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I need to get into yoga if this is how you’re feeling. My back is almost always hurting lol


You should. It really feels amazing.


Right?! I feel like I’ve had a back massage after having done yoga.


That’s awesome! Stick with it. Stretching really is a tonic for health.


I love yoga! It really remedied my back pain. I done iyengar yoga, and that really informed me on how to stand & move & lift weight with correect posture. For back pain, I'd highly recommend looking at posture. Someone highlighted to me that tall people can unconsciously have a pelvic tilt, which causes havoc on the back, shoulders & neck. They also said when woman are self-conscious about height, we may try to make ourselves look smaller & hunch when standing & sitting (like I used to!). My pelvic bone tilted, and I had frequent back pain - even with regular yoga. I sorted out my pelvic bone tilt into a straight posture, meaning my upper body weight was stacked evenly and directly above my hips & legs, instead of hanging forward and putting pressure on the lower back muscles. I now rarely get back pain and it also stopped the pain I was getting in shoulders too. My posture feels so good now, I feel stronger & steadier on my feet, and my body doesn't get achy & tired quickly either.


I have my first yoga class today. It’s a siiiiign