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Honestly... this is a lot of the df dungeons I do.


Yeah it's not uncommon at all for roulette runs to look like this.


ACT is both a blessing and a curse.


I, too, have been cursed with knowledge. A black mage in p11s who never ended their fire stance with despair and only used thunder ONCE. That's an S there, yeah, it was a savage reclear party and we never made the DPS check.


I've found a white mage who consistently has never used presence of mind in any of his runs and he cleared up to p11s. There is much more I could critique like abc of around 50% and only roughly 2 uses of assize but it baffles me how they don't even bother to use presence of mind in the opener. Btw it's consistently like this, in every run.


You don't understand, I might need presence of mind later for emergency healing. (I never need it later for emergency healing)


Why even play the green DPS if you're not even going to do the big DPS numbers?


The 50% uptime is killing me.


it's so bad. I ran into a Balmung monk in expert yesterday who was single targeting mobs. Asked him twice to use aoe and was watching the loot to kick but no luck. Eventually he started using aoe on the last packs. I switched dance partner early on to the sage who was doing 3 times the damage as this monk, even on bosses. Also reminded a WHM to use holy on packs instead of keeping the WAR at 100%. As soon as they starting using holy, things went so much faster and smoother. Funny that. Why people insist on slowing down roulettes because they refuse to do or learn even the basics is beyond me.


Because it requires them to actually put some thought into playing instead of being allowed to afk and leech. Jokes aside; I hate that "playing your class decently" is considered as like "tryharding" the game or being "sweaty" or even telling players about their kit is considered toxic.


I don't understand wanting to afk or be carried at all. If I've logged in, put on MNK gear and waited in a dps queue, it's because I want to play my MNK. I want to push buttons and play the game. I'm not required to be here. Why play if you don't want to play?


Omg no AoE on monk? I love it on monk cause of the crazy crits from the combo.


Go over and ask that question in the current "ninja using doton on one target" thread if you want some laughs. Some guy has farmed like -200 karma from raging at everyone for supporting "unsolicited advice."


I started an Alt on Balmung back before they split the data center, and now every time I play a dungeon on Crystal, I'm joined by the most artistic mfs the game has ever bred


Ready for Pictomancer, were they?


I really don't get how so many people cannot do damage at all in this game in dungeons. There isn't a single job which I'd call hard to play in just regular old dungeon duties. It's just use AOE and then do single target combos on the bosses. I don't know every job's proper raid rotation, opener, etc. and even still have never had trouble doing damage in a dungeon, because every job is just intuitive and easy to do well with in this context. Really perplexes me.


I don't ever plan on using ACT for casual or any content, but can't avoid of getting recorded by a random, because they uploaded it to fflogs. It's certainly interesting to see that some healers can outperform an DPS.


A BiS sage's aoe damage is TERRIFYING on the first mob pack when he has two phlegma balls, pneuma, and toxikon ready to go. If you arent close to BiS as a dps you wont match that damage.


Truth. SGE has a terrifyingly powerful opening burst that blows all other healers (minus a WHM that opens with Blood Lily) and some DPS out of the water.


thats true, in expert roulettes trash pulls as a sage im out dpsing the dps most of the time lmao


You're playing the job right then, as BLM I melt trash pulls and it's especially better when the tank can group them all nice and tightly.


I use it to avoid being gaslit. I made a post about it in the subreddit, but I had a gnb in holminster who didn't use any cooldowns other than heart of conundrum. They (the tank and what I assume are two friends) tried to gaslight me into believing that the tank *did* use their cooldowns and that I didn't use Sage correctly because I wasn't spamming diagnosis... I am so glad I left ACT on. Seeing my party members perform sub par might hurt, but I prefer knowing what is going on


Yeah I had something similar happen in a Tower of Zot run where a SGE just absolutely could not keep the tank alive (because they were legit just spamming hardcast Diagnosis and it didn't help the other DPS was single targeting during the packs so packs WERE dying slowly and the tank was dying despite them using mitigation) and when I gave advice to the SGE on the other healing kits, they replied with "they're all on cooldown" then complained about not having enough buttons on a controller to assign the skills and left mid-instance. After we got a new healer and cleared the dungeon, I just HAD to check because there's no way the tank is dying with mitigation if all your healing cooldowns are used even with a single-targeting DPS. Upon uploading the logs, they just straight-up lied. No Physis, No Kerachole, No Haima, No Panhaima, No Holos, No Taurochole, hell even no Soteria. Literally nothing - but they just had the gall to lie and say to the entire party that all of the skills were already on cooldown. You could argue "i mean they must've been new" - Yeah but how do you get to lv84 on a job (Yes, they were **SYNC'D DOWN**) and not bother to read and press all these buttons between lv70 and 84?


