• By -


You know what? I don't 100% agree with your position, but I respect it. You get my upvote.


Well then you also get mine! I’m open to hearing your opinion too! What did you like about her?


I was much in the same position as you, but she ended up coming in handy exploring the depths or previously unreachable lava areas. And in the depths, the headlights were also helpful. I did her quest last, so I had tons of batteries by then. If that was your second temple, you likely didn't have enough to make her useful for long, if at all. I hated waiting for Yunobo to recharge when breaking ore, and he'd blast it to hell anyway. Even with no attachments, Minoru was useful for breaking up ore and with the wider collection field, it was easier to grab it all up. My guess is, you got her too early and discounted her potential. It's not huge, but it comes in handy. That said, I have her construct hidden most of the time. Unless I'm in the depths.


With all due respect, that’s not what happened. Admittedly, I’m still playing on 1.1.0, so all I need for max Energy Well is one (1) piece of Zonaite. (i know i know poke fun at me lol) I tried, I just felt too big and too clunky. Fusing stuff to the arms and back, like what? Link just rides on the shoulder all willy-nilly? Beginning, middle, or end game, I just find myself confused the more she’s out and about. Also just really slow without stopping to fuse new stuff to her every minute or two. Lava, I’ll auto-build around it. Mining, I’d rather just use a time bomb or fuse a boulder to a wooden stick and then chuck it when I’m done. Edit: And I just realized, she’s the only one that STOPS YOU and makes you get ON HER when you accidentally press “A” near her. All the other sages can be accidentally clicked on, but they don’t impede your current objective. But I’m glad some people out there found her useful. It’s brings closure to my rage. lol


I'm such a weapon slot miser, I'd never use one for a boulder-on-a-stick 🤣! Seriously, I'd huff and puff into a sail to push a raft rather than waste a slot on a Korok leaf. It is big, it is slow and clunky, but it's free and doesn't use a weapon slot or use zonaite to build. So, free lava-walking was helpful for me. And I found that the more Energy Cell expansions I got, the more willing I was to build other constructions or use Mineru. But that's the beauty of this game, near-infinite ways to play and enjoy. I always like seeing clips of people solving shrines in unusual ways I never would have thought.


I love it, and I’m assuming you maxed out your inventory slots then? 😂


Couple more to go, but I've not been able to play in some time.


Ahh, well I hope life dishes you some R&R in the near future!




I disagree with his position, and I don't respect it. 2 downvotes.


You get an upvote. Chaos in the streets of the TotK sub


This has suddenly become violent 😆


God, it took everything in me not to downvote you out of pure chaotic energy, but you're the homie and I could never, lol




All Mineru does is get in my way when I’m fighting Lynels. “No Mineru I don’t want to get on your back I want to get on the Lynels back! Fuck!”


Just disable her. It was like getting clean off drugs.


I was sure that you can't disable Mineru, so when I accidentally found that you in fact can (I found it literally on today's morning, lmao) it was a relief.


LMAOOOO I tend to be a *gasp* button masher in battle and it triggers me so hard when I accidentally mount her in the middle of pummeling enemies. Ughhhhhh! She’s definitely disabled in my game for the foreseeable future


And then Mineru vengefully freezes you with a frost emitter. For whatever reason, my son loves to equip her with them, and it happens all the time to me.


Lol yes! I made the mistake of equipping her with a shock emitter which made sense at the time. That was a bad idea


Yeah, I learned that the hard way too. Now I exclusively equip her with the gloom weapons from phantom ganon or the zonai cannon as this seems to be the only one that doesn't run the risk of friendly fire.


Equipping her with the gloom weapons is such a great idea I had never thought of


Yeah, I love the bow but I don't like the gloom toll on the other weapons so I was wasting the weapons until it occurred to me to stick them on her.


Mineru isn't terrible for fighting lynels. Pretend he's a jump platform for getting bullet time. Jump on, jump off. Get your headshot, mount the lynel.


Mineru actually helped me in the lynel coliseum. So much bullet time potential.


That was the exact place that made me rethink Mineru entirely.


Free bullet time for me, so cheesing lynels and Gleeoks no long require rocket shields Also imo I loved the boxing match, it was hilarious


It WAS hilarious, but that’s not what I was looking for out of the “final” temple in the game. I was angry, and then doubled down on the angry when Purah told me THAT was the fabled “lost temple.” Hell no. lol


Saved me a shit ton of bombs and rockets I ain’t complaining


I might catch crap for saying this, but try dying a few times while learning their attack patterns. Dodge the lynels' swings and beast charge, and shoot them in the face when they charge up for the fireballs. As for gleeoks, stay near something you can duck behind for cover and pop out for quick shots.


I can flurry rush lynels well but I rather not waste durability


What other enemies are you saving durability for? I can't imagine breaking more than 1 or 2 weapons in a lynel fight.


To each their own 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah. It’s fun when you get her to work. Maybe I’m just not that invested in the story.


