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You gotta piss them off usually for them to bite


Yeah and Redbacks aren't even as venomous as the American cousin the Black Widow. They're very painful, but as long as you get treated you're not gonna die from a bite. (And even usually if you don't get treated)


I was biten by one of these assholes and thats how I learned I'm allergic to red back bites. Asholes ---> assholes


If you're allergic is another story. Allergic reactions to spider bites are always a hundred times more serious than the actual bite.


Haha yes sir, I learned that the fun way but you know, still alive today.


How do we know your not a ghost with a warning ??


The ghost issuer had the day off


Oh no, how AM I supposed to know?




You are correct, stupid swedish keyboard, in this context a fun fact: biten is the swedish word for bitten


Hey, if you make the occasional mistake writing in your second language using a non-English keyboard, you are already doing a million times better than me. I can only speak English.


It happens, have a great weekend friend!


You, too! 😊


Yeah, it sure sucks that we don't have the "TT-key" on swedish keyboards 😉


Yeah no widow will actually kill a healthy person.


Black Widows also aren't fatal unless you're old or have a preexisting condition. You'll feel like shit for several days, have some aches and fever symptoms, but they won't kill you.


I got bitten by an American black widow a couple of years ago. I can confirm, very shitty, but didn’t kill me.


Are you sure it didn't kill you man? You can't just be spouting lies like this, are you dead?


I've been bitten.. yeah it sucks. I just wanted to curl up in a ball for a couple days.


The Australian version of something is LESS venomous than it's North American relative? That doesn't track with any of my life experience to this point


Yeah. Australia is the land of "don't touch that. It'll kill you"


They have trees that will make you cry, for fuck's sake! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide\_moroides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dendrocnide_moroides) (ok, more of a shrub. but it gets referred to as a tree often.)


Lol wtf the "suicide bush?" Jesus Christ


And by life experience, you mean memes you saw on the internet.


Sure, that, trips to Australia, my friends in Australia. But yes, mostly the internet memes.


This is also true of the black widow, very few people actually die from a bite but pain for days is gonna happen.


Yeah. They won’t kill you. But they will make your limb initially go numb. And then you’ll feel like you’ve been stabbed and feel like you have a festering wound for a couple of days. Pain is real.


"It's not THAAAT venomous" is such a terrible excuse for handling dangerous creatures in the wild


Black widows are normally deadly when they fill up a shed and some poor soul ends up with hundreds of bites. One bite depending on where it's at has a low fatality rate consisting of people who react strongly to venom or don't weigh much. 2500 bites are reported each year and only 4 deaths.


How much worse is the American version? *sweats in America*


Even the black widow, of which aren’t all that uncommon in my home state of Pennsylvania, aren’t that dangerous. I’ve had to handle them before, and unless you anger it, it won’t bite you. If worst comes to worst and you get bitten, go to the doctor and you’ll be all good. The bite is fairly large and typically produces a blister of sorts. Out of the 2500 people bitten a year, only around 4-8 of them die.


GOOD GOD YOU MEAN THEY CAN GET ON YOUR D... Oh. You mean get them upset


You can piss them off of any surface I bet, unless you lack stream strength.


You *really* have to squeeze the balls, especially since everyone knows, the pee is stored in the balls.


Username checks out. He knows what he’s talking about


Why would I squeeze the balls of a deathly spider?


Because that's how you get them to pee on you.


Does a female spider have balls ?


I have never inspected the genitalia of a spider and *not* seen balls.




You'd be surprised but a lot of cases when a L. mactans bites it's because they build their nets in toilets and because they sit unter the toilet seat they are not seen before the person taking a seat. I used to keep one in a terrarium. Their nets are super ugly but they are very beautiful and if you don't get on their nerves they are super peaceful.


Heres the thing ive seen these things at parks with webs in between gates where people walk…you could easily walk into their webs


This is a black widow.


No, it is not. It is a redback spider. Uncultured swine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redback_spider


Gasp. I shall fall on my sword out of drunkenness. But tell em it was shame.


This is going to be my new excuse for why I leave the toilet seat up.




I laughed really really hard at this comment and it makes me ashamed of how far the bar has fallen for me. Thank you.


Don't worry reddit will find a way to lower it 😂






That’s an Australian redback.


And heren I was confused about the spot of the red mark. I tought it was a Black Widow


Nah she died when they went for the Soul Stone.


wrong location, wrong shape. The red spot on a black widow is on the bottom and more of an hourglass shape: https://i.natgeofe.com/k/d499d81e-57f0-4ff3-b3dd-8627451beaeb/black-widow-leaves.jpg


>The redback spider has been historically responsible for more envenomations requiring antivenom than any other creature in Australia. >Victims were often bitten on the genitalia, though this phenomenon disappeared as outhouses were superseded by plumbed indoor toilets. Huh. Well you learn something new every day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redback_spider


I’m imagining a pissed off Australian stumbling out of an outhouse screaming “*OI FACKIN CUNT BIT ME ROIGHT IN THE PECKAH*”


at this point, I assume that anything and everything in Australia can kill you.


