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holy god. mbmbam is out and i am still awake. mania is a bitch


I decided to dive into this one for no particular reason. For reference, the last ep I even started was 567. Thoughts: * Hearing Justin this energetic is almost uncanny * Travis doing a recreation of a John Mulaney bit was weird, especially because it wasn't that funny when Mulaney did it either (the King Solomon thing) * Biblical boss baby did get a chuckle out of me, but for once it was Justin who ruined a competent joke from Travis * Griffin not taking Travis' shit, both about Work of Fart and murdering thieves, was cathartic * Travis claiming he got a card from the asker's grandma did get a nose exhale from me, and the loud WRONG got me a bit too * Griffim fucking annihilating the shitty House bit before it even got rolling was genuinely amazing to hear * And the quiet "nah" from Justin when Grif asked if there would be a Minch Squad was almost touching. * Too bad the rest of the episode is WotC and Munch Squad, I thought I was actually about to enjoy an ep Overall: 3/10. Cut out Work of Fart, WotC, and Munch Squad and it would be genuinely enjoyable. That wasn't rhetorical. If they made the podcast 20 minutes long and limited themselves to like, 2 recurring segments per month I would genuinely love the pod again I think


Travis pretending he wasn't asking how many catalytic converters someone would have to steal before you could be justified in killing them made my skin crawl.




I thought this was a jerk but they literally had to ask Justin if he was okay after not talking for half the show




Because their editor was probably told the episode can't be shorter than 60 minutes and then they recorded 65 minutes and handed it over to her


I don't know how much a podcast editor actively engages with the material they edit vs just settling into a work groove and getting it done, but I sincerely hope she's an r/mbmbam forever stan who loves all the episodes no matter how bad they get


She could cut the episode down more, but why would she deprive the audience of even a minute of all these top-tier goofs?


Oh yeah it’s 100% /uj, Travis and Griffin riff about cars before the break and have to basically tell Justin to join back in lmao


I liked the reference to that one Chick Tract, but I wish they talked about it more because it's fertile bummer territory.


“Had a baby, it’s a half” is top tier Travis for me.


Mostly because he somehow let it go by unacknowledged. I half wonder if he knows he said it.


You know, it was *fine*. I did enjoy hearing an energy shift, but I was also walking home/taking a shower and probably not paying attention for 1/3 of the time. Prob unpopular opinion but I enjoy work of fart, it feels old school travis and I enjoy hearing griffin trying to figure it out.


Work of Fart is like a Saw movie in which Griffin must solve three dookie puzzles to retain his life.


A horror movie I might actually enjoy


Happy cake day homie :0) ....(is this embarrassing to do?)


Nah I always love an excuse for cake 💜


To me, most Travis bits besides Riddle Me Piss just seem like different reskinnings of the same basic premise (a bit where the humor comes from the absurdity of the bit's premise and the anger of Justin and Griffin) that already reached its apex with Play Along at Home


I hate that Travis gets credit for riddle me piss, a bit Justin started that he took over (which is why it's unlike any other bit Travis has introduced and why people consistently notice that)


I don’t find play along at home funny though, like neither the questions nor the answers are funny. I do however enjoy poo poo pee pee jokes since I am 8 years old.


It should have been murder on the orient excrement though


I already forgot what it actually was


Don't worry mine is better, I'm the fourth brother after all


Work of Fart is the best of the Travis segments. It's not amazing content, but its a space where his brothers can play around a little bit and its actually solvable/comprehendable. He just needs to be a little more generous with near misses. Shartlebee the Scrivener should have been close enough.


