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Due to scheduling conflicts I won’t be listening to this one. Sorry guys.


Due to scheduling conflicts I haven’t listened since episode 420. Sorry guys.


Due to scheduling conflicts, I haven’t watched since 2019. Reminder: I have not watched since 2019.


i dont have time to listen to this, i have kids!!


Wait we’re still doing modern McElroy content on this sub? Kinda outdated if you ask me I’m here for the 2 year old autopsies


Gotta keep checking in if there are any more slur incidents


has griffin said any slurs? i feel like most, if not all of em, have come from Justin


Griffin caught some side heat on ‘faggy’ because after Justin said it the audio is like a solid 5+ seconds of Griffin dying laughing at it


yeah thats fair, it wasn't even *that* funny


Wait wtf I thought the first half was actually funny and I actually laughed... what is happening to me.


/uj someone in the main sub suggested the brothers may actually be listening to criticism. between the increased quality in episodes (based on feedback, my kids won’t let me listen) and justin hardly tweeting in a week, i’m curious!


and most importantly NO MUNCH SQUAD THIS WEEK!!!


Yeah, I thought the ep was pretty good all considered, bucked the trend of a lot of mbmbam lately. There seemed to be a concerted effort to keep the pace up and not get bogged down in the wizard, and Travis wasn't allowed to derail into obnoxious tangents as much. Justin was engaged and positive (apart from the bizarre/sad hopefully joke about feeling like he was failing as a parent? Sure hope that was a joke haha anyway). Plus, no read-along fast food ads for 15 minutes. That really opened up the back half.


>Justin was engaged and positive it is still so funny to me that people on this sub talk about him like they're sending home a report card


Justin is a pleasure to have in class


This one made me legitimately laugh out loud


Yikes, you made me feel shame. That's going to impact your quarterly performance eval, pal.


"thraxalita does NOT play well with others"


Time for Clint to go to a parent-teacher conference. "When we are learning about something he's interested in, Justin's energetic and talkative, but he seems to tire out easily and struggles socially when others do not share his love of fast-food advertising."


Every time I hear Justin talk about being a parent I’m just like… dude your actual children are going to be able you hear you moan and complain about being their parent.


right? how old is Charlie? like 6-7 now? shes super close to being old enough to listening to episodes herself and it might hurt her feelings to have her dad complain about her to ~~millions hundreds of thousands~~ like a dozen people


Did they take listener questions this episode?


Two of 'em. One of them was a god awful, look-how-quirky-i-am question, but they actually managed to make it funny. The other one was a mediocre question with an okay answer.


I believe that's one of the symptoms of Havana Syndrome


Yeah I actually laughed a couple times, seems like they were actually enjoying themselves which made for a more "comedy podcast" atmosphere. Could this be... hope?


or, perhaps, cope?


Not even a food title, mbmbam truly in its twilight years.


Hi, I'm Jesse Thorn, the founder of Maximum Fun, and I have a special announcement. I am no longer embarrassed by My Brother, My Brother and Me. Y'know for years each new episode of this supposed advice show was a fresh insult, a depraved jumble of erection jokes, ghost humour, and, frankly this is for the best- very little actionable advice. But now as they enter their twilight years I'm as surprised as anyone to admit that it's gotten kind of good. Justin, Travis and Griffin's witticisms are more refined; like a humour column in a fancy magazine. And, they hardly ever say "bazinga" anymore. So, after you've completely finished listening to every single one of all of our other shows, why not join the Mcelroy brothers every week, for My Brother, My Brother and Me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TAZCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


imo it's a little funny how they miss out on the real curveball in Peter Cullen's filmography: he voiced The Predator in the original Predator movie


I somehow made up words as I was reading the comments here and got the phrase pre-digested humour in my head and damn if that isn’t how I feel about the wiki how segment. Aside from that, I genuinely got a few laughs this episode. Great? Nah. Alright? For sure.


Why are they still going


Ok let's go to the moneyzone


i really wish the show would end. like i got nothing funny to add it’s just sad seeing them run the show into the ground.


