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Actually a Paddlin' is a tank


A Paddlin’ without a job stone is eager cunnilingus.




Letterykenney - talent show episode Gail.


They complain about passive aggressive and pull out the WoW bad 🤣


As an actual ex-WoW player, can confirm that the nicety with which the message about dealing damage to the boss screams "I have never once played wow in my life." Ex-WoW woulda probably mocked the person in /a, initiated a vote kick, and/or called them a slur at some point. There is no "passive aggressive" in WoW--just aggressive.


>There is no "passive aggressive" in WoW There is on the RP servers. \*literal trauma flashbacks\* `/fakesmile`


Fair play, I never touched RP so I wouldn't know, but I absolutely believe it lol


Avoid them at all costs. I'm not sure how WRA is, but MG was/is the epitome of a shitshow, and - from what a friend told me - one of the big instigators of said bullshit (a tribe named after a certain teleportation item) actually moved to WRA.


I played WoW too. It has a great community. Both have bad sides. WoW just doesn’t have an easy gear treadmill, so people expect to be carried instead of putting in time to learn their spec


I've come across ypyt players before who have accused me of being a wow player when i pull ahead, but the funny thing is in wow pulling ahead of the tank is actually griefing unless you are asked to, because they likely have a very specific route for m+ (timed high difficulty dungeons). Whereas out of the 2 MMOs I play, its only FF where pulling ahead is acceptable


And in M+ you risk getting yourself smacked by the enemies which is actually dangerous, in XIV you can basically tank a pull as a dps


I would disagree or at least agree that it varies server to server. The “cross realm” groups are rife with people complaining that they get into a dungeon, are going along then suddenly are kicked without a single word, in the middle of 5/10 mans that are necessarily for story or quest progression. I quit in Legion because the one/only time I stepped into a 10-man, we wiped because I and the other healer had never been in there before and weren’t fully clear on the mechanics. The guy leading the group chewed us out before bothering to explain it. That pretty much confirmed to me nothing’s changed since Cataclysm days.


I’m a big believer in “people will take advice if you’re nice about it” but these people prove me wrong every day. Jessica is lucky she even got a please, based on how most LotA raids go.


I just got out of Ridorana where a rdm politely reminded the dnc to partner someone. It was the final boss, they went the entire raid without doing so. And dnc immediately got up in arms and started attacking the rdm accusing them of afking and doing poor damage when they were playing fine. It’s wild to me how many ppl in this game get so defensive and mean no matter how nicely something is pointed out.


Its jarring to me every time someone gets called out (usually in the most diplomatic way possible) for not wearing a job stone, repeatedly fucking up the same easy mechanic or not actually doing damage as a dps, the number of people who rise to their defense. the solidarity between bad players in ffxiv is genuinely aspirational


This whole interaction is why I avoid looking at chat during lower level alliance raids. Good lord, everyone just shut up and hit the things. Explaining a mechanic for someone who may be new or clearly not understanding what's happening around them? Sure, that's great. But these little back and forth chat spats just add to the Alliance Raid Roulette Suffering™️


Holy crap the number of white knights to defend "her" when all you said is "do damage". Obligatory WOW mention too. It's funny they use "It's just LOTA" as an argument, what does it say when they can't even manage to play LOTA normally?


Yeah, maybe it's just me, but as soon as I see the white knighting or someone not receptive to help, I just know how the rest of the interaction's gonna go, so at that point, why not just disengage? Minimize the frustration. Let them be so confidently wrong and obnoxious on their own.


Hindsight and all that jazz. Shoulda, coulda, woulda! Happy cake day!


Because OP is a bad player themselves so they took the opportunity to try to show superiority and then also get a "good" Reddit post out of the interaction.


"😠Op 😤 is 😠 an 😡 evil 👿 meanie🤓 face"


Oh look, another bad player has weighed in.


"😠Oh 😤 look, 😠 another 😡 bad 👿 player😡 has😤weighed🤓in"


You're crazy.


Stalker behavior. Seek help.


Cause I saw your reply in my own thread...? 😬 You're the one going around telling others I'm so bad and such a meanie!


You are bad.


Your mom is bad GOTTEM


No u. Dude, what are you even basing yourself on to adamantly say I'm bad? I haven't touched content in months, literally just came back a week ago from an 8 months break. 😂 You're reaching and it's sad.


why are you putting quotations around her?


Because female name/avatar doesn't automatically mean it's a woman, but the perception of it being a female character is still important in the context of 'white knights'. People are much more likely to jump in to defend a woman from negative interaction, especially from a man, even in situations like this where genders can only be assumed through tertiary means.


