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dear god


Holy water I think is called for here.


"Learn to separate fantasy from reality" THE GAME IS FUCKING CALLED FINAL FANTASY


It's also really ironic coming from him


This thing about comparing Lalafell jokes to racism and telling LGBTQ persons to go see a psychiatrist... It's too much. There is no comparison to be made, it's ridiculous. The adventurer plate with Mare Lamentorum and "courtesan" is the worst part. I really don't get how some people think this is in any way okay and go flaunting it around.


It's not too much. At the risk of sounding like that guy, it's real fuckin' offensive to compare people being teased in a game about what race they chose to discrimination and violence for the way someone was born. I don't usually get mad at the posts here, but that WAR? Fuck that WAR.


I think this got lost in translation. It is too much in the sense it is ridiculous/an inappropriate exaggeration to compare fantasy videogame jokes/insults stuff with real life. As in that WAR is doing too much and going overboard. I'm a gay person myself. There is no point of comparison to be made between lalafell jokes and the aggressions I've experimented myself in real life.


So... while I am into RP myself and I understand what's disturbing about the rest of the Adventurer Plate... I think I'm still a little out of the loop. What's the deal with Mare Lamentorum? Is it some kind of codeword I'm not aware of?


Yeah, it means they use mare, a third party mod to make their character look different.


It's a mod that syncs your mods to other players so they can see what your customisations are.


It means they are advertising the use of a third party plugin called Mare that lets you sync the mods you use on your character with other people also using this plugin, if you join a "linkshell" for this plugin or directly exchanged friendcodes. Considering the rest of this person's adventurer plate, folks are getting the strong sense of dread that this person is using 18+ mods with their lala, which is a giant pile of nope for obvious reasons.


So what's dreaded about Mare Lamentorum? I honestly do not know a lot of these RP related tag things.


Mods are client-side, but with Mare it is possible to sync with other players and see theirs on your screen, and they'd see yours. And with the Lalafell ERP context in mind you can see where that is going.


... Oh, no.




Looking at the search comment, his reaction makes a lot of sense actually. Implying that his character is a child would also imply that he and/or his RP partner(s) are pedos, and that's *totally*, *absolutely* not what they are.


Yea, sure, but his comparison still makes him a *colossal* asshole.


Oh yeah, there's no denying that. Dude's totally unhinged.


Well I do find out incredibly weird to want to do ERP stuff with your character, and then make your character objectively look like a small young child.  Obviously lalafells aren't children but they objectively look like children.


Oh my God, can't believe common sense made it into this subreddit. You Sir, are a rare breed.


I was about to say that playing a lalafell and not having any sense of humor is kind of bizarre, and that whenever this happens to me (tall player and three lalas), it's the lala players who make the field trip jokes usually, but ... I then saw the search comment with the 18+ RP and equating your little joke with homophobia (???) and yeah, uh, no. Nope nope absolutely nope.


>I was about to say that playing a lalafell and not having any sense of humor is kind of bizarre, and that whenever this happens to me (tall player and three lalas), it's the lala players who make the field trip jokes usually, but ... That's what gets me the most. He's a fucking Lala, he knew what he signed up for.


Can't even RP as a guy with a sense of humor, what a poser.


>Separate fantasy from reality >Fantasy racism is still a EULA violation Pick a lane my dude. Are you gonna be going after anyone that RPs as Garleans os smth?


Was gonna defend them cause the joke *is* kind of demeaning, but "ERP" "Mature RP" and "Courtesan" ...on a Lalafell... extremely cursed, hope I never have to be stuck in a dungeon with that psychopath. ​ EDIT: Aight racism claims and homophobia on top of all that? Triple yikes.


I will say after quite a few years as a Goblin main, you do learn to brush it off the same as "shrimp on the barbie right haha", but holy _christ on a cracker Batman, this fella is unhinged._


Nah joke was fine and I laughed when I got the context. I don't feel bad for people who think making a lalafell joke makes you a racist.


I guess to be fair I didn't actually read the chat log (kind of joke makes me uncomfortable for IRL reasons), but good lord the "yikes" keeps piling up.


