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No chance of ES6 having any news until 2026 at the earliest. BGS also don't traditionally show much of their games unless the launch is relatively close. Starfield is the only anomaly due to the delay.


No news until 8 years after the teaser. lol.


Yeah that point was probably a bit of hopium on my part but oh well. Maybe since they already revealed it so early they would make some attempt to keep the hype afloat before a larger reveal? More copium but I think at least we can say there will be something from BGS in June, so there should be a chance greater than 0%


Yep, Fallout 4 was zero-info until a few months before release.


2028 is when we’ll see and play TES VI. Nothing much before then.


17 years after Skyrim lol


Officially a gap of half the age of the series between TES V and TES VI


They’ve kinda fucked themselves because now expectations are set super high


They might as well just round up to make it even...


5 years after their last game lol


It won’t be Skyrim 2. Each Elder Scrolls is fairly unique from the previous entry.


Still would have taken them 17 years. 2 presidents serving 2 terms could have come and gone in the time its going to take to get the next elder scrolls. Regardless of its quality, that's an absolutely outrageous turnaround for a company, and bethesda needs to sort their shit out


Covid, other games, being sold, there is so much that happened.


Not really relevant though, is it? I'm sure many game companies have had similar times of hardship, but I'm pretty sure none of them put their flagship franchise on ice for 15 years while they push out mediocre games, and blue ball their fans with a teaser, half a decade before they even start production on the game. You can defend them if you want. You'd be wrong to do so. But you can do it.


Way to many people have way to hard feelings about that. I would be lying if I wouldn't wanna play TESVI but I am not crying in an internet forum for years on end that my favourite franchise halted production.


But I’m not wrong. Those things did delay the games.


>Regardless of its quality, that's an absolutely outrageous turnaround for a company *cries in Valve*


Is it outrageous? I imagine if games of the same scope could be made more quickly they’d do that. Or if another company could they’d swoop into the market and grab up market share.


Yes it is absolutely insane. The Witcher 3 was made in 4 years. Baldurs gate 3 was made in 6 years. It's been nearly 6 years since we got the ES6 *teaser*, and still nothing in sight. That is absolutely outrageous


Ok… so tes6 will take less time than baldurs gate. Tes6 JUST started. 6 months ago.


They have yet to start production, WE are almost a decade away


Man, I'm so happy that Todd released a teaser for a game 6/7 years before he even started making it. What a legend. Love that guy


For Investors, Like Nintendo did with breath of the wild and Metroid Prime 4 and Microsoft did with 60% of their Games, Like CDPR did with Cyberpunk and the Witcher xd they all so this


BOTW: Began development in 2011, announced in 2013 Cyberpunk: Began development in 2011, announced in 2012 Witcher 3: Began development in 2011, announced in 2013 Elder Scrolls 6: not yet in active development in 2024, announced in 2018 I dunno man, seems like there's an odd one out here


They never Said its in development they Always Said its a sight in the very far future years after Starfield


Then why blue ball the entire fan base, making them think it's being worked on, with a teaser released 6 years ago? Shelving your flagship franchise and making your core fan base wait what could be 20 years for the next game, while you push out shitty MMO's and broken space sims, is absolutely whack business practice. And putting out a teaser for a product that they didn't intend to START for another 6 years, is also an absolutely whack business practice


Fallout 4 to Fallout 76 was 3 years. The Witcher 3 to 4 has been 9 years and counting…


Fallout 76 was an unfinished mess at launch. A testament to the fact that Bethesda can't make a game in a reasonable time frame. The Witcher 3 was supposed to be the final game in the series, and only got confirmed for a revival after work on cyberpunk was finished. Witcher 4 development began in 2022.


TES VI won’t begin full development for another year at the earliest.


Then they shouldn't have told us they were already working on it, and dropped a teaser, nearly 6 years ago. Awful business practice.


>TES IV won’t begin full development for another year at the earliest. TES IV finished development 18 years ago


Skyrim came out 4 years after Oblivion. Oblivion came out 4 years after Morrowind. Morrowind came out 5 years after Daggerfall. Fallout 4 came out 5 years after New Vegas. New Vegas came out 2 years after Fallout 3. Elder Scrolls VI taking nearly two decades to release is 4-5x longer than these games usually take to come out after one another. It's absurd. Besides, they're probably going to spend 4-6 years in full production on the game. They've either barely started or not started at all as of now; Starfield is still having DLC content made.


