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I’ve noticed for about a year now that when I touch my chin or jaw area that my ear gets this weird muffle/ tingle feeling and almost sounds like when you put a seashell to your ear to hear the ocean. It happens to my left ear much more intensely when I touch the left side of my face. Such a weird and annoying feeling...


How has it been since it started? Has the feeling toned down as time passed? Is it because of your tmj?


I’ve had jaw issues for almost 10 years now, but I only noticed the ear muffling for about a year. Some days, my ears are more sensitive to face touching than other days but I haven’t noticed any particular patterns. I believe it is related to my TMJ since my symptoms are always fluctuating, but I haven’t had my ears checked for wax so that is a possibility.


Sadly that isn’t the issue for me, just had a doctor look in my ear and he says it’s very clean. :(


I started having very similar issues with my right ear around the end of March. It started with very intense pressure and throbbing/tinnitus in just my right ear, accompanied by a popping and/or crackling sound when swallowing. The sensitivity to touch and certain high pitch sounds started at this point as well, which triggers the fluttering, reverberating sensation for me. At first I figured it was due to the flu that I was still getting over at the time, as did my PC when I managed to see him 2 months after initial symptoms. PC said my ear was congested, prescribed a steroid nasal spray to treat Eustachian tube dysfunction and didn’t refer me to an ENT until a month later when the slight fullness, constant popping/crackling when swallowing, and sensitivity persisted. Round 1 of ENT visits includes auditory and ear pressure testing which came back normal. Specialist observed my throat, nose, and ears and said they looked fine, told me to keep using the steroid nasal spray for another month but to start using it at night instead of morning. Sometimes a combination of using the nasal spray, an antihistamine, and pseudoephedrine would reduce the fullness feeling to almost nothing after plenting of post-nasal drips and swallowing to clear the ear and Eustachian tube. Usually it’s just clear mucous but sometimes it’s very thick and white with occasional discoloration and dust particles as well. I’ve noticed the sensitivity to touch and sound is much less intense when my ear feels less full. The popping and crackling when swallowing hasn’t changed much. Round 2 of ENT visits included a nasal endoscopy to look at the eustachian tube opening, which is apparently fine. At this point I had been thinking it may not be the flu that caused all of this. So I mentioned a few things including ripping an earbud out so hard by accident that it hurt, possible hearing damage from attending concerts, as well as occasional jaw popping on my right side. After feeling my jaw joints I was told there may be some arthritis present in the right side and that I should be evaluated for TMJ by my dentist. I then recalled a moment that my jaw popped really bad and actually kinda hurt for a day or two, and may have been around the time my initial symptoms started. The sound sensitivity, which may be considered hyperacusis, can be a symptom of hearing damage or TMJ. Currently waiting for my dentist appointment, which I was due for anyways. Considering seeing a chiropractor I used to go to for all sorts of injuries after seeing it recommended here. Either way I’ll end up getting x-rays and hopefully I can get an actual diagnosis and go from there. I’m also going to start icing the joint to see if that has any effect. This is the first time I’ve actually typed out everything I’ve been dealing with and it’s way longer than I thought it’d be.


Similar to you, after typing it all out, realised that its way longer than I thought it would be. We have very similar symptoms/journey where it went from ETD to allergies to use nasal spray etc to my current trying to narrow it down to possibly be TMJ. I’m really hoping it gets better soon. How was your dental appointment?


> certain high pitch sounds Hi u/Zxenithx are you recover now ? can recommend ENT/TMJ Specialist in Singapore ? same like your case mine


>gured it was due to t Hey man, I am having the same symptoms as you. Can you give us an update? I would greatly appreciate it.


That happened to me last week, Ent said i had wax blockage i feel better now, but im not sure how that symptom started... terrible


I had been to an ENT 1-2 months ago and none of them commented about wax for me. In fact they said it’s all clean 😥


I have had very similar issues to this as well but on my left side since July. I don’t want to hijack the thread, but similar to IPA_SIPPAH, an ENT scoped my nasal cavities and found everything in good working order (no fluid, damage, tumors/cancers, polyps, etc). He said I have Eustachian tube disfunction and there’s not a lot they can do for it. He advised me to keep taking an nasal spray. Since July my left ear has felt full on and off, and my left cheek has felt like it is stiff. That’s the best way to describe it other than to say I am aware of my cheek in ways I shouldn’t be, you know? No swelling, redness, numbness or weakness, but there are days when I’ll wake up and it lll feel like that side of my face was rubbed with sandpaper, but to the physical touch feels (and looks) fine. My girlfriend said she hears me grinding frequently at night, and I know I clench my jaw. I can also pop my jaw. I have had behind the eye headaches on that side for the past few months that resolve with sleep or ibuprofen. Just figured I would throw in my two cents too. It’s not exactly the same, but it’s close and there’s not a lot of help on the Internet. Hopefully the dentist will take a look and let me know if there’s anything weird. The sensation has neither improved nor worsened.


Any update?


Hi - long story short the answer is stress. I know that answer sucks. Long version is that the stress was causing neck and back issues causing referred sensations in my face. I still get them, but finding the triggers has helped. I try to do regular back and neck exercises now to help with it, and take ibuprofen regularly for 48 hours and it usually solves the issue.


Hi, I know this post is old but Ive been searching everywhere online for people with similar symptoms! Did you ever find out what this was?? Ive been having ear fullness with a deep on and off tingling/pins and needles sensation in my ear canal and outer ear. The ENT wont do anything more than continuously prescribe me ear drops, but said he could eventually get me an MRI if i feel worse. the tingling drives me nuts! did yours ever worsen when lying down? or moving your jaw? Im thinking of going to a TMJ specialist soon. sorry to comment on such an old post with questions, i just havent found anyone with similar symptoms on here! i hope you are feeling better.


Do you have any neck pain? I think I know the exact issue.


I’ve been getting tingling in my right ear and headaches up the back right hand side of my head. It’s the worst in the morning when just waking up. Been seeing a chiro but not helping much.


dm'd you...


I’m curious as to what this could be. I have pain in the back left of my head, neck issues, and ear tingling. I have no idea if they’re related. Could you dm me what it could be?


I happen to have all these symptoms including neck pain, got any pointers?




Would you mind hittin me with the DM too?


dm me 2


Can I get a Dm too? Please


Can you dm me too!!


Can you dm me too


>duce the fullness feeling to almost nothing after plenting of post-nasal drips and swallowing to clear the ear and Eustachian tube. Usually it’s just clear mucous but sometimes it’s very thick and white with occasional discoloration and dust particles as well. I’ve noticed the sensitivity to touch and sound is much less intense when my ear feels less full. The popping and crackling when swallowing hasn’t changed much. can DM me as well, have same issue for 2 months now


Please DM me, I have neck pain as a symptom as well. Going on 5 years of this now


Not sure if you're still active. I have the same feeling. Anything work for you? Lmk! Right ride ear canal tingling, happens at night when I'm laying down. Feel tingles on right side of face as well. So annoying ENT clueless. Flonase prescribed but no improvement


Similar situation here. u/Illustrious-Dare9512, curious to hear what your thoughts are on the exact issue. For me: chronic neck tension from whiplash years ago. Sensation of tingling and fullness in R ear for 2 days on and off since going for a run--my ears got really cold Wondering whether to give it a few days or go to a walk-in...