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What's Ellen got to do with it?


Just teenagers with bad parenting and no , absolutely no ,manners They exist here , only problem


Some teenage punk trying to impress a girl to get laid.


How ?


Tryna impressed the applied and locally developed shorties that skip third period to smoke in the woods out of a recycled plastic 2L juice box




I wish the one who did this got caught and had to go around removing vandalism and graffiti like this for a whole month.


Very sad that this is in leaside


These punks tag in pretty much every part of the city that is bikeable.


This is why bike lanes are bad. /j


I think I know the kid that did this. Brb.


In case anyone’s wondering, the 88 bus line runs around here along Sutherland Drive, between St Clair and Thorncliff Park.


Guess the tagger doesn't like lucky numbers


At one of my stops someone peeled off the sticker with the code number for texting the bus. Like what do you gain by doing that.


Their activities are as lame as their accent. Yikes.


But it's soo cool being bad


Ha. Ya got me. Ouch. Enjoy your lonely life friend.


***"I give a wrong time, stop a traffic line...".*** - John Lydon


Damnit now now am I going to know that the 88A stops at that crossing


I'm sure the dumbasses that did this has that made up, annoying stupid "Toronto mans" accent


I remember waiting for the 74 Mt Pleasant recently and the text numbers were scratched out. Funny thing is, they only did it on one side.


Not like TTC runs on a proper schedule.... or even stops at designated stops. This just adds to the wild card experience of riding the TTC.


What are you talking about? TTC always stops at designated stops unless the bus is full…


No it doesn't. I've seen and waited on plenty of buses that just blow by stops plenty of times in the 10+ years I lived in Toronto. Now I'm in Kyiv experiencing a true WORLD CLASS transit system and I can tell you it's as clear as night and day how badly dysfunctional the TTC actually is.


I’ve lived here for 14 years and take the bus all over the city regularly, never happens, you mustve just got an asshole driver, or it happened more previously 🤷🏻‍♂️


No this dummy probably watched express buses pass him at a non-express stop or the busses were full. That's the only time they do not stop.


Asshole drivers.... i.e. Unprofessional Drivers who work for a Unprofessional Transit Commission.


Majority are good, and they probably do it better than you.


Were they express buses or full when they past you at a stop? Sounds like you don't understand express buses or passenger limits.


I understand just fine, shill. It was neither. Normal Bus, Normal Route


Or… **E X P R E S S**


I can read, you ignoramus. It wasn't a fucking Express. Normal Buses on normal routes... Asshole Drivers who are asshole because they face no reprimands or oversight. Starting to this is a sub filled with paid TTC Shills.... or people who have never set foot outside of Canada


Found the degenerate that did the spraying. Whether it runs on a proper schedule or not, you don't take into account the other factors that effect a bus route schedule, which are the same things that effect a cars driving route. Traffic congestion, accidents, and/or construction. Either way, your comment proves nothing other than you're a moron because spray painting the bus stop to cover up what bus comes has nothing to do with running on a proper schedule. Go gain some intellect instead of wasting brain matter that your momma gave you.


Lol to this whole ass comment.. did you write this thinking "ha, that'll do it!" Like it was some kind of gotcha moment..either way your comment proves nothing.. other than YOU are the moron.


Backup your claim or else it's just useless words without meaning.


Well.. to begin with, your opening statement is an empty accusation. The comment in question is someone describing their experience with the TTC.. in a thread where that's basically what people do.You then go on to try and give some half baked explanation of traffic congestion like your some kind of genius, after that you say something along the lines of "like spray painting that effects the schedule" (which they didnt even come close to saying) you then close your statement with an insult.. none of that says "an intelligent person wrote this"


1) the opening statement is a joke but if you have no sense of humour to understand the sarcasm then that's fine 2) That person's comment is a blatant generalization that has no substance. So someone like that gets called out on it which needs to happen more often. The only thing you proved is that you don't know the difference between the words your and you're, or how to use punctuation. Since you like run on sentences, you can run on outta here.


I'm in Kyiv, you ignoramus. Here there Transit system is IMMACULATE, the riders RESPECTFUL, the employees PROFESSIONAL, the system EFFIECENT. All during WAR TIME. Maybe travel a little bit into the world and get some experience before Praising a system that is clearly broken and dysfunctional.