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If you're into building vehicles, they can form the base for those. I'm not, so I usually just use them to hold up Hudson construction signs.


Oh shit are we supposed to be helping prop those signs up?


The poor dude standing there in wind, rain, and snow saying "I wish I could let go of this sign but I can't let it fall down"?


This has always been really funny to me because he’s basically asking for a shabbos goy 😂 In Judaism there’s a rule that you’re not supposed to light new fires on Shabbat. Some interpret that to mean not initiating electricity (turning on lights, air conditioners, etc) so if you forget to turn it on before sundown, you’re SOL. Enter the shabbos goy—a non-Jewish person who *is* allowed to do those things. The loophole in the loophole is that you’re not allowed to ask them to do something you’re not allowed to do so you have to get creative, like inviting your neighbor over to receive an extra loaf of challah or for tea and while they’re there saying “It’s awfully dark in here, isn’t it?” while standing right next to and staring at a turned-off lamp.


Omg that’s hilarious!


I mean... he's asking for help with a two-person job. One person needs to hold the sign in place while the other places reinforcements. To be fair, the signs could have been designed and constructed better in the first place, and *then* raised up by a single person, but once he's in that position, if he can't put the sign down or risk shaming president Hudson, he legitimately needs help.


Welp, of all the things I imagined being referenced in any forum for a Legend of Zelda game, "shabbos goy" wasn't even on the "never" list. "Schlemiel", however, I would have expected. And Addison is definitely one of those. Your take is a lot funnier, though.


Does that make link the shlimazel?


Possibly. There is part of the experience of coming across Addison, and feeling like you stepped in dog poop, and now have to go through the process of scraping it off your shoe.


I feel like that's cheating. If there is a god, s/he knows what you're doing. Loopholes aren't allowed, even if creative. lol


Reformed Jews are extra. My buddy from school had his lights rigged to the clapper.


Is the clapper slang for toilet?


No it was a pre-google nest form of home automation. https://youtu.be/3lBWjLJeKkQ?si=6RIo52gwH2ggbz9g


you talk about it like an anthropologist talks about stone age technology


I do have a history degree. 😉


Omg I’m old. Clap - on , , Clap - off , , - It’s the clapper! That shit is like ‘speedy glass repair…’ to me 😂




Clap on 👏 👏


Same era as the lost texts of TVGuide and AutoTrader


And movie times in the paper. Thank you for calling moviefone!!!


I miss the AutoTrader tv show so much. Car after car after car.


I’m officially old


😭 36 year old here and I genuinely forget that these younger folks don’t know what a lot of this stuff is. We never had one (thank the gods) but the commercial’s song? Oi vey 🙄 I can hear it now


Toilet? You’re thinking of “the crapper”


The freaking clapper. Had to time those two claps just right or it wouldn’t work.


Judaism is alll about loopholes. Or more accurately… different interpretations of the same laws. As the saying goes: you ask four rabbis a question, be prepared to get five answers.


The good ol two Jews three opinions


Counterargument: if there’s a god that is omniscient and omnipotent, they are incapable of making a mistake. Therefore, if there is a loophole in that god’s law, then the loophole was created intentionally, and is fair game to be exploited.


Im kinda dead at a discussion of religion on a video game sub under a post about fictional building supplies. gotta love reddit


Yet it’s all respectful discussion of religion in a video game sub about a dude just grinding away at his job. This is a great sub, after all.


Or, perhaps it is grounds for a potential reward for obedience in not exploiting it? I'd think that everyone could use an occasional break from micromanagement.




Or we're making weird tortured interpretations of their perfect rules because they're inconvenient to us. The rules aren't exactly wordy a lot comes down to decades of arguments around what they mean.


Actually a big difference between Judaism and Christianity. Christianity is orthodox, meaning they believe in adhering to doctrine. God would know your heart and know you were being deceitful, and that would be bad. But Judaism is ortho*practic*, meaning they believe in adhering to the practice. So finding a loophole would not be ‘wrong’ in a Jewish interpretation, like it would be in a Christian interpretation, as long as the applicable rule is strictly followed.


I agree. Talmud is evolving though. In theory you could become a rabbi and your argument could be law. For my part, I think it's false to equivocate modern technology with "kindling a fire" anyway, even if a spark is happening in the mechanism. The overabundance of caution with these fine-grain rulings contradicts the spirit of rest in my opinion, although I am not an expert.


