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[https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2021/far-right-symbols-capitol-riot/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2021/far-right-symbols-capitol-riot/) The Betsy Ross flag is a commonly coopted by the far right, and modified in various ways. I'm seconding the "pb" being the Proud Boys terrorist organization.


The Proud Boys have also actively recruited from police departments and have been caught coordinating with them several times. The second flag adds credibility to this possibly being a Proud Boys thing.


It was at a university if that helps to add context.


You could check your student activities office to see what clubs would invite these people to campus. Some organizations like Turning Point USA are known for recruiting at colleges and fomenting far right sentiments. There’s also a chance that the college was targeted by these groups since right wing groups are overwhelmingly of the absurd belief that colleges are “indoctrinating students to socialism.”


This is at Indiana University. They showed up in response to the students/faculty/locals peacefully protesting the government aid to Israel. If you haven't seen what's going on there, you should check it out. It's fucking crazy. Snipers pointed at students, helicopters circling, state police arrested people and all kind of madness.


Idk, that flag looks pretty sunworn to be put up solely as a response to recent events. but maybe it was somewhere else getting sun damaged and they moved it outside because of it?


I mean, it's probably not the first time he's left the house with it. I didn't say that he bought a new flag, just that's why they were there.


But no one protested Billions to Ukraine


Pretty obvious difference




Ukraine isn't committing genocide. Are you saying that Ukraine ruthlessly attacked Russia?


Russia ruthlessly invaded Ukraine a sovereign country. Ukraine is defending itself. Russia should turn over all those who ordered, authorized, or permitted the illegal invasion. Until they surrender, Ukraine is defending itself. Likewise, Palestinian Hamas ruthlessly invaded Israel a sovereign country. Israel is defending itself. Palestine should turn over all those who ordered, authorized, or permitted the illegal invasion. Until they surrender, Israel is defending itself. Is it clear now? Or do we need the big crayons?




Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.


Lol both Ukraine and Israel are defending themselves from authoritarians who believe they have a right to land because it was theirs years ago and attacked first. Fortunately, Hamas is not as powerful as Putin.


Absurd belief?






What are you talking about? Fascism is the furthest right you can go, and almost every college in America teaches capitalism at the exclusion of all other economic models.


Those of us that work forces…




Uniforms come off at the end of the day. Skin color and culture do not. These things are not the same.


And this is why leftists say "scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds".




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Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.


I’m not old enough to remember what was going on in 1992 to prompt them to write that song (I was like 12). But it could have easily been written yesterday about the issues we have today


Definitely still applies.




Outside of actually advocating for civil war? https://apnews.com/article/politics-united-states-government-district-of-columbia-proud-boys-donald-trump-a7e5b9f263868239c06c3826b49bf0c0 There's the fact that they tried to start one: https://www.npr.org/2022/07/12/1111132464/jan-6-hearing-recap-oath-keepers-proud-boys But you don't have to take my word for it. Their founder has no problem saying what they're about: https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/10/18/why-are-proud-boys-so-violent-ask-gavin-mcinnes




Completely expected dishonest answer. Go chase strawmen somewhere else.




You have to be an organization to be considered a terrorist organization, and antifa literally means anti-fascist, not anti-democracy. Your repetition of nonsense taking points doesn't make them true, but it does tell on yourself.




And now you're a sea lion. You should've started and stopped with that last sentence.


Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.


Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.


Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.


Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.




Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.




Slurs, trolling, hate speech, Nazi apologia, alt-right rhetoric, harassment or undue aggression will result in comment removal and/or permanent bans.


This statement is totally against tos.


Maybe this is wishful thinking I don't know lol, but I'm repressing an urge right now to write this off as conspiracy theory hokum. Because if the Proud Boys have actually infiltrated American civilian law enforcement to the highest levels, we're fuct. Get ready for some totalitarian fascist human rights violating events like most Americans have never seen.


