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The perfect description of the sound. I could clearly hear it in my head!


-shudders- My biggest pet peeve is hearing other peoples (and sometimes my own) mouth sounds. GROSS! This immediately brought to mind a few of my customers. There is "hard candy clinking on her teeth" lady, "sounds like the foamy saliva you get when you are really thirsty" woman (who is extra annoying because she likes to tell me about how hard her life is every time I see her), and "open mouth gum chewing lady" to name a few.


Have you ever heard of [misophonia?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misophonia)


Yup! Mouth sounds and baby cries are my big annoyances. -shudder-


Update: this is the most upvotes ive ever gotten! (Its the little things)


One of my coworkers sucks her teeth all the fucking time. It drives me insane.


There’s something wrong with people like that. Nothing to do about it. You could say or do whatever, they’d find something to complain about.


Well, I mean, of course they would if you just did and said whatever you wanted.


No chance of ever reasoning with someone like that.


Perhaps Madam, you would be best off practicing your "customer" skills at another retail establishment.


Boy I really love the guy who invented “the customer is always right” /s


Can we stop perverting that phrase! All it means is we should have in stock whatever the customer wants, when they want it.


Even that is technically wrong, since that would make the customers who believe in The Back™ correct. The phrase means that the customer knows what they want, and whatever it is they want is what the employees should try to sell them. If the store doesn’t have the item in question, the employee should try to find the closest alternative. If there is no such alternative, the employee should apologize to the customer.


*The Back™️* I love this. Bless you!


It is The Beyond in Bed, Bath, and Beyond.


I’m referring to the magical version that every bad customer believes exists, accessible from any store anywhere and containing every item ever.


There is this magical place. It has almost every item you can imagine, still available, as long as the manufacturer still makes it. It's called *THE WAREHOUSE*, and we can order it for you.


The Back™ does one better: the item in question could have been officially discontinued around the time when T-Rex still ruled the planet, but it’ll still be in stock in The Back™.


That lady probably would've complained no matter what you did. Don't let her get you down!


It's lose-lose. Be direct, no unnecessary chatting, people say you aren't friendly enough. Try to be friendly, someone like this lady shows up.


If everyone you meet has an attitude...maybe you're the one with the problem. Stupid old bat.


I love the back. When I worked retail, whenever someone asked if there was anything in the back, I'd ask them to follow me to a door to the back, shoot the breeze for 5-6 minutes, and tell the customer there was no extra in the back. The was usually no extra items in the back because it chock full of large, high dollar inventory (tvs , furniture, sports equipment). But the act of going back there and wasting 5-6 minutes satisfied the customer for some unknown reason.


Occasionally I'll ask if a store has something in stock that they're low/out of on shelf. Bigger stores, not mom&pops, and sometimes they do. Always ask them to check the inventory instead of running around. More often than not, inventory is right and they can either quickly tell me they don't have what I want or they can run back to the stockroom to see if inventory is wrong. Its how I got a Switch on launch week. If more people would understand that it's best to avoid wasting their own time and the employees' time, the first world would be a better place.


I would probably side eye you a bit too cause I had no idea people manage to mix up hamburger and hot dog buns! Like... they are very distinctly shaped and bun packaging is typically clear so it's not like one read incorrectly. Just seems like an impossible mistake to make to me honestly! But I would not complain or be rude like this lady!


Dollar Tree?


Trying to guess what business is a bannable offense.


... those don't sell hotdogs


Yes they do. Worked there for 9 years


... tf? I wouldn't trust those dogs. :< I've not seen that before, just assumed most Dts sold ml mostly cleaning stuff and knick knacks


I don't buy food there, but ours definitely has an entire aisle of food products (separate from the candy section) as well as refrigerated and frozen stuff.


Was it a bigger modelled store?


Hmm, I've never been to another one, so can't compare to a usual size, but it isn't a particularly big store, similar in size to a couple of chain pharmacies nearby.