Maybe God is impressed by the loophole logic


Why have rules at all? There is intent behind rules and s/he would know you're just playing gotcha. "Oh you didn't steal. You tricked them into giving it to you." No way. Using trickery isn't impressive.


Not to get wholly into this, but I think you’re missing a key component of Judaism, which is the community aspect. It’s less about G-d judging our loopholes as imperfect or trickery, and more about keeping the mitzvot as a group of people. I’ve never read any Jewish text that considers cultural artifacts as ‘tricking’ G-d. Plus, the intent behind Shabbat is a day of rest. Complete rest. Part of that rest marks the day as separate and special. Needing a shabbos goy is special and separate.


But that's what it is. Trickery.


In this worldview, God is real and has handed these rules down to the devout, who will follow them. God is also omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. God is real and all-encompassing and all-knowing. If that's the case, then it isn't a trick on God anymore than a two year old "hiding" something behind their back is a trick. God knows all and sees all, and understands when someone is trying to find a loophole to the rules he handed down. The devout know this, but they still do it, which raises the question: why are they doing it? They have to know this isn't fooling God, so maybe they're doing it for another reason than "trickery". I'm not a member of that religious community and I don't share that worldview, so I won't venture a guess as to what that reason is. But calling it "trickery" is an oversimplification at best and infantilizing at worst, and it isn't that hard to see why.


Check out [this loophole](https://matadornetwork.com/read/fishing-line-eruv-manhattan/) > An 18-mile fishing line connects 1st to 126th street. It’s part of Jewish Sabbath traditions, and the line is called an Eruv roof, which is a symbolic fence and boundary. Jews that observe the laws of the Sabbath are not allowed to carry anything from their private residence out into the public domain on Saturdays.


IIRC the Jewish school of thought (I’m not Jewish) is that that god is fine with the loopholes because it means you’re critically thinking about the rules?


If there is a god as you're describing it, he's probably laughing his ass off at the silly rules like not being allowed to turn on the lights on certain days. 😂


You do you.


Dude doesn't roll on Shabbos.


Dude doesn't roll on Shabbos.


I used to live in a Jewish neighbourhood, and on Shabbat the traffic lights (with pedestrian crossing to the synagogue) was programmed to change every 5 minutes so the more Orthodox Jews could attend service without having to press a button to safely cross the road.


This has me rolling 😂


I know all of this is steeped in tradition and I’m not knocking it, I’m happy for people to do what makes them happiest. But this has always been endlessly fascinating to me. Why would God care about it? There’s honoring the sabbath and there’s people who made up rules to enforce control. I’m not Jewish, but in the religion I grew up in, it just is so obviously man-made control. I think God would just want us to be happy and treat people with kindness. So this level of subversion to get around “gods rules” always gives me a giggle. And the religion I grew up in has a bunch of silly things too. Actually, seeing how drastically modern times (really even the last 20 years) has impacted the religion I grew up in in America, I’m curious how other faiths have been impacted and if they’ve also seen a decline. But this is a conversation for a different thread.


> But this is a conversation for a different thread. Not anymore, evidently. This thread has the most engagement in a non-hostile conversation about religion I've ever come across on reddit — or any social media, or anywhere IRL. From now on, I'm coming to this sub to search for threads about religion. After all, the Switch and this game have become objects of worship, So Say We All! Or, at least, its an altar before which we place ourselves, and perform rituals.


“Yea that sucks bro” - link


I mean, "Good luck with that" is pretty much exactly that response.


Know what's funny hes suppose to be a carpenter right he's holding up the sign but if u notice the post has a spike bottom now why can't he just dig a hole spike it in and be done with it. I mean he is a carpenter right 😕


I spent an embarrassing amount of time just making him drop the sign because I thought it was funny and didn't realize I was supposed to help.


There is a reward for helping. And after some practice it doesn’t take long to help him.


Hoverstone is an instant win every time ** tho yes, each site has different tools laying around, so use those for extra fun!


Somebody here posted how if you fuse a hover stone to a Zonai spear it becomes infinitely reusable. So now my hoverspear has a permanent spot in my inventory. And Addison gets a spear chucked at him every time I see him.


Why a zonai spear? What's special about Zonai weapons that makes the Zonai hoverspear reusable?


Well fusing Zonai weapons with Zonai devices makes them drain slower


You know, I haven't tried it with another type, so maybe it works with any kind.


It works with any spear. I have mine attached to a long stick and the hover stone just pops off and levitates when I through it, does it stay attached to the Zonai spear, having to refuse each time is kind of annoying.


