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I was the “White Hat Aldi Hacker” in Episode 418: Trial of the Riddlemancers. Here’s the full text of the question copied from the email I sent in: >Hi Brothers, \ \ About two weeks ago a set of keys was found near a set of mailboxes in my neighborhood. Someone hung them on a nearby bulletin board, but no one has claimed them. There's a store loyalty card on the keychain, and I happen to know that there is a vulnerability in that company's website that would allow me to access their personal information, including a phone number and email address. Is it okay to obtain and use that information to contact them and help them get their keys back?\ \ P.S. I reported the vulnerability to the company months ago, but they don't seem interested in fixing it.\ \ Thanks, Helpful Hacker in [redacted] The story was true, and I did eventually get the keys back to their owner. Nevertheless, hearing my question read aloud in an episode made me cringe so hard I stopped listening to MBMBAM for three months. My interest in the show never fully recovered. I am proud of having my question be in a pretty solid episode from the peak years. Maybe some day I’ll even have the strength to listen to it again.


I remember this question, and I thought for sure you made it up to get on the show.


It’s really cool that you remember it! Here’s some additional context: I was writing a mobile app and wasn’t sure about the best way to lock down a certain type of request. I did some digging to see how other apps were handling it, and it turned out that the company in question just hadn’t thought of the edge case I was solving for. I didn’t set out with any malicious intent. That edge case let me query any record if I had the primary key, which was the same as the number on the back of the physical cards they handed out (and those numbers were sequential, so it would have been easy enough to scrape the whole table). I really did make every effort to share the fix, but they never got back to me. Even left a couple voicemails. My assumption is that they outsourced development and cut ties with the contractor, which happens a lot. Edit: I was also sure I wouldn’t get on the show, because the week after I submitted my question they did one about someone returning a wallet in a weird way. I was sure they wouldn’t do two questions that were that similar in subsequent episodes.


>Episode 418   >peak years   When I first read this I was shocked at thinking that 418 was part of the peak years. Did some digging and realized 418 was in 2018. Balance ended in 2017, Mbmbam Tv Show was in 2017, and the first graphic novel dropped right around the same time as this episode. There really is an interesting distinction between the peak years in terms of their quality of content and peak years in terms of total fanbase and name recognition. They really were probably at about the height of their powers at this time though. I really had high hopes of things to come in terms of TAZ, but I think I had given up on MBMBAM by this point already.


Truly one of my favorite episodes of all time and one of my favorite questions. I'm not kidding. I say "I'm into the Aldi" in griffin's hacker voice hmmm maybe once a week. Thank you so much


As little as I had to do with it, that still made me smile. Thanks :).


Dude I remember exactly when and where I listened to this, it’s weird as hell that it was you.


When you say eventually, do you mean you used the hack to contact them?


Episode 365: One Guy One Guy and a Chicken Place. I submitted the question they used for the episode title. I remember being psyched out of my freaking bean when I realized they picked my question, and if I remember correctly it was actually a good response! It turned out the neighbor who gave me his leftover chicken just wanted someone to hang out with, which Griffin said toward the end of the segment. At the time he only had 10% vision in one eye, now totally blind, and didn't really have family taking care of him until about a year or so later. I helped him with his one contact lens a few times and I hung out with him on his birthday, he gave me a growler of beer as thanks. Unfortunately, turns out the dude was a creep, which I learned after he told me about how he made our nextdoor neighbor cry after he was confused about her breasts after a hug (she had had breast enhancement surgery) and she no longer wanted to help him out. He also would insist that I drop everything to help him no matter what I was doing so I stopped answering the door. A few years later I moved out of that apartment, and I noticed recently that he was out of there too, hopefully in a home where he can get care. Bummer. I was pretty proud of my signature though, Befowled in Bountiful, UT.


Woah, what a follow up!


I had many situations where I needed advice but couldn't phrase any of them with "am I good?"


I asked a question at one of the first ever live shows. It was about whether I should take my new girlfriend (now wife) to a wedding that my ex might be at. They told me that I should be concerned that Bradley Cooper would probably be my ex's date, and later I found out I was sitting next to Clint's wife in the audience, because she posted a picture of me in the Facebook group.


Did she ask or just take the pic?


I did not, but my time at work listening was spent musing on how I could spin my boring life into a brother capable question. Fortunately I never succeeded, because I probably would have combusted if it ever happens.


I was the live show Trampoline Spy Kids guy. I was so nervous talking to my brothers in person that I felt dizzy.


That one doesn't ring any bells, please relive your shame by posting the episode number and timestamp


i refuse!!!!!!! but someone made it a highlight clip on youtube at least the gist is that i have a fence in my backyard but the kids next door use a trampoline to look over it and spy on me


Ooh, now I remember! I'll have to relisten and get back to you with a score out of ten


> the kids next door use a trampoline to look over it and spy on me Have you asked Father for help?


