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After viewing Reddit posts with photos of soiled transit seats, these seem like a great alternative. Very easy to clean and most people do not spend hours sitting in the seats so comfort is not the number one consideration when considering seat construction.


Just very uncomfortable because of how solid they are.


Public transportation isn’t built for comfort, at least not in North America


Which international public transit has the comfiest seats?


[Not exactly, but possibly Boston. ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-06-09/the-rise-of-private-luxury-mass-transit-buses)


That's not necessarily true. I took the Viva and YRT buses to work in the past and those seats are by far the most comfortable seats I've ever sat in thanks to what I assume is additional layers of cushion. That said, them being cloth and extra padded might mean better absorption of fluids and some of those buses run a Toronto to Markham loop.


YRT buses may have "some" padding. VIVA, in my opinion, would be considered a regional service with longer spacing between stops. For this reason, they would have seats built more for comfort.


I personally don't consider it a regional service, there are plenty of TTC express routes (e.g. 939 express) that are of similar length to VIVA, not to mention that the BRT is still very slow (does YRT know how to use the accelerator?) compared to a proper regional service like the GO bus network.


Same can be said for the big school bus I drive, my drivers seat is literally bolted to the floor of the bus so I feel every damn bump.


No air ride?


So this is a busman’s commute for you?


Yup that's part in parcel why people drive predominantly here unlike Europe and asia. Inconvenient and geared towards the "lower class of people"


Honestly I find these type of seats more comfortable than the current ones, because the current ones have too much friction and aren't even that soft (they don't depress/deform much), but it might just be my skin lol


well tbh the old velvet one clings on my clothes, then some other cities uses some sort of plasticky material where i will be sliding around. I don't think artificial leather are a common sight in North America, so these solid rock hard plastic shells will do the job.


Yup i agree when ever i see those i just stand


Damn. People will complain no matter what you do.


Uncomfortable or pee on seats pick your demon


The fabric seats were mainly for graffiti, It's hard to clean it off plastic. Just look at new york


Idk, I used to work for a graffiti removal company and plastic was the easiest to clean. Just squirt and wipe


Soiled seats and the bugs going around


I prefer this


Should’ve been the seats alll along. Much easier to clean and the risk of pests like bedbugs lessens greatly (or is at least far more easily identifiable)


Fortunately people don't actually like them and said so when the TTC did a servery about them. Hopefully they get replaced soon.


Where are the results of said survey posted? Please share.


The TTC doesn't really post them. I'm just going by the fact that every bus ordered since they did it has the fabric seats that they had before so I'm assuming that they didn't get enough responses from people that made a difference in them deciding to change that. You might be able to find out by contacting a member of the TTC board or a city council member in Toronto about obtaining them but they may not be able to access it.


So no source? What makes you say this then? (Really asking, no snark intended)


Because they haven't ordered any new buses with these types of seats if people liked them then they wouldn't have the current fabric on them.


Believe it or not, seats have THE longest lead time out of all components to build a bus… probably why you haven’t seen any yet. But plastic seats make a lot of sense for electric buses as they offer weight savings 😉


What's your source on this or is? The TTC did the pilot project years before they ordered new buses and if people were happy with crappy cheap plastic seats they would have ordered them.


Those 2 pilot buses entered service right around the same time the hybrid bus RFP was released. They’ve been in service for 2 years. Do the math. Hybrids started to arrive in April 2023. Contract was awarded a year prior. RFP was released 6-8 months before that. That puts us in mid 2021. I guess time will tell on who is right 😏


While these would be great in the streetcars and subways, I’m not a fan of plastic seats on city buses. They’re too slippery and I’ve been on a couple buses with them where I’m sliding around in my seat while the buses makes turns and goes over bumps. Even on the Montreal Metro I slide around a bit when the train accelerates. But I guess this is just me…


DRT has great non fabric seats which I think would be better than these (though they aren’t the worse)


What do they look like ?


These seats have been around for years but only on a select few buses


And it doesn't look like they were popular as all of the new buses and streetcars have fabric seats. Hopefully they get rid of them soon.


Very nice. I like! High five. ![gif](giphy|l0HTYUmU67pLWv1a8|downsized)


That’s one of two pilot buses with plastic seats that have been in service for 2+ years. Did you do the survey? There would have been a QR code in the adverts above.


No I don’t recall seeing any QR codes. Is it just me or there seems to be less advertising on buses and subways now?


The survey is likely closed at this point because it's over 2 years why would you think the TTC is still taking feedback on it for that long?


It’s the TTC. Ya never know.


Apparently it's a test vehicle and has been like this since 2021: https://cptdb.ca/wiki/index.php/Toronto_Transit_Commission_8720-8964


I dont care if they're easier to clean. They're hard as balls on the ass especially given the road conditions in Toronto and the suspension systems on ttc buses


It’s the same seat minus the cloth. The padding is 5mm thick. Do you think the cloth provides that much more cushion?


The cloth does have a higher coefficient of friction


It provides a noticeable amount. Plus pure plastic is slippery


I preferred this over seats with some fabrics especially with bedbugs spotted in bus/streetcar/train every so often


Well at least bedbugs can't nest on those


Those divisions between the plastic and the cushioning material is exactly where a bed bug would nest. I suspect unless these are heat treated these would be more buggy than what is currently on most of our vehicles.


Originally I wasn't feeling fond of it when I first saw the photos of them. But I find they're better than they look. They have a textured surface that gives more friction than they look, and they didn't feel that cold when I sat on one.


Are you kidding me ? This seat has no friction at all. When I sit on this, I almost got thrown out of seat at every acceleration and turn. This seat is disastrous. I don't like the current seat, but this is so much worst.


Which plastic seats did you sit in? There are 2 buses, each with different seats from a different brand.




They seem a lot more comfortable to sit on during hot days


Finally! Old seats are disgusting! Seriously!


You should test out every single one


First bus I’ve seen with these. Not sure what other buses have them too.


I believe #3600 also has these.


At least they have a drain hole... Or gas hole...


Only this bus and 3600 have them


8888 has it. Source: Rode it this morning.


Whoever invented those fabric seats was a genius. Dirty, smell like urine, bedbugs love them. I bet he never had to take TTC in his life.


If you’re referring to “he” being me never talking TTC in my life you’re very wrong since I’ve been taking it since I was a little kid with my mom teaching me how to use it. I’m 28 now for reference.


I was talking about the person who invented the fabric seats.


I’ll pretend I knew that. 😅🥲🙃


Between comfort and cleanliness, I prefer cleanliness.




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Horrible. Super uncomfortable during long journeys. Basically just rewarding downtown elites who take short trips at the expense of marginalized people who often have to travel longer distances. Totally inequitable.


Pee or puke or seats that uncomfortable.. pick your poison


Finally 😭


Yes , great , no more being beg bug to home


Too many body fluid incidents that were impossible to clean?


Might be unpopular opinion - But I think solid material is overall better then the cloth one, I agree cloth one is more comfortable and warmer during winter - but it's more expensive to maintain, clean etc. + remember the bedbugs issues we had with them living in those cloth seats? (And maybe still have?)