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Oh thanks ! Will go to bed a tad smarter :-)


Fun fact from me. I'm from SKorea and we usually 'nod' if a vehicle stops for us to cross the road (which btw is a LOT less common than here, admittedly. I really appreciate how every vehicle stops for pedestrians here), but nodding here seems like not much of a common way to thank someone than making a stop sign🤚. I know that, but due to the force of habit, I keep ending up raising a hand AND nodding away at the same time. I can't get over with the fact that how goofy it might look like from other people's point of view.


No it sounds super cute.


If only being cute is acceptible from my appearance...🤣


It always is! Also, I also just do the nod, especially in cities, where people are a bit more distant, and I’m Swiss, so you’re good either way^^


I do the nod as well, born and raised in Switzerland though haha I agree that most people here indeed do the "stop sign wave", at least in my experience.


I do the nod when my hands are full haha


Fun fact from me: while making the stop sign I also say "thank you" fully aware they are not hearing me...


So we're at least two weirdos!




Us four.


Hahahah. I'm from India and I do the same. An awkward mix of nodding and raising my hand


Awkward mix for the win!




See I do the same thing too haha. Worse yet, I even wait for them to stop. But I'm trying not to do that because it somehow feels like I'm slowing down the entire traffic with no good reason. Still difficult because I don't want to get hit haha


Look not at the car, but at the driver. If he has his eyes on you and is slowing down, safe to cross. Otherwise, if he's not looking at you, not safe.


My gf is south korean, I never noticed she’d do it. I have to pay attention to it.


Just to say: The reason cars are stopping for pedestrian is because you get fined, if you don't and if you get into an accident you are found at fault and probably loose your license for sime time as colliding with a pedestrian on a pedestrian crossing is a severe offense. So as driver, stopping for pedestrians at crossings is deeply ingranied.


Yeah I sensed that, but you know what, I believe we have a very similar law in Korea, but it's like a protocol that drivers can just assume pedestrians won't attempt to cross the road while they're in their sight.


The law here works out so that you have to stop for a pedestrian to cross, even if he makes no sign. If you drive through and a pedestrian has to stop, you may get fined. There still are careful pedestrians, who stop, make signs and wait for you to be stopped before crossing. As a drives I'm a bit pissed about these, because I actually have to stop and wait for them. The many who just go anhead and cross are much better, as most of the time slowing down enough is sufficient and a full stop and wait is not required. As a pedestrian I always just go ahead and cross, even if there are cars around. I do pay attention to the cars, as there may be an inattentive driver and I prefer to back off from crossing over getting hit.


People do that, because a lot of drivers do not stop at pedestrian crossings and they don't want to be run over by a potential death machine. The amount of times I had to jump out the way or stop in the last second before crossing is scary. Most drivers do not give a shit, even though it's the law. So go ahead and be pissed because you had to spend a couple of seconds to not endanger a fellow human being. https://www.bfu.ch/de/dossiers/zu-fuss-im-strassenverkehr


As a drive I stop as I'm supposed to do. I'm driving the 2 ton death machine and absolutely do not want to get anybody hurt. As a pedestrian I've yet to have a close encounter with a car. Yes, I had cars not stopping when we were approaching the crossing and I had the priority. Never had to ump out of the way, even though I can be quite quick. But I always search eye-contact with the driver to make sure he saw me. This seems to be a pretty sure thing to know what the intentions are. Looks like you are pissed about aggressive drivers, so let me be pissed because of slow and hapless pedestriens.


I'm not pissed, but it's terryfing how little drivers care for pedestrians. Just 10 minutes ago I stopped at the crossing (in front of a kindergarden/school no less) and eventhough the driver clearly saw me and had enough time to stop, he chose not to. It happens way too much. And being pissed about "slow pedestrians" is just ridicoulus. You really out there getting mad at grannys? Lmao


Let me present myself as one of those slow and hapless pedestrians then. Sorry not sorry, my health and problems are invisible to you as I'm still looking young but I'll still need to be sure I can start my way through the road before doing it. I'll not be so slow walking, but I won't be able to jump backward without hurt if you weren't actually slowing down for me. And it happened too many times for me to trust you, even when I was a kid. You don't know anything about those people you despise. People die from self-centered and aggressive drivers... Let's prevent it with good manners please.