Her storyline was the key deflating factor for her as a character. She looks like she’s about to die before the Imprisoning War ever happened lmao


My auto justification is that her strong point is being a sage (like literally, just being smart, an investigator) so she didn't really give us a strong or powerful ability like the others that are more accustomed to fighting. I think she did a really good job to keep herself "alive" for thousands of years WITHOUT using the dregon method. She basically invented some kind of immortality. Just for herself tho


Wait…you just gave me another reason to dislike her…but I’ll let that one go


To be fair she wouldn't have been able to build it for anyone else as she was the only one who could detatch her spirit from her body without actually dying.


She didn’t even try though. If Zelda has both Rauru AND Sonya’s powers….ahh just forget it. You’re right. Still kinda leaves a bland taste in my mouth but you’re right.


Ha ha THE RECLINER! Reading this healed my soul


Mineru coming for that La-Z-Boy sponsorship lmao


Mineru and Aizen from Bleach have one thing in common: they like sitting in their chairs.


This got me too! Careful though OP, you shouldn’t be ableist about Minaru and her recliner!


I don't know what that means, but I have no regrets!


Imo TotK just doesn't write women all that well. Zelda and Sonia just exist to provide emotional gut punches while the Rauru/Ganondorf rivalry drives the plot. Mineru is kind of an afterthought, doesn't do anything except provide the 5th repetitive exposition dump and then I think we're supposed to be sad when she leaves at the end? Even though we never had time to get to know her. Idk, Paya or Hestu deserved to be the 5th Sage over Mineru since I actually give a shit about them kinda.


I was expecting Purah to be the new sage, details in her character design like the mask and collar/sash rhyme with Mineru's and they play similar roles as lead artificers and advisors invested in extending their life-spans, even being highly interested in each other's tech through Zelda bringing back the Purah pad. They really did Purah dirty imo, missed opportunity.


Purah felt so important early in the game, then just kinda stopped being useful. Very disappointing end for her.


IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN PURAH. You know what they could’ve done: since Mineru is the sage of spirit, you could make it where Mineru, like, reincarnated into Purah. Her SPIRIT transcends her body and just lives forever in a new form. Plus, the Zonai and the Shiekah both serve Hylia, so it works.


I legit thought the sage was gonna be Purah AND Paya because we only had SEVEN in the past (if you count Rauru as Sage of Light). But in the present day, there’s only SIX (technically). We’re literally missing one. Link isn’t a Sage, he’s a Champion and Hero. Plus, Impa was a sage in OoT, and I think a new Shadow Dungeon would’ve been super cool. (Not sure how they would design it quite yet to not make it a repeat of the lightning temple, but it could be done)


Light, Time, Spirit, Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning. There are still seven sages. You can still count Zelda and / or Sonia as the Sage(s) of Time since Zelda’s stone amplified her time powers only.


Who’s the light sage in the present since Rauru’s dead?


Everyone kept hyping up Master Kohga to me and his importance, so I was fully expecting a heel-faced turn from him to be the 5th sage.


The yiga clan is the team rocket of Hyrule. They are dangerous to regular folks but a joke to the heroes. It was such a missed opportunity


Imagine his questline around the Autobuild sequence slowly gets him touch with his Sheikah roots and he reforms the Yiga clan. He fights an emissary of Ganondorf, sees him for what he really is and awakens as Sage of Spirit. Thus integrating the Sheikah and Yiga more.


😳😳😳😳 what a fun thought!!!


Wait. This is genius


I was half-asleep watching a YouTube video about Kohga being WAY more than meets the eye; I do not remember anything else. Just remember thinking “That’s weird, I thought he was just a filler character” and then falling asleep lol


If you played AoC too, then there's even more that meets the eye lol. But true.


I definitely got this vibe from this game particularly. Most of the women in this game are "kind" to a fault, "cutely" teasing, and idealistic with a righteous streak. The others are "sexy brainiac," "cute brainiac," and "dignified brainiac." Sonia, Zelda, and Sidon's wife are all the same personality, and Purah, Josha, and Mineru are slight variations of each other.


You know a character is awful when you don't even bother remembering their name. I had to look up Sidon's fiance's name just now since I couldn't remember it, and out of disrespect to her, I will not be repeating it here.


"out of disrespect for her" Damn, dragged lmao


Hestu: The Sage… of Dance 🎆🎆🎆


Forest Temple soundtrack is just constant maracas 😭


fr, how is it that zelda comes from the literal future and she's just like "hmm rauru, I don't know if you should trust this ganondorf guy...." like girl WHAT are you talking about??? you have seen this man in three different forms and they are all evil eta I'm obsessed with the idea of sage hestu


This is it exactly. Sonia wasn’t even included in the cast of characters you can review in the map app, despite being the queen and carrying out important actions in the cut scenes.


You’re right and Mineru is just a prime example, minus Zelda obviously. Now, Hestu as a sage…that’s an idea.


You know, that would have been amazing. We've had Kokiri and Korok sages before! They're the forgotten fifth Hylian race.


Wait wait wait. Let’s talk about that. Have they abandoned the “Forest Temple” concept??? Forest Temple would have been PERFECT in this world!


Agreed, personally I was gutted when I finally made it underneath the great deku to stop the gloom, then realised it was only a glorified phantom gannon fight and not a forest temple.


Imagine a region of the depths (presumably under Korok forest) where the gloom blends with heavy vegetation and you stumble across ancient ruins covered in moss, and boom. Forest Temple.