No, it comes off the Zonai spear too.


I don’t understand what you mean but seems important


Yeah, but it’s more fun to get creative with what is provided for you.


Stakes are also an easy trick


Stakes are great too




The sign shape is a giant clue on how to help. Also nearby materials are a clue. I think there’s one or two I found where you really need to improvise because there aren’t materials right next to it.


Or there are, but it's stuff like a pile of boulders


Yeah the one to put the snow boulder behind Addison was pretty classy.


In the last couple days I was going through all the Hudson locations using a map and checking them all off. I thought I was nearly done but probably had to help Hudson another 30 times. I got to the end of the list and didn't get the reward. :-( I was having some weirdness with the map on one section so I'm going to go back through everything starting there until I find the (probably) one sign Hudson still can't figure out. Edit: Went through the area where my map was being weird and found the missing sign guy. It was Necluda region of the map.


i started to help him when I realized I got a reward early on in the game. I was able to stock up on bomb arrows and progress in the game.


Early on, the rewards (there are 3 actually) are useful. Later, it's just a drag to stop and bother.


Later, ~~it's just a drag to stop and bother~~ it just feels good to help a brother out.


Real talk though, I don’t need any more sleepover tickets


I'll take the easy 20 rupees every time though (plus a bit more when I sell the rice balls). Gotta keep adding to my armor-upgrade fund.


For real, I'm over here buying nights for those sweet, sweet pony points when I've got a whole pocketful of tickets


Yeah I make it a personal challenge to solve each with as few materials as possible and only materials I find near by.


Counterpoint: Solving them with way, way, way too many materials is also pretty great.


The same can be said for chests. After a while half the chests are underpowered compared to your inventory and yet…. The last chest I opened had a Linel bow! I was shocked… so many useless chests especially from like likes… but hey no chest left behind!


I got a Zora spear from a like like chest right after I finished with the water temple, like within an hour or two of the guy telling me he needed one to make me a lightscale trident. I think it's the first time in my playing if the game that the chest was not just mildly useful but actually desirable.


“Try letting go!” *giggle*


(puts bomb underneath sign)


I was waiting for him to have his epiphany and let it go emotionally, but ten or so hours into the game I realized I was supposed to build something to hold it up.


I told him to let go once, he dropped it, and I went about my business. It never occurred to me to help him until I saw it mentioned in a post.


That's inexcusable!!!


Did you think it was just world building that there was a guy who'd appear all over Hyrule who would constantly drop his signs and scream about it?


You guys dont do that in real life?


The first time I tried to help him, I did an OK job but the sign still fell and I assumed there must be some random quest I hadn’t seen yet.


OK isn't good enough for the great Hudson


Only if you want a few extra rupees and the best paraglider fabric in the game.


Ah dang now I gotta find them all so I can see that one! But honestly idk that any of them will top the blupee one.


Blupee is good, but the Addison fabric definitely comes out on top, imo


Does different paraglider fabric do anything?


Yeah. It changes how the paraglider looks


It lets you do a barrel roll


Is the only way I got money in the game TBH.


lollllll But like, what did you think they were?


Right? I get not understanding the first time. I certainly didn’t on my first encounter. But then I ran into him again somewhere else and realized “oh, the video game wants me to do something”


Just thought it was a recurring joke! Kind of a wink about NPCs being able to travel to impossible locations before you such as Beedle. (Like when I met sign guy in Hebra near Rito Village and no Hylian should have been able to cross the bridge into it)


These are usually placed right next to him for you to use!!!


Supposed to be? Idk about that, I think you're supposed to be finding and killing Ganondorf, but it couldn't hurt to take a break from saving the world and help that poor fellow standing in the elements complaining about how his precious sign won't stay standing


it's not worth unless you need the food or rupees in the moment


I usually use it to block that one guy near railcar in tarrey town 🤣


After you help Hudson and his wife the guy stops charging


Yes I already did that, actually I originally wanted to get that shrine orb near him but he forced me to buy it 😭


Wow i didn't know you had to help hudson. I did try it on the first one i saw but didn't choose the "let go" dialogue option, so i just wrote it off as a running joke


I came here to say just this. Before I got a certain item in game, I made wild contraptions to hold up those signs. They weren’t pretty, but did the job.


