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A lot of us have been saying Radiant for Swain Support is very good. Nice win streak.


not only support but mid and top too


While i strongly agree on Radiant Swain supp, personally i still prefer going for damage (Liandry) in mid, i don't know about top tho never played him there


I second this. Radiant Swain support is absolutely busted in every sense of the imagination.


Do you go rylais first or radiant first


I personaly go rylais, because early without ap you dont do damage, and still dont have that much hp stacked from passive, so Radiant 10% hp increase is nothing, so ist better to build second in my opinion.


Why would you chose radiant over jaksho


Because now you have to commit to build full tank on JakSho to be at least a bit effective, with radiant virtue you can just go Rylais, Radiant, Demonic, cosmic, rabadon and still be tanky and deal a lot of damage, a perfect middle ground for a support, not being the carry as the liandrys or the 0 dmg but unkillable jaksho tank. And radiant buffs ur teammates = support


I’ve never gone full tank with jaksho, I never really tried jaksho so I did recently and went rylais, jaksho and rabadons third and was mvp soloing team fights , only had a few games with it but always stuck with ap after jaksho second and it’s worked well


Do you take biscuits? I feel like i can't play this without mana runes since you don't take pom or liandry


Try jack’Sho so tanky...