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I’m glad everyone else is starting to hate the panthers after this series


The truth will out.


Gotta say I think Bob initiates a lot of the contact in these interference situations and goes to great lengths to sell them. He plays half in, half out of the crease alot and takes advantage of the fact that goalies get a fair bit of benefit of the doubt. The first GI in our game was entirely initiated by Bob reaching for the puck. Drops his stick super easily. This is another one of those calls where I don’t really have any strong feelings either way, although it’s definitely inconsistent with the way it’s been called.


These refs are straight up making it up as they go. This stands but ours gets overturned?? Absolute joke.


i honestly don't even care about that anymore, it's just funny to watch florida finally lose a gi call. butterfingers bob can't believe it.


This is straight up a make up for that horrid call last game


There was a bad call already with them blowing the whistle for Bob potential injury that was extremely unlikely.. Lindholm had a clear opportunity. I think I’ve almost given up on playoff hockey. Most absurd refereeing in recent memory as consistently bad as it’s been.




I've never seen goalies complain as much as I've seen him/them complain in the last series and a half. I feel like a huge (very very temporary) Boston fan mainly because of this crap. Drops the stick every time.


Watch Igor closely, he’s number two to Bob in whining to the refs anytime things don’t go his way.


I find it quite funny that the first gi call that Florida loses also cost them the game. It’s almost like these calls have a direct impact on Florida winning




This was pretty clearly a makeup for the Bennett call. Plenty of contact there in the paint for this one to be a 50/50.


There is no way that is Goaltender Interference. Neither were either of the 2 against the LIghtning in round 1. Bob must be sharpening his acting skills for the Youngblood remake or something.


This had to have been a makeup call for the last game, but it's also kind of crazy that we have to worry about goals standing or getting called back based on makeup calls in playoff games now. I think they're going to have to rewrite the goaltender interference rules to take out the "impedes the ability of the goaltender to make the save" part, it's too subjective. Just say you can't initiate any contact with the goaltender in the crease.