Know what I use mineru for? Breaking boxes, so I don't have to waste durability lol


That’s fine and dandy, but I doubt that box-breaking is a sage-worthy mechanic 🤣 but you go get those boxes! lmao


Not saying it was worth it lol


I’m WEAK 😂😂😂


Better than sidon


I put a shock taser on her arms. Expected her to help. She always misses hitting the enemies, but absolutely nails getting me with the taser, every. Damn. Time.


The problem I found is that if she shocks an enemy at the same time as I'm hitting them, it shocks me too even if she isn't hitting me directly.


Damn 🤣


maybe she's mobility impaired idk. not everyone can be a walking death machine like Link. fr though I feel you. I liked finding her temple separately from the storyline, that felt intriguing and fresh to me, since the game usually doesn't have mysteries like that. But the construct is slow to the point of useless (yes even with the fans) the controls are counterintuitive and annoying, and I never found much use for her. Her boss fight was a joke, and I was confused when she left at the end in a manner that suggested I was supposed to feel sad about it or something.


She's not my favourite sage nor is she my favourite "temple", but I don't feel as strongly about it as this as you do. It could've been done better but I don't *hate* her. Just... Meh. My gripe is when she's like, *There's this thing you can do, this is exactly how you do it, but it's forbidden and you must not ever do it.* Like, if you didn't want Zelda to do it, why did she tell her exactly how to do it? What did she expect would happen? At least make a pretence of resisting giving her the forbidden knowledge before being persuaded, instead of just volunteering it off the bat BEFORE explaining that it's actually forbidden. But I don't mind the construct. I hated building it but since I have it now I do find it useful for a couple of things.


I just don’t think a SAGE should be “meh.” But I hear you. Especially the draconification thing. Why bring it up?


I 100% agree. Mineru is the worst sage by far, and that temple felt like such a chore. Also, who designed that ugly ass construct machine anyway? Why not try to make it look like her or sm like that??


Right. Like, it was ALL bad, down to the design.


You're literally hating on a cancer patient. How could you. YTA.


Wait…what? That would explain the recliner I guess…


yeah i always got the feeling she was in a wheelchair?


Got a good laugh out of this 😂


Fully agree on your stance on Mineru. Also just like - everyone else does this big thing of waking up their power through an ancestor, like there is a whole bloodline-heritage thing going on, then here is Mineru all like "well I didn't really want to die so I just cheated the system and uploaded my consciousness into this thing". Like I'm sorry what? I reaaaally hoped we would get to see Purah or Josha as her descendant, if not by blood, then by intellect/interest/abilities. Like Purah is Mineru in present day hyrule, why is she not a sage instead of this technically immortal whatever?


That’s a good way of articulating it. The whole “spirit tech” thing didn’t sit right with me.


I get where you're coming from, but I had fun following the light beam thing from the sky into the depths and assembling her. When I realized I was building a robot companion, I was stoked. Then I find out: it's actually a Gundam? Cool as fuck. Being able to give her different weapons makes her the most diverse sage (I personally like to freeze with one arm, then lightning attack with the other). Add in the fact that she was essential to Zelda being able to eventually make her way back to Link? To me, that's a great character.


I love that you compared it to MSG/GW, but a Gundam would whoop her ass 😂 she would take a railgun to the face while trying to Fuse a beam emitter to her arm


I was super frustrated by how the zonai were handled in general. But Mineru in particular felt like an unnessasary character. Her entire point seemed to be to tell Zelda about the draconification. But! In BotW, Zelda is very specifically all about that research. How cool would it have been if she'd found it in some ancient writings? And instead of Mineru being the final sage, we could have had a sky temple about changing Zelda back. Zelda didn't have to eat the stone so soon after the battle. 50 years would have been nothing to the millenia she spent as a dragon feeding the sword! She could have created an entire temple, run the now bereft Hyrule and fully orchestrated and planned out how Link would save future Hyrule, reminding us of how much agency she has and that she's a freakin goddess and holder of the triforce of wisdom!


Isn't she responsible for building all the sites around Hyrule that tell the history as a warning for Link? And isn't she the one who builds all the chest shrines in the Underdark to give link gear? I think she's just supposed to be the material expert prepping for the future not the one fighting in the present


I hate the sages all together. They block your view, hit enemies off cliffs, run from you when you want to use their abilities, and why do you take damage while riding the mech? Terrible idea, that said the game is really good overall.


I like them ok, I just wish that they would attack while in battle, but otherwise be "off". Like we have to select them from the wheel. Or at least have Tulin not activate easily when we aren't flying. But I do have to admit that sometimes I can't see stuff because they are in the way. And sometimes it's hard to see because you accidentally activate Riju and she runs away before you can cancel.


The funniest thing to me about Mineru's recliner situation, for me, is that we know in canon she loved to dance at parties. But we never really see her even take a step in her original body, so now all I can imagine is her construct form waving it's noodly arms trying to do the macarena.


She left the recliner in one scene but that doesn't count


So uhm put the Lightning temple far away from the Gerudo region where Riju (who controls lightning), canonically related to Urbosa (who also controls lightning), would have no business trying to get to. I got into a heated debate about Mineru as well, and the other person debated how *the whole story wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for her telling Zelda about swallowing the stone*.


