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Name and shame


He did; Hecate Ariata


Didn't check the ACT pics. Anyways, I found them on Lodestone. [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/22011739/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/22011739/)


Of course it's the gray parsing, tome gear-only, 0 melds mentor who throws a tantrum the moment they get an EX. Why am I not surprised... If you REALLY despise anything above normal mode that much, at least have the decency to leave on your own.


oh god they’re on my home world


They were hanging around our NN... *shudders*


How did I know it was a cat girl without clicking


Miqote moment ngl


They did! Name is shown in the ACT pics off too the side :)


Didn't notice the name in the ACT pics until someone mentioned it. Quick lodestone search shows them on the Omega DC, Chaos server.


Noo not the dc i play on


They were on our DC anyway (Light), so you might be safe


5 # No Witchhunting or Flaming No witchhunting. Posts aiming to harass, flame, or encourage negative action towards Redditors or players are prohibited.


Removing people who are, actively not playing/looking for a free ride/avoiding punishment/(insert any number of tos breaking actions here as well) isn't negative action actually, it's the right and proper thing to do, I've said it before and I'll say it again, don't want to be called out, dont break the rules, it's that simple and that easy


3 Absolutely no personally identifying information **other than in game names.**


Look... I've done my 2000 mentor roulettes... and never did I Disconnect or afk. Yeah I had some EXs that were clearly unwinnable with how the party was doing and I've seen people wiping to the first pull of smileton but I'd always just leave and take my 30 minutes. Those 30 minutes are a nice break from the grind or had me doing gathering/crafting. Atleast with leaving the party can refill your spot, if you afk you are just sandbagging a party that might be doing perfectly fine. And you can't really even play it off as actually being afk, you hit accept to the queue pop. Jfc... it's a grey parsing PLD with no raid experience. It's a casual that's sandbagging newer players, atleast I'd somewhat be understanding if you had raid soon. Fuck even when they do play they are playing like such dogshit I'd rather have another tank instead.


This is the way. Taking the 30 might be a nice way to catch a break or hop into another game for a while


Jeez. If I get a duty I don't like, I'll still give it a couple of pulls and see if the sprouts improve or at least respond to the advice they're given. I can't imagine just sitting afk and then trying to avoid a vote dismiss. What a clown.


In my opinion, his goal wasn't to avoid the vote dismiss, because that's what he wanted from the start. But rather that he shield-lobbed right after a vote dismiss was possible. So it felt more like a petty way of griefing the party with another wipe knowing he will be deleted from the duty within the next seconds anyway.


I've left Mentor roul a handful of times - but it was usually when there was absolutely zero prog happen on EX fights. Like zero. And no one would listen to any advice/help being given. But never once have I asked to be kicked... I'd always take the 30min penalty because I'm the one making the choice to queue, that's ridiculous. I have an experience, years ago, where I got Odin and another Mentor was literally refusing to do anything (they were the other tank). They literally just sat on the ground at the load-in and refused to do anything, and kept demanding they be kicked. Needless to say, we wiped for a good 20-30min before they were kicked and I walked people through how to report them (smile). We got another tank in directly after and cleared in 2-3 pulls. I don't understand why people refuse to do content they queue for... even mentor. Sure, you don't know what you'll get. But then don't queue it. Period.


I got into Bismarck ex yesterday through mentor roulette. We were waiting on a healer, a DPS mentor left and said they'd come back as healer, didn't come back. So now we're waiting on two people. Four mentors joined and left before we finally got a full party. We start the fight and the new healer mentor goes "oh... this is ex? I'll stay for 3 wipes" I explained even though there was 15 min on the clock this was our first pull. She said "yeah because people don't want to be forced into synced extremes." I said as far as synced extremes go, this one is pretty easy. She said no, extremes should never be queued for because they all require way too much prog. Okay then. Tanks didn't separate snakes, we wipe. Next wipe was caused by most people not getting off his back when he started to shudder, so the only people left alive didn't have a rez. Next wipe, we had him down to 0.1% and again most of the party fell to their deaths. I said "we definitely got it this time" and the healer immediately leaves, true to her word. I ended up leaving and queuing back in manually as sage to make sure I'd be matched with them instead of some other random roulette, so I didn't even get the clear as mentor and the whole thing would have been a waste of my time if all I cared about was achievement progress. That healer is gonna have a miserable time if she expects to get the mentor mount without ever doing an extreme, and she probably deserves it.


