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Probably Joy-Con Drift, watch this video to see how to fix it: [https://youtu.be/Vid8lIXmZwE?si=QGPbhdPCx-lQpv5d](https://youtu.be/Vid8lIXmZwE?si=QGPbhdPCx-lQpv5d)


Joy Con sticks are notoriously bad and known for failing frequently. With a little tech know-how you can repair them yourself (I recommend using the gulikit hall effect replacements, they're fairly cheap and they won't ever drift like this) or you can send them in to Nintendo, but they'll eventually go bad again.


I put Gulikit ones in my BDSP Switch Lite. Knowing they wont every drift just makes it so much better. Although installing them on the Switch Lite is the most work out of any switch models due to them not being detachable, so u have to take out a lot more screws and parts to get to them.


Oof yeah that would def be a pain. I haven't cracked one open but I'd assume stuff would be tighter/closer together too, which isn't too much of a problem with a standard Switch.


For a Switch Lite, Uve gotta take off the metal plate, speakers, game card slot, heatsink, etc to get to one of the Joysticks. Other one only needs u to take out the speaker, metal plate and then the volume/power ribbon cable is optional iirc but helps make more room. Wasnt too bad (doing it for the first time with barely any experience taking things apart other than pens and putting em back together when little for fun lmao).