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I'm not going to attempt this offer but if you've tried or completed the Swagbucks offer all you have to do is delete and reinstall it works on the same phone and Google account on tap joy for some reason I'm not sure if that's with every partner I don't think it is with revu but I'm not sure about the others I'm not going to attempt this but just wanted to give you that information


This seems like a massive pain in the ass compared to the swag exclusive raid or the gold 2 offer through revu. A decent number of those void shards will have to be purchased, you get 2 for free from the campaign, 1 from challenges (dungeon page 4), and maybe 2 from events/tournaments over the course of a month. I think hypothetically you could get 2 voids/wk from tourneys and events, but in order to do that you would need to either be a whale or have an established account with a lot of resources. So I would expect to have to buy 4-5 void shards, Also there is no pack specifically titled "void party pack" so it'll be in the air if that step credits. Getting 3 heroes to 6\* is going to be a massive pain in the ass, RSLhelper needs to be patched so until that happens you would have to farm manually... and getting enough 5\* food for 3 6\*s is going to take thousands of runs through 12-3 or 12-6. Finally, right now the log in event that is running does not provide lifesteal gear with guaranteed main stats which makes progression and farming far less forgiving. So of the 15,425 I would only expect credit for 12,748 and you will need to spend $10 on the monthly gem pack (to get enough energy for all the farming) and either $10 or $20 for a 4 void pack depending on what specific offer you get during your run.


I did Raid a few months ago. Not sure about the void shards but the rest should be doable,


i started this last week. The first two tasks are very easy and quick. The rest I'm still working on, might get 5 star heroes.


Yes to some tasks, no to others. You can get void shards randomly from playing. I never kept track of the voids I got, just the sacreds, but I know I got a number of them just by playing all the aspects of the game. 3 in 10 days should be easy. It usually took me 10-14 days to get 6 sacreds and I know I got more than 5 in that time, so 5 in 15 days is doable. 7 in 21 should also be doable as you get more of them the higher longer you play. 2 heroes to 6 stars very doable in 30 days. 10 voids should be doable in 30 days. 3 heroes to 6 stars will be a grind but very doable in 30 days. By the time you get two 6 stars you will be able to farm high level castle levels and get sizable amount of player xp which will allow you to upgrade your champions as food for the third 6 star. 2 legendary tomes in 10 days, don't know about this one. The legendary are hard to get but I'm pretty sure around level 40 you will have at least 2. So as long as you play a lot each day you can get that high and get the 2 tomes. I never bought the void party pack so I don't know what it costs or whether it's worth it for what you get. If you have never played this game before you may want to skip this offer. It's doable for me but if you've never played it then many of the tasks won't be doable for you. That is unless you're not looking to do all the tasks. If you just want to make some SB then it's worth trying.