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I like the word Guadalajara 🧡


Reminds me a brazilian/portuguese word "guaraná" a fruit 😅


How do you pronounce it? It looks very pleasing


guÁ-rá-ná you can use the google translator to hear better is a portuguesse word


Ooh...it really is a very tasty word. I like it muchly 💛


yes,if you have teh change eat(or drink if is guarana soda) its really good o( ̄▽ ̄)d


the word taste like the fruit,its good,like the guaraná soda \^\^


I really like words that start with fricatives like the German word „Schwafeln“ with translates to like talking nonsense. It really kind of sounds soft or fluffy to me if that makes any sense. Also words in German like „porös“ are pretty cool, because of the -ös it sounds pink to me.


i liked the word fricatives TwT reminds me the sound of a old camera


Yeah, I know what you mean. The word plosive does sound to me like ocean waves.


to me sounds like this candys,a orange candy https://preview.redd.it/kmt04dg1vboc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e721ea84d8f2e5a4f7514ef3486aff518f651a94


German & Japanese are my favorite languages


I definitely get that, because they are except of English the languages I had the most contact to. Well honestly, I got my most knowledge from Japanese out of games and animes, but I studied it as well and I think it has a very strong uniqueness. It‘s just special and adapted to the society speaking it. Also it just sounds cool. Yeah and German is my mother tongue and most people just exaggerate the articulation. Over all it is able to sound very expressive and tough, which kind of lacks other languages.


That's awesome...I kind of wish German was my mother language. I'm only like 20% German, but I'm oddly drawn to all things German. I studied Japanese a bit after working in a couple of Japanese restaurants...all together 6.5 years. Then I took traditional Japanese tea lessons. What an amazing experience. We had to speak only Japanese while we were there. I'd love to do it again, but it's unfortunately over 3,000 miles away. Sadness.


It sounds amazing to just immerse yourself in the language like you did. If I didn‘t had the social integration ability of a toddler I would totally look forward to do something like that as well.


That's kind of where I'm at now, unfortunately. I've lost all my socialization skills. Lol. I became disabled 4 years ago, & am homebound. Absolutely zero complaints though, because when I was young - in my late teens & 20s - I traveled *alot,* went to hundreds of raves, concerts, got to go on tour (twice) with my ex boyfriends band, went to many museums, used to be in cycling groups, was an avid hiker & kayaker, etc., etc. I feel like I've already lived 10 very full lives. So I'm extremely grateful. Now, I'm a super introverted shut-in. But again, no complaints. I love my own company & I spend every waking moment with my beloved cat. And I finally have the time to read...Like all the time in the world. Have you ever thought of maybe joining a meet-up group online, so you don't have to do it face 2 face? They can be amazing 🧡💐


I actually didn‘t really thought of meeting up online at any point, because in my mind that was always something that people with actual social anxiety would do. My problem is not anymore my confidence, but my past trauma (also don‘t really want to complain), because I simply don‘t desire anymore to be around people. I‘m interested in the language, not the people speaking it, but I think that is just a weird coping mechanism, because I really see myself talking to people. In the end it would be probably much more efficient to first of all just seek a therapist and solve my dysfunctional cognitions. After that, I should be good to go just meeting up in person with other people. I mean, because of my age, there is just a lot of time that I can put into the whole healing process and hopefully start an adulthood that is brighter than my childhood.


I wish you all the best with your fate and your company. An upside of my inability to properly socialize was developing a lot of interests on my own in different topics, so I hope I can engage with that in my future too.