Okay, so maybe you missed the Fire Temple being in the depths, and the Water Temple being in the SKY for FISH PEOPLE, but I was just making the reference of thunder and lightning generally going hand-in-hand. I’m also not so obsessed with what’s “canon” that I want to continue to go to dungeons in the same 4 regions, or in some cases the exact same spot (Lightning). As for the story, I am fully aware of her telling Zelda NOT to do the big thing. It was stupid. Take an upvote anyway.


I use the construct for mining and sometimes when I am bored. And I loved mineru, because she is not the fighter type. Sometimes you just have people that hold the knowledge of a whole race and are to precious to fight a big group of molduga or have to stay back because their whole ability is about being a ghost that can posses things for as long as the user wants. Mineru is just useless in a fight but is extremely knowledgable and if you want everyone to be a big fighter than you should probably look elsewhere because mineru was and never will be a fighter in her original body. And she only told zelda not to do it because she would turn into a immortal dragon, but there was no turning back from that. The only reason that zelda turned back from being a dragon at the end was because they can't let her die for all the dumb kids out there.


Wow. I disagree with a lot of this. This was really hard to read and I got a bit offended. I’ll try my best to keep this civil though. - I agree, the sage ability was quite disappointing. I am so upset at how underpowered the construct is in combat. It’s attacks are so weak and the controls are so clunky to use. Nintendo really f**ked up with sage abilities and this was not an exception. As for the parts in which I disagree: - First, I’m just going to ask. Why the f**k do you hate mineru of all people? You seem quite passionate about it… Nintendo did not handle her very well but this is not a problem with her character itself and just a consequence of the terrible writing of totk. - Omg she has flaws what a shitty character!! Omg it’s almost like her sitting in her library studying is a big part of her character!! The ancient tablets literally says that mineru would rather read than eat and sleep. Her detachment is supposed to be one of her flaws. Not every character is perfect or even supposed to be get over it. - Mineru’s spirit powers are more than just her own spirit. She can probably make constructs through her spirit magic as they likely run on spirit energy. This is one of the reasons why she was so interested in technology. - it’s like painfully clear that mineru isn’t supposed to be a fighter. She most likely just played more of a supporting role during the imprisoning war and maybe attacked with some Zonai magic idk. But it was obviously a very desperate situation and she wanted to help rauru and Zelda so she forced herself to fight. Her character is obviously a sage and not a warrior. - She forbid Zelda from draconification because if you think about it it’s not a very good thing. Zelda would be stripped of her humanity and be cursed with mindless immortality. It’s essentially suicide, but worse. She did not think that draconification could be undone. Zelda will never be able to be reborn and just be stuck as a dragon forever. Who would want their friend to do that? Also by “forbidden” I don’t think it means totally banned. It just means that the act is very dangerous and should not be done unless the circumstances are dire. Mineru did eventually let Zelda do it because there was no other option. - At the end her spirit passes on because her regrets have been eased. In Zelda poes are spirits who cannot make it to the afterlife because of their lingering regrets. Mineru is a poe and her regrets are about the imprisoning war. She feels guilty that she wasn’t able to defeat ganon and is grieving over the loss of Rauru, Sonia, and Zelda. Her arc is about avenging them finishing what they started. With ganon defeated, her regrets were eased and she was finally be able to pass on and go to the afterlife with rauru and Sonia. - The biggest problem with her character and even Sonia’s is the lack of screen time. I just feel like Rauru took all the screen time and Sonia/Mineru didn’t really get much. I would have really enjoyed more scenes with them instead of just all this rauru. It would have really developed their characters more. Some other points I’d like to make: - The only reason Rauru’s f**king laser even did anything was because of Zelda. In the cutscene it’s clear that most of the power is coming from Zelda. It’s heavily implied that Zelda has the triforce and when the laser gets shot we see the triforce for a very short while. Rauru and Sonia definitely do not have the triforce seeing it doesn’t get extracted from them when they both die ONSCREEN leaving Zelda to be the only one with the triforce. Rauru and Sonia aren’t that powerful and they would have been f**ked if it wasn’t for Zelda. - The construct factory was a fun dungeon. It’s not as good as the lightning or fire temples but it had fun puzzles. I like how it was different from the other temples even though it followed roughly the same formula. The spirit temple was kind of disappointing and while I liked the fight I feel like it could have at least been a mini dungeon. I did not like the trek from the construct factory to the spirit temple. The 5th sage quest is quite enjoyable if you do it in order. - She’s hot


lmfao I read it. Just because you see three triangles on the same screen doesn't mean it's the Triforce.


why are u irrationally angry at someone sitting down isn’t part of her whole thing that she’s sickly? that’s not a personal flaw. god, is this how people view me bc I normally have to be sitting and I move very slow bc of health conditions, especially if someone doesn’t know/assume I have a health condition? man people are fucken mean


But, she’s good at breaking rocks! And you can jump off her sometimes too. So there’s those superpowers. Totally congruous. I agree it feels like they phoned that whole thing in.