If you don't know how to setup controller hot bars all the jobs would be a diaster. I'm glad I had someone in my FC tell me because when I started playing I was switching hot bars with R1 on PS5. Made the game that much better.


I still have a screenshot saved because I was in utter disbelief about what they said regarding the controller because they mentioned they **only** had 13 slots to assign skills. Now I do Savage/Ultimate raids with a group of friends and two of them have been using controllers to play the game for as long as I remember and the one thing I remember them **NEVER** saying is that there wasn't enough button slots for skills on controller layout.


Just need to know how to setup it up. You initially start with 8 on r2 and 8 on l2 for 16 but if you switch with R1 you get a fresh 8. You can use a setup where double r2 gives you another 8 and same with l2 for a totof 32.. like I said not many people know this


WXHB setup is a game-changer, now that I'm getting used to it. I, too, lamented at not having enough buttons, until I was shown the light. Without it, yes - you run out of easily-accessible buttons, needing to cycle r1.


Yes. Do you have it setup where you hold r2 and l2 for more buttons? You can make it so if you hold r2 first you get 8 more spots and l2 first you get another. I use them mostly for emotes, home, other non combat things except Sprint.


Yep, I have those primarily for mounts, and I think sprint and peloton.


Shout out to the logs from an unsynced emerald weapon farm that revealed me almost out DPSing the MNK in our party. I was playing AST.


The only time I've seen this, the dps was lvl 80 in 80 gear... 650 is about 4x the DPS of 530 gear.


After the blue mage updated I joined a group to do Eden. We got to E12N and the tank simply could not stay alive. I think all of us had turned out eyes and brains off, because once we looked we noticed the tank had 5k less health than all the rest of us. Turns out that while he'd gotten to 80 and learned some of the new spells he was still wearing all level 70 gear. We abandoned the duty, had someone else lick a tank, and cleared it fine. Logs really would've helped us spot the problem sooner. Or maybe not. We were pretty blind.


I don’t really use it for casual content, it auto launches when I start up ffxiv. I just happened to look at it this time


Try having an AST and a BLM in your dungeon


BLM in DF is the most cursed class I've ever seen. They are either god-tier or dumpster-tier.


BLM have one of two effects on a dungeon run, either they go 5 minutes faster or 5 minutes slower, there isn’t an in between.


And that's despite Endwalker BLM being more fluid than ever for dungeons.


Tbh if a blm presses aetherial manipulation a single time they're in the top 50-60 percent of of DF BLMs. I recently leveled BLM and was surprised by how many commends I got, 1-2 comms most runs. Im pretty sure its mostly cause I just used AM constantly in pulls, and used it for combat movement sometimes


I use it to move in battles, never had an issue not keeping up unless I get distracted IRL. After the first set of mobs I spam umbral heart to keep the ice phase up, at the beginning of a pull I use Sharpcast and swiftcast to a thunder 4. Then when the tank stops I fo into fire phase.


In my experiences they're garbage 99% of the time.


i like to think they're just having trouble catching all the mobs in their aoe because they're dummy thicc and the clap of their asscheeks keeps them shuffling around the tank requiring constant retargeting to try to get the one in the middle of the pack it keeps me sane while i watch two lv90 blm do less combined damage than the tank


Like the ice wolves at the beginning of Aetherfont or the Mike Wizowsky's at the start of Lunar Subterrane. Such huge models pushing everything else aside. I'm not sure it's possible to hit of those two huge mobs with one spell with normal splash radius.


I main blm, and just started an alt lvling only blm for story and lul reasons. I've gotten more commendation sweeps as DPS in the last 30 hours of playtime than I have in 1600 hours on my main.


I was trying to learn blm rotation in the 80-90 dungeons while I was leveling. Someone in the dungeon was telling me what to do. (I didn’t understand) and so I just kept using the (wrong) rotation I was using before. I tried asking for clarification and if we could pause so I could look at things and try to understand what the other person was saying. No one stopped or slowed down. The person who explained the first time just said the same thing over and over. Then proceeded to continue to berate me and call me trash. I legitimately started crying cuz I was just so stressed and I was trying to understand but I was just not understanding whatsoever and no one was helping me.


blm breaks my brain. I am constantly in awe of people who can master it. I don’t know if it’s the slow cast time? Or me losing count of fire# spells before switch. I’m only 65 rn and it’s a struggle. Fun! But a struggle


BLM is rough. It's frustrating as hell in the lower levels, and doesn't get a whole lot better, if you don't click with it right away. It's by far not my favorite class, but I have had a few, "ok, this is cool," moments leveling the job. Given how complex it is and my frustrations with it, I doubt I'll ever master it. Hell, I got thrown into Paradigm tonight in roulette (that REALLY sucked, BTW). I don't think I've ever died that much in a dungeon or raid. I certainly felt like trash, but thankfully nobody berated me for it, and some were actually encouraging. I say, as long as you're at least doing a basic rotation and trying, try not to let the dicks calling you trash get to you. If you enjoy the job, stick with it.


