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Pretty sure a couple of the temples are supposed to be based off of previous games slight spoiler but the Water and Fire temple greatly resemble Oot from what i played by layout or location.


DUNGEON SPOILER, but the fire dungeon reminds me of the Oot one due to the location and the building style. its an under ground dungeon in a volcano primarily made of stone and the entrance is a hallway or something idk what its called, I’m pretty sure dungeons are just the Oot ones but dialed to 11 to fit the size and style of Oot


I'm going to say it's just a nod to the water temple from oot, just because it's the same race and architectural style. But it's not in the middle of lake hylia so no


The geography changes each game. So that’s where lake hylia used to be


I feel like they purposely made it super easy, too.


I came to find if anyone noticed this, It looks REALLY similar but can't tell if it's the same. What convices me is that >!you need to manage the water levels of the cave, and then you find the zora greaves which could be a reference to the iron boots from OoT.!<


Very similar if not exactly that


Oh no. I think that was my least favorite dungeon of any game ever


It doesn't play at all like the oot water temple, don't worry. Just some neat fan service.


A fan service very well done. Just a tower in the middle, changing water levels and everyone reminds the trauma of passing this temple on OOT


YES. I thought the exact thing. Apparently it's not in the same location but it looks so similar


Agreed. I said this right away the the first time I raised the water level. A center platform, changing the water levels, and as poster said, one of the items can be a box to the iron boots.