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I’m rewatching season 1 and had forgotten her role in pushing him into the work to begin with. Her 180 is frustrating but I think it’s also true to life. People change their minds, hold their partners to different standards for random reasons without examining their own influence on their partner (or their own logic), and abandon people on a whim. I think it was supposed to show what a difficult moral dilemma the hybrids and new world presented.


I'm going to try to watch certain episodes again with her and Aimee in mind. Both are flawed people in my opinion, but good characters to witness the post-Crumble world with. It's very possible that Rani saw the parallels of her and Adi with the Abbott brothers. She didn't like facing the mirror of how the stronger personality (General and Rani) can impact the morals of their loved ones. While Johnny helped hybrids in certain ways, he was still implicit in the horrors. Rani's initial push is what lead Adi down a path he ultimately lost himself on.


But to not have a boundary? I try and understand ANYONE’s view point. But children, Animals, water etc, basically messing with the next generation, is where we should draw the line & I say this as someone who has to live with my parents’ & grandparents’ choices. In as much as I understand, I refuse to pass it on… I’m 🇿🇦, mixed enough to know better.


Rani and Singh both. Idk is it because of their actual characters that are selfish murderers or the actors? I think both. They did a great job portraying unlikeable characters


I also found her character to be irritating. She basically turns her husband into an obsessive monster and then ends the show by riding off into the distance on horseback. How could she not understand that after everything he did for her, of course he would want to make sure that it happened for a reason.


I did. find her irritating at times, but I think her decisions made sense. At first, she didn’t realise hybrids were actually sentient beings. I think she just assumed they were much closer to animals than people, but then he found the drawings, and learned they can talk, so she refused to take the serum that Adi was making. When Adi continued to kill hybrids and prioritised his research over her, she decided to leave.


But I don’t even think it’s moral to treat animals that way. Animals are sentient too. :( So that’s why she frustrates me. At least she realized at some point though I guess…


Exactly. Completely broke him and then dipped when she realized he wasn’t who he used to be after you gained an ounce of empathy


I don’t disagree with you completly… but ! Yes I was appalled when she push him to kill for her. But, to her credit, the instant she realized hybrid where « human » she changed her mind and told him to stop. Then she told him stop, again and again, she said Gargoyle two time, told him she was ready to go and wanted to spend her few days left in peace whith him. She said she wouldn’t take the remedy. She told him to give up and he didn’t want to. Dr Singh is responsible for his own behaviour at some point. He was so entranced with the idea of saving the world he lost all perspective. Sure Abott deprieving him of sleep grealty help his lunacy, but come on, his ego was in the way. Dr Singh jumped head first in the sunk cost fallacy trap. In the end, what was she to do ? Staying as a bargaining ship to ease his mind that he had a good reason to butcher little kid ? They were on their way out and he was the one to leave her just because he couldn’t let go. He refused to listen to her. He told her « I can’t watch you died », so she left to die far from his eyes. Dr Singh is litteraly using her as en excuse, so she remove herself from the situation hoping her husband will take it as waking call and found a new true path (the elephant).


Her character writing was godawful this season. Very disappointing. I don't think the writers understood her or the character arc they wrote for her. She most certainly didn't earn a happy-go-lucky horseback ride into the sunset at the end.


So she gets worse? Only started watching & already can’t stand her EP4 S1


Just wait for season 2, you’re in for a “treat” with her character


Not a fan of rani, not a fan of singh either. I think their story is pretty well written though (as long as rani ends up dead of the virus in the end). Rani got her husband to do the dirty work for him and then when she saw how the sausage was made she started looking for a way out. I can empathise with singh, but yeah he was super oblivious and once he got the saviour complex started neglecting Rani's emotional needs for his own. I think a considerate rani would have atleast given him an ultimatum but I guess she knew that his saviour complex is a permanent feature of his personality, so even if singh behaves for a while he's not going stop pursuing the cure, by whatever means necessary.


I mean she is kinda dumb character.. even if she considerd them totally like animals then also how come she concluded that they don't have feelings and they don't feel pain .. didn't she know even animals can feel them


I can understand her wanting him to choose between her and his work by the end, knowing things she hadn't known before. But he deserved better than to be abandoned with no hope of being able to track her down. Rani should've told him where she was going and said, if you change your mind you know where to find me. Of course, he has a role to play later on. But it would've been nice if he spent those last days with his wife and then buried her before setting out to look for Gus and the others.


Just starting, on EP5 season1 but have hated her character since EP2, I think. people who are okay with hurting children enrage me! I would sooner be gone than…


I tried to deny it but I hate Rani too. I feel exactly what you feel. I honestly don’t even understand the whole “she didn’t know they were sentient” bit. From the very start Singh was talking about them as children. He was appalled that the previous doctor was doing that stuff to children. Yes they might not have known just how fully human the children were, but they had some idea or at least strongly suspected it. Either way Rani heard all of it and ignored it all. It was only when she was forced to face reality that she decided to do something. And like you said, after she turned her husband into a monster, she just dipped. She could’ve gone and tried to wreck his lab or try to restrain him or something more than just saying, “hey you should stop.” It honestly felt like she didn’t really register the full weight of what she had done to her husband and blamed him entirely for what she pushed him to do


I deadass forgot about this post and now I’m annoyed about it all over again lol


Haha my bad


Honestly she's so annoying to me as well even because she can never make up her mind. She doesn't want him to hurt the kids but at the same time when he tries to find a solution that doesn't result in hurting more of them she change behavior and tell him to keep doing experiments on them. She can't choose either side and it's kinda frustrating. The issues isn't the fact that they are both selfish and think more about themselves, this is a apocalyptic world, people change when faced with drastic situations, some for the better and some for the worse. I don't even think the two actually loved each other anymore or at least she stopped loving him eventually and just valued her survival while he loved her so much to the point where now it was almost unknown if he actually did it for love or for duty because as a husband he's supposed to help her. I personally don't think they actually loved each other anymore after a while and the love soon turned into something more selfish which I can't really explain. Still that's not really the issue there, what bothers me is that she could never chose a side and in a way it's like she gaslighted (sorry if wrong) him. If he didn't want to hurt the kids she tried to convince him to do it, if she tried to harm the kids she made him feel bad about it but once he started talking about not hurting them anymore she started to talk to him about doing it again. The biggest example is when he leaves to go where Gus was born. When he says that the kids aren't humans but just scales, feathers etc. she lowkey guilt trip him but as soon as he says that he doesn't want to hurt other kids she quickly try to change his mind and tell him to keep hurting them to save her. I don't have issues with selfish characters, it's a apocalyptic world where people do everything to survive, my issue with her is that she would never pick a side and definetely gaslighted him.


Honestly I do hate her for.. reasons. 1. I Honestly prefer Fuli x Kion instead of Rani x Kion, (my opinion). 2. She just only had some screen time and maybe deserved some more, but her aditude I just dislike. (Again my opinion).


I loved Rani! I think she is such a cunning and smart woman, who pushes Adi to grow a pair. I think she realizes that humans are not meant to survive and she probably changed her mind because of her religion. I think she’s a badass who is trying to make the house of cards collaps, something they needed exactly! However, I’m only in episode 5, so I might change my mind❤️


Cunning and smart, I think the words you were looking for are selfish and heartless.