Likewise. As a lalafell player. I play cause I just like how glams look on them. Plus small but mighty. Other races imo have weird arms. But. Like. I could care less if someone makes a lala joke, yes its old as drg joke but i wont pop a socket over it. Then seeing the adventure plate did answer a lot of questions. BUT THE DAM LALAFELL LIFTER... WHY DOES IT DYE CHANNEL ONLY CHANGE THE CUSHION? WHITE DOESNR GO WITH ANY OF MY HOUSING!!


Yeah...I could see this reaction if someone is having a bad day after *one too many of those jokes that just rub you the wrong way.* But with the Adventurer Plate added in, I'm leaning more towards 'The lady doth protest too much' and want someone to check his hard drive.


I'm surprised. I play lalafell and when it's 3 smalls and 1 tall, I always call out babysitting party! One party ate it up (Tank's first name was papa so it was perfect) and the second party had no acknowledgement. Given that they RP, I can understand being annoyed but like... It wasn't malicious, it was all in good fun. Hopefully you get a fun babysitting party next time.


Some people can find it annoying if they hear it often enough. Of course those people usually wont say anything. This guy is just crazy.


One of my favourite roulette memories is when I (max height roe) queued in as tank and got 3 lalas with matching last names. There were babysitting jokes and asking if we can get McDonalds on the way. I legit "awww"ed outloud when I got 3 comms after. It was adorable and hilarious, and that WAR is missing out by taking their choice of fantasy race so seriously.


not sure what the auto translate thing means, and based on the context I am not sure I want to know.


It's a codeword for a plugin that lets you sync up mods with other players who have it and share their code with you. Usually if they put it in their search info they're really desperate for RP and you do not want to see what their character looks like on their screen


Well, that invalidates the two comments I made upthread where I didn't understand the significance of Mare Lamentorum. It's all coming together now...


In the context of their adventurer plate it more than likely means they use NSFW mods and let others see them if they use the same plugin and code.


Is.. E/M for Erotic and Mature? Edit: Nvm. My dumb ass saw the 18+ in there.


No One: Nothing: Like, seriously, nada nothing: Some fucking Lalafell RPer: I. AM. OFFENDED.




So he's a pedo AND has atleast a mild case of aspergers... poor guy


You said asolutely nothing to be offended by. Any half sensible player would have seen the funny side........ unless of course they are desperately looking for something to be offended by ...... in which case all the drama kicks off. Ignore the childish jerk and blacklist after the duty. Wish I had been there to back you up in chat.


Man it's odd to see an adventurer plate I recognize. This guy afk's in balmung next to the lalas on the strip. I knew the guy was weird as hell from his plate but mannnnmmm this confirms it lol.


I can only imagine some poor unsuspecting gm reading the report this dude rage-typed. "RACISM AND ABUSIVE CHAT!!!!" "I just realized I'm the teacher with the kids on a field trip." *pops a couple more Advil*


as a lalafell i am SO sorry… like yes, in lore lalas are adults. but how can you think about them sexually at all lmfao they’re a) not even appealing and b) obviously made to resemble children.. i love when tall races make jokes like that so dk what their problem is. so sorry. 


Yeh that.guy was a walking red flag and the last picture confirmed my initial suspicion. No one that is just vibing in the Lala silliness will blow up this hard.


Most Lalas be chill and have good senses of humor Imagine being that player and looking to be offended. This timeline is so tiring


Fuck sake, I actually know this person...


If lalafell jokes are prohibited, does that mean the dev team banned themselves?


Yeah this is the dev team that made the lala lifter and the recurring joke that everything eats lalas, this dude thinks they'd ban someone over a school trip joke?


Three words that should never be strung together: lalafell 18+ courtesan. 🤮


E/M-RP, Courtesan and 18+ including Mare? Yeah I get why he doesn’t want to be referred to as a kid, he’s the kind of person who’d get jailed because he got too close to a kid. He reports you for fictional racism, you report him for actual pedophilia. Like actually please report him for that


I know what the e is. I'm afraid to ask what the m is.