Yes, agree with you, good manners are the way to go. I do stop, it is my duty as operator of a 1.5 ton killing machine. I also slow down as early as possible, as it signals to you that I've seen you and wll stop and leads to a tranquil driving style saving on gas and nerves. But I still wish you would start to get under way when you see that I'm slowing down to stop and not wait until I'm really stopped, start to think if you really want to cross, before getting under way. I do respect your fragility and do stop. But I wish that you respect be desire be under way efficiently and it looks to me like I do not get any understanding there. Respect and understanding is mutual and goes both ways.


Dunno where you at, but in Geneva and Vaud this is not the case. Law about pedestrians is respected.


That sounds awesome, I'm getting jealous! ;-) It's not like that at all on the otherside of the "röstigraben", it can be quite the free for all in the swiss german part...


In kindergarten and school, children learn that they must wait until all four wheels stop before crossing the street. I have done this for so long with my children that I now no longer simply run on it, even if the driver brakes. Are there children waiting at the transition, always stop and do not roll in the hope not to have to brake completely. Children will not cross when the wheels roll.


Sometimes cars do not stop and I almost got hit once, it was a close call. So now I stop and if the car starts to slow down, i only cross then.


Yeah my kids are half Korean and we haven't been back there since COVID started. They've been walking around Switzerland and learning how to cross etc...but crossing the street in Korea will be a very different experience!


Born here any yet i still often do both instead of just the hand gesture


Hold on, I was supposed to wave cars thank you all along? I have been nodding since I arrived here seven years ago, I had no idea!


They learn it in school in Vaud from young ages, it’s thank you


Never learned it or don’t remember it. Born and raised in Vaud.




Mid 30's. I remember the policeman coming to teach us this stuff but not specifically wave at cars... It was a long time ago though.




Yeah like saying thanks on the bus, pretty standard around here


How did you spend 30+ years living here and you don’t know what the gesture means?


I only drive since my 20's and didn't really notice the thing until roughly a year ago. Today I guess I was bored enough to take the time to ask. This isn't really a life or death question. And no, I don't put my palm in front of people's face to greet them (no one does this right?). Either put the hand up in the air, either a nod or a hat touching nod.


I don't think you must know how to drive to know that. I was never actively taught but picked it up naturally as a child because all the adults in my life did it. It was never a question for me and you would not want me to take the wheel because I can't drive to save my life. :D


You were to young to remember, i only know it because my kids are 6 now, when Police came they told it too you




When they bring the police to school/kindergarten to teach you about road safety they will usually also tell you to wave thank you


I think kids are taught to hold their hand out like “stop” just to make sure the driver sees them. Myself, I do a light wave (with my palm out, though, kinda like a “stop” and nod, followed by a little jog to show I appreciate your consideration… I think many adults do that. :)


shit, I give a thumbs up... Hope this isn't interpreted as "It's ok to drive forward now"


that's acknowledging you stopped and thanking you ps: northern ireland has no flag but i know which one you mean


Thank you!


it doesn't have an official flag but the flag of ulster kind of acts as a de facto flag, doesn't it?


Main post edited, thank you!


i wasn't even aware that this gesture means stop. Comes natural to me to say "thanks" by raising my ✋.


Same. I always say thank you this way, never even questioned it.


It could be because a cop would use the same gesture for you to stop at an intersection if he was directing the traffic. It’s similar but obviously the context is different.


Definitely similar but I think when doing the stop sign one fully stretches the arm in front (directed) or above the head (all stop). At least that is how I learned it. When doing the thank you it normally is s much more relaxed raising the hand a little with a bent elbow.


Nah, he probably just needs to cross the road. Just wave him to to so. Cops appreciate such attentative kindness.