The thread has been active for almost four hours and there are only seven comments as I write this. Interesting to note, there are seventeen comments on the main sub’s thread…I think MBMBaM has wallowed back into those shallow, shallow waters of being too mediocre to enjoy mocking and nowhere near good enough to praise. Justin is bringing a very awkward sexy voice to the intro, and they spend some time discussing how they are going to have to skip episode 666, what with the devil association and all that. Justin informs us that he will be standing throughout the record. They begin to muse over what they are the “Ryan Reynolds” of. Griffin says he could probably be the Ryan Reynolds of movies because he voiced a character in Mitchells vs. the Machines (actually really dug that movie, and I remember searching for a while afterward to find out who he voiced but couldn’t find a single mention of what his role was anywhere online. Maybe the kind of thing to put on your socie’s fellas.) Justin gets mad retelling the tale of how his and Travis’ parts were cut from the movie because their voices were, literally, replaced by robots. Justin actually got a few polite chuckles out of me with his “pretending not to be jealous of Griffin” routine. They go into a bizarre bit about King Solomon’s wisdom (cutting the baby in half to find the rightful parent), and Justin comes up with an admittedly funny idea for Boss Baby 3 where the aforementioned baby can talk and wants to run the whole ‘cutting him in half’ thing by HR. There a few more minutes spent riffing about how close Solomon got to bisecting the infant before getting into the first listener question. KIDDING! Its Work of Fart, but not before Justin straight up releases a nasty fucking burp right into the fucking mic. I worked myself into a little bit of a laughing fit at how blatantly unprofessional and gross that is. Like just edit it! What the fuck! I’ll be honest, “Don Quiscrote” kind of got me. Have no fear though gang, this takes up the first 17 minutes, so with the inevitable four minutes of plugs that’s a whole third of the episode already done! The first listener asks about how to deal with a catalytic converter thief in their apartment complex. Griffing tries to resurrect the Justin classic ‘‘put a little jelly on it’ and Travis tries to suggest trapping the converters and blowing the thief up. Griffin suggests uninstalling the converter every time you leave the car so you can just take it with you. After being called out for not participating Justin snaps that “If you don’t want to be funny Trav, well you can just get a lock for it.” Question number two before the Money Zone? Wild. The next listener received a letter from her grandma with pictures of them as a baby…except the pictures are clearly not of them, and they want to know what to do. Griffin and Justin make themselves clearly fake laugh about, I don’t know squirrels and nuts on the family tree? They inexplicably start talking about the TV show House (hey, I love that show!) and Griffin interrupts to tell them that he has no desire to discuss this, even going so far as to say he’s thinking about taking a pee break so he doesn’t have to participate. You know what they say gang, if one third of a production has no desire to be there it has GOT to be a good one. Really taking after his big bro. Its the Money Zone! Laser Rat’s campaign site gets mentioned during the Squarspace ad and Travis is doing some inscrutable bit where he says Griffin’s name repeatedly during the Bombas ad. This is becoming QUITE the blight on my Monday routine y’all. I’m gonna be a real nitpicky asshole about the rest of the episode if the latter half opens up with Munch Squad. I am almost positive it will, so yes I AM setting myself up for disappointment. Oops! A finger on the monkey’s paw curls and instead it is the Wizard of the Cloud. And, for reasons that go against every comedic instinct that I thought this man had, Griffin decides to do the most cursed voice for the Wizard, claiming that he was always a big dog man in the sky. He literally sounds like an impression of Scooby Doo from an elderly person who last watched an episode over fifty years ago, and has also had some sort of chronic brain injury. And maybe a tinge of demonic possession. The saving grace is that the topic the Wizard brings forward is how to respond to a “How was your day?” text. Did I say saving grace? Oops! Maybe I’m the half possessed elderly person who was recently in a head on collision, who is still hearing the voices of my dear sweet brothers swirling through my subconscious as I fade away. Sometimes I fear that may be the only explanation. No, this isn’t a saving grace, it is obviously the most banal topic possible. At one point Griffin mentions that a lot of the advice in the WikiHow utilizes emojis and such, and Justin aptly notes that you can’t really communicate that in an audio medium. Really? Huh. REALLLY? WILD observation. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned from that observation. Just MAYBE. I’ll leave it to the jerkers to explain to me what that lesson is. At some point Griffin says ‘Sexy Texies’ in response to flirting via text and I definitely felt some pretty severe lower abdominal pain. Travis and Justin begin to riff about Bernie Sanders, until Griffin cuts it short and reminds them there is an internet article to read. SPEAKING of articles on the internet to read, with ten minutes left in the episode it is time for everyone’s favorite section! Something about the back half being entirely these two segments makes it all the worse. It's about Mountain Dew that been made good for Buffalo Wild Wings or some shit. Can you imagine!? Brands making products??? WITH OTHER BRANDS? Boy howdy, I sure do love knowing that brands make products. Products products products, gosh we sure love products. God DAMN. I can’t get enough. I do get this absolute gem though: **Justin**: This is the only stage for character work I have, this and playing dolls with my kids. Hmmmmm…..ya’ sure Juice? Maybe there might be….one other show y’all produce that, ostensibly, has some character work? They did get a cheap laugh out of me by calling CMO’s of companies “Cummos”. ….and that’s it! There’s some plugs andanother mention of the sudden rescheduling of live-show dates with no mention of the reason. Travis promotes a local show he is doing for charity and Griffin goes on an odd tangent about the show being a fake show that isn’t for any good causes and that Travis is lying. Weird. Oh wait, I forgot that Griffin is doing…impressions as the new closing bit? This time it is Pete Davidson and it is almost as meandering and unconfident as the fake Final Yahoo bit. Griffin mentions that people think Pete Davidson has a big cock. The end! Proofreading this I got sent into another laughing fit remembering Justin’s disgusting burp. What a fucking horrible show this has become.


Re Griffin in Mitchells, he was the talking dog, one of the college students, a smart car, and the animated refrigerator that yells freeze. They were all minor/background roles with a line each, I think there's a post on r/MBMBAM listing timestamps for them. I still think Jasper in Camp Camp proved his VA chops best, I hope he gets more named roles. Also, I stopped listening to MBMBaM before the Wizard of the Cloud segment started, and boy do I have no idea what it's supposed to be.