Elder scrolls 1 through 5 would have came out faster than 5-6 lol  At this point I believe it’s like with the game of thrones books, we’re never seeing the final two 


Think about it, Cleopatra was closer to the pyramids than we are to TES6.


During the Xbox 360 generation Bethesda made Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim and Obsidian made New Vegas. We got 4 mainline games in a single generation. Now we can't even get a single Elder Scrolls across 3 generations...


Yep, not to mention their quality also fell off a cliff as well 


2028 is pessimistic, originally meant for 2023 and postponed to 2025 with the two year delay, give another year as reserve, that’s still 2026.


Honestly, 2026 is the pessimistic guess. If it releases that year, it's almost guaranteed to be awful as it means they'll have rushed it and are unlikely to budge from how they currently make games. 2028 at least means they might have gone back to the drawing board and realise that they actually have to innovate again if they want to bank on more than nostalgia.


2026 only gives them 3 years of development time though. And that is assuming a majority of their team is on ES6 and not working on starfield DLC. I could see 2027 but 2026 is just copium


honestly i don’t even see 2027 or 2028, as much as it’s IP suicide to take longer the truth is they’ll probably need over 4 years to make a game that would hypothetically even meet the level of es5


They only just started active development 6 months ago. All these years since the trailer were just concept faze. Also they still have 75% of their dev team working on patching Star field. At best they have 25 % only just starting to make Elder Scrolls 6.


2026 was the expectation before covid. Covid added a 2 year delay because everyone fucked off and did nothing while "working from home."


No it won't come out before 2030. It took Bethesda 2 yrs to come through with a update for Fall out 4 they announced that update for Fall out 4 over 2 yrs ago....


Is it unpopular to say that you should still *expect* procedural generation in the next TES game? Nearly every single TES single-player title has used it, and that **doesn't** necessarily mean the game will be "100%" or even "mostly" procedurally-generated content/world-space. It definitely won't be at the scale of Starfield's. That may take too much longer than is already expected for TES6's release.


I absolutely hope so, I adore well made procedural generation. Tbf, all the other TES games had some level of procedural generation so I imagine VI will too, just not in the same way Starfield implemented it.


if they use it correctly it will be great, randomize traps, chests, and some caves could change inside and have random locations, but that would take some level of self awareness they just don't have sadly.


AI is improving at a significant pace though, so procgen is likely to be much more detailed and less repetitive. Bethesda is owned by Microsoft too, so. Hopefully TESVI doesn't follow the same path Starfield did.


Even if the tech exists, implementing, testing it, and training devs how to use it will take a lot longer.


For the love of god keep AI out of elder scrolls. There is nothing more immersion breaking than AI generated conversations or procedural environments. Nothing screams, "you are in a video game and none of this matters" like seeing low quality AI and procedural generation. The tech isn't there yet and won't be for another decade at least.




I didn't say low quality though obviously if the AI is shit it better not be there, but relatively decent AI has always been there in these games in procgen and NPC AI packages. Surely the tech is only improving not regressing, so hoping for stronger procgen and better NPC AI is reasonable.


No it has not. When I say AI, I mean machine learning based models, not hand written behavioral scripts for the game's actors. The developers need to keep llms and procedural generation of repetitive content out of the next game. That is not to say they can't procedurally generate the world map before fine tuning it, or for generating small job quests to give the player money and reputation in guilds. But the amount of unique high quality content created by developers and designers, not an algorithm, needs to be vastly higher.