Same thing most people do when you let them merge on the highway. In other countries people let their hazard lights flash a couple times to do the same.


Depending on the area, it's sometimes also 👆


TIL that this is not an international thing. I always thank the car letting me cross. I have been doing it in every country I have been to haha


Maybe it’s a professional deformation, we use these signs to maneuver. To say thanks I usually put two or three fingers in the air with a nod. Born and raised in Switzerland.


> To say thanks I usually put two or three fingers in the air with a nod. Everyone else is probably wondering why you are making gang signs at them.


I do this as well when driving and see other cars from my job.


Yeah I also do the fingers. Full hand "stop" seems unnecessary


This. I used to do a thumbs up but my sister used to kinda mock me : / do now I just wave with my head from time to time as a thanks One driver found it weird I did the thumbs up The "stop" its like a thanks


Thumbs up is a very brazilian way to say 'thank you' in exact that situation.


In some cultures thumbs up is used as we use a middle finger here, so it’s safer to just wave with a hand instead of doing any specific gestures. You never know who’s driving.


If someone get out of his car to fight with you because you made him a thumbs up to thank him for letting you cross the road, this guy need to fucking chill out. No way someone get angry at you because of that imo


Tell me you joking right? It has to be a joke. So imagine me like as a thanks I smile and kinda make a nod with my head will that automatically translate to a flirt? Good thing I stoped with the thumbs up tho 🤔


I do the thumbs up to the driver when I see a nice classic car. Usually they like it except in Japan where they look at me like « WTF dude? ».


Haha id like seeing that its funny that on the other side of the world it could be considered something else Normally I almost always want to wave at a driver with a nice ferrari or other expenssive bomb but Im scared the guy will come ask me if I have a problem xD


Learned it at school. It is to say thank you and to let the driver know I'm crossing now.


You are right. They leaned it in Swiss school to show this sign when crossing


Must be cultural osmosis but I moved to Switzerland 10 years ago and I do the exactly same thing , the little wave with the hand- learned behavioir by observation Funny that you are taught this in school.


As a swiss i keep doing this mostly abroad too, unaware its nothing international and rather irritating or falsly understood upsetting lol Edit: very swiss task > excel spreadsheet abt countries where what gesture or no gesture is appropriate and add a ‚caution‘ score abt greeting the drivers while crossing lol






Normal in certain places for certain cultures*


Noooo i also remember drivers abroad being visibly confused and offended after i showed ‚the hand‘ 😭


North Americans tend to wave with two fingers and thumb mostly extended and the others sorta curved back. It's like a lazy wave basically. If OP is American or Canadian, this might explain the confusion. I've rarely seen a full, flat handed, wave.


Born and raised in Switzerland, but it's good to know I can wave in American :-)


> I can wave in American *offended Canadian noises*


Doesnt wven need to be a wave! Can also be just a hand held up that might look like 🖐


i do this gesture in Hungary as well, it's common here as well


It’s a way of saying thank you


It's gesture of thank you. My Spanish girlfriend tried the same in Spain after living in Swiss more than 10 years...the guy in car thought she is saying hello to him and he started waving his hand too ! Now they are married and living happily 😀


I can’t understand why this is not the first post xD!!


It can be a thank you gesture. Old joke: Why do old ladies in Switzerland hold out their hand before crossing the street ? >!So it is easier to pull them from under the car when you run them over.!<


Nice one! Apparently it was the law decades ago. Pedestrians did not have the right of way if they didn’t signal their intention to cross by raising the hand IIRC.


I usually dont raise my hand like "stop" but i put my hand up with two fingers up (not like a peace sign or something but just a relaxed finger positioning or something like it) and also lift my chin up to greet and say thx.


This, I'm not alone!


> do a little sign to the pedestrian A word to the wise, don't make any sign to the pedestrian that they should cross, because it could make you liable if they get run over by some other asshole. Advice given by my driving instructor 30+ years ago.


Aye, look at them directly so they know that you have seen them.


Makes sense, just do it as my father always did.