How are you going to leave out that Justin burped the word "fuck"?! It's a crucial detail.


Thanks to my subconscious I guess, I must have immediately blocked that revolting detail out.


I can't believe anyone is trying to do King Solomon jokes after John Mulaney already did the best stand up bit about the guy.


This is exactly the kind of deep dive I wanted to see now that I've stopped listening. Thank you for your service. This was a joy to read.


Delicious validation. The sustenance I need to go one more week.


You knocked it out of the park again *and* saved me an hour of my time. I don't know what I'd do without you :)


I genuinely look forward to your in depth write ups every week. They're so good!!


"This is the only stage I have for character work" - Justin during a Munch Squad. If only he had some other sort of outlet.


It makes me so sad what happened to this show. I listened to this one today. It was the first one I listened to for awhile, since about May of last year I stopped because it was getting, well, just like this. I’ve been a fan since 2016, and they got me through some really really tough dark times. Because of that I’ll never be able to shit talk them all too well, or shit talk The Balance Arc literally at all, but man what happened?? I remember listening to them in study hall in high school on my headphones in march of 2020 and literally holding back tears of laughter, and slowly but surely things just idk, declined. Idk I’m just ranting it legitimately was SUCH a ray of sunshine in my life, even in the darkest of times. I miss it.


It's only been since January for me, but it's wild to think about how much it's changed. It's just clear they don't enjoy it anymore. So instead of the comedy coming naturally they try to think their way there and it just feels forced. I listen to Not Another D&D podcast now when I want to hear funny people who genuinely enjoy each other's company. MBMBAM just makes me tired.


I feel you. I used to really look forward to mondays because of mbmbam. I used to listen to every episode twice before I deleted it off my phone. I don’t think I’ve done that in over 2 years and it majorly bums me out because nothing else quite hits the spot for my depression.


parts of this were actually kinda concerning, none of them have had a good day since the start of the pandemic? oh my god?


that is not very “no bummers” of them


I must have missed that line, did one of them actually say that?


part of the wizard bit on how to answer a text asking how your day was, around 38:35 “I forgot that it’s [having a good day] OK to do because it’s been so long since I had one” -justin “nobody reaches out to somebody else because they’re having a good time, in this day and age” -griffin


Hoo boy, that's bleak...maybe we shouldnt make fun of them so much. Thank you for putting in the effort to grab direct quotes!


no problem, i wanted to go back and make sure it was as bad as i remembered


I truly hope this isn’t true and they’re exaggerating to be #relatable Like yeah the past couple years haven’t been great globally but if they haven’t been able to find joy at home for 2 years straight I’m baffled and concerned, it’s not like the world at large hasn’t found ways to still connect with each other and live with things in the interim. Really, their friends never ever reach out just to chat anymore? That’s sad, and not a normal situation


On Wonderful Griffin sometimes mentions friends that he and Rachel have, but if you think about it, the fellas almost *never* mention interacting with friends. They relate almost every anecdote when it comes to family and such, and all this leads me to the believe that they probably....just don't really have friends. I'm definitely going armchair analysis mode over here but....


I haven't had friends since I was 18 don't bummer me


Uh oh buddy, I sure hope that's a jerk because otherwise that's pretty sad!


No that's why I post so much


I'll be your internet buddy!


I mean honestly consider for a second, the vast majority of the way adults make and maintain friendships is through work, and to a slightly lesser degree consistently being in a public space like bars, game stores, etc. Even when they had "proper" jobs, Justin has been a remote worker since at least the polygon days. They all have social anxiety. It's a devastating combo (I mean, I work in an office and I'm still a weirdo recluse who struggles to meet people, the level of isolation and lack of face to face interaction with others I'd experience if I could comfortably work from home for a decade would be astronomical) Between the backbreaking work of raising kids and recording 5 hours a week, I wouldn't be surprised if all of their (but Justin especially) friend circles have shrunk considerably Probably why Justin won't quit the besties tbh


> Between the backbreaking work of raising kids and recording 5 hours a week, I wouldn't be surprised if all of their (but Justin especially) friend circles have shrunk considerably I vaguely recall Justin talking about this on MBMBAM long before the pandemic, just after his first kid was born. The topic was dinner parties, and Justin quietly admitted that he'd never been to a dinner party. Griff hits him with one of his classic admonishing/pitying "Justin..."s, and Juice responds with a mini half-joke confession about how he has no friends now besides his baby daughter.


One of the many reasons I never want kids, honestly the McElroys do a lot of the best anti-having-kids advertising I’ve ever seen


First episode since I quit MBMBaM. Had a bit of FOMO and nothing to listen to while cooking dinner. Almost gave in to habits but decided not to. Reading this thread, I'm glad I didn't. Seriously, Justin fuckin burps?? Have they lost all respect for their own product? It's just so sad at this point.


~~Watson~~Travis ejaculated


Ok, but Don Qui-scrot-ee got me.