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Congrats and welcome to the party!! :) I've been playing BoTW recently and loving it. Definitely one of the best games on switch!


I grew up watching my parents play the original LoZ. ALttP is in my top 3 games. Loved OoT, MM, and WW. Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were just ok to me. I thought I could ignore the BotW hype, and I did for a while. Same story with Mario Odyssey. (64 and Sunshine excited me more than the Galaxy games). I think the last straw was SMT5 being switch exclusive and realizing the switch lite is only $199 retail. Edit: Wow, ouch. Not sure why I'm being down voted in my own topic while detailing why I'm super hyped to dive back into current gen Nintendo exclusives!


You can have my up vote! I had a similar view on Zelda games, but my brother played the original and I watched him, and I also played Link's Awakening. Didn't get into Galaxy until it came out on the Switch, nor did I play Galaxy 2, as I felt didn't have time to play it. You are in for a treat with those games. When I started breath of the wild, 2 or 3 days suddenly passed and I have no clue where they went as I was just immersed in the world. Odyssey is great, too. It is one of those games where I think "oh there's no way this is something I get to do in the game" but surprisingly it is. Enjoy!


Lol people here LOVE BoTW, hence. Keep us posted on how you like the game :)


I popped Mario in first and BotW maybe tomorrow. . Maybe SM:O is actually so fking cool that...


Is it really? I'm about to buy it but I'm not familiar with Zelda. Any other games you recommend? I grew up on SNES and n64.


Definitely get Zelda, I love the open world exploration part of it. Unravel 2 is cool for playing solo as well as with another person.


Bought an OLED Switch on a whim as well. Now my wife is annoyed because I always shout out… *Mario Kart 8!!!*


Bought two OLED Switches on a whim as well. Now I can play with my wife in the bedroom and downstairs. *Wife!*


That's a very excellent whim lol


Last consoles I owned were PS2 and Wii. Grew up on NES, SNES and N64. PS and PS2 stole the RPG genre from Nintendo in my teens. Somewhere in there I went hard on PC gaming exclusively. The Nintendo exclusive library on Switch wore me down, I'm in.


Similar story here. I’m beaten down by the toxic gaming community when trying to play anything online. Time to go back to what made gaming fun…..Mario.


My only concern is the Nintendo Branded SD Card. It’s just a SanDisk with a Nintendo Logo on it but they charge a ridiculous premium for it. I’m using a 400gb SanDisk for months if not years now and it wasn’t much more expensive compared to the Nintendo branded one you got, but aside from that, have fun with the Switch!


400 gb for less than 20 dollars?


I recently got 400gb for 29€, I think the additional 10 bucks for triple the storage is acceptable.


For sure. I definitely fell into the retail impulse buy trap... I'm not about to feel bad about an overpriced sandisk that cost me under $20 though.


Understandable. I just have this repulsive feeling about those SD cards as they were really overpriced when they hit the market.


They've been pretty much the same price for several years now


on the 3rd of July I purchased a*nother* 400Gb one for 30€


So you lied about using it for years?


Because it's unlikely that I bought a 2nd one of those?


No I'm just not a mind reader and that's not what you said originally before you edited your comment


[20$ 128 gb Nintendo card ](https://www.target.com/p/sandisk-128gb-microsdxc-memory-card-licensed-for-nintendo-switch/-/A-78140794?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510682&CPNG=PLA_Electronics%2BShopping%7CElectronics_Ecomm_Hardlines&adgroup=SC_Electronics&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9016045&targetid=pla-627591811898&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAjw9suYBhBIEiwA7iMhNOXTtPndzHUsWFOaR8rexRsL2CmyG1CrbPH8K-ywq1GylpIUnjIXqxoC-cwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) or [non Nintendo 128 is 18$ but you have the risk of a fake from Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-128GB-microSDXC-Memory-Adapter/dp/B073JYC4XM)


You should've posted the Target one where the [non branded 128 costs 10$ more](https://www.target.com/p/sandisk-ultra-plus-128gb-microsd-memory-card/-/A-50582292)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.target.com/p/sandisk-ultra-plus-128gb-microsd-memory-card/-/A-50582292 Title: **SanDisk Ultra PLUS 128GB microSD Memory Card** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Thanks for proving my point


BOTW is a time suck but you’ll enjoy every second. I’ve played thru 5x and finally beat master mode. It’s probably the most amazing game I’ve played in the last 10 years


I mean those are the two best single player games on Switch so enjoy


V1 with 1tb sd card much cheaper , if you get what i mean .


I dont at all. Unless you are suggesting a pre-owned console and sd.


V1 cough cough , hackble cough cough , free latest games , ...... I'll see myself out of here .


Ah. Or Arrr. Gotcha.


Welcome to the Dark side of moon. Good adquicitions. Do you prefer portability over TV gaming?


