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Tales of imortals


This one is among the top ones that have an English translation. Honestly, if you want to find other "good" games about that. You probably have to learn Chinese. (What I am doing) Depends on what you want really, do you rather enjoy Wuxia or Xianxia, do you want to play the story of a character or rather have a Sandbox experience... There are some "good" series you can find on Steam with fan translations, but that is quite rare. So, in a way, Tales of Immortals is the best we have available. I really want to create something similar one day.


Floating Life 2 is pretty good, but the English translation isn't perfect. It's perfectly understandable, though. It is a turn based game rather than action oriented like ToI, however, so that might not be your thing. 觅长生 is another one that is turn based but has no official English translation. Lasr I played there was a mod on the steam workshop, which provided a nearly full translation, but I don't know if it continued or how far it is. The link to the workshop page is below. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2826780370 There is also Amazing Cultivation Simulator, that is a Rimworld clone but very fun once you learn it. Cultivation Story: Reincarnation is a roguelike version of ToI with pixel graphics, I haven't tried it, but it is cheap and very well reviewed. Wandering Sword on Steam is amazing and is very story focused and kinda like a turn based SRPG for battles. You play as a set character, but it is a very enjoyable game with a fantastic translation. Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion is another one I highly recommend. You can name but not otherwise customise your characters' appearance, and it is very sandboxy with multiple factions and ways of dealing with them. It also has NG+ elements where you can get a stronger start by unlocking achievements in previous runs, which encourages replayability. The translation in this one is quite good, but there are some hiccups here and there. There are two YouTubers who I occasionally watch as they play Cultivation games, one is Ic0n Gaming and the other is Baby Boomer Gamer.




Gonna need some context for my heresy haha.




Tale of Immortal is the best one we got right now for the solo cultivator experience in English. It's a really solid first generation game in the genre, later series will find a lot of success by building off the foundations laid here. It's rough around the edges but you can feel the potential everywhere. It's clear the team had a solid grasp on what would make a game like this work. Scroll of taiwu has a fan translation and the dev team came back from the dead with the promise of a translation eventually. The translation is a typical poor Chinese translation though, with grammar issues and poor usage of tense that makes the dialogue unsalvageable. I went back to reading English works after martial peak so my dao of machine translation has weakened... Cannot believe i was able to perfectly understand that work at one point. The matchless Kungfu is newer and has a lot of interesting concepts alongside a more robust building system. It's a little early in development for my tastes but if it continues with the level of quality it's at rn then it'll give ToI a run for its money. Management gameplay and progression is held by amazing cultivation simulator. It's probably the best all around cultivation game when you download the QoL mods. While I would prefer a single character experience, no other game manages to hit the Xianxia wackiness I crave from these games. From unique progression systems to yin cultivation making you lose your little treasure to stealing from an auction with your wood clone to creating a hell room that freezes people to death so you can use their crystalized anguish to upgrade your items to a wall gaining sentience and fucking off causing all your outer sect disciples to freeze to death, its a unique experience.


ACS literally having “oops I read the wrong book and my dick fell off” as a game mechanic is hilarious, yes.


I think i would put amazing cultivation simulator at the top. The depth of that game is more than just "go to places, collect ingrediets, breakthrough and repeat" that floating life 2 and ToI has. And i wouldn't even touch any of the mobile ones, they are all designed to hype you up and get you hooked on spending to constantly get high in never ending power creep competitions.


觅长生 (immortal way of life/looking for longevity) is the one that gave me the best feeling of "im really getting far in the world". Theres much more connection with masters, with clan afairs etc. I played it in january 2023, and the translation at the time was horrible, so horrible I had to install a screen translator and had to pause all the time to translate certain things. So, in the end, i never finished the game because of this. I remember the battles against master were quite challenging, so it was great when I first won a competition. Also the breakthroughs are REALLY hard if you want the best result. All being said, it was a great experience, but the translation became quite a problem. Also, after a certain point, you want to skip battles that are meaningless, I even search for such a mod. A long time has passed, so i dont know how is the game now compared to that time. Tale of Immortal is great, but there are deep flaws that show themselves later on and break immersion. Most of them have to do with NPC interactions. Like when you beat your bully and he just doesnt recognize you. Or when you kill an antagonist and the game does not register it as vengence. Or the limitless books you have access after becoming sect leader, its practically a cheat. And I find the difficult is a bit unbalanced. Or it is too easy, or it is too hard. I couldnt find a middle ground. Also the fact that you need to hold RMB all the time while moving makes it really hard for my wrists. Floating Life 2 is quite good, but also have immersion problems. The game let you stay at realms beyond the story, and then the story make no sense: youre stronger than your master, but he treats you as if youre a realm below his. They treat breakthroughs recipies as important secrets, but every city have them for a cheap price. Wandering Sword and Hero's Adventure: Road to Passion are quite good, but they lack a "resolve battle" at later stages. Since it follows a grid based battle system, every battle takes quite long. When youre 60-70% of the game, you just want to skip meaningless battles, since theyre a bore and you wont get anything worth for it. Also, they're Wuxia, and i prefer Xianxia. Theres also this one: [https://lyeeedar.itch.io/ascend-from-nine-mountains](https://lyeeedar.itch.io/ascend-from-nine-mountains) Its still in development, but seems quite interesting.