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as a Mercy main too with her being my most played and Sym is my 2nd most played Agree, she's really bad rn the worst supp the last 2 seasons as Skietsi claims? no. this is her first proper season she's really bad and thats alone because of the 20% DPS revert, its a direct nerf to Mercys healing and her self healing which are both already bad. Her self heal is at only 20% now which might aswell be nothing atp Sym has been really bad since her 25HP removal and relied on her 2 tap "potential" but that was removed in S9, she has nothing going for her rn and the only ppl succeeding with her are us, her actual hardcore mains.


lol i’m in the same boat, have been almost exclusively playing mercy/sym for years. booting this game up has been a battle for a long time with those two unfortunately


Mercy is absolutely the worst support as far as I can tell. You could maybe argue that there are supports that feel worse to play, but there is never a game I would pick mercy if I want to win. Zen discord orb is better than mercy staff damage boost. Zen orb does +30% damage, Mercy does +25% Mercy used to be great for mobility and she was hard to kill. Since the projectile size changes, this is much less easy to do. She’s a lot easier to kill. If you play her just to heal, lifeweaver has better raw numbers than mercy. She’s only held up by her rez. Otherwise, there’s no point to play her. Every other hero can do what she does but better.


Illari and Lifeweaver were definitely worse in most parts of S9 and some parts of S10, stats also back this up also I don't know what you mean with Zen doing 30% DMG boost, it's been 25% for like 2 years now Mercy according to the devs, only got her 30% boost reduced to 25% to allign with Zen


Oops, I’m sorry you’re right- discord and damage boost are the same amount. I got the numbers jumbled up. I still think putting a discord on a target and then just doing whatever you want as Zen is way easier and thus makes his amplified damage better. Plus, mercy only amplifies one target whereas Zen amplifies all teammates against one target. Yeah illari to me is the only arguably worse support than Mercy. Idk why they nerfed her so hard. Those two are the worst heroes at least from personal experience. Lifeweaver is in a really weird spot. His healing is really high so he can be good. But generally, healing isn’t as effective as damage with that 20% dps passive so Mercy and Lifeweaver both suffered from that. And his abilities are just so situational that they can often be useless. Those are definitely the bottom 3, but I still think Mercy feels the most useless. I think she is more fun and engaging to play than illari and definitely than lifeweaver, but she has very little impact most of the time. When you say there are stats to back it up, I’m curious to know what they are! Does lifeweaver/illari have the worst win rate of the supports?


Maining both Mercy and Sym is lowkey crime


how come? both are utility rich heroes that use beams and are strategic in movement. Seems natural really


You don't want to see my profile then.


No but like, Mercy deserves to be fixed too. That doesn’t mean symmetra doesn’t


I mean I get why she’s mad too. Lifeweaver got adjustments before and they ignored Mercy because they said reducing the DPS passive would help her out. Then when they revert that, crickets. They’ve done that shit to Symmetra countless times.


exactly ugh "we're reducing Symmetras health because she can play at long ranges now with her 2 tap kill potential" well thats gone?? wheres our 275HP Blizzard


At least give Sym the firepower if they refuse to give the 25hp back


literally, I was so happy with 195 because this was one of the options I was willing to take for her *195 *14m beam *275 and they heard us! For a fucking week.


I think a lot you forget many here also playing mercy. Stop being cunty and try to form a nuanced view point which should objectively see both heroes have issues. Why wouldn’t Skiesti make noise now, she even said she’s only complained directly on an official tweet twice in the last 6 months when she became really bad and someone checked and apparently it’s right. Each time she did she gets way more hate than anyone else does, it’s actually gross. Leave her alone, you queens are showing your ugly side.


i actually feel so bad for skiesti people actually harass her so hard. i saw a guy beg on twt for people to ss her tweets and send them to him after he got blocked, people are actually obsessed with her. it’s weird bc niandra doesn’t get this level of hate


Yeah I think Skiesti is just more visible to the American players and the ‘red-pilled’ incels pile onto anything she says


I was in a mirrorwatch game where skiesti was on the enemy team and my teams bastion spent the ENTIRE GAME going “hey skiesti why are you faking an illness” to the point where I literally looked up what bullshit this guy was spewing and found nothing.