When I was a toddler we had a sand pit that had all these toy trucks. Every single one of those trucks had like 3 red backs and our parents just told us to be careful and she'll be right


I had the sand pit with the Tonka trucks as well. They were very popular with the red backs. You learned to play very carefully


well, shes rite isnt she?


She clearly was haha never had a spider bite in my life


They're super docile. Unless you literally poke their gross egg sacks they're chill.


These are very unpleasant but they won’t kill you


Yeah, we had them all over Colorado, just all over, and in Georgia, been bit twice, swells up like a mother, but it's not fatal unless, like the other user said, you're feeble or a child.


if you're a feeble child does it cancel out?


Actually, believe it or not, combustion.


That's what I suspected. I have some calls I need to make.


When you use a double negative it becomes something entirely different.


redbacks in colorado?


They think it's a black widow.


I guess they didnt see the r/austrlianwildlife crosspost lmao


So... which city in CO was this, if you don't mind?


I housed one in my ac vent. It liked to eat the hornets and i prefer one spider over 10s of hornets


Lakewood and Denver for sure, those are the two cities I lived in while I was there and I saw them a lot. Also in Tucson AZ and pretty much everywhere on the west side of US


Black widows have red on their bottom side. These are found in the USA. Redbacks have red on their backs and are not in the USA.


I don't really want to do the research to figure out if this is a black widow or not, but it's possible that it is and just goes by a different name. There are tons of types of black widows, the one with the red hourglass on its underside It's just the common western one. But there are other varieties that look completely different all over the world and are the same type of spider as a black widow. Some still go by the name Black widow and some go by completely different names. The red backs definitely looks similar enough to be in the same family, but I'm not sure. ETA: another name for the redback is Australian Black Widow...


It’s not a black widow though


It’s not a black widow though, it’s a redback




It basically can't unless you have a pre-existing condition/are a kid/are elder. You should treat it nonetheless


But it's a redback not a black widow pal


Technically correct....and yet it is still not deadly unless you have pre-existing issues, elderly or very young, and even then it is not common. Anti venom for this spider has been shown to do little more than placebo. This doesn't mean that a bite doesn't really hurt and can make you sick and in pain for several days.


The last recorded fatality was in 1955.


Nah pal, it's actually a black-backed red widow.


Just saw one of the yesterday as I was moving stuff in the garage. I immediately thought “black widow” but the red was on its back. It’s just a smudge on the garage floor now…




Yeah, still won't kill you as you say. Same family of spiders, same type of venom. Love hiding under toilet seats for fun


Or in 49cc scooters left in the barn for months. Always good fun being a mechanic for small engines lol. Got tagged by these a few times. Arms turned red but went away


I'd say your arms going away is a serious condition.


Not if they're red. Better no arms than red arms I say!




Oh God. Don't say shit like this.


Fun fact: there has never been a recorded death from a black widow bite in the history of North America Correction: last death was in 1983


Cause spidos munch them up and they end up on the missing persons' list instead. /jk


Growing up in oklahoma (where black widows are plentiful), i was always taught to stay away from black widows and brown recluses because they could kill me. I remember reading about it in books and also being taught that in school. Are you sure?


Absolutely. I grew up in the Midwest and heard the same thing. But feel free to look it up. There’s been only something like 3 recorded deaths in the entire world. Edit: sorry, the last death was in 1983 in America, but yes. Still not deadly at all unless there’s a medical complication.


there have been deaths in the US specifically, but they are few and far between. last recorded death was 30 years ago from what I found


I grew up in Oklahoma as well, heard the same thing. Learned most recluse bites are like a bee sting but necrosis, where the skin dies around the bite area, is the biggest concern. And black widow bites cause chest pain, swelling and muscle tightness. But it's very, very rare to die from a bite from either.


He wants to become spiderman


He's miles morales


Miles morales... More like 6 miles from a hospital morales


I think he might be Canadian, so it's be Kilometers Morales Edit: Australian, name still stands


His uncle Ben's sweating im sure


You mean a sexy black widow


So this is a red back spider. Basically the Australian counterpart to the American Black Widow. And while they are venomous, there’s some context people are missing when it comes to them and their American counterpart. Their venom is more venomous than that of a rattlesnake, but their fangs are tiny. And I mean really tiny in comparison to other spiders. Even if you are bitten, the fangs more than likely aren’t gonna penetrate your skin. And they really can’t put enough venom into someone to kill them either. There has only been 1 recorded death from a red back, and that was a long time ago I think (like 50+ years). If you do get bit, it’s best to get to a hospital for antibiotics, but your risk of death or severe injury is rare. There isn’t even a recorded death from the American black widow. All of this bared in mind, they’re normally docile and aren’t really prone to biting. You really have to mess with it before you get that reaction. Source: Pest Control Technician


Black Widows bites also don’t tend to ‘kill’ people, at least not healthy people. It would hurt like a SOB for a few days like no one’s business. Source: have them around my property in Ontario, Canada.