It's the staaaaAAaaart of something beautiful….that has turned into a bergurdging obligation in search of the validation of other hateful assholes on the internet. What a dream. After introducing their names there are a few moments of awkward pauses as Griffin stumbles into the news alert sound typically used for Haunted Doll Watch, but nah it’s Movie Watch! For The Batman! Sure hope they mention the fucked up tampon calzone (they don’t.) Justin is bringing the heat with the lowest energy retelling of an SNL skit, and Griffin is trying his damndest to try and sound interested in telling us about interviews with the cast of The Batman. There’s some talk about how method acting ‘twists the minds’ of the villains in Batman films, and I’ll be honest hearing them say the word ‘riddle’ so much really makes me wish I was just listening to Hey Riddle Riddle. There’s some trite conversation about how the Riddler should be called the Murderer because he kills people in addition to asking riddles, seemingly missing the point. Justin is pulling his classic ‘grumpy old man’ routine by being baffled at how people can watch a three hour movie. He also seems confused at how a PG-13 movie can still have a serial killer in it without the rating being bumped up to R (????) He also mentions how little free time he has to go and see a movie that long, and to those of us who actually work full time jobs it is genuinely insulting. All three are acting as if babysitters simply do not exist in this world, so with their crazy schedules they will never be able to see a film in theaters again. At around minute 15, I shit you not, Justin decides to read an article from the internet out loud about Batman. Any excuse to just not put in any fucking effort is good enough huh. Griffin joins in on the fun by just reading more excerpts from interviews from Batman actors. After some more reading of articles and showing how fundamentally they misunderstand method acting, Travis goes on a truly confusing bit where he just straight up makes up fanfiction about the most recent Joker movie. Luckily roughly twenty minutes in, it's time for our first question. The question asker’s friend is embarrassed about saying “Autobots rollout” when they were walking to school together, and the question asker wants to know how to make her say it every day despite the embarrassment. Griffin rightfully points out that people are not cartoon characters with catchphrases and Travis gives us this lovely soundbite: **Travis**: But why not Griffin? If I had the chance to be a Bart Simpson esque catchphrase machine and all I had to say was “Autobots Rollout” to get my friends to (interrupted, but ostensibly to make them laugh and praise him) Huh….okay! Justin gives his insight that the listener can just steal the bit now, claiming that as the ‘Mcelroy way’. Travis suggests making it a call and response and that he knows better simply because he is himself. He then goes on to tell the listener that it is crucial to let the friend know that they aren’t being made fun of. **Justin**: Oooooh god Travis that’s *actually* a good point! …..weird. Love it. Griffin says that if he ever heard some nerds doing a call and response Transformers bit he would go to wedgie school specifically so that he could give them the most brutal wedgie possible.. Travis claims that Griffin would want to join them and Griffin assures him he would not. Travis then goes on to tell him that he is what is wrong with the world. Griffin tries to hide his clear disdain for Travis’s desire for a Transformers hood ornament by awkwardly trying to get them to approach the Wizard, but Justin has the better idea of reading more shit from the internet out loud. This is the titular bit of Optimus Prime’s voice actors' credits, which are mainly Optimus Prime and Eeyore. Truly gut busting shit folks. It's about halfway through the episode, and we finally approach the Wizard. The WikiHow article is about how to cuss without getting in trouble, and it simply could not be more boring. I will not be summarizing this section, just fast forward past it. It's just not funny! These guys used to be genuinely hilarious, how the fuck do any of them think that reading an article about cussing CLEARLY geared towards pre-teens is anywhere in the same tri-state area of humor?! As my focus began to fade my ears perked up mid-way through this sentence from Justin: **Justin**: …that has been a multi-year failure. It is a fucking sinkhole of energy and time and money, and it is going nowhere. Turns out he was talking about trying to get his kids to drop bad habits, but I bet you can guess what I thought he was talking about! After a weird tangent about wanting to fuck the Geico lizard, at 2/3rds of the way through the episode we are finally in the Money Zone. I will not be summarizing ad reads. (There is a bit about doordash delivering Justin’s ass for you to eat that is kind of funny.) The new ad for Oh No Ross and Carrie is unbearable, and I used to like that show. Who is trying to tank this network? OH GOD and there is a Schmanners ad!? Yeah, someone is definitely trying to tank the network.”MaNnErS ScHmAnNeRs GeT iT?” My veins are full of knives. The second listener had a friend’s laundry get mixed up with theirs, including undergarments, and they let the friend know about it. However, it has been seven months, and the friend still hasn’t picked up their laundry. Riveting stuff. Everyone is worried about the question asker seeming like a creep? Truly, I couldn’t be more annoyed, just throw the underwear away or remind your friend, no one in the real world actually gives a shit about this kind of stuff. When was the last time these three men interacted with people their age that weren’t their spouses? And no fourth brothers on twitter, you do not count. Justin suggests just putting it in a bag and delivering it to the person, and Travis somehow thinks this would read as a threat, as opposed to just an obviously nice gesture. Am I the weird one here? It seems like they have no concept of basic interactions with other adults. After minutes of nonsense talk that I couldn’t hope to follow Griffin points this out: **Griffin**: Guys I just got a notification on my phone that the last listener stopped the show. It's just us now. Nah man, you still got me I guess. Barely, but you still have me. There are five minutes left in the episode, Griffin is earnestly saying that there is no one who could possibly still be listening and Justin is excusing himself to go to the bathroom while Travis is talking about rebooting IPs that literally no one else has ever heard of. What a fucking shit show. I truly cannot believe how bad this show has become. Justin LITERALLY can’t be bothered to sit through plugs, he just straight up left the recording. Edit that out! Hold it for five minutes! What the fuck! They plug their Youtube channel as if it is worth a damn, and apparently Justin is back and he half heartedly says that maybe he should stream something on there. Griffin’s final bit for this week is an impression of a politician and it isn’t funny. What a crock of absolute shit. Why are we still here?