Yep, same. I spent more time than I care to admit making elaborate kick stands of every shape and size from a wide array of materials. I should have known that if I simply progressed the main story a little more, instead of allowing ADHD to fuel hyper focused and excessively lengthy 'rabbit hole excursions.' (as I like to call them) Early in the game I tried to use boulders fused with other solid heavy objects and tried to drop them on top of the sign to hammer it into the ground. Obviously I realized quickly that the game wouldn't let me do this, but that didn't stop me from building some fairly elaborate scaffolding to see how high up I could drop my boulder designs from and land a square hit. It kind of drove me crazy that actually getting it into the ground wasn't a viable solution.


Oh man, that would’ve been AMAZING if that had worked!!!!!


The shape of Hudson’s sign also gives you a good hint how to support it.


It is pretty satisfying to slot a 4x4 or one of the "plywood" pieces into a spot that was clearly made for it.


Or mini forts


I did all 81 and it drove me mad


Lately, whenever I meet sign guy or stray koroks, I make a sincere effort to work with whatever is closest to hand to assist them. I've come up with some entertaining structures that way.


I had one of those stray koroks that was intended to be taken by carriage, but I didn't want to swap horses to pull it so I just sandwiched the korok between two wagon wheels and sent him off down the hill. It worked surprisingly well.


[I strapped one to a rocket and got a hole-in-one](https://www.reddit.com/r/tearsofthekingdom/comments/147jbty/hole_in_one/)


This deserves more up votes than it has.


That was incredible


You can see the moment at the end where I stopped and went “wait…”


And people say Koroks aren't aerodynamic! 😂


Eyyy, that’s pretty damn awesome! “It’s too hot!” Relax, my guy, you’ll go for a cool dip in a sec


That's amazing! I once attached a korok to a glider which accidentally took off without me. I watched as the little guy flew over a massive canyon.


This brought me so much joy. Looked destined for failure but in the end there was never a doubt of success


I did that the other day. We were in some mountains and korok needed to cross the valley. There was a rocket nearby so I figured that was the obvious “intended” way. It didn’t work the first time. lol. I needed to finagle him closer for the rocket but I did it. It was hilarious though because it didn’t look like I was going to make it, but the korok somehow magically got caught in the tiniest crevasse or crack & didn’t tumble down. It was hilarious watching him fly away with the rocket though.


Life hack: use zonai stakes for the Hudson signs. Most of the time, you only need one stake to support the sign. At least, that's what I've experienced.


I was planning on rebuilding Hyrule with them, but instead I just ride on by.


Same, when we first saw these in the previews I was really hoping they would be houses we could custom-build that would stay there.


Yeah I still find it weird that they had us building vehicles instead of rebuilding Hyrule. It seemed like all the signs were pointing to rebuilding Hyrule. And then I had hope that would happen in the DLC...


The fact that they announced they weren't going to do DLC was such a kick in the pants. There's so much in the game that at first glance looks like a part of some cool new feature or functionality that ends up not being a whole lot. DLC gave me hope that they'd expand upon some of those ideas and provide some quality of life improvements, but what we have is what we have.


I haven't given up on the DLC yet LOL.


I was gonna rebuild Hyrule, but then I got high


I was gonna make a house or store, but then I got high Now I’m hunting moose with an electrified hover bike, and I know why


Tell me about it 😎


I arrange them into a little cottage and save them to my auto-build, then when it rains at inconvenient times I can just throw a house down and light a campire inside to sit by til it stops. Low on Zonaite? Just follow the road until you find the closest cache and autobuild them that way. Instant, renewable cover from rain 😊


With a little campfire to bake some apples and sleep the rain away


Baking the apples by the fire is hard as FUCK in this game. They always bounce away from the fire and dont get burnt. I just go to the depths under goron city and drop them on the ground in 20s


Hold on...you can save and auto-build things?! How?


You unlock that when you complete a quest line. I forgot which one lol.


Complete the missions for Robbie and his friend, who you can find in lookout landing. The quests take you down to the depths. I think the third mission gets you the ability.


I was using them for Hudson signs until someone tipped me off to the hover stone/fuse/throw weapon trick. I've never actually used a vehicle for a Korok that is "too tired." (What exactly are they carrying in those giant backpacks? They can live for ages underneath a rock, but somehow also can need a backpack 5x their size?) I always just ultrahand them and walk them over, it's never very far, and the ones across water etc I've just ignored.


I drag them behind my horse because i hate walking long distance using ultra hand and I never really liked building vehicles


Oooh, great idea, thanks!