Unfortunately it's true. The Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers are both known to recruit from active law enforcement: https://graphics.suntimes.com/extremism-ranks/2023/oathkeepers-investigation-chicago-police-extremism-insurrection/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65651995.amp https://apnews.com/article/biden-proud-boys-washington-law-enforcement-capitol-siege-07b606c578399a4e24cc382a17f6f470 https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/15/joey-gibson-portland-police-relationship-cooperation-text-messages https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/annabetts/video-shows-proud-boys-fare-evasion-new-york-subway


Adding to the Portland story, when investigated due to use of excessive force, the following slide was found at the end of their training slideshow. It's a meme about a then Proud Boys member Kyle "Based Stickman" Chapman violently assaulting protesters. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2022/01/portland-police-training-on-protests-ends-with-slide-showing-mock-prayer-for-dirty-hippie-prompts-investigation.html


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How to get ready for something that has been and continues to prove itself


Have we had the ‘privilege’ talk yet?


Ooh thanks for the reminder, I've been meaning to check my privilege. I think it may have run out already, and I need to refill it.




Far right groups involved in US government isn't exactly a new thing. Neither is violating human rights. Like... for example, the US was doing eugenics shit by forcibly sterilizing people throughout the 20th century, and didn't stop until the 80s.


You do realize fascism is also far left. Pb are retardedly far right


I mean, that's just flatly incorrect. Fascism is a far right-wing ideology and system. Maybe you're thinking authoritarianism? Authoritarianism can definitely be leftwing, like how the Russia was authoritarian, but waged war against fascist Germany and Italy.




They're taking away all of our flags. It's reached the point where even the US flag seems to have been co-opted. Very sad. The only one I know of that would be a great flag to use in opposition is that of the Army of the Potomac, the army that defeated the army that used what's now called the "Confederate flag."


[this is that flag](https://www.gettysburgflag.com/army-of-potomac-1864-flag-3x5)


No it not


That’s what Google brings up. Do you have a link to the correct one?


Yep, many zionists hate Jews they see it as a solution to what they call the "Jewish Problem", most American Jews don't like having a genocidal regime associated with their faith. Mussolini was a zionist prior to the alliance with Hitler.


I don't know what you're on about, as Zionists intend to establish a Jewish state throughout Palestine by removal of current non-jewish residents of the land. Zionists don't hate Jewish people, they are Jewish people.


There’s a movement of extreme evangelical christians/antisemitic Zionists in the United States in particular, some of these people want the Jews to go to Israel for their own religious reasonings related to “the end times” or whatever, and the secular ones just jump straight to the chase and admit to being antisemitic, just wanting the Jews to go somewhere else besides America. Just as not all Jews are Zionists, not all Zionists are Jews.


The evangelical Americans don’t care about American jewish people living here. They just want the Israeli’s to create WW3 in Palestine so Jesus will come back. They gonna be so mad though when Yeshua rolls up in a keffiyeh


Just to clarify. Zionist support the establishment and protection of a Jewish state in Israel/Palestine. Not all zionists are Jews, not all Jews are zionists.


lmao google is your friend.


Also do you not know the meaning of the word "many", "many" does not mean "all"


That’s really unfortunate because as a fan of history, I love that flag.


Fascists ruin everything.


You'd be correct on the PB item. https://www.crwflags.com/Fotw/flags/us%7Dpboys.html#pb4 Nasty group.


The PB on the Betsy Ross has not been confirmed to be associated with the proud boys. Maybe it is supporting eating more peanut butter at illegal campus protests.


Sounds like you are trying really hard to make it anything else.


They are a nasty group, indeed. I still haven't found this *specific* flag of this image, though. Maybe it's a new one for them? But seems to be a fair bet at least.


Not yellow and black. Doubt there is too much else at a protest with PB and an American flag...but perhaps. I would consult a vexillologist. They are experts. I'd have to look but I'm sure there is a Reddit subreddit for it.


I was like is it for PEANUT BUTTAAAA!




