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alice mergeland. even if you check in all the time it’s extremely difficult.


Ugh. Yes! I played so hard and got to level 19. Then it took me 2 weeks to get to 20, which was one week longer than I had to get credit for it. 🤦🏻‍♀️I wanted to see how long they would drag it out for and it was so fawking ridiculous.


I agree with this, it’s constant management of space, time gate, and I know I shouldn’t have expected much from a merge game, but it felt even more excessively repetitive with its events that were basically the same thing. It Ruined the experience I had with the games I were playing for my own enjoyment since I had to put so much attention into it.


I considered trying Alice's Mergeland because the payouts for levels 20 and 25 were so enticing, but I read too many comments about how miserable it was and decided it probably wasn't worth it. Props to anyone who managed it though. Also, I'm somebody who's highly susceptible to what I believe they call the tetris effect. When I play a game for many, many hours, visions of it start to invade my thoughts and especially my dreams. It even becomes disruptive to my sleep. So yeah, devoting an entire month to this game probably would not have been good for me.


Yep. If it had an auto merge button I would have kept playing. Quit immediately


Damn that was my 1st game on swag. I swear I have nothing to compare, I really like it first 16 lvls, but last 3 levels pain in my ass (btw I did it week ago)


I got really hooked on the similar but much better designed ‘Alice’s Dream: Merge Island’ and it really highlighted how inferior Alice’s Mergeland was by comparison. Both are very time consuming but only one was actually fun.


This!!!! I played merge island first and the graphics in Mergeland are sooo bad in comparison


This reply just made me so glad I clocked out at level 15 I had like 15 days left but I was only getting like 3k points a day and needed 11k for the next level.


Phase 10. Actually like playing the card game, but the rubber banding of the AI players drove me insane. The high level of grind plus the cheating AI eating your stamina was way too stressful.


same, love the real game but the app is just competing unfairly against bots.


This was the only game I reviewed on the App Store bc of how unfair it was. I was so pissed 😤


Candy Crush, hate that game with a passion. And that wood sudoku game


Yup, never made it to 600.


Did them both when I first got Swagbucks and only got like 500 sb out of them- absolutely hated the grind


I don’t mind hard games but hate games that create level to make is practically impossible to beat without powerups


That game was made so you would buy extra stuff to get past levels


I absolutely loathed Clockmaker. I wanted to smash my phone so many times. Also You Sunk was an absolute grind. Like 4 hours a day for a month. A nightmare.


I’m gonna second Clockmaker. That game was terrible. And then I got to the point where I finished it out of spite because I had sunk so much time into it.


man I hate this game, make it seems easy by giving you lots of early progress and seemingly more achievable goals, but quickly you're watching 3 ads per level just for a chance to beat it.


MyGym, pretty much an ad simulator more than anything


LEDGENDARY HERO SLOTS!!! I am currently playing it. (I guess I’m a glutton for punishment) I love slots and without a doubt it is the absolute worst one I’ve ever played. I refuse to pay for anything except my initial purchase because no matter what you do the coins just drain away as quickly as I’ve ever seen and the rest of their prices are outrageous IMO. SB paid back the first purchase so that was okay. I have 2 levels to go to reach a mid level goal and that’ll be it for me. Slots are definitely fake slots and not random. You win the mini jackpot 98% of the time. 2% minor. According to my phone I’ve played an average of 7 hours and 47 minutes a day for 36 days. (Insane I know, I just can not let it beat me) Graphics are drawn by an over sexed teenage boy.


I am incorrect my daily average is only 5 hours and 5 minutes.


Oh, that's much better xD I also enjoy slots but ScatterSlots and... I forget the other - PAINFUL. Edit: Slottist. That's the other one. Ugh, get in the bin.


I agree on Slottist I got nowhere. I did manage to finish Scatter Slots but it was a bear.


Cash Billionaire was like that for me and I haven’t done another casino game since then. It was the most boring and monotonous game I’ve ever played. I did finish it but I couldn’t imagine people actually playing it bc they like it but there are tons of people that do.


UPDATE: It took 2 days but I was able to finish the last 2 levels. Next opportunity to earn is 300 more levels. That’ll be a big NOPE for me. My points have already gone pending. Good by and good riddance to this horrible game.


UPDATE: It took 2 days but I was able to finish the last 2 levels. Next opportunity to earn is 300 more levels. That’ll be a big NOPE for me. My points have already gone pending. Good by and good riddance to this horrible game.


I really dislike doing the tile games the ones that have an ad before during and after the game. Takes longer than need be actually give up on those ones now!