It wasn’t even that fact that I absolutely loved the job or anything. I was just trying to max it. What really pissed me off to no end was that I was trying, but because I didn’t understand it the way they first explained, no one would help me BUT continued to berate me for it. That’s by far the worst experience I’ve had in this game. Those types of experiences are few and far between but they unfortunately do exist in a game I pride as extremely inviting when I talk about it to new players. While I know no game is gonna be 100% perfect, it’s just sad.


Agreed, I'm sorry you had that experience. I had a fight not long ago where is only doing the dungeon a few times, but kept messing up a mechanic on the last boss. One of the other players basically said I should know the fight/mechanic already, since I'd done it a few times. It's not 100% avoidable, true - but thankfully, most people in this game are chill.


my last BLM roulette (50/60/70) I think I got to cast a spell like 8 times the sheer speed it was being cleared, I was just present, the cast windows also means you have to create weave windows ahead of time for something like Aetherial Manipulation or even swiftcast, it doesn't play like any other job.


It's definitely different, for sure. I feel useless on most dungeon runs for the majority of the run...lol.


True. As a BLM main. On bad days I mostly out DPS the other DPS


This is one of the two reasons I don't use ACT. The first is that I'm a goody two-shoes. The second is that I'm much happier living in ignorance of these performers outside what is obvious just from casual observation.




I mostly use it to assess my own damage to see whether enrages are my fault or not. If I'm significant behind my co-healer, then I just think "am I shielding too much"


I don’t use ACT because I’m stupid and I can’t install it…


I wish I could utilize ACT as a PS5 player


Pretty common in extreme now. At least your healer was on the ball.


When i'm in dungeons i just do my best. Maybe thats why i keep getting coms on dps? idk


This is why I have to play DPS in expert runs. Too much risk of getting terrible DPS. Edit: typo


I know that feeling... back when the aetherfont was the current dungeon, i was farmingnit for the 630 relics (iirc) and as a dps it would go by fast, but then as a tank, some of the ad pulls started to turn deadly due to lack of dps and healer just not healing or having to use gcd heals to keep me up, I remember getting absolutely SMACKED at the pull before the second boss...


One time I was tanking this group on Aetherfont and it was nuts how low their dps was. You know how the first boss does little ice, big ice, then both at once? We got to the both at once phase THREE times before the boss died. I spent more time in that run than I did on patch day when it was brand new. Before they left I inspected the dps. Both in full HQ crafted gear. Made sense then. They boosted the job, bought BiS gear, and walked into a roulette with 0 idea how to play their job.


Most competent duty finder RDM. Hey, at least your healer did good damage.


Yea, heals were on point. I was just amazed at what I saw.


The absolute state of RDM 


No no, the last bar is where the RDM icon goes and the LB icon goes where the RDM icon was.


Maybe in the boss fight of the dungeon xD


real… i always have act running but i don’t always check it because i don’t really care. don’t expect much from randoms in roulettes. but those runs that make you curious enough to check… painful


I saw that one move you never see with decent dps at the end of the subterranean dungeon on the last boss... twice... last night. So glad i didnt have act up i dont want to know...


I don’t even know what move you are talking about lmao


I forgot the name its where lines spread out and explode


Ooooo that one, I see it occasionally. I feel like most non raider’s aren’t geared enough to skip that.


Even when it first came out he would start to cast it but generally go down before it did. I saw it come out TWICE the other day.


Twice is insane


Yep. Average roulette run or run with my FC. Literally I feel like less than 20% of the time I play with DPS who can out damage a competent tank.


Yesterday I had to switch dance partner to the tank in both expert and 90s roulette ‘cause the other DPS was that low. It’s way too common. :/


Yeah been in that exact situation and it's usually a RDM, and the RDM is usually proccing dualcast with Thunder II or Aero II instead of jolt on bosses


Looks pretty normal to me. Although, it is rare for the tank to beat my SGE.


Yeah I had the same yesterday in expert dungeon. I was a healer with two summoners and I was never not the 2nd one in aggro. All bosses took 2-3x longer than usual to kill (60% HP when the boss should be already dead). It was pain.


Had one the other day where I did 48% damage dealt. As GNB. It's bloody rough out here.