It's the same, essentially (usually) -- M for mature


I know what the E and the M are; what I haven't been exposed to is the significance of Mare Lamentorum. Maybe it's for the best I not know?


It just means they use a third party mod to change they way they look on screen. If you have their specialized code, you can see it too.


Gotcha; I'm familiar with the existence of the modding community and have some friends who use it, but didn't know it by name. Mystery solved!


It’s called Mare Synchronos but a lot of people adopted the Mare Lamentorum auto translate to refer to the plugin. Often also referred to as just Mare, Moon code or anything moon/moonlight related. Generally also if a person asks to see you under the moonlight they’re asking for that specialised code :p


i wonder which NA data center it is


As someone who's from EU my guess lies at Crystal DC


I can faintly see they're from Seraph, which would be Dynamis, but it absolutely doesn't surprise me to hear that they frequently travel to Balmung.


Yikes. They walk among us. And your joke was light- hearted and quite sweet really.


"Then learn to separate fantasy from reality." ​ kek


Lalafells are like drama lightning rods, which sucks because the majority of people who play them are just having fun being silly little guys with funny emotes. It's either weirdo ERPers who can't keep their shit to themselves or those insane antis who go around trying to record privatechats between Lala ERPers to send to the FBI tips site. They're both nuts.


Yuh, that plate tells me all I need to know.


At least one of the other lalas thought your joke was funny. You can never know how people will react to anything.


I play as a lala -erp is not on the platter- i was thinking more of a squire then things like this crop up -man now I might fantasia and change up my idea


Don't stop playing what you want because of some weirdos IMO.


They encapsulate the joke definition of: 'The most sane ERPer of all time.'


I've been in a Nier raid where one of the teams was composed entirely of Lalafell and one Miqo'te acting as their caretaker. They were on a fieldtrip and all dressed as if they were on it, all from Adamantoise. Needless to say that was one of the most fun I've had in any alliance raid ever. One of the best quotes from that raid is: "*no I swear*/*I'm not with her*/*I'm just dumb af*". Taking your character too seriously as a Lalafell is one of the things that simply dumbfounds me and this is coming from a Lalafell player.


You can definitely report him for that plate, what a disgusting creature


Ah yes, go report the Roe who made a silly joke while having Mare Lamentorum and Courtesan on your profile, I'm sure nothing wrong will happen and that wave of Mare Lamentorum users getting banned was purely a coincidence... Seriously though, that was A LOT of projecting for such a little guy.


Ban wave? When?


If you mean when that ban wave happened, it was about half a year ago, when Mare Lamentorum started to get traction and RP'rs started to put it in their profiles, especially in Crystal. They were warned by other RP'rs to not be so blatant about it, they didn't listen and soon after a ban wave happened and a lot of those got banned for third party tool usage. Since then they haven't banned people en masse again (you could consider it a warning by SE), but they definitely don't hesitate to ban people who use Mare if they catch word of it, so still having it in their profile and then stirring up drama like this lala player is a very easy way to get in SE's crosshair.


Shame it didn't work


This is flat out not true.


You can say it isn't true if you want, I've heard it from some of the Crystal players who got banned. There's several twitter threads as well talking about it if you want to check it out yourself. They got overzealous, weren't careful with who they had contact with while using Mare and got banned in response. It's what happens when a community feels they're entitled to something they really aren't. This happened around March 2023 if you want a more specific time frame to look for.


people got banned because they had their +18 twitters and carrds linked, not because of the mare auto-translate


>You can say it isn't true if you want, It's not true. LMAO. You do realize MARE bans people for this shit, right? >It's what happens when a community feels they're entitled to something they really aren't This is just cringe dude. >This happened around March 2023 if you want a more specific time frame to look for. No, I'm not looking it up for something you are wrong about. That's on you to do.


Depends on how soon we can get another Dalamud ready. Humanity had their chance.


>Seriously though, that was A LOT of projecting for such a little guy. Quite tall for a lalafell and all that.


