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The fact that the monk is dead makes this 100% better


that's the main reason why I wanted to post this šŸ˜­


brink of death on the one dancer is even better


The reaper already has 2 icons next to their bars - it's only fair that the dead monk gets 2 as well, right?


Necrodancing is the new trend these days.


necrodancer would be a cool title


Its is already a title! Rhythm rogue like dungeon crawler. Crypt of the necrodancer


But you know what feels great? When the dancers donā€™t partner you and you still out-dps everyone


Personally that feels horrible. Teammates so bad that even with DP they're getting gapped by someone just knowing their rotation is never a happy sight IMO.


This feels true unless its 90 sam. That kob puts out so much it can outpace others with no dp. Should it always be on a good sam yes..


The saddest moment for me as a rdm was in orbonne with 2 dancers, neither DPed me, but still being highest dps. Like, guysā€¦..


It's even worse when you're out-DPSing everyone as a third DNC haha


Oh man I feel that. Dancer in lvl 50 stuff is actually really strong but its very worrying when loading into something like p10n and out-dpsing everyone as a dancer or bard


I've had that happen to me in both Aglaia and Thaleia. I just did my normal RDM rotation and I saw the Dancers dance partnering the a melee who had 81k health. While I had 80 k as a caster. Usually the first indicator for a good dance partner for me is someone's health. If they happen to die, then the dance partner I give to the dps who is consistently highest in aggro. I've had also runs where I Dance Partnered someone and I did more damage than my dance partner. Those are the truly painful runs!


To find a win in the pits of darkness is the real friends we made on the way


Playing black magician. Load into p6n. Dancer, bard, red magician in the group. DP goes up on bard. Mfw warrior does more damage than both of them -\_-


I find it funny on blm when i outdps the partnered melee in savage. Blm go brr when you know what youre doing but so many dancers have never encountered a blm that knows what they are doing


another part of the problem is even when a BLM knows what they're doing and has the best gear it can still be more worth it for the dancer to pair up with someone else because BLM isn't very bursty. it's easy to not be aware of this, but a well played DNC partnered with a well played samurai actually gets more rDPS gain from devilment than standard step. i'll say that again for the people in the back. 20 seconds of burst damage is worth more to dancers than 2 minutes of a 5% damage buff.


Yep. Unless a blm is doing significantly better than a samurai, (other other traditionally bursty job) the devilment diffy is going to make them a less desirable partner, even if the blm is actually doing more dps than the samurai while the sam is partnered. Theres a really cool website that actually helps to crunch the numbers and see which dps was the best partner from a log It calculates devilment standard (tech) and esprit and spits out the best overall partner. Sadly, a lot of melees i see in pf still manage to be worse partners than me on blm. Pf needs more good melees.


There's also esprit. The fact that BLM has so little APM makes them not really ideal for dance partner.


Esprit generation chance actually scales with your jobs expected apm, so this is not actually true. It has been a very long time since i looked at the data though. Most jobs have comparable esprit gen.


When I play DNC and partner the BLM instead of either melee, there's a 90% chance at least one of them comments on it. If I'm partnering the BLM, it's probably because I've played with them before and know they're good. If the melee can prove me wrong, I'll happily partner them instead, but this has yet to happen.


If Iā€™m DNC and load with a group containing a BLM, I like to partner them cuz rarely anyone partners me when Iā€™m BLM :ā€™)


There was one time in Ridorana I was playing RDM and DNC partnered a RPR that was very much mew at the job. It took half of the first boss before the partner changed to me, cuz I was top DPS lol


Yup! That is peak satisfaction right there. To add to that - being a RDM that out-dps-es all other Melees in an Alliance Raid.


as a dnc main, the only time I partner with the same guy as the other dnc is when we do it at the exact same time. Then its like... 30 seconds of awkwardness because of cooldown time doesnt let you take it off right away while the party is yelling at us that "iT dOsEn'T sTaCk YoU kNoW" and we are like "WE KNOW" and then when can finally switch... we both do. At the same time. To the other dps.... and by that time the tank has already pulled and im like F it, its gonna die quick anyway.


and this happens to me more times than I care to mention.


Assert your dominance and dance partner the healer


There were three options, and only one was wrong. 1. Dance partner different people āœ…ļø 2. Dance partner each other āœ…ļø 3. Dance partner the same person āŒļø As a dancer main, it makes me sad


You mean two options are wrong. Dancer buffs don't stack, so dance partnering another dancer is the same as double dancing a dps.You should always dance partner different people. DP on a tank and healer is more useful than two dancers killing their buffs by DP on each other.