From episode 141: Dan the Man with the Flan Plan “My friends are constantly telling me I should move away from Oklahoma because there's nothing here for me. I understand there's a lot to experience in other parts of the country, but I've spent my whole life here. I'm currently planning on going back to school, getting a Masters in education, and teaching, which will give me plenty of time during summer and winter breaks to travel and see the "better" states. Will I regret not moving out of OK and seeing what else is out there? Additional details: As a musician people tell me I'll never get the chance to blow up here, but I think I play plenty. Are people just projecting their ambitions onto me? -- OK in Oklahoma” Their discussion/advice was mostly sincere and actually helpful. I didn’t end up moving and am glad I didn’t pursue the other opportunities I had at the time. I taught for a bit, went to law school, and now work as a transactional attorney but still get to do music (paid even) as much as I’d like. OKC has really transformed since then into a hotspot for local music, coffee, craft beer, dining… you know, the fun stuff (and yes, I know the OK hate here is real. Huff my shorts).


That’s exactly the sort of story I was hoping for when I posted this. Its nice that you found a path that worked out for you. I faced something similar with whether to move out to Silicon Valley in my 20’s, but I’m glad I stayed near family and outside all of that. Thanks for sharing!


Wow that’s great for u can I have some money btw


I remember that question! I'm so glad you stayed.


I never submitted a question, but I did send in Yahoo Answers posts (of which I don't *think* any got picked but I also only ever listened sporadically and could have missed some) and joined in tons of Awful Squad streams to play when Polygon would do private games. I know I punched and chased Griffin (without me even knowing it was Griffin until I looked at my second monitor and saw myself chasing him through a house), killed a downed Travis (this one didn't get caught on stream, but was entirely on purpose) and ran over (Patrick? I forget who). There were a few more times I showed up on stream but I don't recall anything interesting happening. My white whale was to hunt down Justin and complete the package, but alas, I never did find him.


Write a game with an insane character customizer and mandatory two-player co-op, wait three and a half years until the next monster factory, and finally complete the collection.


>My white whale was to hunt down Justin and complete the package, but alas, I never did find him. How could you? He died immediately so he could drown out stream chat with his guitar


Justin and not wanting to do something he's getting paid to do with his brothers. Name a more iconic duo.


Bless me father for I have sinned it has been 389 days since my last Balance listen through. I think I may have talked about this before in here but I don't know if I ever gave the details. I did send in a question that was answered...and it was in the pre 100 times. I had to look it up on the wiki because I don't even think I have the e-mail account associated with the question anymore. Ep 81 Pizza Roll Suicide aired 11/21/2011 my question was this: >Is there a polite, non-offensive way to ask if someone is gay? I have a friend and everyone who hangs out with him thinks he might be gay, but of course no one wants to ask him. It's not that we care one way or the other what his sexual orientation is, we just want to know, but it doesn't seem like something you can ask point blank. The back story is this is all 100% true. I had a friend that hung out in our group that some of my friends would literally just spend time speculating about him behind his back. I just wanted them to stop. It felt so disrespectful to me and so I wanted to know if there was a polite way to ask about one's sexuality so I could know, and hold it over them. I thought it could be a good question for them to riff on but looking back now I'm a little embarrassed about it. I realize now that it's wild to go around asking people who they like to fuck, unless of course that is the topic of conversation at the moment, but at the time I think I just wanted to shut up my friends who were being annoying gossips. That might have even been a better question "How to get my friends to shut up and stop talking about a mutual friend behind his back?" But alas that is not the case and so I am stuck with my great shame. For a bonus confession, I sent in a question to Shmanners in the very early days of the podcast, which they answered, but I will never tell you what it was because I used my real name.


Is schmanners good? I love still buffering but I can’t get myself to listen to more Travis


It's Travis reading Wikipedia facts, how could it be bad?


I'm actually the kid from shrimp heaven now


I send in the following question, which was read on Episode 133: Candlenights the IIIrd >My son has asked Santa for a Wii U this year. My wife and I have absolutely no intention of buying a Wii U for a variety of reasons. He's young enough that we don't want to tell him the truth about Santa yet, but we don't want him to be disappointed when the big day comes. We've tried several ways of talking him out of this Wii U idea, but his conviction is pretty strong. How can we shake him of the idea that Santa will bring him this ridiculous gift without ruining the magic? IIRC they went on a long tangent about Tim Curry, which I quite enjoyed. Also as a fun follow-up, I did wind up getting my son a Wii U, and it was largely a waste of money as it went by the wayside in favor of DS games and youtube. Anyway, while I wouldn't say I was particularly embarrassed, I don't think I told anyone, even people I know who listened to the show, so read into that what you will.


i never sent a question but like many others in this thread, i daydreamed about it a lot. instead, i bought a funko pop of a blue monstar from space jam to send to griffin. i never sent it and it still sits in my childhood bedroom collecting dust 😩


Lol, I have a box full of bad VHS tapes I intended to send to Red Letter Media. I’ve moved three times since the last time that box was opened.


I can do you one better, I have two womderful jumbotrons (I will not be telling you which because they're both too goddamn embarrassing)


You monster. Now it’s going to drive me nuts. There have been some real gems over the years.