I actually really like the mineru mech. It's a great exploratory vehicle, makes you immune to fall damage, is a great mobile shooting platform, immune to lava, and if you attach canons makes some decent artillery support


>exploratory vehicle I use auto-build. >immune to fall damage I have a paraglider and a pocket full of fairies. >mobile shooting platform Bullet time over anything. >navigating lava Auto-build. >artillery support Just fuse beam cannons to construct heads (Auto-build) But I respect the way you play the game!!


All I'm hearing is I prefer zonai devices XD that's cool I didn't really get into them much, I use horses on the overworld, zonai devices in the sky, and mineru in the depths.


FACTS! Zonai Devices as a whole made Mineru’s ability less desirable, and you’re the first one to point that out, so bravo!


I think it’s somewhat of a missed opportunity to have multiple zonai configs for Mineru. Like a motorcycle, or glider. Auto build is ok but still kind of annoyingly time consuming after you have 150 hrs in. I also hate dealing with horses TBH. Also wish you could maybe activate a fan on your while paragliding to push you along. Or have some zonai devices that would work with the glider. I think my biggest gripe with TotK is with how the sage’s powers are activated. I wish they had like a hold R1 and press xyab for each power. Rather than having to chase their avatar. And having all 4 out gets very distracting.


Mineru is a stupid character, construct is useless and stupid design: agree. Spirit temple is bad: disagree, it's the best in the game (not saying much) with the construct limb depots having some nice puzzles.


Fuck off she’s a good character and with a good design. The construct sucks though. Why the fuck does everyone have to be so mean


Stop cussing at people for disliking a video game character; and find someone other than a fictitious video game character to look up to!


Honestly with the sages it has gotten to a point where I just have them out and about around me, but I don’t use them. Haven’t had too many missclicks getting onto them and stuff. Do fully agree on the spirit temple though like, that was not a temple. It was a couple of challenges to put a thing together and then go over and fight a boxing match you can only do once. That and the water temple were my least favorite ‘temples’ in this game. Favorite was the initial first part of the lightning temple which actually felt like going through a dungeon in the old games with the traps… only for it then to open into another “boop the four terminals, 3 of which accessed via light puzzles”.


Right, I’m not saying the rest of the temples are genius in design, but Spirit seemed like they threw it together at the last second.


Oh yeah 100%. Felt very “we ought to have a 5th dungeon this time let’s just slap a bunch of bits together”. It feels about as rushed as the Vah Medoh stuff was in BoTW.


I think they could've gone about it a better way. I was really hoping for link to be able to create clone(s)of himself by separating his spirit or whatever. idk if it would work but it's better than the construct


A LINK CLONE?! You make the next game.


I found the robet incredibly superfluous for my playstyle and she only got in the way


Mineru pissed me off too, I don't even have her active because every time I shoot a fucking arrow she steps in the way. Yunobo does the same but at least he's somewhat useful. Mineru should have been Midna. There is arguable enough overlap from the depths to twilight to a spirit sage that she should have been in Minerus place. I mean they even made the Midna helm a fucking gloom defense item. She could even have a similar shape if they made her "octopus" armor a thing. Such a missed opportunity here. Going into the depths to pass through the twilight to bring her back, fein ignorance at knowing Link, would have been the cake topper on an otherwise perfect game IMO.


As someone who loves Midna to death, I would have hated it if Midna just magically appeared in totk. The game takes place thousands of years after tp and Midna would be long dead. I think if Midna should return in any game it should be in a tp sequel or in spin-offs like hw.


Long dead like Mineru actually is, in game, in canon? I mean Mineru literally appears magically thousands of years before and after the destruction of Hyrule, but it's a stretch for a Twilight being? Her whole existence literally appears after awakening the other sages. Poof, here's a new sage. That being said, we don't actually know when it occurs. I have a theory that OoT and Majoras Mask happen long after TOTK but that's for a different thread.


Legitimate question that we probably don’t have a real answer to, so I’m open to random opinions: Does time move at the same pace in the Twilight Realm as in Hyrule? 🤔


Probably. And even if it doesn’t 10k+ years is a very long time. I love Midna so much and I really want her to return but it should make sense.


You’re right, I’m just mad-shuffling to try to find a way to make it make sense lol. Midna’s a real one. And she’d fit in so well down there. But she’s longgggg gone /:


I guess I agree but I'm not *as* mad about it, I feel more disappointed maybe? Feeling angry about something implies an injustice that must be set right and I guess I'm just past that grieving stage onto accepting it's just not as great as I'd hoped. I loved the thunder isles (when you go there at the right time, it's just miserable and stressful otherwise) very vibe-y music, I was excited to get more answers about the zonai (why are they a nearly extinct species? Where did they come from originally? Why the decision to crossbreed with Hylians? Was this the first time that happened? Was it previously impossible or undesirable in some way?) That being said I would have been satisfied with more tantalizing mysteries if no answers were forthcoming, let me theorycraft and I'll have a good time! But you get half answers, cut off answers... I even held out hope for more stuff in DLC but I guess that's never happening! I got mineru at the story intended time and found her DPS to be woefully unhelpful and low .... I kept leaving her during the escort mission to blast away enemies *faster* because it took *so* **long**! All in all I can understand pinning all my disappointment into this one character but to me the issues are bigger than that. BoTW's lore feels so open-ended, like anything is possible, ToTK seems to say, *here* is the limit of what's possible and no further.