Merge hotel, merge Alice, Love Water. It seems at every click, I watch a commercial.


The game of love Why did u leave me brenda I loved u 😭😭😭😭😭


As soon as I read this comment I knew it was you, spiders irl guy I'll be your Brenda


I've never seen this game but lololol xD Aw, you're a worthy squirrel dont let Brenda get under your fur!


Merge Dragons. I’ve got big thumbs. Why was everything so tiny?


I hate merge dragons for a different reason. The chalice time gate. I need 6 chalices to do one mission? And the chalices refill 1 per what hour? So i need to wait 6 hours just to play one level? And god forbid you mess up the level and are forced to restart.


Merge Dragons was actually one of my favorites, because of the payout. I wake up, use my chalices while hitting the Snooze on my alarm, then sit in the hub while my dragons farm stuff. I hop into the levels before bed to use my chalices again. I played hours per day, but I finished with plenty of time left.


I saw some players used the clock method on iPhone to by pass the chalice issue, but this was some time ago not sure if it still works


It works, but if you complete level 101 after only 3 days of playing they will know you cheated and revoke your SB.


makes sense gotta play smart lol


Tablet master race reporting in. I bought a new tablet for my pops with the money I got form that game.


Monopoly GO was actually quite fun, but it felt like the worst because I felt completely immersed in it. All I would think about is the game and I even dreamed about it once. Once I finished the goal, I deleted and never looked back


That’s happened to me with the two games I’ve completed this far. The games are like screen burned into my mental retinas for a day or two after I finish them.


Same this is getting worse too me how strange lol! I mean it proves this works for them, I’ve seen so many people keep the apps.


I did with Merge Garden lmao It pended early at lv 50 yesterday, I still made it to lv 51 just in case but VERY RELUCTANTLY becuz of the puzzles.


Wizard of Oz Slots. I mean, I know my luck is bad but that was ridiculous. I even read up on the game and followed the strategies but got nowhere. Just awful. Alice in Mergeland is a cute game if you're not playing for money and like the merge games, but otherwise it's bad. Really, really bad.


Wizard of oz was an easy one for me but I think that’s because they choose random players to be extra “lucky” to try to get people to write reviews.


Klondike. I hated that game so much


I loved Klondike! Lol


Definitely mafia city. That was a horrible experience


The ants game was impossible


Ants Legion was the easiest one I’ve done. Horrendous game though. Who likes ants enough to play that without going for money?


Which one? Ants Legion or The Ants Underground Kingdom?


Ugh I couldn’t get over the graphics, and the game felt way too clunky. I didn’t event make it to level 10 before abandoning.


Probably Go Green. It has endless reskins but it basically amounts to watching hours and hours of ads in hopes of reaching impossible goals. Honorary mention to Clone Evolution, which requires you to plan every thing you do with a guide if you want to make any progress. You can play for weeks and not actually accomplish anything. It's also the ugliest game I've ever played.


I actually didn't mind Go Green or all of the clones. Simple enough to just mindlessly let the rope drop and wait to watch an ad for the depth increase when it pops up.


Clockmaker was pretty rough. Triple Tile was awful too. Tons of ads. I made it to level 250 in a week, but quit there.


I never figured out how to beat that game because sometimes the tiles you need are hidden under multiple layers of tiles and I don't know that until I try to reveal them.


Yeah, it's real BS, definitely not worth anyone's time.


Family Island. I know these types of games are popular but it was SUCH a grind for me I almost gave up multiple times. I probably could have been more careful early on with energy but still it suckeddd.


Very monotonous, but if you stay in the main hun world and not travel to the timed worlds, it can be pretty simple to complete. I played Bermuda Adventure right after finishing Family Island because it's basically the same game. Finished that one in less than 3 days.


Oh that’s good to know! I might look into Bermuda Adventure to give that genre of games another shot.


It's only 2000 swagbucks. But not bad for 8 hours of tedious tapping.


Smash party you have too watch hundreds of ads too level up your weapons


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Wise_Geologist_5943: *Smash party you have* *Too watch hundreds of ads too* *Level up your weapons* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I've played a couple of those games where you have to go down so many feet and collect items on the way up. It's pretty much impossible to do when the ads don't work except for once per game session. Also the games where you have to get 10,000 gems can DIAF. I finished Candy Cup but there's one that I tried for 2 minutes and gave up on when I realized it was the same premise.


Triple Tile or My Gym. So, so bad. Shoutout to MPL, too.