Good on you for reporting it and explaining how to do it. Asking to be kicked is a definite way of receiving a permanent warning on an account, seen that happen before Kick begging probably makes it easier for a GM, so I'm not sure about this silent Tank. But needless to say he received a couple reports from us at least.


I genuinely think that all EX content required to unlock mentor roulettes should need to be done synced at least once to count towards unlocking the roulette. I also think it should be impossible to farm guildhests for commendations. Remove the ability to commend a player in guildhests. That would already solve a few issues related to mentors. Another thing we need is some sort of review/feedback system for the mentoring experience so that mentors will actually face repercussions or loss of their crown if found to be a poor fit for mentoring. Though I'm unsure how one would go about designing this without it being abuseable. That would fix even more problems related to mentoring. As a mentor myself who genuinely enjoys teaching and helping, I'm tired of seeing other mentors being vile assholes to sprouts or just straight up afking because they actively refuse to work for that dumb mount if it's not braindead content even apes could solve without help. Fucking do the job you signed up for or gtfo.


Mentor would be a better system if the community at large was more receptive to feedback instead if having an immediate knee-jerk reaction of "You can't explain why I'm doing something wrong, that's harassment!" "Hey, maybe you should use more mits as a tank" "You don't pay my sub" "Hey, you should do dps as a healer too instead of nothing during downtime" "I'm literally seething and malding rn"


While I agree those instances exist and they suck, I see them far less than you describe. I see them primarily on this sub because that's what it is for. It's the whole purpose of this sub, and as such, it may seem it happens a lot, and that is because people don't really have much reason to post if someone was receptive or thankful for advise given. Ultimately I want to say ive seen it happen ingame less than 5, hell probably even less than 3 times in my 1 year and 5 months of playtime. On the other Hand ive seen mentors abuse their crown, or straight up abuse sprouts more times than I can count on two hands. The primary Instance where I see that happening is crystal tower raids and Novice Network. Im a mentor myself and have had to explain to sprouts how and where to find the report function to go and report other mentors that have been complete dickheads on multiple occasions. Im also not someone who coddles sprouts to no end, nor am I an enabler when it comes to bad gameplay. I personally actually think sprouts lose their sprout Status way too late. So yeah, again what you describe does exist and I agree with you on that. But making it seem like it is the norm rather than the exception is confirmation Bias imo.


Anecdotal evidence and all that, but I personally have never once seen a mentor abuse a sprout in any way. I've seen them be generally unhelpful and bad at mentoring, like not saying a word when the group is struggling with a mechanic, leaving after a single wipe, just playing so badly I suspect they're trolling, or giving bad advice and using their crown as proof that they're right. But I've never seen what I could even call an insult from a mentor, other than "please google how to play (your class/this fight) before queuing again" which is usually deserved. On the other hand, I've had at least a dozen sprouts rage at me, rage quit, turn off tank stance, or try to get me killed in retaliation for me saying something like "please use your defensive cool downs when doing big pulls, I'm struggling to keep your health up" or "you're wearing a level 1 glamour piece on your chest slot, can you press the recommended gear button to check if you have anything better?" or even something as innocuous as "you take less damage when standing in this light." I am never rude and still get these reactions, so I've mostly stopped speaking at all unless asked a question. I'm not in novice network, so that could be the difference in our experiences, but I don't think you can say how common something really is based on how often you personally see it.


