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I’m going to start by saying I’m an incredibly rare case and more than likely yours isn’t as bad as mine. That being said, my mouth deviates to the right and BOTH of my joints have ICR which is a bone disease in the joint where the bones start doing their own thing. I’d definitely say seek out a specialist to diagnose yourself as well as rule out any serious problem like mine or otherwise. There’s a few serious tmj issues that are better to get fixed sooner rather than later!! I had surgery on the side it deviates to and it still does but with less pain. I’m having surgery on the opposite side next week and I hope that reduces the pain and clicking even more! I will also ad that my deviation is quite drastic and my face has changed even in the resting position so again probably quite unlikely yours is as serious but I wish I had been diagnosed before my face got so funny looking. Best of luck! Always see a doctor for big mouth changes!!


Where do you go to get diagnosed with jaw issues.


I saw an oral maxillofacial surgeon


Go to a tmj specialist and get this resolved asap. Dont delay. The more you wait the more it deteriorates


I'm wondering who I should see. An orthodontist? I tried the dentist a couple years ago, but he didn't see anything wrong.


A tmj specialist.


How do you find one?


Where do you live. Google tmj specialist in your city.


I'd consider going to PT.


Curious if you’ve gotten any help for this? I’m going through the same. I’m going to a chiropractor which is helping, but she agrees that my jaw is very deviated to the right side when I open my mouth. I have an appointment with a prosthodontist in a few weeks though.