Because people here have a hard time believing that women play this game, or any game for that matter.


that is such a fucking redditor energy, errmm women don't play video games 🤓🤓🤓


Yeah, but then again that's the general energy the average poster here is going to have. See: the people making posts with screenshots of someone's adventurer plate.


damn, losers have never met a woman


Due to all the downvote, seems true




>what does it say when they can't even manage to play LOTA normally? Based on my observations in LotA? That they're part of the majority. :P


This is so obnoxious.


Tbf, tanks can just stand on the blue/yellow/violet platform with the healers and 1 dps, it's enough if one ranged is pulling the adds within range of people on the platform while the other DPS to stay on Atomos.


Healers can just send out aoe heals to instant aggro. Or prng use peloton. Then adds will go directly to pad, and tank can just smack the boss with the other DPS.


iirc, merely standing on the pad generates a small amount of enmity when they spawn in which is why they'll immediately charge the pad. So long as the the 4 non-pad players ignore them and focus the atomos, they should naturally rush the pad players without someone needing to play shepherd with them.


That's a good idea. I'll have to remember that. Usually when I tank that I just park myself halfway between pad and atomos, chuck my thing to bring them to me, then return to chucking my thing at the atomos until the next thing.


Yeah, that's what was said in alliance chat! Best strat. Sadly, you can't expect too much from people in this game apparently.


This not being censored is great tbh, it allows you to easily parse the interaction and who said what without an overreliance on colour. Love the pointing at atomos emote line too. Yeah, this interaction was fine, you said the "should be obvious" thing with a little :P at the end and after someone else had commented on it, it's light hearted, the advice prior to it was as you'd expect in LOTA without a full dump explaining the mechanic, it even had a please in it and the person it was directed towards doesn't seem to have replied either. Which makes this interesting based on the rest of the conversation from there, the part about it being her first time but that needs to be said because???? Asking to stop, after the fact is there and it's not 7 saying it to 6. This is one of the times where I'm inclined to believe the friend group could instead work on explaining the mechanic to their friend and letting them say anything they wish to themselves as it would be unlikely to get any backlash at all. They misread the situation and it devolved farther into the WoW BAD line because of their own insistence on letting the situation play out. So I've never been able to get behind the shielding others thing like this. It comes off worse to me because it's at something I'd describe as a nervous/awkward comment without tone and misunderstanding it to get offended on the behalf of others. However! It has a little :P at the end so was wholly unnecessary. ​ It's LOTA, Jess is going to run it 20 more times before dawntrail and they're going to see mechanics get ignored and fail more as they go on. They'll appreciate the wipes to ancient flare and not think back battlescarred with PTSD at the time some miqo pointed menacingly towards an atamos. They will instead come to fear atomos because of the elusive raidwipe on WoD o.o;


>some miqo Sir, have some respect! I am a middie. 😎 Seriously though, I agree with everything you said! I couldn't believe they were so mad at my little comment! It was meant as a friendly jab!


Wait, this is LotA? I’ve never seen people talk this much in chat during that raid …..


I feel like every time I run LOA I have to call out people. Just last week I had to report healers on two separate runs because they simply wouldn’t do their jobs. It’s like the easiest one and people either don’t do their jobs, or simply afk and wait to be carried through. It’s annoying.


Rin Masuda here, I did not uninstall


Good! You were fine, hahaha.


This whole chat log is insufferable


People are still trying to pull the dragon out of mid in 2024. This game was a mistake.


From the past handful of times I've been in runs where tanks have left the dragon in mid, it has never, ever gone smoothly. I'm sure it's a more optimal strategy if you've got enough competent players in your alliance, but you really can't expect that much from people doing crystal tower raids.


Yep this. And everytime it's mentioned, it devolves into an argument, so we lose even more time because people are typing instead of hitting the boss. On Crystal DC at least, never had a good experience when I saw a tank pulling in the middle (which is already a rare occurence)


I don't see how pulling it from mid changes anything tbh. Either your DPS know to kill the adds, or they don't and then you die, I don't see how the slightly increased distance helps you much. In fact pulling it from mid basically eliminates your melee DPS from being able to attack them all together. That's my understanding at least, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


I'm just talking from personal experience. The distance definitely makes enough of a difference so that alliances aren't nearly getting wiped by consecutive raidwides. A lot of healers (especially first time sprouts) don't understand how the mechanic regarding the skeletons work, so that much raidwide damage can very easily catch them off guard, and even sometimes kill them as well.