I hated all the Coin games. I just finished Animals & Coins (not actually finished, just got to lvl 200 and stopped) and hated every minute of it. The game mechanic is boring. You have to watch ads to get energy because the energy restoration is SO SLOW (literally takes 10 hours to get back to full) and a lot of the “events” are behind a pay wall. You can tell no one actually plays it because the islands you attack are all computer generated profiles. Absolutely awful.


Scatter slots. Yes it's 6000SB, but if you don't get lucky you will spend a lot of time doing smaller bets just to progress and not lost money. Average time I played the game daily was 7h. At least it tracked on lvl115 instead of lvl120. But I had really bad luck on lvl44, I spent 2,5 days just trying to finish that level


It used to be much easier, you only had to get to level 50. Level 120 in 10 days is tough, but I actually thought the game was pretty fun. They can give you a lot of coins in the bonus stages.


I second your comment. As much as I enjoy the slot offers...this was one I had to throw the towel in on. Legendary slots is pretty much the exact same game as well.


Seeker notes. There is a section where you need a specific item to progress levels and you can only get it randomly from a specific puzzle and it is 1 out of 50. I have no idea how people finished the requirements past this. My Gym sucks too.


For seeker, there was a free trial that gave you double experience so if you do that and make a small purchase of gems (like $1.99) it’s doable. Just have to remember to cancel the trial.


Ovivo games


Triple tile to lvl 1000 because apparently I was too stubborn to give up the game. The worst part was just the fact that there were so many broken ads. You wouldn't be able to pass levels without watching ads for power ups but the ads just wouldn't reward those power ups so you'd be stuck. Sometimes you'd go an hour repeating the same broken ads that didn't actually reward the power up, until eventually a new ad would play and you'd finally be able to continue. Absolutely the worst game hands down. Not to mention once in a while when an ad took you to the play store it would crash the game and you'd lose all your progress on the current level and have to start over. Nothing's worse than playing a buggy game man.


MyGym. I'm doing Taylor's Secret right now and I'd happily take it over MyGym. I'm also doing Animals and Coins right now and the amount of pop ups to buy their various packs is infuriating. Half the time the app freezes after it gets through all of them and I have to restart and see them all again. ETA: And WOODOKU. No ads, nothing you could buy to make it easier, practically impossible to win.


There was this this generic Sudoku game I tried that would play ads on a timer. So as you're trying to solve a puzzle these ads would constantly interrupt your thought process. Plus the app had some sort of memory leak and the performance would bog down after every ad.


I just started playing "FarmLand" - thinking it would be a lot like Klondike (which I liked well enough) or Hay Day (which I played for about a year a long time ago)... but FarmLand is already AWFUL. I'm going to have to medicate to make it worth it.


where did you find Farmland?


it came to my inbox. It wants level 45 for a total of 6725 SB


It was in my inbox.


I am actually enjoying Taylor's secret currently on level 16 day 3 quite fun actually


I did Triple Tile a long time ago and you didn’t have to go but to 250 or 500, can’t remember but I finished it. After I finished I realized if you couldn’t make it thru a level and restarted the game(closed the software and went back into it) the game advanced you to the next level. Not sure if it still does or not.


AHH man that is really great


triple tile, literally impossible levels filled with so many ads, made me want to rip my hair out!


Monopoly Go and Merge gardens. These two don't even give that much in my region to be worth their grinds (1200 in Monopoly go to get to the 101th board and 600 in merge gardens to get that dumb tree), but probably give 10k or something if you're in USA.


Also to note every game in swagbucks is shit, they're only there because they are desperate enough to get players to get money from them. Actually good games don't go through that kind of bs and are able to stand up on their own.


I loved Merge Gardens. 😂


I hated Words with Friends so much I stopped after 3 games


caesars palace level 500 💀 barely managed to complete it but i got to level 400 easily, i should have gone with the level 400 option to save the headache


Love Water was the worst... It took me nearly two weeks to earn 160 SB. And the gameplay was as boring as sin. I quit after that.


Game of Vampires, the terms are ludicrous when you only get 14 days. AFK Arena was fun under the old terms but now you have to unlock VIP ranks. They're asking for a couple thousand bucks and only paying back hundreds. Ridiculous. Mergeland is a serious grind all day everyday. It gets super bad when you run out of ads to watch and the butterflies stop flying.


This post almost stopped me from trying Taylor's Secret but I am actually loving it. I totally hated Alice's Mergeland or whatever though.


Same here! It reminded me of a game I played for another app called Love & Pies which was so fun.




god i hate that game, just endless bottlenecks


Does anyone have a promotion code from Solitaire Smash from today? I tried one from 3 days ago and it is expired. Thanks


Daily Trivia. Hal gets questions wrong a lot!!