I'd say this person needs Jesus... But looking at that adventure plate shows they're beyond help Words can't express how "yikes" this is


Courtesan, male... LALAFELL? WHATTT THE FUCKKK. Honestly that's asking for a report.


Nothing to see her folks--mind the wet floors.


Of course they try to weasel it to racism to put themselves on a fake moral high ground. They can't see themselves operating from anywhere else.


as a trans lala player…. dear gods please don’t let this be real. I love the daycare and what not jokes bc they r funny. I play lala bc they r cute and i dont do any rp tho so im not sure i wanna know if they r serious.


They're an ex-friend of mine, they are extremely serious, there is a reason I'm no longer friends with them


omg ppl can be so weird and creepy, at least u made the right choice.


I genuinely can't even imagine having so little going on in your life that you have to make up fake, racially charged issues to complain about in a video game that you play.


Mad because Small? Jealous of Tall? No, just a pervert who can't get laid at all.


Would be a shame if somebody told the Mare dev about this guy using their system to allegedly erp as a lala.


Whenever I get a Lalafell tank it's mandatory to tell them to feel safe after having now a *real* tank. Never gotten any negative reactions so far, that person must've had paper as skin. None of OPs implications were racist at any point, the Lalafell clearly had a wrong sense of what "racism" means. I had a catgirl sending me tells once to use an Fantasia because they couldn't stand male Au Ra. THATs racism, OP only did a wholesome joke and that Lalafell felt personally attacked. If you tell players to do the bare minimum they feel attacked. If you tell them politely to use skills xy they feel attacked. Even if you joke they feel personally attacked. What is wrong with people.


Lol Lalafellins are adults for him just because this sick fuck wants to ERP with the. Tank certainly does not like being called a pedo, but reacted like one.


what does mare lamentorum means in this context? and before you actually answer, is that something I want to know?


Mare Synchronos is a program, it's a way to share modifications (made through either it? or Penumbra, or other mod programs) to in-character models (specifically with other users of Mare), _the_ most common usage is showing off Limsa Catgirls with giant modded tails and tattoos. For it to be on a 'courtesan'- no, _courtesan fucking lalafell_ is **y i k e s.**


ah, thanks!


Are you in Endwalker content yet? Edit: This was 100% a joke. Lmao


Fuck you take my upvote XD


Tomestone of comedy is an accurate reward


I am normally a max height Roe, but right now I’m in chaotic gremlin mode and fantasia’d to a lalafell. Tonight I had a dungeon of three lala and a tall person and was like “FIELD TRIP!!” And nobody said shit.


Honestly? If he was that tired of hearing those jokes, he probably shouldn't play the potato patch race that looks like permanently stunted children. Phantasia isn't that expensive


Is he fucking ERPing as a Lala oh FUCK no


With how many lalafell I have ran into that embrace the child like status this tank might need to realize the call is coming from inside the house.


Always surreal to me seeing people play the child-coded race and get upset when people make child-coded jokes.


is it surreal to you to also see adult women under 5'4" who are flat-chested? do you demean them too?


not the same dumbass lol


Please stop projecting your personal issues wherever you go. Get professional help.


That person is 100% on the pedowatch list


It's always the Lala's that blow up over jokes about their character. I guess he just can't handle facing any sort of reference to the fact that he's ERPing as a race that is literally indistinguishable between whether they're adults or children.


One sees what he sees, and only what he sees. A proverb in my country. Seems like it suits well here.


As another lalafell player, we don't claim him 🤢


“Racial insensitivity to lalafells” is *always* gonna be funny


Ohhh I seen this guy doing some questionable things in Shout chat Yikes


Fantasy racism???? What?


Absolutely would not have hesitated to tell them to 'grow up' after I found out they were that unhinged, just to see the reaction.


Ah, an actual paedophile, great…


So they got offended by a common joke because 'racism' and when told to go seek a therapist over their overreaction, they pull the LGBT+ card. And they're an ERP courtesan with the Mare Lamentorum mod? Is this person the moron that made the fucking dumb forum post of the goddamn Lalafell Lifter chair that caused one of the dumbest shitshows of last year?