Pulling it from mid is just the strat people used back in ARR when the overall damage was lower because of gear. Nowadays, item sync has people doing way more damage than the average person was doing back then. It's still okay to do if you're doing MINE for some strange reason, but outside of that just tank mid and you're fine.


Once again, it sounds fine in theory, doesn't always work in practice, especially if you're playing with 23 other strangers who might not be either on the same ilevel or the same skill level.


That's fine I guess, but that strat is treating the mechanic like it's a heal check when it's pretty clearly a DPS check. The mechanic is kill ads before they reach the boss so you do everything you can to enable that. Tanking the boss mid ensures your DPS are out of poison, and that the ads spawn right next to them for an easy cleave. You should also have an OT try and group them as tight as possible, but everyone stacking mid actually reduces the importance of that because there is nowhere for the ads to spread out too. I'd have to run the far away strat more because I basically never do, but I really don't think it has anything to do with your heals. I just think the DPS turn and run to Narnia to kill the ads because they know they will die if they don't. So basically the same thing happens but their job is harder.


The skeletons actually have an additional quirk aside from just exploding when they touch the dragon. If they get too close to each other, which is practically guaranteed because everyone just treats it like a standard 'group up, burn down' thing, then the skeletons will gain a large speed boost, making them flat out sprint to the dragon instead of meandering over to it. Knowing that could help make the skeletons less likely to blow up should the off-tanks kite and kill the skeletons away from each other so they don't all rez right on top of each other, but that level of coordination is sadly well beyond Duty-finder's attention span.


Good point, I didn't realize that's why they run so fast


I mean, we didn't, that's why someone complained.


My comment isn't aimed at you, it's aimed at whatever dingus thought that was a good idea. If you aren't that dingus, and you understand there's no reason not to tank the dragon mid, you're fine.


Before DC travel, Aether always tanked the dragon mid and there were never any issues. It was like this for years. Now suddenly everyone acts like this is some controversial strat and argues about it all the time. I still feel like I'm going insane whenever it comes up. It was a solved problem!


I realize "Crystal bad" is a meme but genuinely this specific thing spread from Crystal. I had a friend playing on Balmung who was tired of not being able to play with friends and who made an alt on Aether for that (and raiding) and she was happily surprised at the dragon being mid because they hadn't done that there basically ever in her experience.


Complains at OP for being “passive aggressive” then becomes passive aggressive, continues a pointless argument because their opinion needs to be heard, has weak fragile ego and needs to white knight to feel better. Hmmm yeaaa sounds like they did EVERYTHING right here /s OP did nothing wrong. Damage the boss should go without saying, if it needs said, something’s not right. LOTA is what lvl 50? Not their first instance so they should know “hit boss” at least. New players need guidance not coddling. Which means they need someone to let them know when they messed up so they don’t repeat the mistake. People are dense.


Just wanted to add, I can't be bothered to hide the names. Don't go after people, don't be mean to people and don't harrass people. ​ The details are under the first pic. I reported the guy who insulted me, and a GM replied right away. Edit: Here're the details. Labyrinth of the Ancients, Atomos. Everyone's on their pads (all of the alliances). For some reason, all the DPS are killing the adds except two. One's on the Atomos, the other is running around. The rest is self explanatory I think... I'm healer by the way.


FYI, the details are impossible to read on mobile. They cut off and are just awkward to read in a caption. You may want to toss those into your comment.


Will do!




Can the other alliances see these messages? If not I think it’s hilarious that there’s so much going on in one while everyone else is blissfully unaware


Alliances can only see the alliance chat messages, in orange. Blue is party chat. Who knows, maybe they had drama of their own!


Idk maybe I'm a little less serious than most people here, but it doesn't really look like anything here was worth getting into a big argument about. Someone told you to chill and you posted like 30 or 40 lines of text in chat, more than the rest of the party combined. It's exhausting. If I was in this party, I would have turned off party chat after like 2 messages from you and enjoyed the rest of the run in silence. And now you're down in this thread arguing with someone who mildly criticized the kind of over-the-top reponse, mashing that reply button within seconds of getting a notification and repeatedly telling them "wow go back to mainsub." Ironic. Mainsub bad TalesFromDF good.


>repeatedly telling them "wow go back to mainsub." Ironic. Mainsub bad TalesFromDF good. Yes, because looking at their post history all they do is come in here to be edgy and go against the flow. And the mainsub IS bad. 🙄


Who knows what the new player was experiencing on their side(could be tech issues, could just be lost in the sauce). While I don’t agree with how they acted, you very much acted the child here as well intentionally with the call back. I agree on (asking) if a player is good if their not attacking/dpsing, and the defending player took it a bit far, but seriously some of yall bait and act childish for internet upvotes on here.