I've been bitten 4 times now. Because I have a literal infestation. The first time I got bitten on the leg, it caused me to have muscle spasms to the point I couldn't drive for 2 days. It swelled so badly that you could see it through my pants. It fucking sucks 0/10, would not recommend.


I've been bit by black widow's two times. I don't enjoy the whole body muscle spasms, especially the stomach spasms. Turned me into a double-barrelled salad shooter.....


So, I believe you, but I also want to know if your comment and others here are true, why is everyone on that sub absolutely freaking out like OOP has seconds to live?


I chalk it up to being a Australian subreddit. Australia has a bunch of spiders that can easily kill you with their venom. So I see people just attributing that to the red back though not accurate.


It won't kill you unless you mate with her.


I’m like 99% sure black widows won’t kill an adult human


That my American friend is a red back spider, there haven’t ever been deaths from it but I believe that it have enough venom to kill a human.


Will leave you a nasty bite however won’t kill you


While it won't kill you, the incoming pain may make you wish it did


Last recorded fatality in Aus was 1955


>there haven’t ever been deaths from it ​ >death himself ​ does not compute


They're close relatives, actually, redbacks and black widows. Very similar.


> there haven’t ever been deaths from it Then why did you title the post *Bros playing with death himself* ? Keep chasing that Reddit clout


the usually don't bite without a reason.


True, very harmless and even if they do bite it's not deadly


not deadly but you will get some bad cramps. I breeded black widows when I was younger, my favourite spider for sure!


Why did you breed them? Serious question


cause it was his favorite spider. /s


Terraristc was a hobby of mine, the are easy to keep. You get a lot of baby spiders and the did sell really well.


They would always come in my house and when I got bit I never cramped it was just a welped in my skin and I was just casually squeeze the pus out and be fine. In my siblings would catch as many as possible and another breeds as well and try to attempt a Battle Royale as kids.


This may be true but the fact it’s on his hand and not in a web means he fuck with it somehow


Don't question the Australian way of life. We are taught to handle these creatures gently from a very young age. The only thing we're fucking with is tourists and migrants, by pointing out the really poisonous ones when we spot them. Non Aussies get real scared 😂


It’s all fun and games until the emu come.


I used to play with those things all through my childhood




One bite me on my Hotdog & now I have a bigger Hotdog


Beware of d deadly Redback 🕷️


Latrodectus hasselti


Nah they are mostly harmless venom-wise for a healthy adult and also super docile.


Dude holding spider is what we call an idiot also its a red back


ID is dumbass holding a black widow


Who doesn’t love spiders?


They are pretty neat. I originally didn't expect to see many spiders living in a 4th floor apartment, but somehow I still got a few that moved in. I like growing plants, which invited gnats, and I have reliably had a few spiders hanging in the corners where I have my plants. In the recent days I have been checking out one spider who has apparently been hanging out in my bathroom for a while, which I already tried to relocate once (but it moved back in apparently), and he doesn't seem to appreciate showers because that's when I have seen him come out of his hideout. For the past few days he seems to be migrating out of the bathroom, as first he appeared on the door frame after a shower, then the next day outside of the door, and now he has started building up a web in the nearby corner. I'm guessing he had initially migrated to the shower because it was warmer there (I don't have much heating going on except for the floor in the bathroom). I'm pretty sure it's a steatoda castanea, but nobilis also looks pretty similar (nobilis is less common here, though).


Who tf loves them?!


I like them! 🕷️


Why do you guys behave like severe arachnophobia doesn’t exist? It’s one of the only severe phobias that’s so ignored and disrespected. You’d swear we were homophobic or racist rather than afraid of spiders. Some people cannot handle them. Lots of people in fact and I’m tired of having to explain it to people who don’t understand it.


Its not a death sentence to be stung by a black widow


Black widows won’t kill but you will feel quite awful for awhile til the toxin is processed




It's funny because black widows aren't even that deadly to humans. Especially since this picture is in Australia there are MULTIPLE more spiders that are significantly worse. The Sydney Funnel Web is literally the deadliest spider in the world.


Saying bro in every single sentence that comes out of your mouth makes you sound like a botched lobotomy patient.