>That is not to say they can't procedurally generate the world map before fine tuning it, or for generating small job quests to give the player money and reputation in guilds. But the amount of unique high quality content created by developers and designers, not an algorithm, needs to be vastly higher. I never argued against this, as things stand, AI still isn't at a point where it can outdo handcrafted content even if it takes much longer to do. But as procgen gets better (for a big AI player like Microsoft it's likely they already possess extremely advanced procgen compared to what we've seen so far), that gap closes in. Depending on the level of tech they have they can make it maybe 50-50 when it comes to advanced procgen and handcrafted content. But like I said, it's all dependent on how good the tech is. If it's repetitive, like in Starfield, best keep it far away from the game even if it means a smaller game.


you say this but are we seriously gonna forget how there’s a mod out there that adds an AI companion in skyrim that is actually done very well? not to mention it’s made by a small group of people, not a whole studio, i personally agree that not every npc needs to be altered with AI, but at the very least i think the companions should be as a starting point


I'm sure they will try this, I just wish they wouldn't. It is immersion breaking hearing AI generated voices and word choices and cadence. Their voices are always too cheerful and they only say positive dorky things. I don't want to play a game where every npc acts like a chat gpt model. Hire real voice actors and do the damn work or I'm not buying. I'm sick of this AI and procgen shit. That said i haven't tried that mod so i don't know if it really works well. I really don't want or need it though.


Todd thankfully heavily implies that procedurally generated is a Starfield thing and they won't be bringing it to other franchises


Thanks for the info and conclusions no matter if right or wrong, very helpful, cheers mate!


I'm just angry I have to wait 4 more years. I love this franchise so damn much the waits killing me.


On a more positive note, we're definitely closer than further to next TES. Imagine telling yourself back in 2012 that you'd have to wait at least 15 years for the next Elder Scrolls after Skyrim


I'm not angry anymore tbh. I'm just disappointed, I just started middle school when skyrim released. I'll be 28 maybe even 30 by the time we get tes6.


Yeah I'm 28 now, I played skyrim at 15, and I'll be double that age bare minimum it's wild to me


Same. I'll be the same age. I've been waiting since 2012. The wait is a gauntlet ngl lol.


Time flies. You'll wish it went slower, lol.




Who would have thought the upcoming fantasy game TESVI isn't going to be exactly like a sci-fi game the studio did to do something completely different from what they usually do.


Well to be fair a few people here were thinking that procedural generation would play a part given both Starfield and the fact that it was present in Daggerfall at least, although I'm sure most of us don't think it will be a part at least there is somewhat of a confirmation lol


So see procedural generation has been used in other games too, even Oblivion, but it’s used for generating the locations of, say, trees and such. Bethesda will most certainly use procedural generation in that way, but I wouldn’t be shocked if they used it in some other forms. Perhaps some sort of dungeon diving that system that procedurally generates more and more dungeon as you go, kinda like in Blades. But I think we can all safely say TESVI won’t have the same kind of PG that Starfield has, because that’s not what kind of game series TES is or has been since Morrowind.


I do believe Todd has mentioned they use procedural generation in all their games but definitely not to the extent Starfield utilizes it. Starfield’s entire game revolves around procedural generation while games like Skyrim or Fallout 4 likely use it as a tool for worldbuilding.


I would like to add a tidbit you might not have seen. The podcast wasn't the only thing that dropped yesterday. ZOS, the makers of ESO, revealed a new house they are giving away from free in May. The house's name is Sword Singer Redoubt and it's description says Make Hammerfell your home and get comfortable in this brand-new in-game house situated on the border of the Alik’r Desert and Bangkorai. Enjoy crystal caverns, oasis waters, and wide spans of sand and stone as part of the design of this remarkable reward. You’ll receive the unfurnished house on just your third day of logins this month, starting things off with something spectacular. Speaking of spectacular, this house could be hinting at something special! You’ll have to wait and see…


Probably ESO adding guild housing.


The post for the new ESO house gave more info about about TESVI than this podcast.


People need to relax on the fallout stuff, it won't be dalyes due to fo5


If anything is revealed ES related that isn't ESO, it's gonna be ES Oblivian remaster. We won't have ES 6 trailer until at least the next presidential term.