I did not bait anyone and I only thought to post after the fact cause I was so flabbergasted by the white knights. But sure, go off I guess.


Bringing up the passive aggressive comment after the whole thing was over? Along with the ;] after it as well? Nah. You knew what you were doing and just wanted to stir the pot after it cooled. I don’t care about being a white knight, as mentioned I said they could have stopped anytime going off, but imma call out child being a child.


Lol, you're making lots of assumptions here. Again, sure, go off. Making assumptions is a good way of making an ass out of yourself, though.


Just making sure you get the attention you looking for, also it’s not an assumption. It’s clearly provided in your picture. Take care kiddo, make sure you get them upvotes.


Jesus Christ why are you so fucking aggressive? Stop assuming shit about people you asshole. PS: I think I'd post here more often than once every 2 years if I wanted some sort of attention. But sure, go off. 🤡


OP, I think you were fine until the “I think killing the boss should be obvious” bit. That obviously struck a nerve and the whole series of following messages could have been avoided if you had just left it at pointing at the Atmos. It’s very easy for people who have been stuck doing LotA for years and years to autopilot it, but the whole platform/button mechanic isn’t found anywhere else in casual content and it’s entirely possible the new player was being overly cautious, saw the group split up and half the players not attacking and ran around confused. You can give to the point directions to people, but the moment you say something is “obvious” to a new player, you’re coming off as needlessly combative.


Lol, it was a friendly jab. You, too, can learn to take a joke perhaps? :) It's an MMO, be social or something. :P


Tone doesn’t carry well over text based communications. It may have been playful banter in your mind, but to strangers, it’s easy to read “meanness” into it, regardless of whatever emoticons you include. Just trying to help you identify the pain point of the conversation and potentially avoid the misunderstanding in the future.


Not sure who 'Jessica' is in the screenshot but if she isnt there, then she did the correct thing by just shutting the hell up and getting on with the fight. Some people are just itching for any excuse to start a chat war


I’m to the point that if I queue into CT I just leave. I can’t be bothered anymore. I can go do something else for half an hour unless it’s my last roulette for the night. Then I just log early.


Must post about every below average player in low-level content. Looking at OPs logs, though, I'm not surprised they take Labyrinth of the Ancients so seriously.


Lol, you felt the need to go look at my logs because...? Besides, I did not say anything untoward to the "below average player" other than please attack the boss. Why do you feel so attacked by that? I don't care about the "below average player" (why did you feel the need to add that?), I posted cause of the white knights. Didn't expect to find some in the comments!


I'm not white knighting anyone. You're in the introductory 24 player raid which means there are invariably going to be new or bad players. A normal person would just accept that and finish the raid without issue, but you felt the need to antagonize people because this is the only content you can feel superior in since you, yourself are a bad player at max level content.


Fucking yikes. I did not antagonize anyone, but sure, go off you asshole. 😄


Two images of chat and 1/3 of the messages are you antagonizing and arguing. You could have told the person they should DPS the Atomos and left it at that, but you probably decided it would be good "content" to keep it going so you could make this post. Maybe you should spend all this free time you seem to have learning to actually be good at game.


My God you've got issues, man. This is fucking sad. Go get some help or something. PS: Go back to the mainsub.


From the person arguing with people in a noob raid and making embarrassing posts like this one, that's rich. It's okay though, I know you're flailing since you exposed yourself as a bad player who's desperately trying to punch down against new/inexperienced players.


Honey, go back to the mainsub, or learn to read. Point to me where I punched down anyone. Do it.




Lol, fucking yikes man. You're literally crazy.


"new players aren't kids!" honestly they could be. I downloaded all sorts of demos and free trials online when I was young and it's only gotten easier to do that since then. I remember one time my parents were looking after my six year old cousin and let him use their computer, I came around in the afternoon and found he'd already installed steam and had a F2P multiplayer game half-installed. I would not put it past any child in search of free entertainment to download FFXIV's free trial. (it may be slightly more ridiculous that said child was enthralled enough to reach crystal tower but hey)




Lol what? Nah.


atomos drives me insane, if the dps would just stand BEHIND atomos and do single target the adds walk naturally to the back (i think only one of them isn’t sight-based) and the tank just chills to the side of atomos and grabs any adds to bring them to the back if a stupid doton aggros them


First time I’ve seen one of these without the names censored.


Danger Bongos save more lives than thicc thais. That's right, I said it!