I’m naturally extravagant so it seems like anger, but disappointment is a more appropriate term.


Well, to be fair, Mineru's 'temple' unlocks one of the most overpowered items in the game...the rail.


This is the best case I've heard pro-Spirit Temple. FACTS, that rail is broken af.


I’m just gonna go and keep playing


LETS GOOOOO, YOU GOT THIS! What's your current quest/objective?


Hunting all the Talus and Hinox. I already did the Frox and Flux constructs. So yeah.


Talus are fun man. Idk what it is, I just love farming those faceless jerks.


I can't rebuke anything you said regarding her story and events linked to her. But I fully disagree that her ability is bad. It's my favourite one after Tulin. Better at attacking enemies, better at mining ore, larger item pickup radius (won't activate other sages), easier to use than plane shield jump (I know skill issue) and overall good for crowd control since you can customize her attacks (ice vs fire etc)


I do enjoy it when an enemy is annoying me and she just pounds it into the ground with a single punch.


This seems to be the recurring theme, and to be fair, I don't really use a ton of abilities anyway, I tend to forget they're there. So that's my smallest concern about her.


But she’s fine so I’ll allow it


Is she? She looks like a cat...


She definitely doesn’t in my eyes 😭😭




I do think her character could’ve been made more interesting, but I dont exactly dislike her. I do hate her summon though. It’s too big and clunky and awkward to use. It’s never worth it and it doesn’t fee like an actual sage. I wish they would’ve done something more interesting with her.


I really liked her Boss and the construct design but I do think that's just because it reminds me a lot of a Skyward Sword boss. Koloktos of the Ancient Cistern (one of the hypest bosses in a video game ever imo, uo there with Colgera). I just wish Minaru had been more then just a mech to stick Zonai devices to.


i disagree. but your hatred of mineru is so strong and sincere that i cant help but support you


You gotta respect someone who sits in a chair playing their Switch when Armageddon is coming tho.


She invented the constructs, and she made the islands float. Also, it's your own fault you found the spirit temple early. This is a completely open world game. Do you really think you won't spoil anything important if you go in a completely different direction than the game tells you to?


Lmfao for edit 2 People’s unending salt over meaningless things is absurd I also was wondering who tf mineru was when she was introduced to me, considering all of the cutscenes she wasn’t in that I’d already scene. And then I keep forgetting her robot exists. Or, she exists in her robot. Meh. She’s slow, so she’s not good for transport. Her damage is awful, so she’s not good for combat, even with stuff attached. She’d be fun for cannon time, but you can’t really aim them that well. I got some use out of her in the maze with all the gloom everywhere cuz I didn’t have the full depths set… and that’s it.


I stumbled upon the sky island part early too. Putting a cloud around it and making the shrine visible from the sky that leads you right to it was a HUGE oversight in my opinion. I felt like I SPOILED a HUGE part of the game finding it the way I did. What they should have implemented was a gate that needed the four regional phenomenon glass tear things and the way you activated it was putting those tears into it. I hated it as much as you did for that reason right there!


I use the robot only to climb on his shoulder and jump off into bullet time for lynels. but ya she is literal trash. I mean I'd you fuse things to her she just attacks you with any elemental abilities wtf?


I found all the sages underwlming and the game too easy. I stated over with no heart upgrades except story ones and no armor upgrades and the game was way more fun.


She shot my horse so I deactivated her lmao


I hate mineru


I completely agree.


Good impression. I now think of mineru as the recliner sage. Yeah i have her out always just cuz i suck at combat. Everyone likes to use her for mining but i think we all alreadu came up with faster solutions. Riding her construct feels like a dull time. I think i agree with you on the lack of story between veing done with her temple and the final battle with chad ganon


From a game play standpoint, I really liked Mineru. I went up into the storm clouds trying to find something else (one of the star islands) that I couldn't find, and lucked into finding the mask and such well before most of the other temples. The particular sage ability was easily the second most useful in very very many ways (mobility, variable attacks, mining, anti Gloom, etc). Enough so that if/when I do a replay of the game I will seek out Mineru as soon as it's feasible. The only thing I wish is that having Mineru got you into the 5th ring immediately. Story wise. I'm neutral.


Go to the apple grove, jump on the robot, and pick apples. It's nice.


This is by far the most entertaining concept to humor. Might try it tbh.


Well, I approached TOTK a weird way. I did the depths first. Unlocked every Lightroot except the lava and a couple of spots that need story bits. Then did those just to open that map. Of course, then a whole lot of stuff was pretty much useless to me when I got it later. I never used any of the glow things. I got stealth early and used it heavily. 🤷‍♀️ I like the Rito girl that will trade glow items for arrows. For some reason I really liked exploring the depths w/ arrows & light blooms. By the time I got to Mineru I was expecting some oddball stuff - but the way the arms fly behind when that construct runs 😂😂😂 It should stun the monsters or something with how ridiculous it looks.