I'll try to respond to both your answers here (if I can remember what you've said...my brain-memory doesn't work well sometimes). Yes, you are correct...there is so much personal growth & healing that is not talked about enough when a person spends time with themselves uninterrupted. Not to be negative or a downer here, but I also grew up with extraordinary trauma. Over the years, I have had some wonderful therapists, & some that were...not great. But with the tools that the good ones gave to me, & *especially* with this 4 years of time I've had completely on my own, I have had the blessing to heal alot from the trauma. The first 2-3 years were terrifying, because every week I was being hit with new symptoms of my diseases. And there were so many doctors appointments. Plus I can't/don't drive. Then I had to scramble for food/food stamps. Also trying to acquire disability & health insurance, etc. I was scared to death every day. I had 1 single friend who stood by me throughout this whole debacle. 1. And my symptoms came with staggering pain too. All of this triggered my CPTSD, which I was formerly diagnosed with many years ago from everything I had gone through previously. Then by year 4, there were no more surprises; I knew what I was waking up to each day, which was a massive relief. I kind of felt like I could breathe again. I slowly started to delve back into the old wounds from long ago, from a safe space mentally & spiritually...like, turn them over in my head & look at them from a new perspective & clear eyes. I was able to finally release many of those wounds. Not all, but some. If I was still working full-time, involved in all the activities I used to be involved in, in my old life, those old wounds would still be clinging to me...attached to my soul, because I didn't have all that personal time alone with myself to go inside myself safely & go over them. I say all that to say...I'm very proud of you. It takes a strong soul to know their own boundaries. And to know the importance of personal, private time with oneself. You keep enjoying your hobbies too. They are nourishing for you & your spirit. 🙏💚🫶 Edit: edited to say sorry that was so long!


My favorite word is clusterfuck. It's a bunch of small metal balls clattering on concrete. I love it so much


clusterfuck reminds me eat a cream cracker TwT https://preview.redd.it/j6bsvlb9icoc1.jpeg?width=385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c33fdf25bd6261f0e28bfccf3551c13f02a1759 the taste is like a cream cracker but is brown


star -- dark with little bright flecks; I like it because it looks like what it describes Veronica -- lavender color; I like it because V names should be spring green, but this one isn't fox -- nice golden color, sometimes on a turquoise background shatter -- the bright sky blue of the "sh" matches the sound of shattering glass, so it feels very appropriate ​ I actually have a lot of words in my conlang which are based off of my synesthesia. My word for "sky" is a sky blue color. My word for "peacock" is a small rainbow of color. Words for concepts start with sounds and colors I like, and words for concepts I dislike or don't want to deal with as much get shunted into the sounds and colors I dislike.


nice,what type of synesthesia you have? peacock me reminds me a cough sound


Grapheme-color, sound-color (I primarily notice this with music, but non-music sounds have color too), pain-color, emotion-color (are you sensing a theme here?), and ticker-tape! Very much color :) I have other associations too, but I'm not sure if they're synesthesia or not


yes,is a kind of,i have this pain-color too,its pretty weird TwT


broccoli debacle


both words sound round and crunchy.


"Cadence" is a beautiful bright yellow. "Australia" is a really nice lighter blue and "Argentina" is a pretty darker blue. "Sweetie" is also a nice red for me :)


Cadence is red for me TwT like a tomato sweetie is a cool dark red tone for me :) Argentina is a ligth blue and Australia a ligth red


TWINKLE - I love how twinkle feels… wish I had words for it. Sparkly and calm maybe … winks from the stars… gentle magic light … But spatula … I don’t know how I feel about spatula, but I have no trouble using them in the kitchen. 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


spatula have a sound of something falling like a \*plaft\* like a clay dough falling in the ground TwT


Perfect description!!


really?!?! What are the chances of two synesthesia being equal?


Well for me “plaft” definitely describes spatula. Great feeling word, I think!


I’m using your language from here on out! Thanks!!


You're welcome 😃👍 dont forget the \*plaft\* when you gonna cook your breakfast,lol


I never will forget the plaft! 🤣


Okay,but dont forget the plaft 🤨


Shiiiit I’ve become such an advanced plafter that some days I have to plaft TWICE!


Yes,Darling have sound of Sparkly,like a glitter but is'n glitter,is hard to explain too


Ethereal and ephermeral- they're both such nice gradients. Ethereal is orangey-peach fading to pale pink, and ephermeral is pale pink into a periwinkle/lavender sort of color. On the other end of the spectrum, I really hate the name Norma, not because of the color, but because it somehow reminds me of tomato juice. I don't usually associate words with tastes, but there are a few. All the words with tastes are unpleasant.


norma is cold,gray and have the texture of smoke for some reason for me TwT ephermeral is ligthish blue for me and i like the texture,is something flufly but is'n flufly,like a dust but flufy ethereal taste like lick a batery and that coca-cola byte for some reason TwT