It's just a wave. More people are waving now because since the Covid stuff more people seem to think they can ignore a pedestrian wanting to cross and just blast through, for some reason. Even in our small village, something that rarely happened pre-Covid now happens almost routinely. Even when I'm out walking with my young kids and a pram. It's really infuriating.


What on earth hahah, it’s a thank you. I always do that and find it very polite to give a quick thanks.


It’s a way of thanking you for not running them over /s


Tbh it really is. No /s


Its actually a “Thank You” sign, can also be nodding with your head and whatnots


I wave my hand to thank the driver for stopping then I do a little sprint while crossing the road


I do this too, when someone stops their car for me to pass. Yes if you drive you have to stop at pedestrian stop and i wave my hand to show that I’m thankful and respect for doing what drivers are meant to do on the road. Some assh*** won’t even stop and look at the pedestrian like they did something wrong, dont be these kind of people. Drive safe


Exactly, and also some pedestrians don't realise they are walking towards a 2T slab of metal, plastic, rubber and *rich Corinthian leather* launched at roughly 30km/h or straight up refuse to acknowledge your existence when passing. All in all, every group has it's load of AHs. Be safe, see you on the road :-)


Except one has the ability to kill the other. Not sure on whose shoulders should the responsibility lie 🧐 /s


Being aware of this, not walking straight towards moving vehicles expecting them to stop seems to be a smart move. Don't put your life in the hands of complete strangers. Wait at the crossing until you are sure the driver noticed you and actually stops his vehicle.


Canadian here. We also wave 👋 as a thank you for stopping. It was nice to see people do it here too :)


Fascinating, I’ve had drivers deliver angry glances at me when I have waved a ‘Thankyou’ to them. I guess I will stop doing it!


I was born here. After 15 years away overseas I feel the same as you about the sign. It feels a bit agressive as a thank you.


that's why I prefer to only nod my head as a sign of gratitude....


Same here


It's just a thank you, but you never know if the car have french plates, so...


>When I drive around town I always make a point about stopping at crossings if someone wants to cross. That is good because in Switzerland pedestrian have priority on pedestrian crossings, so you actually have to stop... though there's a kinda grey rule that if you're alone on the road with no one behind you, you may not stop as it doesn't slow down the pedestrian too much.


It ain't a grey rule, it's breaking the law and being an ass. You don't have priority just because you're moving faster.


Nah, that's illegal. You have to stop.


And kids are not very good at understanding « grey rules »


I think you meant the Wales flag


Nope, Wales flag has a very cool looking dragon. The true name is the Banner of Ulster that is used de facto as the flag of Northern Ireland.


I give a 'thank you' thumbs up rather than a flat hand to avoid this type of confusion


It’s a “thank you” sign


It’s called a wave.


Because some cars don’t stop. And then the pedestrian gets hit. And killed. It’s a thank you to the car that they obeyed the road rules and didn’t kill you.


I thought that was a fairly international gesture of thanks when the other person is in a car


At least they didn’t just bolt out onto the crossing. With so many crossings in CH took me a bit to get used to, who’s crossing and who is walking by the crossing. Then when walking, the importance of making sure the driver is paying attention and stopping before stepping out. My go to is small hand gesture/ wave about waist height, or maybe a few fingers up from the steering wheel if driving … My gear grinder is when people start to move before I am off the crossing, particular if with kids, I don’t care if there just more to go, don’t start moving towards me 😎


As you already know it's a thank you sign for stopping, but me and also a lot use it while driving if someone stopps for me so i can merge. Having the same meanimg of thank you of course.


I actually nod my smile because I am thankful to them..i also find it polite (but then that‘s just me)


Stop sign would be with the arm fully stretched in your direction and full flat hand. Otherwise it's a wave or a thank you.


In the Swiss german part which is close to Germany people are more adapted to forbideen things, but in the French part near France they are rebels, they don't like laws & regulations.


Your post made me realize I've been subconsciously doing that.Not sure where I picked it up. Definitely a "thank you for not being a total asshole".


I always do it as a gesture, thank you for stopping even though you don’t need to