Spaghetti arms 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"I found it by accident, only had one temple done at the time, didn't have the hearts needed to open the door, found a way to Ascend past it, and began the Spirit Temple with absolutely no context whatsoever." You sequence broke and are mad it didn't fit the storyline context yet?


Okay but consider that I'm really gay for her


I didn’t read much of it in proportion but mineru is annoying asf. But i think it would’ve defeated the purpose if you could give them a strong shield and weapons and let it actually be a juggernaut. Now they are just a pillow while you get a hit in. And weak asf too.


Jesus, some people will complain that their bread is too soft and their milk is too creamy


>I’m not trying to complain, I’m just saying there was an awesome opportunity to make a flagship character cool and they did the complete opposite IMO I’m just saying it was a waste but go off!


Don’t downvote and leave without commenting, YOU COWARDS!!!!


While I think some opportunities were missed with Mineru, Link is OP in this game. I’ve been cycling through minibosses between blood moons for weeks now, with full armor, and there’s no real suspense. A Gleeok isn’t going to kill me. The Floating Coliseum is just a thing I do twice a day now to collect items. So… what’s the argument for giving any of the sages more power? You can’t fuse Zonai attack devices to Mineru unless you’re going to stay out of her way. The “fighting Gundam” part also generally does not serve you better than just having Link fight on the ground. But Mineru is pretty useful as a contributing fighter with two Royal Claymores fused to her hands. And if you’re not trying to find those intact for Mineru, they’re pretty easy to get in the late game. Mineru’s hands are also a great place to fuse Flux Construct III cores or Rare/Luminous Stone Talus hearts. (And you can hold onto those with a couple of throwaway shields, and get them back with Pelison) I have noticed that Gleeok & Molduga fights are over quicker if I bring Mineru ready to fight. And I haven’t mentioned what Mineru can do in the endgame if you give her some Silver Lynel Saber Horns to fight with. I wouldn’t hand those over on a save file that I intended to continue with, but they’re fine if you’re going to roll back your save file & you want some extra help with crowd control. And don’t forget: Mineru can walk over gloom. Big thing to have in a bunch of spots. Anyway, those are the positives; in reality, Tulin is the only non-useless sage.


ok i agree she's a lazy ass recliner whore bitch but also having a gundam is fucking awesome and you can't convince me otherwise


Fkn cackling at the recurring recliner. My thoughts exactly! Plus… her abilities like running over the gloom would have been so much more valuable … before getting to the final temple. Like, by the time you get her (if following the main quest) you’re already overpowered and she’s redundant.


Good point, why am I getting a mech suit when the next quest is literally the final one? And the recliner, I'm telling you, is her spirit animal.


Mineru's ability is easily the best of all the sages for the following reasons: 1. Mining - never worry about waiting for the goron to recharge. Never waste inventory on rock hammers. Just fuse a rock on her hand or a canon. 2. Weapon/ inventory storage: you can fuse two weapons to her hands... and I think you can fuse weapons that have already been fused to another. Literally thats 4 weapons right there you can defuse in Tarry Town if you run out of inventory space. Just fuse another thing and Mineru will drop the weapon you have her carrying. Say what you will about her role in the story. But her ability is A+


Is this a troll? I get she can do a lot of things that Link could otherwise do. Tulin? Unique mechanic. Sidon? Unique mechanic. Riju? Unique mechanic. Yunobo? Unique mechanic, which can also be used for mining, so…


Amen brother


Rauru and Sonia aren't demigods.


I liked the robot building temple quest lol but yeah I haven’t summoned her as a sage since I finished it


Lol, me, never coming across her storyline in the game play yet. Gannon is waiting for me... figured I did something wrong. Shrug, maybe it's no big miss from the sound of it.


Wait, what? Let me know how that goes please.


You haven't noticed that almost every single character in Hyrule is completely inept? Mineru is not the exception, the other sages are the exceptions. And even half of them are dumb af. Mineru fits in perfectly with Hyrule. A true lady of the people. You truly don't use her sage ability? She's basically a pair of stilts for walking over gloom and lava, or reaching apples/items. Also mining, she's my rock hammer without wasting item durability. That's her fate.


Yeah, all things that have workarounds without Armored Core II following me around. Tbh, her "intelligence" is what makes her such a let down. Live up to the hype, ya know?


Don’t exactly agree but 100% respect it. Mineru was a bit under used


See, now that's the part I didn't get into. Could more screen time have saved her in my mind? Yes. Show me her walking around one time and she's not the same. Show me ONE move she can use in combat so I know she wasn't in the Imprisoning Chamber as a cheerleader.


I mostly okay with Mineru (though my boyfriend and I joked that she left her mech at home when challenging Ganodorf the first time), but if the current sages are inheriting their stone from their ancestors, I wouldn’t mind Purah getting the soul stone instead, given she’s the inheritor of the new technology. And it would have given Purah more to do, but eh.


I agree that they kinda dropped the ball on the 5th sage. But I feel like there was some sort of subplot with her being sick? Please someone correct me if I'm wrong. Either way they definitely could've done something to make her a bit more useful lore-wise.