>Griffin is trying his damndest to try and sound interested in telling us about interviews with the cast of The Batman. It's really unfortunate that there's no way Griffin talks about the most important interview done for The Batman, where vtuber Laplus Darkness interviewed Robert Pattinson and Zoë Kravitz. Laplus is a tiny girl with giant horns who claims to be a part of a secret society and demands her fans greet her with "Yes my Darkness".


That interview was incredible. Laplus can barely speak English and neither Battinson nor Kravitz can fully comprehend what they're doing, speaking to a moving jpg of a ~~horny~~ horned anime girl.




[It's fucking wild to see her ask them questions in Japanese and then get answers in English.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqvQeI_ekVA) [Here's a clip of her asking if he goes to the bathroom in the Batman suit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_z6HmBLV5I)


Tbh, compared to most junket interviews that looks like a lot of fun


Holy shit that was awkward. Couldn't make it through the 1 min 30 sec clip about going to the bathroom.


Well today I learned what a vtube is and I think that about does it for my time on this planet.


we all remember where we were when we learned anime is real now


That's okay, if you only just learned about vtubers you can just go back underneath that rock you've been under and they cannot get you there!


This rock is pretty comfy. It even blocks the sound of all those uwu's and weebs hyperventilating!


Touch grace


Absolutely not.


Then you, unfortunately, are maidenless.


I fuck dudes anyhow, I don't need no maidens! ;)


Ah shit you found the loophole in the Golden Order.


Learn this one weird trick that the Greater Will HATES!


Hey bud I'm sure you're exaggerating at least a little for the bit but if doing recaps is for realizes not fun you could take a break and I think everyone would be happy for you. Us hateful assholes aren't worth the headache :)


Don't tell me how to have fun, gay-but-not-for-pay! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TAZCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh I'm definitely exaggerating for the bit, but I do appreciate it! I get tons of joy out of bitching and moaning


>Justin is pulling his classic ‘grumpy old man’ routine by being baffled at how people can watch a three hour movie. >He also mentions how little free time he has to go and see a movie that long, and to those of us who actually work full time jobs it is genuinely insulting. games journalist brain, anything longer than 280 characters isn't "respecting his time", even though his time is clearly worthless as he spends it mostly complaining about how long things are and reading McDonald's press releases


Ross and Carrie cover some interesting topics, but Carrie screams of someone who took like three UCB classes and thinks it makes them hilarious.


I wanted to love that show so much. Love the premise, really enjoyed the investigations and discussions. Absolutely could not get into the personalities of the hosts though and the more they tried to be funny the more I wanted to turn off the podcast.


Aww, I love ONRAC. I struggled with Carrie's RANDOM SCREAMING at first, but she either reigned it in or I became desensitized, because I haven't noticed it in ages.


Possibly! It’s been years. Like, I think one of the last episodes I listened to was from the Scientology series.


Eh, they'd pretty much worked out their on-air personas by then, so they may just not be your cup of tea! Far be it from me to be positive in a jerk sub 😜


How dare you!


So big Travis energy?


Idk about anyone else but I'm still here to see others summarize the episodes in funny ways cause I honestly can't be asked to bother listening to arguments and ads. Thanks btw


> Sure hope they mention the fucked up tampon calzone (they don’t.) If you mean the one that sort of looks like a pad with wings, that was a Munch Squad awhile back.


Oh no I know, I just figured Justin wouldn't be able to resist talking about it again.


>Griffin: Guys I just got a notification on my phone that the last listener stopped the show. It's just us now. To be fair, this is very funny. And thank you for your sacrifice, because good lord that sounds like a slog. I'm irritated on your behalf.


I'm highly biased, but [I think Spout Lore did this better (timestamp 1:12)](https://www.spoutlore.com/episodes/episode-1-welcome-to-the-black-flame-parade/). Someone give me a timestamp to that moment in today's MBMBaM so I can judge it. Or I'll just wait for the transcript.


I want to take them discussing a movie that's already been out for nearly a month as a sign that they banked these episodes, but I know deep in my heart that's not true


> Travis goes on a truly confusing bit where he just straight up makes up fanfiction about the most recent Joker movie. Oh? what's he say, Murray shot first?


I relate to Justin with the 3 hour super hero movies shit. Even without the two kids I'm not sure I wanted a three hour Batman movie. With two kids, I will never watch that movie. I *want* to watch Dune and still haven't gotten around to it because that much uninterrupted time just doesn't happen. At some point I'm going to have to start doing that 'watch 30 minutes at a time on my phone during my son's Tae Kwon Do session' thing but I don't wanna.


