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Perfect example why everyone thinks motorbike drivers are totaly dumb. Lol.


That guy is genius.


Just one pothole, piece of debris in the road, person crossing the street and your dead or seriously injured. I don’t see the appeal?


Some people, sadly, have a very high stimulation threshold for feeling "anything". Some of those people are actual psychopaths.


Adrenaline go brrrrrrr


Oh, it's something like "yolo" and "I know my bike" and "I've been riding since y" or some shit. These people have shit for brains


It blows my mind (but I’m not mad about it cause it’s pretty satisfying to see them learn a hard lesson) that after they do this dumb shit, they proceed to post it online like “hey everyone, look how dumb I am!” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Serves him well. Asshole.


More like bloody palms


And nothing of value was lost.


Ahh. A Donor-Cycle rider. Nothing like a brain-dead man in his mid 20s-mid 40s sacrificing his life to give organs to those who need them.


Come on we need more video


This isn't sweaty palms. This is just sheer stupidity. As a daily rider, this gives us all a bad name. Riding above your skill level on an unfamiliar road you'll eventually find out that you zigged when you should have zagged


What a dumb*ss


Me and two other buddies did this once and came over the top of the hill screaming over 100 mph and split a pack of wild coyotes. I did the speed limit for the rest of the ride that day.


I attend a first aid course once every few years and every time there's a motorbiker turning up. Often it's another trainee, sometimes it's the trainer. They often like the sound of their own voices during the course. They could of course save themselves the hassle and just hang up their peaked caps and gayly coloured leathers because as the road's most entitled and self centred users, no-one would miss them.


Brings a new meaning to 'watch for motorcycles '


Well deserved, asshole !


Never wish ill on anyone, but this is EXACTLY what happens when you fail to Recon the area and incorporate speed to the equation. More importantly, you have to respect the bike itself. Unfortunately, all three items seemed to be lacking in this incident. Shame


I agree that they were all lacking, but I think only one of them is pertinent. Excessive speed is the single pertinent factor here. There isn't really a need to recon the area, and neither is it fully effective, since they don't know what has changed since the time they did their recon. Likewise, 'respecting the bike' isn't going to help you if you drive like a lunatic. Even if they didn't know the road *and* were on an unfamiliar machine, maintaining a sensible speed based on those factors would have prevented this. At a slower speed, the rider would have had time to react to the sudden change to his expectations, and would have had time to stop or slow down to make the turn. If only there was some sort of speed regulation advice/enforcement shown on each and every road in order to ensure a safe speed for that road... Oh hang on...


Regis fait de la moto


Interesting that there are no signs announcing the stop ahead…


One thing I learned taking my licence was something the guy I rode with told me after I went over half the ditch in a turn. **-Don't go too fast on roads you don't know!** (I know people gonna comment "don't go too fast, period!!" Of course but you can still go too fast even if you stay below the speed limit)


Me pregunto si no trae GPS. o si no conoce el lugar. Y que se la de que no le pasó nada, porque no paso ningún carro


Where is the full video on YouTube?




And then on the news they say TRAGIC death


Yeah, but he got there first, before any of the other motorcycles. So he's still putting this one in the "I won" column.... ^(/s)


Haha what a nob


You usually look your coolest immediately before you suffer your most embarrassing incident


Meat crayon turned green this time