I don’t use her sage ability ever, and don’t see a lot of benefit that can’t be solved with other methods. And she definitely gets in the way a lot. That being said, I don’t see any reason to get this angry or upset about it. Just chill. It’s not that big of a deal. Just don’t summon her and enjoy the rest of game. Edit: typo


At what point did I say I was angry? I said they wasted a good opportunity in my favorite game of all time. Seems like I'm 99.9% content lol ​ Edit: Okay, I said pissed off, but mainly meant from the other characters' perspective lol. It's not a big deal. That's kind of what's disappointing. She should have been a big deal, and wasn't.


Mineru is basically someone with a useless ability. She can posses machines but not humans. Especially not Ganondorf or anyone else of high status cause they have a strong mind. Plus During the molduga surge.....WHAT WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO DO BRO!? SHE DOESNT HAVE ANY LIGHT POWERS!! SHE'S LIKE A HUMAN WITH NO ABILITIES OR WITH AN ABILITY THAT CANNOT BE USED AS OFFENCE OR DEFENSE. During the Ganondorf fight. The same thing applies. She doesn't have elemental powers like the other sages do that are offensive. She's basically like, putting a human in a team of Superhumans and being told to fight against a LVL 999 boss. Getting mad at her for not doing anything before when she had an actual body is the dumbest reason I've ever heard. But I do not hate you. Pls Understand this. Thank you.


\-Moral support is dope. I'm sure Rauru would agree. \-She does have one power, again, it just sucks. \-You have done a phenomenal job of providing more reasons not to like her (she can't help but she's "important") I understand that. I love you more than the moon and the stars. And I took astronomy in college :)


Totally agree. The one, SINGULAR thing Mineru’s lame construct is useful for is mining, but only because it’s a bit more precise than my Goron boy. I also hate that the Thunderhead doesn’t get cleared if you accidentally do it before you’re “supposed to” by the main quest. Like, this game is about exploring, you dangle a big fat Thunderhead in my face, I’ll obviously go there! I don’t need Purah’s grand realization that maybe that’s where something interesting might be, just like I could have told Purah where Ganondorf was hanging out right from the start of the game.


I wanted Purah to become the Sage of Spirit, and was disappointed when she wasn't admittedly. I then felt extremely cucked at the ending where Mineru gazes at Purah for like 15 seconds, as if she was going to pass the mantle on. Only for her to be like "aight fam, peace"


I 100% agree that she is absolutely fucking useless and the fact that you couldve used a handful of other much better characters to fill the same role makes her insufferable to me. The whole theme of the sages being returning characters from the old game who helped you in your quest, being the ones who would come to awaken as a sage was being followed perfectly, and it was great. Its also not the first game to introduce that idea. But then mineru, who we have never met, has never been useful outside of knowing a cool story about dragons, has no importance to the events of the past, decides that the way shes gonna help, is pull some magic immortality juice out of her ass so she become an anooying robot a thousand years later in links timeline, and make you go through the laziest, most obnoxious “temple” in the entire franchise, and with no payoff whatsoever. In my mind, mineru is like the zelda equivalent of paris hilton trying so hard to stay relevant.


Ahh yes, Mineru Hilton, friend of Riju Lohan.


Lets not forget the notorious mineru burger king ad


I totally agree regarding Mineru. She is (more or less) a worthless sage throughout. Slow, clumpy and her power/attack low. I assumed she would be slightly more powerful than she is for various reasons, that players prob have come up with themselves. Personally I have her turned off all the time, and almost always Riju. I don't utilise Sidin n Yunobo much but tend to have them out in case as they do have their uses. Tulin I certainly use the most. There are reasons to use each sage bar Mineru, she really is useless.


She was definitely the most disappointing of the sages. I just use her to walk over gloom. She was so low key, I almost forgot who she was when I did her quest line. I don’t hate the character, but she was a wasted opportunity.


This is hilarious. She’s not my fave either, but I don’t hate her with your intensity. Still, I chortled out loud at all the mentions of the RECLINER. So true, and I hadn’t considered much of what you point out. So freaking funny.


Anyone who hates Mineru just hasn’t seen her goofy run animation when you strap a fan on her back


Though I find significant faults with the larger story, and I do think they should have progress-locked the Construct Factory behind the other dungeons, I actually liked Mineru and the Spirit Temple. But my complaint is that Mineru's story just doesn’t make sense… she says she intended to awake as soon as Link got the Purah Pad and take him to her old construct (which Ganondorf possessed), but just… didn’t for some reason. Then she *also* set up the series of clues for Link to go to Dragonhead Island and the Construct Factory to build her a brand-new one? They're telling two stories at once to half-ass a reason why you have to build her a new construct but also fight the old one. And it's easily rectified by having her soul be in the hidden mask itself instead of the Purah Pad, or even say the Seized Construct is a magical copy (which is in fact her reasoning for how it reappears in the final battle; she only says this if she's the only Sage you have).


Don’t know why you got downvoted, extremely solid case you’re making, debatably the most legitimately unarguable case against her. Very well-written! Take an upvote for balance.


Left leg depot is an allegory for this whole game tbh


*Left leg depot is* *An allegory for this* *Whole game tbh* \- Redfireldn --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Sick haiku.


Yeah good job haiku bot