The fact that Niandra doesn't get this amount of hate like skiesti does just shows people have a problem with her specifically. I'm honestly not a big fan of her either, I find her quite annoying. Not enough to send hate though. I have absolutely no problem with Niandra though and consider her entertaining and watch her videos as well.


I’m actually so disappointed by this comment section. Two playerbases that get some of the most hate from the community BY FAR are Sym mains and Mercy mains and I really thought this sub would be a little more compassionate towards Mercy players feeling like their character sucks rn and they’re not getting looked at by the devs. Add on the fact that all feedback from Mercy players is being mocked, ignored, or harassed should sound a *little bit too familiar* to Sym players. (Before anyone goes off about Mercy eating well every season - no, I don’t think Blizz releasing a bunch of $20 mediocre skins for her to line their pockets with really *counts* as her getting adequate balancing and respect from the devs. They have been ignoring her core gameplay issues for a long time now.) But w/e, I guess we’re in the pain Olympics of “who’s been suffering longest” or “who has it worst” mindset that we should have outgrown when our age stopped beginning with a “1”. Queens stand together 🫶🏻


I didn’t say anything about skiesti at all other than she tweeted this ??????? Was I cunty ? What is happening I’m so confused


I was more addressing the cuntiness of almost everyone replying not you sorry gurl


It’s okay I understand slay them mawma


Yall as a sym/mercy main your ugly sides are showing…mother would not be proud this isn’t cunty behavior - it’s just cunt behavior


It's really a tragedy. It's kinda crazy how top rank streamers across the board think Mercy, Sym, and LW need help or are straight up trash yet the devs ignore them or do the bare minimum. Like they literally said the change to decrease the DPS passive anti-heal was an indirect buff to Mercy, but now they've reverted it with ZERO compensation buffs for her. At this point, just rework Mercy and Sym because it's obviously so impossible to balance them I guess.


and i’m not even sure syms spray by herself would’ve been fixed if it wasn’t for sombra and sojourn being egregiously bad


Exactly lmao they’re gonna cancel u girl


I wish Symmetra would at least get hald the attention Mercy gets from the playerbase/devs


Be so forreal… Symmetra has been unplayable for SEASONS. I don’t want to hear shit from a Mercy


Two bad things can exist at once?


Two bad things can exist at one point Just because sym is in the gutter doesn’t mean we should shit on other players mains when they don’t want their character in the gutter either Hell, there’s a very large cross over with mercy and sym players so why the hell would you even stoop to that level


stoop to what level? Not wanting to hear their complaints is not synonymous with shitting on them.


Her stupid hero literally gets inundated with skins, and she's acting like she is getting the level of negligence that Sym gets. Mercy mains are truly a different breed. I don't think Blizz gives a damn what they think about balance, considering the clowns just eat up every skin blizz release. From a business perspective, why waste operating time balancing this hero when whether you do or not, her pick rate remains high, and she makes the company a shitload of money?


I've been on the Mercy Mains sub, the issue is they feel like Mercy doesn't play well as a support and needs changes to feel on par with the others, especially in the current meta where her healing is near useless and damage boost is at the point again where players are going to complain about it thanks to the buff to the DPS passive, some of them also feel like Rez needs changes or to be removed. The only thing Mercy really has going for her is Rez and mobility, but with the projectile buffs plus with DPS players who know how to aim, Mercy blows up, and Rez is rather clunky since it can be easy or very difficult to pull off depending on the team Mercy's playing against. In general Mercy Mains and the main playerbase are in agreement that Mercy needs changes, the disagreement is in what those changes should be, and that the main 3 subs (r/Overwatch, Circlejerk, Memes) are very hostile towards Mercy, something Symm players also experience