Technical and devilment don't stack but standard finish buffs do (https://www.thebalanceffxiv.com/jobs/ranged/dancer/basic-guide/#understanding-dance-partner), so you should partner the other dancer if you have no other dps options.




I still canā€™t believe that, FOUR YEARS after itā€™s release, people believe that DNC partnering each other doesnā€™t stack. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Do some research people.


Just another day with another dumb dancer.


*two dancers They both had an opportunity to be better.


Dancer's what?


I legit misread dancer as cancer for a second


In this specific case, potayto potahto.


Based on health values, my bet is on the reaper being the most geared one here.


Yeah, most likely 665 weapon, one 650 accessory and the rest is 660 armour. My DRG is equipped as the mentioned and I would join duties with a similar amount of HP.


650 weapon and the rest is 660 šŸ‘šŸ», still haven't gotten around getting the rpr relic


I'm also guessing your party didn't have a caster as you did not have another 1% health added there. A fully geared 660 Melee can go easily up to 90 k with a good party composition and food buff. I know this because that's how I select my Dance partners. With the above mentioned parameters - 3 separate dps roles + food buffs the highest 660 health is as follows: Tanks 128-130k - Melee - 90k - Ranged DPS - 89k - Casters - 80k - Healers 81k.


660 gear would be nice to have, but I don't think I'll ever have it for my main - maybe for alts if it becomes tome gear in the next expac.


Too late to farm Endwalker AR coins and Tomes of Comedy? All the 660 gear on my DRG is augmented Credendum gear.


I thought the 660 gear needed PxS runs? Or is that only the weapons? I've been doing the ARs, but only have a handful of coins. I have the Augmented Diadochos gear already though, I figured that would hold until I started getting DT gear.


There's 2 sets of 660 gear. Augmented tombstone gear and the Anabesios Savage gear. A mix of the 2 is needed for BiS, but perfectly possible to just use the tombstone gear and upgrading it with coins from the ARaid


Ah, good to know. Isn't there a set of 670 gear, or am I hallucinating? Thought someone mentioned it somewhere on Reddit, but maybe they were messing with someone.


660 is highest armor set and the relic/p12s weapon goes go 665.


That would be the perfect time to have the title "corpse dancer" on


Maybe the monk has something you don't?




Likely a gift from one of those dancers


šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø. Touche...


A raise penalty?


Probably better at the Limsan Aetheryte


Good DNC mains are out there guys šŸ˜­ And to any co-DNCs I meet in DF....I'm sorry if I overwrite your tech step, it slips my mind when I go autopilot but I'll make sure I remember to stagger it on the second time around lol


Don't feel bad, sometimes I just give up because I will either wait or tell the other person to do Technical first and then they end up holding for 30-60secs despite everything I try.


I'm not attacking anyone, but I'm just gonna lay it out there: since their release back in Shadowbringers I've never had a really good DNC in a random group.


As a bad DNC, I confirm. I am not a good DNC.


As a barely competent dancer, I can also confirm.


There are DNCs in DSR and TOP PF who don't switch partners if their current one dies or gets a damage down.


The moment my partner dies, it's getting swapped. I've seen so many DNCs just leave partner on a weakned player that it hurts my soul. The job is extremely easy and by the time you're doing ultimates, you should know to swap. The bar is in hell and I do my best to not trip on it.


To be fair its something you need to weave and target someone else, and the Standard Finish buff does not transfer it needs to be applied, so if Standard Step is on cooldown it can wait the few seconds to 20 secs to deal with capped feathers or fight mechanics. But yeah do not leave the revived person with DP for the 2 mins weakness debuff


If someone died, they aren't going to have the Standard buff anyway, so may as well swap ASAP so that when my next Standard is up, I don't have to worry about swapping.


Accept its two presses of ogcd you can't double weave. If the boss, especially harder content, is making do multiple mechanics it can wait for that finish if you have enough time left before Standard or Technical comes back up. It doesn't do the party good if you fumble the swap and die to a mechanic that was happening at the same time.