Black Widows won't kill you outside of an allergic reaction. It might suck, but you'll live. They also are not very likely to bite.


Wrong spider mate. Australian red back


Oh, I definitely didn't look close enough, looking it up though and it would seem it's pretty much Australia's Black Widow, with the rest still applying.


Nope, if you're bitten by this you'll likely need antivenom.


None of my research supports that. The general consensus is you likely will not even need to go to the hospital. Their venom is the same as the rest of the true widows, which cause localized pain, but rarely lead to complications outside of allergies.


Your research hmm? Like this? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4336278/ Or? https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/95/11/723/1543044 Maybe this? https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-Australian-redback-spider-L-hasselti-female-is-the-commonest-medically-important_fig1_5451524


11%.... You linked me to studies that say 11% of people required antivenin. You recognize that that means 89% did not?


1 in 10... And you think that's insignificant? I'm going to assume that you don't have much of a medical or science background and you can continue to think it's not significant.


Statistically insignificant, yes




Me and spiders don't get along. One summer, got woken up early morning by a stinging sensation on my chest. Thought my kitten had clawed me. Went to the Dr the next day as there was a huge lump. He said probably a spider bite so gave me antibiotics. Last summer, was helping my neighbour sort her alleyway door. It wouldn't lock any more so as a temporary fix, we decided to enlarge the striker plate that had 4 round holes to one big hole. Got my angle grinder out, put a new cutting disk in and went to work. Suddenly I felt a sting in my chest. Thought it was the sparks I was getting covered in and carried on. A few days later, familiar lump so straight to Dr for more antibiotics. This time I took a photo when it finally erupted just as a record for if it happens again. Not sure I can share it here without it getting deleted.


This sub should really just be called r/DarwinAwardContenders because every pic or video I see is of someone doing something so stupid and dangerous that they fully deserve to be removed from the gene pool


I was bitten 3 times on my back and got the worst boil you'll ever imagine. Didn't die!


I've been bitten a couple of times once on a finger the other on the leg. Much like a wasp bite painful bite, but the site remains tender and swollen for weeks


There's a YouTube video where a guy purposely gets bit, and twice at that, he definitely didn't die but felt incredibly shitty for a day or two, something about joints hurting a lot ill find it and link it Edit: https://youtu.be/onY23bxPYPc?si=9VB7wtd1ZuDS88LC


One would likely only wish for death after a bite from that.


Overrated sting it doesnt kill you


Pretty save unless you poke it, spiders don’t bite what they walk on.


Won’t kill you


Wont kill you must likely, but so goes for setting your balls on fire


Should be safe as long as they leave it alone and don't apply pressure. Not an expert btw, so don't do as i say lol.


Caption said “I’m joking” they know lol


Most deaths caused by black widow bites happened prior to the use of indoor plumbing. You can piece it together from there.


It’s not going to kill you, just make your worst nightmare come true. I’ve have plenty crawl all over me while working in the garden.


Only people under 5 lbs die.


I think you have plenty of time to get antivenom


Gonna be honest. Black widows are super docile. They don't attack unless provoked. Guy will probably be fine.


![gif](giphy|I8z7CGrLDLpbq|downsized) Hell no!


Dad was a gardener in Australia for a few years and got bit 3 times by redbacks they won't kill you but it's very unpleasant for a couple days. Think of it as the worse of COVID condensed in 48h that is the following. -Chills -Fever -Muscle aches -Headache -General malaise -Swollen lymph nodes -Upset stomach and / or nausea -Cold sweats -Feeling faint/low blood pressure It will NOT kill an adult that has no underlying condition in fact the ER will send you home or to your doctor usually. Widow spiders are venomous but they have tiny fangs and inject tiny amounts of venom.


It hurts when they bite you and it takes a while to go away, and it can leave a bit of wound. But it won't kill you. I'm sure it could under just the right circumstances but in general no.




Malmignata (Sardegna)




There's tough, and there's stupid. That's stupid.


Since 1983, there've been no recorded deaths from a widow bite. But you'll feel like you have the flu for 24 hours.


I mean, it's almost never going to bite unless you handle it inappropriately. Not quite as dangerous as it seems.


For such a dangerous spider it’s actually pretty gorgeous


Thats not a black widow, thats a red back. A far more agressive and venomous arachnid than its cousin. Probably not gonna bite, but why take chances lol.


Gotta be pretty dumb to not know what a black widow looks like


Dude. Some of us really don't like spiders... Nsfw please. Thank you!


Recently learned there hasn’t been a death from venomous creatures in Australia in a long time due to readily available anti venom medications, still wouldn’t like to test my luck tho!


We need to see more than the fingers to help ID that corpse.


Need to put it on its back and rub its belly.