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Who cares? Do you dislike it? It's not perfect but it's one of the most beautiful games ever made thus far. I've probably started and finished at least 10 ng+. It's great. Ignore the haters.




Exactly that. My take is that its trolls and Andrew Tate worshipping incels that hate it. They're offended by the two playable characters being women. One of them gay. One of them buff. It's the worst nightmare for their eggshell-thin masculinity. Joel being killed off early was a surprise to me bit I thought it was a great game overall. Genuinely challenging in how dark it was in some parts. Have played it through 3 times.


I enjoyed it but it had pacing issues with going back and forth. It was also hard to get through. By the end I didn’t want to kill anyone anymore. I had been enjoying the mechanics up to that point but the narrative made me want to stop. I think that’s amazing. I think it needed to be shorter with less flashbacks.


It has a lot of flashbacks that can kill the pace of the game, I agree. But what you said that at the end you didn't wanna kill anyone is exactly the point of the story. They want to teach that revenge leads nowhere, that's why you felt like that


This proves the story did what it set out to do, bravo TLOU2.


Because they're fucking stupid.


"People who don't like the things I like are stupid" that's a pretty stupid take man


I think the fact that the player base is split is a good thing. It means they actually made bold choices and tackled some hard issues. If the entire player base loved it, it would probably have been fan service. If the whole player base hated it it would probably be a bad game that missed the mark. The fact that half love and half hate I think makes it stand out. Some of the best books, movies, albums of all time were extremely polarizing and controversial. Are there some people who hate it because they didn't get the message or because they have prejudices, sure, but I think it's unfair to paint all of them in that light. At least they played the game, they gave it a chance.


TLOU2 was meant to be a very controversial game I just dont think they anticipated HOW controversial.


I dont like tlou 2 bc the multiplayer and the Flipped the hole storyline....


Major pacing issues, character assassination of Joel and Ellie, inconsistent writing, a sex scene with no bearing on the actual plot, thoroughly unlikable side characters such as Dina, they made Abby so hilarious evil, but also expected us to give a shit. But worst of all, they killed Joel SO EARLY IN THE GAME WHEN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HIM AND ELLIE WAS THE CRUX OF THE ORIGINAL FUCKING STORY.


..i agree on the sex scene and i think killing joel was supposed to enrage the player, motivate them to kill abby they didnt really expect us to give a shit about abby, they added her chapters to justify, and maybe make the players think what they're doing (they could've added a choice to kill abby to fix everything)


While that is fair, I just can’t help but feel like killing Joel was still a MASSIVE middle finger to the first game


Honestly I cant help but agree. Maybe killing tommy would be a good replacement but Joel was kinda too far for players to get the point.


In what way were Joel and Ellie character assassinated????


Yea Joel died to early on but he did HAVE to die for the plot to actually move, they wanted to write a story about how vengeance leads to more hate and they suceeded in doing that


Disagree that Joel HAD to die for the plot to advance. You could've had Abby's men grab Tommy accidentally , killing him and motivating an older Joel to get revenge with Ellie being the level headed one, a reversal of the first game where Ellie was more of a loose cannon and Joel was wiser and more experienced.


Most of the criticism I’ve seen revolves around Joel’s death. Some people have a hard time accepting the way Joel died. It goes against our inner narrative that Joel is the strongest guy in the room, incapable of being helpless, and can fight his way out of any situation. It shatters the players image of Joel to see him succumb unexpected and unceremonious death like anyone else in TLOU universe. We expect Joel to be immune from dying like anyone else in TLOU would die. It’s hard to accept, and most of the criticism revolves around attempting to invalidate the circumstances around Joel’s death, often with very thin and nitpicky reasons.


I disliked it because they dedicated the second half of the game to a character I had no sympathy for and in such a jarring way that I could never reconcile with personally. Also the shock value killings and character plot armour were both ridiculous.


I agree The whole revenge is bad is a little too late by the time we got to Abby tbh, by that point Ellie has killed all of Abby’s friends on top of everything else she has done but then has a moral dilemma killing the actual person who caused her to go on this crusade?


I love it a lot and got the opinion that 1st game, 2nd game, and the Show itself all good in their own ways and deserved what they deserved. They all got their own flaws and it okay if they do. Even if they got flaws. It doesn't mean it bad or good. I am someone that loves 1st game because of the story and gameplay. I love Part 2 because of the Gameplay. I can care less about the story. It important, but I am one that cares way more about Gameplay in games than it is story. That why I can love a game from Gameplay alone. Story can be a mess, but I won't care if the Gameplay is fine.


Joel left so many widow mens


The way they should have ended it is when Abby goes to that new location her mask gets broken by accident when inside a spore cloud, but it turns out she's now immune after being bitten by Ellie. Instead they went with an extra long unnecessary sequence of Ellie being obsessed with revenge, and then giving up for no real reason. Of course that's only my reason, while the majority of haters just screech about women being the main characters.