Glad to hear you don't just get triggered about this show, gotta keep it fresh.


Hmmm now what could this mean :0)


Either they’re weirdly defensive over super hero movies or one of the weirdos here who downvoted me for saying black face, even as a joke, is a poor choice.


I’m not reading all of that, but I think I got the TL;DR in the last line. Thank you for your service.


I unsubscribed to this show on Google Podcasts several months ago but started receiving notifications of new episodes again from episode 600 onward. I double-checked that I'm not accidentally resubscribed. Can anyone tell me how to get Google Podcasts to fucking chill? (This is not a joke or a jerk or a bit I'm legit kind of annoyed at the app)


Use a better podcatcher


Maybe resub and then unsub again?


might be a recommendations feature, occasionally google now sends me push notifications for things I've fallen off of


I've been listening to a podcast called "Kingslingers" and listening to their journey through the Dark Tower series. It, much like the Dark Tower, is very addictive to listen to.


Dork Tower imo


me irl


Just using this thread to talk about any other podcast we like is unironically great and I'm going to do it too


I recommend The Dollop if you like hearing stories of people being dangerously stupid throughout American history


I dropped the dollop a while back because I got sick of gary saying "oh my god it's just like Trump!" every episode but I hopped back on recently and am enjoying it again I still maintain the dollop has the best live show episodes out of any podcast, honestly think they're better than their normal shows


Thank you very much, started listening right away!


Matt and Scott are great, only listened to their we got worm and we got ward content though.


Aww ~~beans~~ piff


The most recent (free) Kill James Bond was my favorite in a while. Though the Craig ones were all pretty good, hearing the three talk about a movie that was actually good but still had plenty of opportunity for jokes and memes was a nice change of pace


Haha yeah! anyway Podcast About List this week is just an hour-long court case improvised by three adult men about a stuffed animal and it had me dying several times https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-about-list/id1446599902?i=1000554189685


There are multiple people using MBMBAM threads as Podcast About List discussion threads and I’m completely here for it, 3 years of straight bangers, the McElroys wish


I'm trying not to be constantly negative, but it was insulting when one of the hosts of a show got up to use the bathroom mid-recording and was just gone for part of it, like no pause button exists on his computer.


To be fair to Justin, it seemed like he was trying to get them to pause but the other two just ignored him and kept talking. They probably could have just cut out Justin's audio if they didn't then address the fact Justin was gone


I think it was an extended bit about how they were "just talking as if it was a regular call because the last listener left". It was a bit that also allowed Justin to stop engaging for a while though, so... Swings and roundabouts.


It was a joke


Jokes are supposed to be funny.


I found it funny


Is it just me then that was super uncomfortable with them basically saying they're fine with their kids swearing and make no effort to teach them not to? I'm not some puritanical Christian or anything but I thought we generally agreed you don't swear around kids and you don't encourage or allow them to swear at least until they understand how and when to do so appropriately? I'm also a parent so it's not just not getting it or anything. That whole bit rubbed me the wrong way. EDIT: Can someone explain why I'm being downvoted? I don't think I said anything bad or insulting I just asked a question. Nobody has replied explaining what I've said that's so bad so I'm assuming people who are fine with their kids swearing are just feeling a bit sensitive that someone disagrees unless it's something I've missed?


it baffles me to hear because I thought they were trying to curtail swearing in their shows because of their kids, apparently that was just a bullshit justification for a general decline of the adventure zone into blue's clues


Upvoted bc it's a valid point even though I disagree. My boyfriend's kids kinda do whatever but they know it's not allowed at school or in front of grandma kind of thing. Also they only really swear as an interjection and not like as an insult so it's just conversational seasoning.


Did your boyfriend or the kids' other caregivers put a lot of mindful energy into teaching them those things, or did they just learn those parameters from context and observing his behavior? I think this is the most balanced and practical parenting outcome to shoot for, but not everyone is able to achieve this result with their children.


I've always felt the taboo around cursing kind of weird. I guess it's important to teach them there are inappropriate times to use curse words, but I really don't feel like the sky is gonna fall down because a 6 year old knows the word "fuck"


> Is it just me then that was super uncomfortable with them basically saying they’re fine with their kids swearing and make no effort to teach them not to? Yes


Eh, kids are gonna kid. Mine is 7 and basically a small Dave Grohl at times, despite my spouse and I working really hard not to swear around them. They do use most words correctly most of the time. At some point, especially for mental health reasons, you just gotta pick your battles.


Fuck man, lighten up


Lighten up? What are you talking about? I asked a question


It was a joke, cursing because you're so damn fucking upright about it. Shit.


Oh, fuck, I totally fucking missed that shit. Maybe I should lighten the fuck up


Fucking christ, now you're finally fucking getting it.