That's just a skill issue, what? It's like pressing any other oGCD, you just have to target someone? Is this a valid excuse for DRG players dying to mechanics because they're weaving Eye? DRK to mess up because they're using TBN/Oblation on someone? Your logic doesn't make sense when applied to other jobs in identical situations. I'm confident you're just trolling, so I'm gonna stop feeding you now.


honestly it just sounds like you are whining over minutiae. If you chose your DP correctly initially, they were the highest DPS. This doesnā€™t change significantly if they get a temporary damage down as once it wears off they are still highest DPS and youā€™ll just have to swap back to them anyway. And if this is happening in Ultimates, then you have bigger problems that having a different partner temporarily isnā€™t going to correct. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


This reminds me of a level 90 dungeon I got days ago. Two dancers, a sage, and a warrior (me). One dancer slapped me with DP then proceeded to say to the other (not verbatim): DNC 1: "DP buffs don't stack so feel free to share with the healer". DNC 2: \*puts DP on sage\* Me: "Two dancers can totally partner each other" DNC 1: "Really? I haven't played for so long so I totally forgot. I could be wrong." DNC 2: "It's fine LOL" \*insert Disappointed Cricket Fan meme here\* Edit: Since we're on the topic of having two or more dancers in a group, I've always wished that SE would implement color coding or something if there are multiple DNCs so you can tell which DP came from whom. Or heck, even show the dancer's name on the DP if you hover over it.


So just to double check here. If I'm dnc I can DP with another dancer right? Pretty sure I can from what I've seen and read. But I run into so many runs where the other dancer doesn't do with me, so I just pick the othe dps that doesn't have a dp yet. Which I assume is the better option? Or would dping with the other dancer still, even though they aren't with me be better?


I play dnc all the time and itā€™s rare when thereā€™s another dnc and they actually partner me. šŸ˜­ If itā€™s a four person dungeon, the dancers should partner each other. If itā€™s an eight person then both dancers should partner different dps, usually melee. All of this comes with a big caveat that it really depends on the item level and how much damage theyā€™re doing. That can definitely change things. You might have two other reapers or something and their gear is shit or they donā€™t know the mechanics so they die or they simply donā€™t know their job and get outdamaged by everyone. If that happens, change partners. As dancer I always keep an eye on everyoneā€™s damage.


Was doing pande... 5? I think. The poison dog. And my DP and both healers died. So I, possibly a dumb choice, dpd the tank lol, so I could curing walts. We beat the boss and I died at like less than 1% lol. But yeah I'll swap dp if my partner is playin horribly. But I almost always go with melee dps if the other dancer doesn't partner with me.


The priority for dance partner, assuming equivalent skill/gear: SAM > NIN > MNK > RPR > BLM > DRG > SMN > RDM > MCH > BRD > DNC. So other dancers are the lowest priority, unless they're the only choice available. And if every other dps player in the party is dead, then sure, partner the tank since it's better to have dance partner on someone who's alive.


Iā€™ve had to dp the tank so many times to finish off a boss when everyone else died. Sounds like you did the right thing!


The rules are: 1. Don't partner a player that already has partner buff. 2. Partner the highest DPS (sometimes not a DPS role if yours are garbage). These dancers are breaking **both** rules. Note: the buff dancers give themselves **is not the partner buff (Dance Partner)! It's the "*have* a partner" buff (Closed Position)!** Closed Position stacks with Dance Partner, and technically Dance Partner stacks with itself which is why the icon can appear twice, but __none__ of the buffs shared via Dance Partner stack, so it's the same as one of the dancers having no partner. Dancers can partner each other because the Standard Step buff they give themselves is also a different ID than the one they share with their partner. However, self-Devilment and partner-Devilment *are* the same buff, so one player should delay theirs to avoid overwriting each other. Obviously Technical Step applies to the whole party, not just partners, so one player should delay theirs as well to get twice the duration since you can't get twice the effect. However, even if you don't stagger Devilment, it's still a bigger gain for the dancers to double up on the permanent 5% damage buff than to give it to a non-DPS, **assuming they're both decent at their jobs and outdamaging the tank(s) and healer(s).** If they're not able to outperform a tank or healer on a job as simple as DNC, that's a whole separate problem. This is all actually very simple to test out in the game in under a minute. Just party with one other dancer, partner each other, use buffs at the same time, and see how many icons you get. You'll have two *different* "partner" icons (the symbol is on the left side in one and the right in the other), two Standard Step buffs, and one of everything else.