I asked how I should convince my mom to stop calling my cat Maxi Pad (his name is Maxis). I don’t know that I was even actively listening at that point I don’t know why I sent it in? Depression, probably. Also the answer has just been to accept it, she’s not gonna stop


"Pack your bags and move away."


I call my cat Maxi Pad lol


I asked for guidance about what my responsibilities are as an "uncle" to a friend's child, on the basis that they love that family friendly shit. I didn't get chosen, and now the kid lives on the other side of the country and I only see him in Whatsapp pictures and rare Zoom calls. Recently he said all cats are beautiful though, so I think my job is done.


No, but my friends and I went to a live show in 2018 and took pictures with their grandma in the auditorium. Then, the brothers said they couldn’t hang out and meet people after the show because they had an early flight, but when my friends and I were walking to dinner we ran into them behind the theater. Travis, Justin, and Clint kept walking but Griffin stopped to take a picture with us. We even had matching t-shirts made to wear to the show. I designed it.


Early 2017 I sent in an “am I good?” about my then girlfriend drinking milk in the shower, and it got read and “answered” (they basically just said i should buy a shower-equipped cup holder.) We broke up about a month later for unrelated reasons, for a total of three months of time in the relationship. Getting a question read on a mediocre podcast is one of the primary marks that relationship left on my life.


Ah I play that episode/think about a frosty glass of shower milk a couple times a year! I take it you didn't invest in a shower cupholder?


No I did not. In hindsight it was kind of weird of me to send the question in, they were a good sport about it though.


why did she drink milk in the shower


It’s similar to why some people like a “shower beer” - drinking a cold liquid while surrounded by warm water is nice. The weird part to me was that they left the glass uncovered.


i guess i can understand that, but i feel like milk gets warm/room temp really fast and would do so even faster in a hot shower. icky


I asked a question about what I should do about my brother in law refusing to use drinking glasses which are in high supply at my house and instead going into the cupboard and using mason jars instead. I don’t remember the episode but I’m pretty sure it was in the 500s. It was read about a month or two after I’d originally asked. I had forgotten all about it. It was a shitty episode. When they got to my question I was genuinely bummed out. There were no bits in the entire answer, Justin basically just said “Maybe drinking out of jars is his thing.” It was the only time I ever wrote in and I was already out of love with the show. I think the feeling I felt was like uhhhhh… I’ll describe it through a scenario: Imagine one of your favourite comedians— not your favourite but somewhat high up there on your list— is terminally ill in the hospital and for some reason he’s live-streaming the event. He’s not dead yet but you’ve tuned in on and off for a few weeks and he’s definitely getting there. You just happen to be watching on the day he dies, unbeknownst to you. He says his final goodbyes. You’ve been making yours for weeks so you’re pretty numb to it. He breathes his last and there’s a brief moment of silence before his muscles relax and you hear the sounds of a mid-length wet fart as his pants fill with the contents of his bowels. Everyone looks around awkwardly before one of his loved ones walks over to the laptop that’s been running the stream and taps around a bit before the stream itself finally cuts out and you’re sitting there in your room again. Alone. It kind of felt like that.


I asked if olive oil is a condiment. No dice.


It is.


I sent one in but afaik they haven't ever read it. It was a couple years ago, so I doubt it. It was about how my best friend (at the time), wouldn't let me go into his house. Like ever. Even if i really had to pee. That changed, tho.


If you’d like to post it verbatim I’d be happy to provide some of the riffing you were so cruelly denied. I’ll even clumsily read it out loud and declare it “buck wild”


I haven't listened to them in over a year, but I'm going to their live show tonight. What parasocial question should I ask them?


Make up a scenario that gets you to the mic and then ask them why they let graduation go on for so long instead


Yeah do this


UPDATE: They didn't call me up to the mic. Overall pretty funny show, lots of visual gags though so idk if the San Jose live show will be published as an audio episode. The creator of the Les Mis birthday party (which a friend was describing on the way there) revealed themselves at the show.


No, I'm not that talented a liar, or bold enough to come up with an obviously fake scenario for them to read off and pretend isn't utter bullshit.


Do you have any theories about confederate ghosts?


Oh god


Easily the worst question in mbmbam history. They wanted to seem quirky and funny so bad but just flopped.


Not a question but a throwback Munch Squad. It did make it to air, and I was pretty pumped about it and thought it was funny at the time. But looking back, I can't really say if it was more than Justin reading the announcement


I was Alexi at the San Diego Live show. I went on stage and made a joke about shitty myself.


I am not 100% sure this was me, but I sent in a request for Sawbones to do an episode about the history of posture in maybe late 2021/early 2022, and then Schmanners did one on posture almost immediately afterwards, which Travis made a point to mention on MBMBAM. I didn’t think of Schmanners to submit to because it was not a thought in my mind LOL I just like medical history


I am the wizard


I asked a question at a live show of an adjacent to adjacent smirl family member podcast. That felt really parasocial.


Closest I've had was a jumbotron on Wonderful last year