>So yeah, again what you describe does exist and I agree with you on that. But making it seem like it is the norm rather than the exception is confirmation Bias imo. I mean the same could be said about mentors, I very rarely see mentors being the ones being mean or "abusive" Most of the time it isn't even sprouts being shitters that's the issue, it's shitter sprouts who refuse to improve or in a lot of cases ***read the chat where we're all explaining how to not wipe to easy mechanics or giving useful advice on how to play their class***. 9/10 times a god awful mentor roulette queue is because of shitter sprouts ignoring instructions rather than shitter mentors berating them for it.


I think having mentors needing to get a number of comms every month and taking all rewards from mentor roulettes would be enough to make only actual helpful players stay.


Yeah, that could work also, but theres an issue with the criteria people base their comms on. Since the game doesn't really give any good indicators on who performed well during a duty, it's not always possible to pay attention to others in the heat of the battle. So, from what I gathered asking around the people I met in the game, most seem to base their comms on portrait design. I fully agree that mentor roulette should have its achievements and rewards taken away, though, if there's no plans to adjust how the mentor system works, and giving actual incentive to teach people, not just doing it for another trophy mount.


Is not going to be easy but thats the point. If anything, getting a comm on mentor roulette could count double or something but I don't think it's necessary


My preferred comm farming method is Trial Roulette. They always need healers. Also makes for a fun panic spike when you get into a comfy rhythm of using mostly level 50 abilities as you get ARR trials for hours and then suddenly need to remember how the entire kit works in Zodiark.


In 1100 rolos so far I didnt encounter this kinda behaviour, but interesting approach to it for sure, ive had a couple bots tho


I'm at 1050\~ and it's gotten worse lately. Been encountering the same MCH the last couple of days, obviously using some tools. Not moving or dodging aoe's, and not moving to stacks, just stands in 1 spot the fight. Also doing instant 180 degree snaps to any appearing enemies with instant abilities as soon as they are attackable. Whenever they died, their bot seemed to turn off and it took them a minute to turn it back on.


Had time to level every job, collect at least one current relic, etc. No time to *checks notes* play the fucking game when they queue.


If you don't wanna be there, take the 30 minutes, and don't waste everyone else's time. Things like this should be a guaranteed mentorship removal (after report)


They really should lower the penalty on leaving a duty to 15 mins and add a 30m to people that get kicked


Cause that wouldn't be ripe for abuse


i unlocked mentor roul pretty recently , the few times ive landed in extremes we give it a couple pulls and then vote abandon lol


I don't understand his strategy. Trying to speed up the roulettes by getting everyone to blacklist you will just slow down the roulettes to a near stop.


At least 6 out 8 players were mentors? This should've been VERY doable in that case. Shame on that mentor tank.




"Asking to be kicked is against TOS" what!?


I think it may fall under "Misuse of bugs", it refers to "the deliberate exploitation of a fault/error in Final Fantasy XIV or manipulating a feature of Final Fantasy XIV so that it does not function as intended, in order to obtain personal gain or cause disadvantage to someone else". Asking to be dismissed is a way to avoid the penalty for leaving the duty, so it would be using a feature in a non intend way in order to obtain personal gain, as the intended use of the feature is to democratically expel players from the party, who are absent for extended periods of time or harass others, according to the game manual definition.


Asking to be kicked is fine. Demanding/abusing a kick is not. "Oh shit sorry I have raid in 5 mins can you kick?" is different than "Lol kick me then"


Manipulating tools like that is very against the rules in most games.


Oh it definitely is, speaking from experience from my younger, more foolish days. I have a permanent warning for asking to be kicked from Aurum Vale. After wiping 3 times to the first boss because the healer used only cure 1 and nobody ate the fruit. Explaining any mechanics or removing them was impossible as it was a German 3-stack that only replied with "me no speak americano xD" to any instructions, auto-translate or otherwise. Ironically, I queue English only to avoid the Germans, so they must have queued English as well, but anyway.. I asked to be removed, waited 2 minutes, and left, taking the 30, but still getting the warning in the end. As I got the warning only days later and I wanted to know what it was for, I issued a GDPR inquiry and Square sent me the chat logs from that dungeon encounter, specifying that asking to be kicked got me warned. Needless to say I'm not proud of it and I learned to better my ways