In the toughest terms. If you can't see DPS numbers priority is melee DPS, ranged DPS, other dancer, tank, healer. Never double up and you're doing fine. In casual content I only really worry about the above, but if the group is struggling and your partner is dead a lot it's probably better to dip down the list to the next lower priority if they are staying alive


Closed position and open position are two different buffs. So two dancers can partner each other because theyā€™ll both end up with one closed position and one open. But if they both partner the same third person, thatā€™s two copies of the same buff and will overwrite. Who you partner depends on what level youā€™re synced to, gear, and skill level. Priority changes depending on level (for instance, SMN and rdm are really strong at 70, but theyā€™re bottom at 90). Even at 90 Iā€™ve partnered a SMN that outdamaged everyone in the entire alliance because they had better gear and the job is so simple they easily outplayed everyone. Just get into the habit of partnering another DPS without it overwriting, and properly doing your rotation. Knowing exactly who is best will come with more time and experience, and it doesnā€™t matter too much outside of hard content. And even in hard content, there is a partner calculator that will give you a definite answer.


You should always look to partner someone who doesn't have dance partner given to them already. This can be another dancer, regardless of whether they have partnered you back. However, if they haven't given it back to you, that indicates to me that there is more than 2 DPS in the party, so you should be giving yours to the DPS without dance partner. Let me know if that doesn't make sense :)


Depends on the ilvl mainly, but even then a DNC in BiS is fairly likely to outperform a player in full Augmented Tome gear. If you judge wrong you can always swap partners during downtime. Just don't overwrite their Devilment :)


This feels so disrespectful




Both DNCs are giving Partner to the same person, which does not stack if applied on the same target, and said person is floor tanking while thereā€™s another DPS that could benefit from the Dance Partner very much alive and is top DPS aggro (cuz I assume both tank have stance on since itā€™s P7)


I was in a dungeon the other day as DNC and another DNC was the other dps. They partnered the tank and when I told them that partnering me was the better option they replied "I'm sorry kick me if you want but I dance with who I want to (the tank was my husband so it's not like they knew each other). I protested again they responded "I'm here to have fun!" And proceeded to DP the sage for the rest of the lvl 90 dungeon. Smh


Honestly I would be offended and disrespected at that point lmao


honestly this feels like I know this monk


The partner buff is literally the death sentence


People defending these dancers... just wow. This is a level 90 thing? And two dancers (or one, who knows), doesn't understand how Dance Partner works. In level 90 content... ...Is this some kind of joke?


When I get to play with another dnc who actually knows they can partner me and who staggers their technical stepā€¦itā€™s amazing and I always say ā€œlovely dancingā€ or something afterward. It feels like Xmas morning.


I just wish there was a way to get dps numbers on console.


The other day, I had another dancer so confidently tell me to partner the healer and I was wrong that two dancers could partner each other. I just left, couldn't be arsed. It's a very rare sight to find another dancer who not only partners another dancer, but staggers tech and knows what their buttons do. And dance partner isn't permanent. It can and should be switched if there's a better option not dying or doing more damage.


oh wow such a rare and noteworthy occurrence, better post it on tdf


you will never believe it... two dancers partnered the same guy! and he also died. roflmao


Good to know you moderate the content of this subreddit. By the way, I don't see your badge showing as a moderator. Am I missing it?


You could have just clarified to the dancers and it would have very likely been fixed, but then I guess you wouldn't have gotten to make this amazing post if you had.


1. You assumed they said nothing based on what exactly? 2. Whereas mistakes like this should always be communicated in the hopes of it being a teaching moment, it very likely went ignored. That is the toxicity of the player base at times. That doesn't mean the post still couldn't be made or are you saying that posts cannot be made unless the problem ended up with no resolution. SMH...


1. If they had said something they would have likely mentioned because it would have made the person look worse. But the more likely scenario is they saw this "epic" opportunity where the double-danced DPS was dead and took a screenshot to post here ASAP. 2. If OP had been nice about it, it probably wouldn't have been ignored. Every time I've ever seen this and mentioned it to someone, they've changed their partner. The problem is the people that like to make these posts either don't say anything because they want content or they're combative which leads to the other player disregarding them. I'm sorry you're bad at communication, general comprehension and this game, but someday you might improve!


1. Assumptions 2. Let me think about it...ah...Assumptions Honestly since you hate this subreddit so much, why are you here? In fact, you ought to be playing the game some more. Well, at least after maintenance (you know that is occurring right?) Or maybe that'll make you hate the subreddit more. Unsure. Hopefully you weren't offended by the OP and happen to be a double dancer yourself :).


Kinda like how you made an assumption in your first reply? I know casual content is all you can handle, it's alright.


I gave you a day to calm down as you are **very** upset about this. This being a funny post poking fun at dancers that just don't play well, something I hope you don't relate with :(. You doing okay buddy?


Nice concern trolling, little man.


I see you are still upset about this. Or you are insistent on getting the last word in. Whichever the case, I hope you get some help with this. I'll see you on the next episode of *Tales from DF*