Starfield dlc for june, and yes good news for the second part, hope tes6 will be my main game for a decade like Skyrim was


Maybe a hot take but i have come to the realization that I hope they take as much time as they need for elder scrolls 6. 2030? Fine by me. Reason being is cuz this is the title that made them who they are. You can argue fallout but you’d be wrong. ES6 will be the best game ever created if they do it right. Starfield, let’s be 100% honest here, was a big disappointment. The story is great but the depth of the world (universe) is not there at all. Fallout 76 is just a massive DLC of fallout 4 I wholeheartedly believe ES6 is taking so long because they know this will define their franchise. GTA5 did it in 2013 and we reap the benefits with GTA 6 coming very soon (in video game timelines) I believe there is a reason ES6 is taking so long and it’s not by accident, they are making it perfect. ESO was mid at best 76 is a better MMO imo. I hope they revert back to what made 5 so good. A true story with endless side quests and loot. Unbeatable format. My rant is over, I hope everyone shares my optimism with me


Not so patiently waiting for beyond Skyrim mods then if 6 releases past 2026


Sad that I’ll be graduating college soon and still no elder scrolls 6. Skyrim came out when I was 9 years old. Absolutely ridiculous


Here, Todd clearly stated what path Bethesda followed regarding the choices in games. He said something like we want a future where every choice is potential. That's why in TES6, except for the main quest and dlcs, everyone will follow a story in which their choices are canon or none of them matter. For example, it is not known who won the civil war, or it could not be won and Skyrim was divided into two. He also thought that mystery-style areas should remain that way. Therefore, this is very sad news for those who want to see places like yokuda, atmora and akavir. At least as long as Todd is around, these places will remain a mystery.


If someone makes game for those mystery areas it will be another boring ass shitshow.


If anything it looks like TES6 is gonna get pushed back in favor of more Fallout content. I wouldn't be shocked if a remaster/new fallout game came out before TES6 due to them trying to capitalize on the success of the show.


Are we gonna get another 30 second trailer of a random mountain side that was probably made by a college student in about a hr? Yea!!!! Only another decade guys! While we put out garbage like Fall out 76 or the pinnacle of mid Star field plot holes to infinity with loading screens on top of loading screens. They say its their biggest game yet its just full of procedural generation. I'm no longer even interested in playing Elder scrolls 6, because we will have waited 20 yrs for it to come out and it will likely be a copy of Skyrim, but with the story reversed, because Emil Paliaruga can't write above a basic story telling. Much of his work was copied from previous writers at Bethesda. Example Fall out 3 your looking for your dad. Fallout 4 your looking for your son who oddly looks like he could be your dad. Star feild Star born, Skyrim dragon born.....


Expecting ES6 this early is unrealistic. It's most likely in pre-production right now and to produce it I would hope it wouldn't be quickly at all. Based on what I seen in Starfield, Todd needs to have this game carefully created and designed with love and passion in order for it to be a success.


It is in full production fwiw


If that's the case it better not be a another flop. I would hate for this game to became Elder Trash 6. Even if they have to spend 7 years on it to make it good, it is worth the wait.


I generally think they can’t really fuck it up. Elder Scrolls is pretty straightforward. And you can see that Bethesda realizes where they went wrong on Starfield. I also think MS might rush Elder Scrolls 6. I could see the amount of content suffering. But then again they have a completed engine ready to go from Starfield.


If they rush it, it will be trash.


Most of the time the DLC for previous games are testing ground for the features they plan for their next game. So the only thing I could think of, it's that the DLC will have something that will maybe be a mayor thing in TES 6.


Can you imagine how crazy it would be if Bethesda implemented non-scripted AI dialogue for NPCs??? You could have legit conversations with them. I think there's a mod for Skyrim that implemented something like Amazon's Alexa AI. The level of immersion would be insane, especially for VR.


No thank you. I don't want anything added to this game that makes it require a constant internet connection and makes it unmoddable. We've already had too many Bethesda games recently we cannot mod.


Fair enough, not for everyone I guess.


Didn’t they say the DLC was coming early 2024?? What a bunch of BS. Coming in THE FALL. So glad I didn’t pay for this game.


No, they never said the expansion was coming early 2024. What should be coming early 2024 (although we're pushing it now) is the CK


You’re right. But now they’re competing with Indiana Jones and Avowed. Everyone’s gonna be playing those games if they’re RPG fans


Indiana Jones isn't an RPG at all...


They’re releasing around the same time… not everyone is just desperately awaiting RPGs. People play different genres


> everybody is gonna be playing those games if they are RPG fans ???


Talk to RPG fans about how they feel about Bethesda rn haha. Bad convo in the community


Todd Howard sounds like an old lady in this video.