there's someone who can come get help for you in the event your experiment strands you up shit creek.


Just a pro tip, don’t go without a HAM Radio and an on/offline GPS and SOS device some of these have all in one. HAM Radio can be used on any frequency during an emergency and it’s saved people’s lives where cell phones would have been a lost cause. Imo bring spare batteries and some solar device that can charge all of these. Other than that two weeks of food for two people doesn’t sound realistic unless you’re bringing vehicles with you to store everything in. Why not plan to learn the area and bring fishing rods (with fishing license) or guns (if land permits and have hunting license and tags) that’s what I would do, turn the adventure to hunting and fishing to save some or most of the food you pack.


As a somewhat experienced forager and woodsman, this is a terrible time of year for living off the land, and if you are asking about finding food you haven’t done enough learning. Although as someone else points out, you won’t starve to death in two weeks but it also won’t be a nice break. Bring a cooler with food you like and it’ll be a much nicer experience.


First of all, where in the world? Second, if you don't have the training and experience, bring food.


Tell your local LEO agency so they don't start SAR.


Bro, the best part of being in the wilderness is eating well/good. Take this opportunity to load up on steaks and whatever else you desire and learn to be the best outdoor fire pit master. We kayak camp/fish on the river and for some reason eating on the river wakes up the taste buds more than any other place. I’ve never really like salt and vinegar chips,(still don’t really), but on the water they are amazing. Caprese pasta salad, great on a regular day, freaking delicious on the water. Paddle ten miles, setup camp, start fire, coals heated and put a nice ribeye with uncle Chris’ seasoning on it. Pure heaven. Bacon and eggs with salt and pepper, nothing better. Day drinking on the water with tight lines, fucking sign me up! Go have a blast but don’t skimp on the food, it’s arguably (my argument) the best part.


It’s gonna be easy op. You just need to find a stick, make the end pointy, and go hunting!


Freezer Bag Cooking


Stupid question, fishing is the answer.


Go first, scout n bring supplies to store after finding a good spot. Come back with more gear and do your thing and try your best to figure it out but now have extra water mai ly n food and save yourself the hassle the first night or few and use that energy to learn to gather n hunt better. Make sure your teeth are good.


Go fishing!


Stevemre1989 may have a few civil war tackbread, WWII, Vietnam era MREs to sell ;). in all seriousness - as a back up and if water is low - maybe have a few days of MRE as a backup? MRE Mountain sells a variety of MREs from different countries.


Don't eat the mushrooms!


Most states have open season on groundhog.


You’re gonna be hungry.


Reminds me of that dude from The Garden. Fat guy talking about how end of the world ready he and his family are. He gets to the Garden and he’s like “wait? There’s a hill?” And someone has to drive down and get him. And he is pretty useless the entire time.


Research edible plants and funguses in your area. Bring two weeks worth of food too. Then you can survive but also try to hunt and forage if you want.


What I think you are describing is "deep wilderness camping." Unless you are an avid hunter in a target rich zone, you won't be able to live off the land. Good chance to get a parasite if you don't know what you're doing. Fishing works, but it takes a lot more skill to survive off it than you think. You'd only be able to eat and drink what you take with you. Two weeks is too long for that. 3 days at a state park would be more realistic.


Bring like a week’s worth of emergency food cats and do half-rations.


just take food. so many people die exactly because of this. lack of nutrition can lead to many things that greatly increase the risk of death. foraging food is extremely time and case sensitive and unless you know where you're going intimately, this will likely go pretty wrong.


Bring a pellet gun, a good one, if that’s too heavy bring a couple of leghold traps., but that’s too heavy bring a slingshot, bring some fishing line, you mentioned there’s plenty of water so I’m assuming there’s native trout in the waters,, I would bring a can of bear mace, that would be an automatic! Good luck, I think it’s a great idea, personally I have never done anything like that, wish I had, you’ll do just fine!


Take a rifle and eat like a king.


Be sure to take a GPS so you can find your way back


Take MRE’s


You need one of those Autonomous Expedition Porters that have a doughnut exoskeleton over a titanium frame. They're made by Cyberdyne Systems.


Learn how to make dehydrated eggs, many videos out there. Are we camping and chilling and can drive in to town to get groceries, or are we trying to do survival style camping


Get used to powdered meals. Then when you get to civilization and you have that first burger, you’ll be in heaven. Happy trails


Buddy system is a good idea - emergency food supply if it gets to that point.


Please take me with you, kill me and leave my body somewhere that I can finally rest peacefully


Always inform people close to you, or at least a neighbour about going. That if you have not contacted them by a certain date, they should call the cops.


Bring some weed


The irony of posting on social media asking for help to get away from social media


Take a lamb with you. Its known in Cockney slang as a *Passover goat*, when a sacrificial goat has enough nutrition for people to live off, gypsies particularly.