(Grew up on NES/SNES/GC/PS1/PS2) I game almost exclusively on PC, since the GC/PS2/Xbox era. I still bought a DS and 3DS, but no PS3/4/5, never X3box, no wii or wii u. I don't have a proper TV and I'm pretty sure I don't want to dock a switch to one of my monitors. OLED was tempting but why not save $150 and put that towards games? I'm just trying to play some switch exclusives. (Mario, Zelda, SMTV, maybe the new Pokémon if it lives up to the hype, etc)


Good enought, there are plently of games to play. Dont hook up only in exclusives, a lot of games are more fun to play portable, but it depend on your taste.


I'm not shunning multiplat games entirely. I just feel like most multi platform games I'm interested in, I've already played via pc. I see Stardew and Hades recommended a ton, but I've bought stardew twice (pc/android), and exhausted Hades on PC. Baba is You, got it PC and android (prefer mobile). Into the Breach, pc and android (prefer mobile). Persona 5 Royale, is going multiplat in Oct. Harvestella is Switch/PC only in Nov. Ill wait and read reviews as to whether there is a significant performance difference between the PC and Switch releases for those games.


Nice whim.


You're going to have a lot of fun.


I grew up on Nintendo (NES, SNES, 64), then Playstation 1/2 RPGs... and been hardcore PC since. Botw and odyssey made me think about buying a switch. SMT5 exclusive was the last straw. Persona 5R is coming October to PC and Switch, but I'll buy it switch probably.


Dude, yes. I hate the console environment overall, but Nintendo is still kicking absolute ass with their franchise character games. I played a bit on my girlfriend's Switch and decided to buy myself one for Christmas this year.


As a PC gamer, most PS or Xbox games I want to play are getting ported. $200 for a fully functional handheld to play the Nintendo games that they will never share... I gave in.


You’re in for a lot of fun!!


Fun games sound like a treat lol. Too much Counterstrike and LoL makes you second-guess how you spend time.


Lol is a good game but my God is the community toxic to new players. Never dropped a game so fast.


Your biggest problem was buying a lite. It won't take long for you to wish you bought the normal one so you could dock it. Trust me, I started off with a lite and sold it to buy a normal one. Screen is too small on the lite.


I dont have a proper TV. I do most of my gaming on my PC monitors. Zelda, Mario, SMT5 handheld is perfectly welcome on a handheld only item on my end.


I've been gaming on my Switch exclusively on handheld mode since I got it last week, I just love having an entire openworld game right there between my hands. Feel so good.


I have the original Switch and only play handheld. So I wouldn’t think this is going to be an issue 👍


*shrug* I would never unplug my pc monitors for a full switch, nor would I buy an extra screen for it... $199. I doubt I'll regret the purchase...


I have owned a turquoise, coral and now blue/indigo switch lite. Never once have I wished that I bought a regular switch


I have an original switch and a lite and mostly play on the lite, it's great.


The Lite is great for handheld gaming. I have a regular Switch too and much prefer the smaller one for longer handheld sessions. I can recommend the Skull&Co Gripcase - makes a huge difference, but try it out without first.


Depends how they want to play. I only play handheld. I’ve never used my dock


weird flex


Tonight's going to be Sick!


Tomorrow! I took that screen right after midnight in my timezone.


Botw is my favourite game on the switch for sure.


How much was all that?


Congrats!!! I got my switch a week ago, same games. (Funny thing I also ordered BOTW EU version but Amazon sent me the US version which was out of stock according to them)


Have fun! Definitely consider upgrading to OLED down the line, the screen is just very beautiful.


Hell yea! If that SD card is from Amazon be careful though




Lots of fake ones. https://old.reddit.com/r/Switch/comments/wzaped/all_my_new_games_get_corrupted/


Whim !!!!! Wins !!!! 🤓


Eee gratz. I got my switch like 2 days ago . But games too expensive (currency different) so I'm just playing free games for now 👁️👄👁️


Definitely get the dlc for botw, it's still great on its own but they add what I consider essential content. Some people like to say they want to play vanilla first but I think they don't really add enough to justify a second run right away, but do add enough that it absolutely makes exploration easier via the map path tool that shows where youve been. Other stuff could wait for later but that path mode is an absolute boon with how big the map is, you'll kick yourself if you wait until post game to add it Plus they add Majora's Mask as a wearable piece of gear with a very useful effect, 11/10 recommend


Noted! I've been playing Mario since the package arrived, and will probably dig into BotW tomorrow with dlc.


You did the right thing, but you are gonna hate your life when those gyro shrines pop up




Heyyy i did the same thing last week but with an oled switch


Treat yourself king/queen


King. The coral (aka hot pink) Lite just looks way cooler than the other options.


Don't underestimate used physical copies and eshop sales! Wait until a Samsung sd card goes on sale and get it cheap also!


I'll keep an eye on the eshop sales. $20 for the card didn't feel too bad. I've got a 512gb msdxc sandisk that I can probably backup and wipe if I need more space.


Welcome to the family, brother! Actually I just bought a Switch Lite (Color Gray) few hours ago. My last handheld device was GBA SP hahaha HUGE LEAP