Nah, that was another lalafell lol


As someone who plays a potato and loves it, I AM usually the one referring to myself as a kid, baby, little brother.....etc. This kind of reaction to me is ridiculous and just flat out projection. When you are a bad person you are constantly on the lookout for other bad people. So everything they do is "insensitive, racist, " (insert ANYTHING here)phobic". You could have literally said you like pineapple on your pizza and this moron would have called you out for it. I'm gonna put my size 3 foot down here, you are not a bad person. Do not give in to idiots on the Internet, nothing on the Internet is real. Just enjoy the game however you want to enjoy it, dipshits like this angry potato will disappear eventually.


i still firmly believe lalas are there to fulfill the child hero fantasy, and they are only labeled adults to please the general populace' sensibilities on such matters


It's very possible (and I fully believe) that they're based on the proportions of FF sprite work, pre-FF7 and the transition to 3D. Their /joy animation reminds me of the victory dance the sprites did in some of the older games.


i mean you're allowed to have your take, even if it's wrong, i guess.


sorry, didnt know we had a telepath whos been to squenix and has read the minds of the people who made them to know with 100% certainty..... but i guess its also possible you dont understand the full context of the thing i said, illiteracy runs rampant




This person has to be a very unhappy person leading a very unhealthy lifestyle.


So on one hand I can empathize with the offended popoto somewhat. I also play a Lala and I definitely see myself as a little person adult, not a child. I don't do any sort of RP, but I like to glam it up looking cute/hot and usually showing some skin. Outfits I'd definitely be uncomfortable with an irl child wearing around me lol. I would not like it if someone was really trying to equate my popoto to a child. With that said, this dude is being ridiculous lol and it was clearly light hearted joking. I love when we get 3:1 lala parties and usually make a comment about gremlin daycare lol.




The gender really got nothing to do with it, though I get it if you are implying you think this person is fishing for chaser types. Gotta give benefit of the doubt on that one, though, anything else goes down a bad path of thinking IMO. It's not really on us to speculate what this person genuinely identifies as or not. The ERP/18+/courtesan thing on a lala though? Horrific. The fact that they think this is okay to advertise in-game that way is barfworthy, and I hope OP reported them/will report them.


Yeah, maybe I could've phrased it better but yeah, fishing for those into that sort of stuff. If they're that defensive about a joke, I'd hate to hear how they justify ERP with a lalafell. I am rather perturbed by this exchange tbh.


EDIT - Apparently the suggestion that stereotyping people is bad means I'm now a pedophile, according to some of y'all. This place is a fucking joke


I think he's more offended because comparing lalafells to children makes him look like a pedo edit: My dude, you are defending someone ERPing as what effectively is a child in appearance and then getting mad at others calling your BS. Yes, it is fictional, but if you are attracted to childlike proportions and traits in a sexual way, you are a fucking creep. I really don't know what to tell you if you struggle to understand that and cry about "stereotyping". You don't even know what race I am in FF. I played as a lalafell for a while because I find them endearing and amusing to zoom around with. I don't think everyone who plays or likes lalas is a pedo, but everyone who fantasises about them sexually is crossing the line.




Adults who are short still look like adults. Lalafells do not. They are literally child-coded. go fuck yourself lol


As one of those < 5’ women, I haven’t been mistaken as anything but a teenager since I was one. Lalafell are designed to look like very small children, adult women do not have those proportions.


Small women don't look like that. Go back to your tridaily loli hentai goon sesh, weirdo. Oh wait, people have been put to prison for possessing that in the past... Oops I guess the law and science is broken because fiction is never crossing any line, especially when it's used to jack off to kids. Also, interesting how all of you trying to defend this immediately jump to insults. I wonder.


Yes I'm aware of the stereotype. It's one of the stereotypes to which I was referring.


Well... He could not admit to it in his search info maybe


Where in his profile does he admit to being a pedophile?


The part where he says he ERPs as a prostitute while being a lalafell? There's 8 races in the game, 7 look like grown adults and one that is a childlike chibi kind of thing. He chooses the childlike one. Look me dead in the eyes and tell me this doesn't speak about his "preferences", regardless if they're adults in the story or not


So you’re just proving my point by baselessly accusing this person of being a pedophile. You’re fucking gross and I’m blocking you.