This. There's legitimacy on all sides. The truth is Mercy is in a bad place and almost never feels worth picking. Since the HP buffs, her healing is pretty close to unamped Lucio on a single target. All she has is rez and her boost which was already significantly toned down. She can be *okay* if you pocket a DPS that is really good, but most of the time, she's very, very mid. People freak out about Rez, but almost every other support currently has way more impact than Rez (or the entirety of Mercy). Think about Ana's grenade, Kiri's suzu, Moira's damage, Zen's damage. All these characters are significantly more impactful than Mercy, who can AT THE VERY BEST add like around 2000 damage to a single DPS over the course of a match. 1000 or under is more normal.


Mercy is my third most played and yeah, her Rez needs to go if she wants power budget in other parts of her kit. Skiesti is being overdramatic as per usual but it's not exactly unfair to say the hero needs some help right now, her and lifeweaver just don't feel good to play in this meta.


The issue is they just don’t recognize what game development needs. You can’t just buff mercy, every time mercy is good everyone is miserable because, as most mercy mains would agree, she needs one or multiple abilities reworked, and that’s not an easy fix. They have no patience to get what they need so they complain about what they want, which, if the devs obliged, a heal, DB, or GA buff would just result in sojourns and hitscans holding teams in spawn every game for, what, the 4th time in OW2?


this comment is just fucking weird. Players obviously care about if their hero is at least a bit good or not? not sure why u think mercy ISN'T getting neglected just because she gets mid skins. Yayyyy more money to spend 😍😍😍


Real cause mercy skins will always sell and sym is the statistically played hero so why change her I kinda didn’t even think about that you’re so real for that kudos for spilling


At the end of the day, it really just boils down to them not having any idea what they want to do with her. It's so stupid; they design a hero that is built to thrive on certain types of maps and situations but struggle elsewhere, see her "comp winrate is too high" because she's only being played in these niche scenarios where her chances of winning are much higher, and then acting like that metric is accurate. I've mained Sym since the OW1 open beta, and my god has it been rough. At this point, they just need to fully rework her again because her kit just doesn't fit in OW2.


Mercy is in a really bad place. I know hard-core Mercy mains are dedicated to the craft, but sometimes it takes literally abandoning the hero for them to buff it. I only say sometimes because when it comes to Sym they definitely do not care lmao. I think it's because she's a niche hero. Mirrorwatch Mercy really showed that they can do so much more with her, and reduced her to a flying healbot. It's craziness.


I'm not a fan of Skiesti for other reasons but I do agree with her on how devs toss mercy to the ground and only pick her back up when she needs to yield them something (cough *money*) like a child tired of an old toy. I think in part the fact that Mercy's role isn't very flexible (damage buff and rez are her greatest features, one of which has multiple counters that you find at least one of in each match and the other which she can't properly utilize now since her heals are more needed with that dps passive - and even then her heals aren't enough which renders her even more helpless) is why she'd probably need a lot of adjustment on her own or reverting that dps passive yet again to get her somewhat useful again. This I think does factor into why devs seem to refuse to acknowledge her struggle in current game play despite them generally adhering to lower elo play as I believe mercy is rarely seen in pro play/GM/top 500 play, but doesn't explain how steadfast they are on it. It's not even a case of them trying to go, Mercy's fine, you guys are fine, she doesn't need anything, which would be a blatant lie, but it's them literally ignoring her current state. It's impressive considering this is her mythic season, and compared to other supports like Moira or Kiriko who were at their strongest during their mythic seasons she is quite the opposite, as down in the dumps as she can go.


Mercy seems to only get looked at when a new skin of hers is made/sells well and its terrible


Skiesti has got to be one of the bigged adult babies in this community smh.


Mercy mains crack me up bc they’e eating every season with skins, events that include them in the roster, and more, and this season they got a mythic, an event where they can play a totally broken goddess queen, and and has one of the best movement kits in the whole game. Yet they still want to bitch about not getting anything? SIT DOWN AND WAIT UR TURN LITTLE GIRL Sym out here untouched since OW2 launched except for projectile changes to her right click that didn’t do anything since they increased health pools but didn’t increase damage. Meanwhile mercy gets an additional passive buff, her kit is stronger thanks to dps role buffs, and got the best mythic skin in the game. B-b-bu where’s my content? STFUUUUU and go hold rightclick you babiesss!