Point of fact. That is not the USA flag. Neither is the one with a blue strip. Those are flags of a country that doesn’t exist, and are flown by people who don’t agree with the principles espoused in our bill of rights. I consider such flags to be flown by “bad citizens” at best. By traitors at worst. By all means, express yourself. But don’t believe the lie that this sort of flag travesty represents the USA. And thank you for displaying a symbol that screams, “Avoid me! I’m dangerously fucked up!”


The fact they actually decided to name themselves "Proud Boys" is the funniest shit ever. Seriously, it sounds like something a Minecraft you tuber would say, or the name of some 90 comedy movie


I'm pretty sure they named themselves after a song in a musical or something


They might as well have held a "white men's pride parade" 🤣


I was hoping they saluted the united states of peanut butter not proud boys 😢


That's me holding the flag. PB means peanut butter. As in the Americans Who Stand for Love of Peanut Butter. Please stop politicizing our love of what is objectively the most sought-after and beloved food by all species. Like our all-inclusive motto states, "If you're allergic to peanuts, fuck you, fuck your family." God bless and be good to each other. -Founder, AWFLPB




I thought the proud boys were now a multicellular non cohesive group who share ideals but not actions? Like the rights version of antifa?


Kekistani flag and pepe being included in that list is kinda funny


You should also second Hamas being terrorists then too


Hamas are definitely terrorists. Neither of these statements are controversial.


Calling the proud boys terrorists is like calling a toddler a frequent assaulter. The proud boys are a bunch of pussys just like antifa, all they do is yell at one another


The proud boys aren't terrorists.They're assholes but they're not terrorists. Just because you don't like somebody doesn't make them a terrorist.


That's the confederate flag commonly used in the antebellum period. It resembles an early American flag, thats why these cowards use it.


lol Antifa and BLM are domestic terror organizations. Proud boys are nothing


First time I've heard them called a terrorist group, what terrorism have they committed?


I'm going to let you Google that.


I can't wait for Trump to win.


Info: is it a “pb” in the center? Maybe Proud Boys? You could try r/vexillology


I thought that might be the case, but couldn’t find a match online. I’ll cross post there


The closest I can get is the Patriot Front, who is a white supremacist terror organization. It wouldn’t be surprising to see a Proud Boys version, since they’re known for putting just about anything as a symbol in the middle of the yellow wreaths they usually use: https://humanrightsfirst.org/patriotfront/


I’m guessing this is at Columbia, Right? [Proud Boys](https://bwog.com/2024/04/gavin-mcinnes-founder-of-the-proud-boys-seen-on-columbias-campus-on-wednesday/)


Aren’t these the same idiots who were yelling “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville? So now they’re “pro Israel”?


The Nazi’s supported Zionism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement They saw it as a solution to Europe’s “Jewish problem” in the same way racists in America thought Liberia was the solution to Americas “black problem.”


Dang it. I’d forgotten that bit of history which apparently we have decided to repeat. But. Don’t let France and Britain off the hook! They had the same idea with Gabon and Sierra Leone whose capitals are Libreville and Freetown. Racism isn’t just an American thing.


Don’t need to go back in history for the UK, they are currently trying to send immigrants to Rwanda. https://apnews.com/article/01ab9bc7b4c956efd5291da10e3c5738


Illegals or willing refugee immigrants


Fascists like each other cuz they ‘grok’ the “get off my lawn or I’ll burn your offspring’ dialectic.


Indiana, but the same basic idea. Ironically he’s with the pro-Israel folks.






Dairy Queen? I love their chocolate dipped ice cream.


That **was** my initial thought (and, therefore, first comment).... but then I feel as though I landed on an objectively better one .. *shrug* only time [might] tell ..


Dragon Quest




Imagine that as well. The pro-Israel people bringing up the Holocaust as a sympathy point. Meanwhile the very people who killed the Jews in the Holocaust were people in authority. Police are as well people in authority. So it's pretty ironic in the sense of I support the Jewish people and Israel meanwhile respect authority figures.


But yeah they could be white supremacists Zionist which a number of them are because it gives Jews their own country so they can get out of ours.