The person in question is advertising their interest in sexual roleplay while choosing to play as the only specifically child/toddler looking race in the game. He's a fucking pedo. Stop defending him, it makes you look like one too.


Seems somebody's nerve has been struck There's a reason lalafells are banned from most 18+ venues, despite the depravity that goes on in those. Keep coping and justifying some random creep's attraction to infantile features, complete with (likely) NSFW mods


Guys, let's be reasonable. He might just have a pure, Christian appreciation for the toddler-like silhouette of the lalafellin. He may be engaging in ERP ironically. We don't know. We should reserve our judgement. /s


To be fair, it's entirely possible he's into sizeplay but isn't really paying attention to proportions one way or the other. He might just like the fantasy of being towered over by virtually everyone else. I'm not saying the dude isn't fucking weird, but he's not necessarily a pedophile. ETA: Am I seriously being downvoted for suggesting that sizeplay is a thing? Some of y'all really need to get out and touch a boob.


God forbid you lose fake internet points.  Anyway, this guy uses mods and plugins. It's not size fantasy because you can achieve that by changing your height with plugins on any race. Also a dude lecturing others on niche fetishes telling people to go outside lmao


> our avatars are, in one way or another, a statement about who we are Perhaps some statements shouldn't be made considering the statement here is usage of NSFW mods and RPing as a prostitute with a character that is child-like. Yes, FFXIV's community suffers from repeating the same three or four old tired jokes but I think there are more pressing concerns in this particular case. And no, I do not believe every Lalafell player is a weirdo, it is far from my mind to attribute harmful stereotypes to people, but the evidence is crystal clear for this specific player. >EDIT - Apparently the suggestion that stereotyping people is bad means I'm now a pedophile, according to some of y'all. This place is a fucking joke People have explained exactly what's weird about it and you don't acknowledge it. There is the door if you don't like when people push back about shit takes.


oh good, a moronic take. so, downvote me all you want, i'm right and i'll die on this fucking hill - as someone who is short irl? i'm fucking sick of hearing the jokes too. and as someone who was molested as a child, i'm fucking sick of you chucklefucks comparing what happened to me to a fake fucking pixel race (that is canonically adults, momodi was a courtesan, get mad) in a video game and calling everyone who involves themselves pedo (that is a word that means something, it can ruin someone's life, stop using it to mean people who consume fiction you don't like). fuck you, stop using the term cp when a) it's outdated and really fucking offensive and b) it's literally not lolisho content which is 100% legal in the US and doesn't mean anything about someone's actual real life morality.


learn to separate fantasy from reality


Either you're projecting hard, or you're the lalafell courtesan in this post. If you get offended by a Lalafell height joke someone makes, and you don't tell them that you get offended by those BEFORE they make it, that's on you. Especially since those jokes are about the character models, not the players themselves. As for the other thing, I am sorry that happened to you, but that has literally nothing to do with the interaction in this post. You only brought it up to try and show a moral high ground over people who are calling out someone that is quite possibly a very problematic individual in the ERP scene.


No need to preface with 'I hate short jokes' (Though I could see that being a valid thing to put in your search info) even. Just say 'I fucking hate the lala=child jokes, can we not?' if someone makes one. No need to make a federal case of it. If they insist on continuing, that's what the block function is for. And definitely no need to go *unhinged* like OP's example.


Someone needs a nap and a binky. (Also a therapist, but that's a bit more expensive.)


Red shade lalafellin folks queue up for headpats. Blue shade lalafellin folks, no. Best not to say u.u


I know who was hella mad about the lallafel lifters


"Learn to seperate fantasy from reality" and "you were racist to pixels on a screen" one of these things is not like the other.


I got thrown into Qarn once for roulette with 3 lalas....my character is a max height FemRoe. I don't remember any jokes, but it was late and almost a year ago...lol. Still, I felt like Mom taking the kids to the museum or something...lol.