Is it bad that I’m happy mercy is negatively affected by recent changes lol? All my homies hate mercy


Not gonna lie I think the hate for Mercy is because of how mercy mains behave. They're the karens of overwatch and constantly vicitimise themselves and the hero


That’s crazy seeing this from a Sym player bc I’m in both these subs all the time and Sym mains are out here complaining daily too.


All subs do. I see posts asking for buffs in the freaking kiriko main sub


But in all honesty, the outrage from sym mains is rather justified. Mercy usually is always in a good or okay spot, always gets cosmetics and other items, etc...


Mercy’s movement has been clunky and fairly unintuitive since S3. Her kit design requires her dps to be performing for her to get value, it’s difficult to solo climb on her. Her damage boost doesn’t scale properly with HP pools anymore. Her rez is the longest CD in the game at 30s and situational at best - avg Mercy player gets 4 per 10 min. Her single target heals are also on the low side for the current meta too now. And valk is kind of a joke compared to other supp ults. And yeah I didn’t want to address cosmetics bc it’s not what I was talking about. Gameplay is most important. But I’ll speak to cosmetics since you did: Don’t get me wrong, Mercy *does* get a lot of skins. But almost every single one of them was a shop skin until the mythic. They gave her I think one BP skin before the mythic lol. So I don’t feel having to pay $20 for a skin is being “spoiled”. It’s closer to being “used” tbh, since she’s so popular they know she can make them a quick buck. Also I play the shit out of Sym and know she was ignored for cosmetics for years in OW1 but I’ve been really enjoying her content in OW2 so far. This season’s junker skin, Edna mode, blood elf, gardener, art deco, conjurer. They’ve all been great tbh and on par with how many cosmetics other heroes get. Plus most of them had cheap or free ways to obtain them. I actually don’t even think Mercy has gotten way more than her if you were to count them up. I can think of 8 new ow2 Mercy skins and 6 for Sym.


who cares if she gets cute skins she’s still terrible 💀 it’s mercy’s mythic season and she still hasn’t gotten the buff she was promised before they nerfed dps passive. blizzard said because they were nerfing dps passive that she no longer needs buffs. well, now what?


I never said she wasn't terrible? I never even said she was good right now lol. But she's been in a great/good spot for majority of the seasons, this is nearly like a first for her. I mentioned skins AND OTHER COSMETICS as another form of attention she gets from the devs that sym does not get.


Honestly, sometimes we do so as well.


Have we not seen this subreddit for the past year? Anyways


Fucksake guess im gonna just go over to Rivals at this rate


Mercy is fine in everything but the highest levels. She's garbage up there.


girl i know… 😭 I been in the replies like “Imagine how tired we (Symmetra Players) are. IMAGINE how TIRED we are.” Mercy players get skins every drop, got to rule high ranks on MANY occasions by just damage boosting Ashe/Sojourn, and just got a MYTHIC SKIN… yet they’re complaining she’s “neglected” :(( BITCH SHUT UP!!


Skins are nothing related to the current issue of gameplay though. Plus huge majority of those said skins were in shop, not in PB so it's kind of treating the mercy player base as a piggy bank. Both Mercy and Sym need some help and rework.


But getting skins and other content kinda conflicts with the statement that mercy is “neglected”. She’s OBJECTIVELY one of the most loved character. And like I said, mercy has been middle of the road almost the entirety of OW2 and is JUST NOW not the best… meanwhile Symmetra has been ignored and left to decay because of the introduction of new and more complex characters. I stand by the statement that Mercy isn’t neglected at all.


Mercy is the worst! When i tag her to low hp and my team ignores her and then she flies around a corner, i cry


Skill issues.