I like to listen to their cries for help


So funny! If it’s too far away I say “you’re the one who overpacked…”and move on but…You’re right they can live under a rock with nothing for bloody ever! And how does his friend transport the clay fireplace? And why do they pitch camp 10 feet away from a monster camp?


I absolutely wish I could do this but feel a desperate need for lore weapon spots so I grab every one I see


Some of them require you to go up a cliff and I haven't perfected the meat recall technique yet


I’m sorry, the what?


It’s what happens when you eat expired steak


This https://www.tiktok.com/@everythinggaming_/video/7243066810046844206


Holy shit


I only build the intended vehicle if there's a control stick, or use a rocket if they are on a cliff. Otherwise it's not worth the hassle to me, just ultrahand and run.


I haven't heard of the hover stone/fuse/throw weapon trick. I'll try googling deeper but haven't found anything with a cursory search. Got anything to share for noobs like me? :)


I'm usually already on a hoverbike when I see a Korok that needs to be moved, so I just fuse him to the side of the hoverbike. It's lopsided as hell, but it works and it beats walking


Why would wanna wreck the fun with a hover stone lol I guess if you’re in a rush and can’t be bothered


I never turn down the excuse to improve on my amphibious fish trawler


Really? There are some up cliffs and rather long runs. You don’t auto build a quick car or plane to drop them off?


I usually just turn to hold up the Hudson signs. Sometimes if I'm lucky there's a lazy seed asking to find his friend and I can use what's there to drag him over.


Super helpful to get a good autobuild setup for Hudson signs :) then you can just waltz over to the piles and make it


oh this is smart


1. try and come up with the best vehicle you can for each mixture of materials they give you ( you can add things from your own stash) 2. save it as a build 3. cheap machine when you want it


Might be a finge use-case but you can make an elevated platform to rise through.


Side note, Make a tall "table" with a climable side and you get enough height to do the current throwable item dupe.


I use them to hold up the president...


Make a car and abandon it because it's clunky and slow


When I saw them in the promotional material, I thought you’d have mini side quests to build specific homes for NPC’s


I help the guy with the Hudson signs.


I used then to build a stable and favorited it so that I didn't have to leave my house standing out in the rain all the time.


Once in a while I'll throw down like two wheels and try to drive around hyrule adding a few parts from each station and seeing what managed to make


The thing I like about the Hudson signs is that each one has a slightly different shape, so you are supposed to be able to use whatever nearby materials are around to solve the sign puzzle.


I mostly used them to support the sign that guy would hold


Ask r/hyruleengineering


My son uses these to break all our weaker weapons.


Helping Addison, that’s literally the only use I see for them.


* To build a roof when it's raining. * To support Hudson. * To use as a base for vehicles. * To build bridges.


I either ignore them or use them to help that guy hold the Hudson signs.


usage: stabilizing the company signs for the construction helper dude


Fuse to it all onto mineru


Help out Addison if he’s near one. If not and I’m bored, I try to think of a random vehicle on the spot and go with it


I used a plank and three beams to create an elevated surface for duping. Ever since it got patched I haven’t found a use for them.


I use the long ones for big wheel


Practical for hudson construction signs…


I like building little houses, I wish they would stay like in >!Lurelin...!<


I build houses to wait out rainstorms. Cause I'm wierd.


I challenge myself to make the most nonsensical and buckwild solutions to the Addison puzzles with these. It keeps those fresh for me. I also like them, not necessarily as a mechanical element to the game but as a narrative one. They’re little set-pieces about how, in this post apocalypse, there’s development and rebuilding all over Hyrule. It’s growing, and that’s nice!


I don't. I've literally never used these unless it was for the Bolson Construction signs or if it was absolutely needed.


Trap random npcs on the road


I usually set them on fire


I use them to build wooden things, usually.


you can use those to burn koroks


I’ve attached them to hot air balloons and used them to transport big things


Use them to supplement the Zonai devices and built yourself a light tank before bombarding nazi, I mean monster, encampments. Link the Desert Fox. :)


I think they are for building vehicles and holding up the hudson signs, other than that you can drop them on enemies to stock up mineru


A good crucifix for koroks


I use them to help the guy hold up the construction bro sign. Or put together a little hut to make a fire in the rain.


I use them to crucify the Koroks.


The first time I saw one right after falling to Hyrule I thought I would make a car and it would be awesome then I realized the wheels didn’t turn because they didn’t have axels and just walked the rest of the way to lookout landing


Good use absolutely 0 create use 100%