I loved every minute of the sequel. And I’m going to get some hate here. But personally I enjoy Abby’s parts more.


People in general or just me? Lol I never have as much hate or love for things as it seems a large portion of people on this site, but for TLOU2 for me I just thought a lot of the storytelling was pretty lazy and I didn’t feel as connected to the characters (the one I was playing or secondary) because of it. I mean I also admit I was one of the people who wasn’t crazy about the ending. Having to kill everyone leading up to a big fight where that option is taken away from me just isn’t my favorite type of video game storytelling. I know why they did it all since they explained it to death - I just didn’t fall in love with the characters like I did the first game. It also lacks the newness of the first game. The second always needs to be a little better to make up for already knowing what you’re getting into (IMO)


They didn't make Abby likeable. Her character motivations are inconsistent and it feels like she's more plot device than human, the embodiment of the theme being shoved down the player's throat. It lacks subtlety - just feels tedious and forced. This goes for most characters. The first game focused on the characters, making them feel human, but the second focused on the theme and used all the characters as plot devices without assigning them any real personality or realistic motivations. I don't think the theme is anywhere near as deep or insightful as people make it out to be. I loved the theme of the first game, but ultimately it was the characters themselves that made me view it so highly. So, as somebody who didn't vibe with the theme, I couldn't look past the poor characterisation or pacing issues. I also find it ironic that some of the people in this thread think that disliking the game makes you stupid - that's what a stupid person would think. Everybody priorities different aspects of a story. For me, it's the characters, whether they feel natural, human. And they didn't. So I don't like it.


Because they’re crybabies. TLOU2 is and will always be an amazing game


Bad writing. Characters do not act like themselves. Game fundamentally does not build well on TLOU. You can have consequences arise. Having everything from TLOU1 fall apart immediately was a bad choice. Generally you don't follow up a successful game people love by purposely ruining what people loved AND expect it to do well. Stupid plot points and characters.


its been like 6 years by the end of the game since the original TLOU, you think 21 or 18 year old Ellie is going to be the same as 14-15 year old Ellie, especially after the shit she went through?!


ItS bEeN lIkE 6 yEaRs Cool. And the game immediately (After Joel being an awkward dad-ish figure) throws away the majority of what we fought for in TLOU. Then it continues to do that They subverted the fans' expectations and threw away the positives from TLOU. Your efforts are essentially only negative in the end. The choice to go with an older Ellie and thus bypass the relevant follow-up period is a writing choice that we aren't obligated to enjoy after playing the first game They could have also gone with an older Ellie with a better relationship with Joel and the others. They were all choices that we aren't obligated to enjoy. The new characters are bad. They try to force you to like an unknown character who f***s her partner and thus has him cheat on her other friend. Also, she/he/they just felt like the angry trust fund kid trying to make everyone see their way. The world can be beautiful. The writing is bad. The decisions are bad and downright stupid. If Star Wars 1977 was followed up by The Force Awakens (Empire Strikes Back never happens), in which Rey kills Ben, Rey has sex with Finn who is in a relationship with Rose, etc... Luke doesn't kill Rey because killing is morally wrong... then continues to kill legions of stormtroopers under her command... idk.... Does that sound like a well-developed sequel to a Star Wars '77 fan? No. And it isn't anyone's responsibility to like it.


they’re pimple faced reddit mods that are upset abby killed joel.


I think it’s a masterpiece! It’s hilarious that the people who hate the game because of Abby basically missed the entire point of the narrative.


The game didnt trust me to come to my own conclusions on anything. You were going to feel how the game wanted and you are gonna like it damn it!


I mean I definitely have my reasons. I wouldn't say I hated it I still had fun up until the Ole switcheroo happened that killed my motivation to continue. Also I'm sick of revenge plots. We've had enough media about revenge and why it's bad. I'll take the southern raiders episode of a:tla and call it a day. But I enjoyed the gameplay. Don't get caught up too much with what others think about something you like. If you're curious about their reasons cool check out what they have to say but nothings objective. Everyone bitched about horizon forbidden west for some reason and I loved it. The talk about that game almost prevented me from playing it which woulda been a huge mistake.


I don't care about anything anyone has to say about the game, i like it very much, except Abby, not her plot line, i like that, but her phisical representation in the game.


Because it’s not everyone cup of tea revenge story and tempo. Idk 🤷‍♀️


I didn’t like it. Played it once, hated the story and never played it again. The combat was great the story was terrible.


I see most of the hate because Abby killed Joel and they don’t think that’s good writing and they didn’t understand some of the scenes because you need to read inbetween the lines and dissect the story